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Weight: 216.2 lbs 

Sleep: 8 Hours 

In Bed: 10:30pm

Water: 1 Gallon

Meditation:  5 min morning meditation 

Mood: Still getting used to the new sleep schedule. Actually got a total of 8 Hours last night but still tired since it was in 2-4 hour increments. Hopefully it will keep gradually getting better.



     8:00am - Coffee

     9:00am - Greek yogurt, honey, granola

                      Blue berries, coffee

   12:30pm - Chicken burrito bowl

     3:30pm - Sugar-free Monster

     5:30pm - Turkey & Veggies

     8:00pm - Cottage cheese


Workout: Rest Day

    30 Min - Light swimming


Notes: Did some bodyweight exercises and was really tired today. Learned in challenge 1 the importance of pacing myself. Figured best to take it easy today and pick it back up tomorrow. Crazy how not working out for a few weeks drastically decreased my performance, but have a feeling it will come back pretty quick.

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Weight: 213.6 lbs 

Sleep: 8 Hours 

In Bed: 10:30pm

Water: 1 Gallon

Meditation:  5 Min Morning Meditation

Mood: Got up with the baby after 5 hours and had a tough time going back to sleep. Maybe slept another couple of hours off and on. Realizing how critical it is to bank sleep earlier to be ready for those 3am - 4am feedings.



    8:00am - Coffee

    9:00am - Greek yogurt, honey, fruit

                     Granola, coffee

   11:30am - Egg Whites, Cheese, tomato

                      1/2 Blueberry muffin

    3:30pm - Cheese stick, grapes,

                      Sugar free monster

    5:30pm - Fish, spinach, watermelon

    8:30pm - Cottage cheese & a pickle



    30 Minutes - Isometrics


Notes: Figuring most of the weight loss from yesterday was water weight but it was still nice to see and will keep up the cleaner eating and daily activity. Now to work on the sleep...

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Weight: 213.2 lbs 

Sleep: 7 Hours 

In Bed: 10:00pm

Water: 1 Gallon

Meditation: 5 min morning meditation 

Mood: Getting more adjusted to the sleep and taking naps to get caught back up. Lot of change happening, but feeling pretty good about just letting today be today.



     8:30am - Coffee

     9:30am - Greek yogurt, honey, berries

                       Granola, coffee

    12:30pm - Lasagna & spinach salad 

                       w/ ranch

     2:00pm - Coffee

     6:30pm - Egg white, Turkey sausage, 

                       Broccoli and cheese 




    2 Mile Run


Notes: Bit warm but got in a good run today. Slowly getting back in the groove.

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Weight: 212.8 lbs 

Sleep: 9 Hours 

In Bed: 11:00pm

Water: 1 Gallon

Meditation: 10 min morning meditation 

Mood: Somehow cobbled together 9 hours of sleep last night and feel SO MUCH better. Little Miss ReturnOfTheDad is sleeping in 3 hour stretches now and getting more on a schedule, so hopefully we are turning the corner on getting decent sleep on a regular basis. Steady weight loss is continuing. Focusing on watching my cholesterol and limiting carbs after 3pm. So far so good.



   10:30am - Coffee

   12:30pm - Egg white sandwich melt,

                      Chips, deli pickles, grapes

    3:30pm - Sliced salmon, snap peas

                      Cheese stick, grapes, 

                      Coffee, candied peanuts

    5:00pm - Turkey meatballs, tomato 

                      sauce & mixed veggies

    9:30pm - Cottage cheese & a pickle


Workout: Rest Day


Notes: Super sore from yesterday so taking it easy and will hopefully bank some more sleep tonight. Last time I started back up it seemed like I was able to start most consistent working out every other day, so will probably sticking with that for a bit.

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Weight: 213.8 lbs 

Sleep: 8 Hours 

In Bed: 11:00pm

Water: 1/2 Gallon

Meditation: 10 Minute morning meditation 

Mood: Late to bed and feeling it. First day back at work after baby leave....ugh.



    9:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt, honey

                      Granola, berries

    12:30pm - Chicken burrito bowl

    2:30pm - Coffee

    6:00pm - Grilled chicken and salad


Workout: N/A - Got tied up with work.


Notes: Missed a work out today. Realizing how critical it is to plan and protect that workout time. Mainly didn’t have the energy so know I need to eat a little more in the afternoon and keep working at more sleep.

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I’m respawning too. Took about 4 months off and gained half of the weight I lost in the first 8 months back. You got this!!

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Level 10 Rebel

Character  Instagram  Current fitness routine 4 week challenge log FitBit User profile

“If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.” Fred Devito

“Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.” Robert Tew

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Weight: 218.2 lbs

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water:  3/4 Gallon



7:30am - Protein bar & coffee

10:30am - Egg White & veggie omelette, wheat toast.

1:30pm - Ham, mashed potatoes, veggies

6:00pm - cheese & almonds

7:00pm - Cheese, chili, cold cuts, fruit, soda



Weights - Back/Biceps/Abs


Notes: Final family Christmas obligation complete, ready to focus on the new year!!!

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Weight: 221.0 lbs

Sleep: 10 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



10:30pm - Protein bar and coffee

12:30pm - Egg White omelette, oatmeal w/ blueberries & almonds

4:30pm - Protein Shake, banana, green tea

5:30pm - Ham, Mac & cheese, veggies

10:30pm - milk & scoop of peanut butter 



Rest Day


Notes: Now that I’m doing more free weights, definitely seeing the importance of rest days and 9-10 hours of sleep a day. Going to make that focus going forward.

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Weight: 218.6 lbs

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water: 2/4 Gallon



9:30pm - Protein bar and coffee

12:00pm - Egg Whites, oatmeal, tomato

1:00pm - SF Monster

3:00pm - Protein Shake & Banana

5:00pm - Chicken fried steak, biscuits, veggies, soda

10:00pm - Blueberry pie & ice cream  



Weights - Legs


Notes: Noticing I’m getting more winded since cutting back on cardio. Going to try for some light cardio on rest days to make sure I’m staying well rounded and to keep chipping away at the weight loss.


Not a bad way to end 2018. On to 2019!!!

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Weight: 219.2 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



10:30am - Egg Whites, cheese, rolls, blueberries, avocado, coffee

1:30pm - Protein bar & SF Monster

3:30pm - Greek yogurt parfait 

5:30pm - Crackers, cheese, steak, pasta, veggies



Cardio - 30 Minute light jog


Notes: Start the new job tomorrow, so curious to see how the sleep and exercise part will keep up. Lots of early workouts and bed times ahead.

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Weight: 218.2 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



7:30am - Protein bar & coffee

9:30am - Egg Whites w/cheese, oatmeal, craisins, almonds

11:30am - Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries 

1:30pm - Protein Shake & banana

2:30pm - Egg White tacos

3:00pm - Green Tea

6:00pm - Turkey Nachos

9:30pm - Milk & scoop of Pb 



Weights - Chest/Triceps/Lower Back/Obliques


Notes: Definitely got my dose of fitness motivation yesterday....


Had just taken my shirt off getting ready to shower and Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad asked me to hold our baby for a minute. Baby looked me dead in the eyes then down at my chest and then started making the clicking noise she does with my wife when she wants to nurse...super ready to shed these extra pounds...#myeyesareuphere...


Aaaaand back to the gym tomorrow. :) 

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Weight: 219.2 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



8:00am - Protein bar & coffee

10:30am - Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries 

1:00pm - Egg Whites, oatmeal, craisins, almonds

2pm - Green tea

3pm - Protein Shake & banana

5:30pm - Pasta, turkey meatballs, spinach

7pm - Fruit drink



Rest Day


Notes: Went up on bench yesterday from 95lbs to 115lbs successfully. Not a huge increase but sweet mercy, sooo sore today....that and was up with baby until 2am. Needless to say early morning workout did not happen. Rest Day it is...

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Weight: 216.8 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



8:30am - Protein bar & coffee

10:30am - Greek Yogurt, granola, berries.

1:30pm - Protein Shake & banana

2:30pm - lamb chops, quinoa, spinach, green tea

3:30pm - SF Monster (green tea was not doing it)

5:30pm - WEEKLY CHEAT MEAL: Pizza & Ice Cream, totally worth it.



Weights - Back/Biceps/Abs


Notes: Yikes, the way of the Warrior is definitely changing how I view rest days. It’s been about 4 years since I did free weight lifting like this. Another day of lift increases done, increased Bent Over Row from 95lbs to 115lbs. Tomorrow begins the leg day increases...

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Weight: 218.0 lbs

Sleep: 10 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



10:00am - Coffee

10:30am - Egg Whites, spinach, oatmeal, berries, nuts, coffee, oj 

12:00pm - Protein bar

1:30pm - Protein Shake & banana

3:00pm - Yogurt, granola, SF Monster

5:00pm - Turkey meatballs, spinach, quinoa, garlic bread 

9:00pm - milk & scoop of pb



Rest Day - 2.5 Mile walk


Notes: Legs were surprisingly sore today. Didn’t realize how much I was using my legs to stabilize things during my back exercises yesterday. With as sore as I’m getting, I think I’m going to back up from a 4 day split to a 3 day split. Also going to work on tackling the weight issue more by diet than cardio. I have a bad habit of trying to do everything at once (strength, cardio, monk things) and ending up with just moderate results across the board and getting frustrated. My personal goal is to hit 225lbs on my major muscle group lifts by July. It’s a tall order for me personally and going to take complete focus on strength training activities to get there. Add on to that the new baby, new job, and other family/social activities and sticking to focused Warrior antics is making more and more sense. Also been slacking on sleep, getting 6-7 hours a night when every lifting coach and trainer I’ve had says 9-10 is where the real results come in. One day at a time I suppose.

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Weight: 218.2 lbs

Sleep: 10 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



9:30pm - Breakfast Tacos and Coffee

1:30pm - Chicken, peas, rice, soda, blueberry pie, ice cream, milk (went waaay too long without eating, hence the caving to soda, pie and ice cream. Meh, it’s legs day)

4:30pm - SF Monster

6:30pm - Chicken Burrito



Weights - Legs


Notes: Final day of lift increases done for the month, went up on barbell lunges from 95lbs to 115lbs. Now for a sizable Freebirds Burrito and a very early bed time. Note to self for future, the soda, pie and ice cream at lunch were not only sugary calories I didn’t need, but put me into a sugar crash that ended up in an unplanned nap and an unpleasantly groggy trip to the gym for leg day. Was able to rally and hit my targeted lifts but definitely starting to consider the consequences of crappy eating on my mood and energy later in the day.

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Weight: 220.0 lbs

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



8:00am - Protein bar & coffee

10:00am - Egg Whites, oatmeal, berries, almonds, coffee

1:30pm - Street tacos & soda

5:00pm - Chicken, Rice, peas, cookies



Rest Day


Notes: Weight is a little higher today but figure that’s from too much salt and not enough water yesterday. Will watch the diet and water intake today and see if it resolves by tomorrow. Realizing my mood is definitely down today after increasing weight on legs yesterday. Not sure if I haven’t eaten enough or need more sleep. Will try to do both on the next increase. As of today, legs and back are toast. Will see how tomorrow goes for lifting but anticipate needing a 2 day rest after legs going forward.

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