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What do you REALLY want out of life?


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If I had unlimited time and money, I'd get a big plot of land with a spring or stream somewhere in a moderate climate. Somewhere close enough to civilization that I could get decent internet, get to Quaker meeting on Sundays, find geeks to game with, and hire a butcher to slaughter my bigger animals. (Or teach me how to do it.) I'd build a little compound of cob houses, with my own hands, recycled materials, and the help of a lot of friends. There'd be a little house for me and my partner, with a kitchen/dining room, bedroom, small spare room as prospective nursery, bathroom, lounge, and cellar. I'd set a pull-up bar right into the wall of the lounge. We'd each have our own separate little office/studio buildings, built to our own taste. And there would probably be a separate barn/workshop, with our tools, supplies, and free weights.

I'd do a heck of a lot of vegetable gardening and composting. I'd have 20-30 chickens, and a couple goats or a cow. With unlimited space, I'd probably also keep a pig or two, and maybe some sheep (just cause I love real wool so much and mmmmm, lamb). There would be maybe half a dozen fruit trees and a big herb garden. Ideally there would be a large amount of woodland, for firewood, trapping small game, and climbing trees. Maybe the stream would be big enough to fish in.

I would spend my time working on my property, making sure we were at least mostly self sufficient. I'd probably homeschool my kids when they were young, and maybe when they were older, depending on the schools. And when they were old enough to not need to be right near us at night, we would build them their own little cob houses together. I'd run a lifestyle business, get all those knitting patterns out of my head and onto the computer, sell them through Etsy and Ravelry. My partner would probably move onto being a freelance web developer, or do his PhD, or get funding for his game idea, or throw himself at a little tech startup.

Basically, I'd be the liberal counterpoint to every right-wing fundie homeschool survivalist family back home in the States. :)

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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This is the internet? Like the Public INTERNET???

Let me rephrase my novel then. You are a Christian?!? Well, I'm Agnostic! So... ummm... Screw you... No, I can't do it... Sorry I couldn't stand up (stoop down?) to the internet's level. It just doesn't feel right to knock someone for doing right.

I too love this community. Can't find co-operation and acceptance like this anywhere else on the inter-tubes.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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Simple answer: I really want to be happy and make the people in my life happier.

Complex answer: I have recently discovered the things I did as a teenager are things I love doing and have started doing them again (playing basketball, reading, programming for fun, running, watching movies, being outside, drawing, video games). I take some of my favorite childhood memories and try to use them as aids to make great childhood experiences for my two children (going to playgrounds, made a rope climb/swing in the yard, play sports with them, go for hikes, play board games). I try to be a great husband, dad, employee, friend, family member, or even friendly to those I don't know.

Level 26, Primal Ultra Trail Scout, Non-Binary Robot


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...There was just an exchange of (essentially):

"I became a Christian and it gives me meaning and I enjoy it but if you're not it's okay and I don't want to be pushy but let me know if you want to discuss"

followed by

"I used to be Christian and it made me feel hopeless and am now agnostic but do what makes you happy. Let me know if you want to talk"

On the internet.

I love this community.

I know what you mean. Nowhere else online does this ever seem to happen.

Myself, I'm a lifelong atheist. I don't see this changing. I really hope (for his sake) God doesn't exist, because my existential angst would be NOTHING compared to a deity's. What possible purpose could an all-knowing, all-powerful God have? Whatever he wants to do, he can do it with ease, so there's no challenge. And whatever he does, he knows how it will turn out - so what's the point? Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy!) wrote an intriguing book called "God's Debris" that asked numerous philosophical questions and came to a possible conclusion - the only challenge for such a God would be to kill himself. Would it even be possible? The universe and everything in it is the reconstruction - God is putting himself back together - and even all of us are a part of God. I can recommend this book - it'll make you think, whatever your view in life.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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God has a will for everyone and each person will follow His plan for them. That gave me less hope for a future because it was always preached to me that pretty much I don't have free will and every action that I do is pre-planned by an ineffable, benevolent Creator.

I think a lot of people are put off of Christianity because of similar beliefs (which sucks :( ), but the way it was explained to me was slightly different. I was told that as much as God had a plan for everyone, we also had free will almost 'superimposed' on top of that; God could provide oppurtunities and tweak things to make sure we were in the right place at the right time, but we still have to choose to take those oppurtunities. Sometimes even if we choose to go against him, God can be sneaky and end up putting us back in that situation again, but it would still have been our choice.

I guess its kind of like playing chess. You can look at the board and know that if you move your pawn there, then he'll probably move his queen there, and you can take that knight. But also, they could move their bishop, and you would have to move your rook. People who are really good at chess can see all of this, and I'm fairly sure most of the chess-playing AIs can probably map out the whole game. They can, almost literally, see the future, and have planned out where they want the pieces to go. *But* that future is dependant on the choice of their opponent.

Ok, that was a pretty lame example, so let me try again :P Imagine you had a personal trainer who planned all your workouts for you. You would walk into the gym and they would say "ok, today you are doing 10 push ups". And then the next day they might say "ok, lets do a 2 minute plank". They've planned it all out for you, set the path. But you decide whether or not you walk down it. Generally speaking you do, because you know that they know a lot more about fitness than you do. But you could just as easily say "actually, I'm just going to sit here and eat ice cream". As much as they have a plan for you, that doesn't nesseccarily mean that you following it is pre-prescribed.

In fact, if you take away the choice element of things, the whole Christian belief becomes rather abhorrent. Under that belief, it basically says that you are being punished for something that isn't you fault. God chooses to make you sin, and then punishes you it. The whole idea becomes rather non-sensicle and rather depressing. Whereas if you choose to sin, then the punishment makes sense (when you see it in context. Stand-alone like this it probably still looks crazy :P)

What possible purpose could an all-knowing, all-powerful God have? Whatever he wants to do, he can do it with ease, so there's no challenge. And whatever he does, he knows how it will turn out - so what's the point?

Maybe that's why he created Humans? Like this thread started asking (I apologies for getting somewhat off topic, by the way :P), if you lived a life of no need -- you could buy anythign you wanted, had perfect fitness etc. -- what would you do? I'm sure a lot of people would say something along the lines of having kids; they're going to keep you constantly busy, and at the same time be incredibly forfilling. You might be at the perfect stage in life, but they're not. You get to help them struggle through their difficulties, celebrate they're victories, share in their defeats. Maybe God wanted to experience that too.

You are a Christian?!? Well, I'm Agnostic! So... ummm... Screw you...

Yea, well....um, you're silly, and I'm not going to share any humerous pictures of cats with you. HA!!

No seriously though, you guys are awesome :D

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I didn't ever get the understanding that God had His plan but put the power for us to choose on top of it until I was too far from the religion to really turn back. (I know, it is never too late to change your mind about religion) There was a while that through more personal study of the Bible and other texts that I just didn't care for actual church services with one leader (minister, padre, rabbi, ...) and cared more for small groups with equal leadership or individual studies. I saw the when only one person gives their interpretation of the Bible, it leads to stagnation of the congregations' thoughts. I then moved into a more poly-religious, though still monotheistic, belief where I saw Christianity, Judiasm, Islam and Sikhism, among others as all true and led by the same God just under different names. Later I saw that polytheistic and non-theistic religions held very similar beliefs and that led me to question whether or not there was just a natural universal "good" or if some being greater than us created all or most religions within each culture's separate understandings of the world.

I do like your chess analogy, it made perfect sense to me. Like God has a set plan, and he has a plan B, C, D, ... for us when we decide not to follow his original plan. We always have the chance to turn back to His way. Close one door and open 2 windows kinda thing.

If you take away the choice element of things, the whole Christian belief becomes rather abhorrent. Under that belief, it basically says that you are being punished for something that isn't you fault. God chooses to make you sin, and then punishes you it. The whole idea becomes rather non-sensicle and rather depressing.

That is basically the way my old preacher taught it, just sugar coated it a lot more. Which is what led me to... Well, the my first paragraph in this reply.

Maybe that's why he created Humans? Like this thread started asking (I apologies for getting somewhat off topic, by the way :P), if you lived a life of no need -- you could buy anythign you wanted, had perfect fitness etc. -- what would you do? I'm sure a lot of people would say something along the lines of having kids; they're going to keep you constantly busy, and at the same time be incredibly forfilling. You might be at the perfect stage in life, but they're not. You get to help them struggle through their difficulties, celebrate they're victories, share in their defeats. Maybe God wanted to experience that too.

I've read many a story basically about this, most of the time it was about a race (occasionally human) that got so technologically advanced that they solved all of life's mysteries, so they decided to create a new race (land, world, universe even) and played as God or father to this race so they could relive this sense of wonder through their creation.

And finally, I will add that for now, I am done getting all philosophical on this thread. I feel that I have derailed it more than I would like to, and will let the original question and answers continue before a mod suggests so. If anyone wants this topic of religion to continue, feel free to make a new thread about it and I will join there. Or, we can always continue it inside PM.

Oh, and good bye bone/funny kitties. I shall miss thee.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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I think a lot of people are put off of Christianity because of similar beliefs (which sucks :( ), but the way it was explained to me was slightly different. I was told that as much as God had a plan for everyone, we also had free will almost 'superimposed' on top of that; God could provide oppurtunities and tweak things to make sure we were in the right place at the right time, but we still have to choose to take those oppurtunities. Sometimes even if we choose to go against him, God can be sneaky and end up putting us back in that situation again, but it would still have been our choice.

I guess its kind of like playing chess. You can look at the board and know that if you move your pawn there, then he'll probably move his queen there, and you can take that knight. But also, they could move their bishop, and you would have to move your rook. People who are really good at chess can see all of this, and I'm fairly sure most of the chess-playing AIs can probably map out the whole game. They can, almost literally, see the future, and have planned out where they want the pieces to go. *But* that future is dependant on the choice of their opponent.

I attended a Catholic elementary and high school and that's how the concept of free will and God's omniscience was explained to us.

As for myself now, well, I'd probably consider myself an agnostic--at least as far as a "God Proper" is concerned. It's just so hard for me, considering the scope of our universe, that there is a God like the God of Christianity. I don't deny that such a God may indeed exist, but for now there is no proof of a God Proper's existence, and my faith is not strong enough to make the leap. The "God" I believe in is more of an essence, and that's why I hesitate to call it "God" (the term usually conjures images of a man sitting in heaven watching over us). I feel like there is definitely an energy that connects us, that we are enriched by developing ourselves, our relationships with other people, and our relationships with nature. We did, after all, originate from the same cosmic dust.

It's kind of New Agey, lol, but it feels right, it you know what I mean.

This is a bit off-topic, but there was actually a really interesting article recently in Time magazine about a "different kind of heaven". Many contemporary Christians have taken the view that at the End of Days there will be a literal "resurrection of bodies" and so many of their efforts are more activist in doing things like protecting the environment and shaping our corrupted, polluted world into a better place. There were better examples in the article but I've been locked out of my dorm room and don't have access to it now, hahaha. But anyway, it differs slightly from the conventional and stereotypical view of Heaven as that place in the clouds that we will go to and spend all eternity in when we physically die.

However, I still feel that even given the existence of a God Proper there is still no objective purpose for our existence. It can be argued that if God exists than our purpose is to glorify God/live out God's word/get to heaven/preserve the earth for our bodily resurrection, but from my perspective, that is still a purpose that one would have given themselves -- at least, given the concept of free will (even including a Christian concept of free will, where, as I stated before, God knows all we have done and all we will do, but "all we will do" is more like the "all we may do" of playing chess).

I feel that there is no reason for existence -- it just is. We exist because of some miraculous cosmological chance, and while for some that may be terrifying and paralyzing, I personally think it is freeing, inspiring, and empowering. We exist now and this is our only time to exist. This is our one life, our one opportunity, so let us do more than exist, let us live.

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And finally, I will add that for now, I am done getting all philosophical on this thread. I feel that I have derailed it more than I would like to, and will let the original question and answers continue before a mod suggests so. If anyone wants this topic of religion to continue, feel free to make a new thread about it and I will join there. Or, we can always continue it inside PM.

Oh, and good bye bone/funny kitties. I shall miss thee.

I personally don't find this philosophical discussion a problem! It does indeed relate to the topic of the thread, and threads should be about discussions, not just people posting once to answer a simple question! :victorious:

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I personally don't find this philosophical discussion a problem! It does indeed relate to the topic of the thread, and threads should be about discussions, not just people posting once to answer a simple question! :victorious:

If this becomes the general consensus of the people here, then I can continue with it. I'm just trying to avoid offending anyone with different views, and that would see my comments as heretical. I also saw the original question was more about "what do you want to do in life?" and extrapolating it to "How can you reach those wants?", where I was taking it more along the lines of "how did you get to the point where you are (religiously/philosophically)?"

I do see where it stemmed from Artinum's and Derpius' (was about to call you Herpius, but that doesn't sound very nice... Worst Greek god name ever.) comments, I was just trying to avoid it going too far off track in the wrong direction.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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A little heresy is a good thing. I'd say it's essential for any religious belief, both at the organisation level and the individual. If you don't question your beliefs, that makes you gullible. We need someone to ask awkward questions about the most deep seated ideas because how else are we to know if they are right? They keep us focused. Without that focus, we're liable to drift away from our ideals.

Homework for everyone - think about what you believe in, and question it. Where did you get those beliefs? Did you form them yourselves or inherit them from outside? Are they still true for you? Christians, think like atheists. Atheists, think like Christians. Perhaps we'll all meet in the middle!

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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Oh, yay! Homework! That is probably the best way to discover who you are. Explore your beliefs (not just religion but everything), question them. Explore other beliefs and question them. You will very rarely end up with any actual answers, but you will also rarely walk away without understanding yourself more.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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And finally, I will add that for now, I am done getting all philosophical on this thread. I feel that I have derailed it more than I would like to, and will let the original question and answers continue before a mod suggests so. If anyone wants this topic of religion to continue, feel free to make a new thread about it and I will join there. Or, we can always continue it inside PM.

I agree we may have stretched this out a little further than the original topic intended, so I've created a new thread so we can stop disturbing these lovely people :P


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"What is your life purpose?

I actually have a life purpose statement written out that I refer to often:

I am here at this time & in this place to make a difference. I am centered around the key principles of personal integrity, excellence, and honesty. I choose 3 areas to focus on.

1.**** People

I value my husband & our loving, nuturing marriage. I take responsibility for my actions & their consequences.* I choose the moral & ethical path even when it costs me short term gains. I always deal fairly with my family, my friends and my customers.

2.**** Environment

I develop & implement sustainable systems to breed rare & endangered livestock & plant species, breeds & bloodlines. I focus on my duty to the earth & the domestic species we are responsible for. I minimize my deleterious effects on the environment by choosing a simpler lifestyle whenever possible.

3.**** Technology

I use the tools & new technology afforded by the internet & multimedia to develop projects that educate, entertain, offend, challenge, enlighten & cultivate people. My work is engaging & it encourages independent responsible thinking in its viewers & users.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I would like a life of not worrying.

You totally, utterly have all the tools within you to achieve that. I'm not an expert, but I've experienced it a couple of times, and its brilliantly liberating. Best of luck on your journey to finding it.

Just to be happy for a change.
Ditto. And I just want to hug you. <<hugs>>.
At the end of the day I believe that we are born naked and leave the same way and in between every single thing we do, either conscious or unconscious we do in order to find happiness.

What do I want out of life? JOY...plain and simple. Joy in all its incarnations. i want internal joy and external joy and joy wrapped up in the trappings of a suprise and joy disguised as adventure and joy all warm and toasty with love. That simple feeling of observing my life and feeling every single chakra in my body align as one as my heart pours open with joy....


p.s I gots it for the most part and will continue to pursue it in this and many other life times.

I think you are ace and very much on my wavelength. Its really nice knowing you on here :)

...There was just an exchange of (essentially):

"I became a Christian and it gives me meaning and I enjoy it but if you're not it's okay and I don't want to be pushy but let me know if you want to discuss"

followed by

"I used to be Christian and it made me feel hopeless and am now agnostic but do what makes you happy. Let me know if you want to talk"

On the internet.

I love this community.


What do I want out of life? I want to leave this planet a little better than when I arrived on it. I want to minimise my negative impact on ... people, animals, plants... and add to or improve it somehow. I want to help people. I want to review my life when I've finished it, and be proud, rather than regretful.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually afraid to make one. - Elbert Hubbard

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Also, you might want to check out this book: I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was

I ordered a second-hand copy from Amazon about a week ago (hey, I can't really go wrong for about £3.50) and I'm now about six chapters in. I'm a scanner. I'm interested in everything, but once I get to a point where I can see how to go further, I seldom want to. So much else to learn!

So far I've not had any lightning revelations. I haven't discovered my burning desire to become a watermelon salesman or something, and I'm a little disappointed as the author said I'd know by the end of the third chapter. I do, however, feel a little better about my scanner nature, and I think my plan to start my own business is a sound one. I have some ideas that might help me out there, but one step at a time. I have too much to do at the moment.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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