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Proposal Ideas

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Guest Snake McClain
It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

seriously this is absolutely brilliant.

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Wow, the bar is getting set pretty high here. I concur with everyone else, think about things you both like to do together or places that are important to you. My husband and I were walking around Chinatown in Philly (where we walked on our first meet up/date). I bought some sodas, we got some botan rice candy, etc. Then we ended up in the little park where we first kissed. Except when we first kissed it was night in the middle of December, so it was empty. That day it was early July with lots of little kids on carnival rides, so he was sweaty and nervous. So my husband and I sit on a bench and he asks if I want a piece of candy. I say no thanks, cause I was drinking my soda. He looked a bit annoyed. So he came back with, "well do you want the sticker that's in it?" Of courseI did! I love stickers...So I grabbed the box, I opened it, and there was a silver ring with "wyjdzesz za mnie" (will you marry me? in polish) stamped on it. He got on his knee, I giggled like a loser, he asked, and I said..."Okay!" My shining moment of awkward. We got him a silver ring that has "Okay!" stamped on it a couple weeks later.

So my point is that it could be a small quiet thing, a big showy proposal, or something in between. Good luck!

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Guest Gemeaux
Wow, the bar is getting set pretty high here. I concur with everyone else, think about things you both like to do together or places that are important to you. My husband and I were walking around Chinatown in Philly (where we walked on our first meet up/date). I bought some sodas, we got some botan rice candy, etc. Then we ended up in the little park where we first kissed. Except when we first kissed it was night in the middle of December, so it was empty. That day it was early July with lots of little kids on carnival rides, so he was sweaty and nervous. So my husband and I sit on a bench and he asks if I want a piece of candy. I say no thanks, cause I was drinking my soda. He looked a bit annoyed. So he came back with, "well do you want the sticker that's in it?" Of courseI did! I love stickers...So I grabbed the box, I opened it, and there was a silver ring with "wyjdzesz za mnie" (will you marry me? in polish) stamped on it. He got on his knee, I giggled like a loser, he asked, and I said..."Okay!" My shining moment of awkward. We got him a silver ring that has "Okay!" stamped on it a couple weeks later.

So my point is that it could be a small quiet thing, a big showy proposal, or something in between. Good luck!

See , this is sweet it was a honest and personal moment between you .

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Wow. Great stories here :) might as well share mine:

I knew it was coming at some point. I had bought a dress already (yeah I did it backwards). Anyway my birthday, Christmas, and New Years were coming up, so I figured it would be around there. Nothing on birthday, nothing on Christmas. New Years Eve we went out to a nice place for dinner, got all dressed up, etc. Got home around 11:30 maybe? Anyway I was tired of being dressed up so I put on my sheep pajamas. Chris was all, why don't you get some blankets and we'll turn on the fireplace? (Gas fireplace.) So i went to get some blankets and he was rummaging around in the front room. I was pretty suspicious at this point, especially when I asked, "What are you doing in there?" And he replied with "...nothing...."

He comes back into the living room with a ukulele and a sheet of paper. He makes me play music stand while he plays "Fools Rush In". He didn't sing because he was too nervous :) Anyway then he got on BOTH knees and asked if I would be his wife. :)


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Guest Gemeaux
Wow. Great stories here :) might as well share mine:

I knew it was coming at some point. I had bought a dress already (yeah I did it backwards). Anyway my birthday, Christmas, and New Years were coming up, so I figured it would be around there. Nothing on birthday, nothing on Christmas. New Years Eve we went out to a nice place for dinner, got all dressed up, etc. Got home around 11:30 maybe? Anyway I was tired of being dressed up so I put on my sheep pajamas. Chris was all, why don't you get some blankets and we'll turn on the fireplace? (Gas fireplace.) So i went to get some blankets and he was rummaging around in the front room. I was pretty suspicious at this point, especially when I asked, "What are you doing in there?" And he replied with "...nothing...."

He comes back into the living room with a ukulele and a sheet of paper. He makes me play music stand while he plays "Fools Rush In". He didn't sing because he was too nervous :) Anyway then he got on BOTH knees and asked if I would be his wife. :)


That is perfect ! Cute picture , you are gorgeous .

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I fumbled my proposal. My girlfriend of 4 years already told me that if she was going to move from Orlando to Pittsburgh for my job that we would have to get married soon. About 5 months after the move I kind of just gave her the ring on our way to dinner one night and asked. She looked confused because she knew that I knew that she wanted to get married (didn't have to "ask"), and she had told me not to get her a ring. After a couple of hours of it sinking it she was very glad to have it and start planning. May 26th!


Starting Primal and free weights


Starting LeanGains. Still lifting all the things.


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awwwwwwwwwwwwww you guys are all so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I teared up, smiled, and giggled through the threads.

Im hoping for my own proposal soon!

Im working on making the Origami Stars. (need 5000 for that legend)

Friends of mine just got engaged-

They went out on NYE, and she was already suspicious so he had everything set up at the restaurant including the ring.

Her parents were there for dinner too, and they knew what was going on.

After the initial order, the wait staff slowly brought out a total of 11 long stem roses. (this was done over the course of the whole evening). Somewhere in the middle, he said that she actually got up and patted down his coat and pants looking for the ring box, hee hee

it was when the hostess came to bring the check that the last rose was brought out, and the ring was tied to it, and he got down on one knee and presented her with the ring and asked


and it was timed perfectly because as soon as they were done, and the bill was squared up, they walked out of the restuarant and the fireworks started going off over the harbor :)

~It's when Pirates count their booty that they become mere thieves.~My Fitness Pal TrackerMy 6 Week Challenge Page- Scout

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A couple things to consider:

~Does she like surprises? Some people hate them. If she does, this might not be the way to go.

~Would she like a public proposal? If my BF proposed while we were having dinner out, I'd be OK with it as long as he did it quietly. Jumbotron? I'd be horrified and very uncomfortable. Movie theater trailer? I'd be distracted thinking about how annoyed the other patrons would be getting.

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I just got engaged in June last year- my fiance called me from his work as I was on my way to his house to let his dog and my dog out. I had the flu so my boss let me leave work early. So I'm standing in the living room for like 5 minutes and I look over in the kitchen and he's just standing there (which totally threw me because he called me "from work" which is an hour away...) anyhow, I said "what are you doing" about 5 times before he walked up to me with the ring and said "will you?" to which I responded "of course" (and I like to tease him that he never actually ASKED me to marry him, so now he re-asks about once a week)

I was so confused because his car wasn't there, and he asked "didn't you see dad's corvette in front of the house?" Um- no, I don't pay attention to cars hahaha.

Anyway, I said "Can we celebrate another night, since I'm so sick?" (I'm such a romantic) and he said "no, because Mumford and Son is only here tonight..." and produced tickets to the sold out show.

Awesome night, wouldn't change it for the world!

Good luck to you, friend! Do something that speaks to both of you (and make sure you actually ask her hahha)

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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Ahhh, these are great stories! Definitely do something creative and personal. :)

As an un-married person in a committed relationship, I wonder and worry (probably too much) about when/if/how there will be a proposal. He knows I want to get married some day, but I wish there was some way I could tell him I want him to do some sort of romantic proposal some day, but I think having to ask for it would be kind of ruining the idea. I have totally already planned out in my head the perfect proposal he could make - but I can't tell HIM that. He's not one for planning things though... so I am worried I won't get my fairytale romantic proposal! Of course, in the end, the important part is that I get a chance to say yes. :)

msuroo, maybe you could suggest a few things to him for me? :)

Mmm... kaik.

Twitter - flickr

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A couple things to consider:

~Does she like surprises? Some people hate them. If she does, this might not be the way to go.

~Would she like a public proposal? If my BF proposed while we were having dinner out, I'd be OK with it as long as he did it quietly. Jumbotron? I'd be horrified and very uncomfortable. Movie theater trailer? I'd be distracted thinking about how annoyed the other patrons would be getting.

Aurora raised some pretty important points. I think Gem's idea of having a choir is amazing, if she doesn't mind a not-so-private proposal (considering she knows you have a ring and is unofficially planning the big event, I think the chance of her getting embarrassed and saying no is zero). Something that has to do with the two of you is probably your best bet.

There are some pretty cool nerd proposal stories in the web, if you want something truly different - the meme proposal, the Super Mario World proposal, the Pokeball proposal (which is incredibly dorky and makes me giggle every time I hear about it), and even the Harry Potter proposal.

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Oooh, I tried pitching this idea at my buddy who was proposing to his girlfriend... but he jumped the gun before I could find the necessary technology.

Here's what you do: Video tape yourself saying sappy stuff and what not on camera. At the end, point over to the side(whichever side is necessary depending on your room setup... just stick with me here). Now, burn said video to dvd and store away for later use.

At some point in the future, when you're ready to drop the bomb, suggest you two have a nice quiet night in. Rent a movie, grab a pizza, whatever. When she's not looking, switch out the rented dvd for yours then excuse yourself to mix a drink. When she hits play, there's you, being all romantic and what not. When the DVD you points, she'll turn to see you on your knee, with ring in hand.

Boom. You are now most assuredly engaged with a story to make every other couple feel bad about themselves. Grats.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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Oooh, I tried pitching this idea at my buddy who was proposing to his girlfriend... but he jumped the gun before I could find the necessary technology.

Here's what you do: Video tape yourself saying sappy stuff and what not on camera. At the end, point over to the side(whichever side is necessary depending on your room setup... just stick with me here). Now, burn said video to dvd and store away for later use.

At some point in the future, when you're ready to drop the bomb, suggest you two have a nice quiet night in. Rent a movie, grab a pizza, whatever. When she's not looking, switch out the rented dvd for yours then excuse yourself to mix a drink. When she hits play, there's you, being all romantic and what not. When the DVD you points, she'll turn to see you on your knee, with ring in hand.

Boom. You are now most assuredly engaged with a story to make every other couple feel bad about themselves. Grats.

omg that gave me goosebumps! nice Xeth

My Blog | My Story

Race: Wood Elf | Class: Footpath Ranger Leader

Level18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

Good God, man, you DO realize that you have to spend the rest of your life living up to that night, right?


Starting Primal and free weights


Starting LeanGains. Still lifting all the things.


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I like the choir idea if you think she'd be ok with an audience for the proposal. Any chance of having the choir from the school you met at? School choirs do shows. I'm sure it could be arranged. Or what about going back to the school to watch a choir show?

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Well, looks like I'm just a Human

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Bumblebee's Quest to Play!

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Or you could spend all your time faking her out -- friends of my sister were in the same position as you guys (she knew he had the ring), so he'd do things like take her out to a fancy dinner, get down on one knee, and . . . tie his shoe. He did this often enough that by the time he actually proposed she was completely surprised. Of course, it takes a special kind of relationship for that joke to be funny (not sure it'd be funny to me).

I like the idea of something with singing. Do you guys still have friends from the ensembles you were in? Could you rope them into singing something?

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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Yeah good things to think about coming up

does she like surprises?

Would she want it in a public place or private?

Would she want something funny, touching, surprising?

If she already has the ring and is planning it in her head, the odds are on your side that she'll say yes. The idea of a choir singing and popping the question then sounds like a winner since its something thats personal to you both! Oh just a thought on an idea is to take her out for dinner and strategically place choir members around the restaurant among the other diners and then each start to stand up and start singing (think the beginning of Love Actually where they start singing in the church and band members pop up all over the place) pop the question during the song and then get everyone singing along! (All You Need Is Love would be a brilliant choice for a song if you don't mind the similarity to Love Actually lol).


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Hmm, if she already knows you have the ring - I would advise against this. That just comes off like "I can't think of anything, why don't you pick it," which is fine for restaurants, not so much for proposals.

Didn't think about that. Oh well, too late. She didn't respond to the question anyway, she's probably thinking about it. We're a very open couple, went ring shopping for a weekend a month or two back, and she picked exactly what she wants. The next day I told her I couldn't hang out for a bit and she knew I was buying it. So I don't think she'll be offended by the question.

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Ahhh, I am so jealous of all of these stories! Definitely do something creative and personal.

As an un-married person in a committed relationship, I wonder and worry (probably too much) about when/if/how there will be a proposal. He knows I want to get married some day, but he's already "been there, done that." (divorced) I wish there was some way I could tell him I want him to do some sort of romantic proposal some day, but I think having to ask for it would be kind of ruining the idea. I have totally already planned out in my head the perfect proposal he could make - but I can't tell HIM that. He's not one for planning things though... so I am worried I won't get my fairytale romantic proposal!

msuroo, maybe you could suggest a few things to him for me? :)

My husband and I were engaged twice -- the first time was really an "engaged to be engaged," as we were 21, living in separate cities, and had NO idea when we'd be in the same place at the same time again. We 'cancelled' (really, postponed) that engagement because the idea of explaining that we were engaged, and might continue to be engaged for three or four years before we set a date for the wedding, was just a little too much of a hassle. Anyway - I proposed that first time. And I like to tell our kids that I asked daddy to marry me before he asked me to marry him.

All of which is a long-winded way of saying - if you have a romantic proposal plan, don't assume it has to be the GUY who implements it.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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