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Weight: Traveling, no scale

Sleep: 6 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 150 grams



9:00am - Egg white & veggie Omelette, oatmeal, almonds, craisins, oj, coffee, vitamins.

12:30pm - Gyro & quinoa bowl, iced tea

3:00pm - Protein bar & green tea

6:00pm - Banana (pre-workout snack)

10:30pm - Chicken, veggie dog, broccoli



Weights - Shoulders/Legs/Arms/Obliques


Notes: Been quite the couple of days of travel. Yesterday woke up near the mountains in Phoenix and finished the day with some friends on the Coast:





I sometimes forget to be grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given. Very thankful to be able to pause every once in a while and even though I miss my family and am struggling to acclimate to a new job, there are profound experiences to enjoy if I just take a moment to breath them in.


All settled in at the Candlewood Suites. Actually taking advantage of the kitchen and did some grocery shopping and meal prep today. So nice to have healthy home cooked meals when traveling this much. Also got to a 24 Hour Fitness Ultra (only a couple in the country) and got good workout in. More pics to come this week, but any gym with a fountain in front is pretty dang fancy in my book:



Reheated one of the meals I prepped for dinner watched a few episodes of Superstore. BTW, SUPER psyched that the TV here has an HDMI outlet to I can watch Hulu on a bigger screen. It’s the little things.


On a more frustrating note, I finally binged My Hero Academia (AMAZING) and right at the 3rd season, but they only have the sub version, rather than the dub version. I mostly have anime’s playing in the background while I’m working, so subtitles are out for me for the most part. Any Hulu anime recommendations welcome.


On to another day in OC.

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Weight: Traveling, no scale

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 150 grams



10:00am - Egg white & veggie Omelette, oatmeal, almonds, strawberries, oj, coffee, vitamins.

1:00pm - Protein Bar

5:30pm - Chicken, rice, veggies, iced tea

10:00pm - Chicken, veggie dog, broccoli, cheese.



Cardio - 2 Hours: JKD & Kali


Notes: On a food note, have to say, I am really digging these Chef Robert Irvine Fit Crunch Bars:


I picked them up at Walmart not expecting much and they are really tasty! As tasty as protein bars can be that is.... Nice that they have 30 grams of protein, and that they stuck to flavors that are supposed to have a mushy texture, like peanut butter and cookie dough. Worth a shot of if you need protein on the go and are looking for a little switch.


Long day of work but got a lot accomplished. Also got to drop in for a JKD and Kali class this evening. Super rusty but had fun, classes were super technical and at a nice even pace so kept me moving but not hating life since legs day was yesterday. Looking forward to Muay Thai and Jujitsu tomorrow. Haven’t worked out like this in a while, but feeling good. Time to pass out.

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My Hero Academia is amazing. I've heard some people say that they didn't like the first season, but I'd argue that this is a matter of personal taste, as the sakuga is strong even then and I personally like slice of life stuff. Even when it goes into more firmly shonen territory in terms of battles and tournament arcs and such, the quality remains high; if anything, I'd argue it's better.


Let's see, good dub anime to have in the background... uh, I'm not sure what Hulu's offerings look like. I think they have access to the Funimation catalogue? So if that's the case, I'd say Fullmetal Alchemist is a good dub to have on. The English dub actors for Sword Art Online seem pretty hype about their work and like they care about it; I thought the first half of the first season was good but it doesn't last but then maybe that's just me being a snob about it.


I'm also pretty partial to Oh My Goddess and Tenchi Muyo, although I'm not clear on whether they brought back the original English VAs for the latter. I know they didn't for the former, but I think they did a good job anyway.


Also! As far as on the road training goes, one thing that my coach in BJJ mentioned was that it's good to find a video of various movements in BJJ like shrimping, bridging, etc., and just doing that until you work up a sweat. That's apparently a good way to "shadow roll" when on the road and away from the gym, and it's not proven to be too hard on my joints or anything. Might be a way to stay in touch with what you're doing.


But, yeah. I'm really stoked that you found a way to make training and nutrition work while on the road. That is a very unique challenge, but you've risen to it and that's super cool. :)

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1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Let's see, good dub anime to have in the background... uh, I'm not sure what Hulu's offerings look like.


That's my problem, too. Dubs-wise, Rurouni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Dragonball (the original and best) are all good actiony anime, not super old school but relatively so in comparison to the web streaming life we're living now. All Hail Toonami. If you're into other genres, I can recommend a few others, buuuut you'd be on your own as to judging the quality dub because I watch subbed on le Crunchyrolle and I am also a better judge of the story and characterization than the VA work itself (addit: because in some cases I've never heard the dub. Regardless my standards for VA work is pretty low lol).


Tenchi Muyo is a fun show, even better if you check out all the glorious edits made to make it airable on the afternoon tv block.

  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Weight: Traveling, no scale

Sleep: 7 hrs 

Water: 7/8 Gallon

Protein: 150 grams



6:30am - Coffee

9:00am - Egg white & veggie Omelette, multi grain pancakes, fruit, oj, coffee, vitamins.

1:00pm - Chicken Parmesan, salad , bread sticks, tea.

5:00pm - Protein bar, green tea w/ Ginseng

10:00pm - Chicken, veggie dog, broccoli 



Cardio - 1 Hour Muay Thai, 1 Hour No Gi Jujitsu 


Notes: Really rough start to the day with a an early long haul from OC to Encino(2 Hours in morning traffic anf an hour back) for a 20 minute meeting....


Lunch appointment want much better and had a great time connecting with clients at a nice family owned Italian place. After that I crashed. Didn’t have near enough sleep so was just plain grumpy, along with missing family just decided to sleep for a while. Felt a little better when I got up but felt like I was on the verge of going to a rough place emotionally. So glad I had committed to working out today. Picked up the gloves and gear and off to pummel and get pummeled. It ended up being a really nice technique heavy day with some light sparring, but felt great to move and get back into a rhythm. 


Still finding the balance between going too hard and not hard enough with different body sizes. I’m pushing 230 so my hits are heavier (especially on smaller partners) and I’m a lot slower than I was at 185. Just a matter of tweaking, but adjustments that feel very constructive to work on rather than letting my depression take hold. Heard someone say once it’s hard for depression to take root on a moving target. Thankful it seems that was the case today. Stand up game went decent for Muay Thai, then rolled with a blue belt in Jujitsu. As an overweight white belt you can guess how that went, but we had a lot of fun and I pulled off a nice reversal, which I’ll take as a win. 


Really nice to start being part of a community out here while away from home. Really great people and actually looking forward to coming back next month.


One more day, and back home.

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Weight: Traveling, no scale

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1/2 Gallon

Protein: 120 grams



10:00am - 2 Egg white McMuffins, has brown, on, coffee, vitamins 

1:00pm - Protein bar & green tea

 5:00pm - Burger, fries, iced tea

7:00pm - Cheese, chips, grapes



Rest Day


Notes: Definitely feel like I trained for 2 hours yesterday, but nothing hurts which is good. Going to take today to rest a bit and try to get back on weights tomorrow. 


Have to say, I was really glad to see that while my monk skills are a bit rusty, on the sparring and rolling part I was able to do pretty well. I think it’s just experience, because while the folks I was sparring with were younger and in better shape, I don’t think many of them have done much hard sparring, so the light stuff really is fun and more of a game. 


Good to be back home. Was definitely a learning experience. Turns out cooking meals cut way too much into the day. That also made me isolate myself instead of going to a coffee shop or restaurant regularly, which is not a good thing for me. Going back to my original plan of a different hotel with more in walking distance for next months trip.


Live and learn.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: Didn’t weigh in

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 140 grams



12:00pm - Greek yogurt, berries, granola, green tea, vitamins

3:00pm - protein bar, green tea

4:30pm - Ice cream

5:30pm - Turkey burritos

9:00pm - Banana

11:00pm - Protein Shake



Weights - Chest/Back/Abs/Lower Back


Notes: As you may have noticed at the top of this post, I’m officially dubbing 2019 as my “Year of the Wandering Monk”. Between the stress of travel on kids, marraige, family, and other responsibilities, about the only constant is my sobriety and ability to train and grow/broaden my monk skills during travel. 


As a friend of mine says,”they aren’t called growing feel-goods”.


On to another week. Next weeks destination, Kentucky.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 222.6 lbs (8lbs total weight loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 160 grams



10:30am - Egg white, ground turkey, potato scramble, strawberries, oj, vitamins, coffee

2:00pm - Strawberry Greek yogurt, green tea

5:00pm - Pork tenderloin, veggies, chips

7:30pm - Banana

10:30pm - Protein Shake 



Conditioning - 

     Warm Up - Agility Laps

     4 Bodyweight Rounds

     2 Rounds Kettlebells & Sled

     1 Round Battle Ropes

     2 Rounds Slam Ball & Sprints

     Cool Down - 1 Mile Run


Notes: Slowly getting back into the groove of being at home. Was a rough day at work trying to get appointments with potential clients and starting to catch some flack from the boss. In all fairness, I procrastinated on some things to the flack was well earned. Was glad to make it to a recovery meeting today and work out some frustrations at the gym afterward. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a bit more time with family.


On to tomorrow.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 222.6 lbs (8lbs total weight loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 160 grams



11:00am - Egg whites, cheese, oatmeal, almonds, blueberries, oj , coffee, vitamins 

2:00pm - Strawberry Greek yogurt, green tea.

5:00pm - Turkey Meatloaf, spinach, potatoes

7:00pm - Cookies & decaf coffee

10:30pm - Protein Shake 



Rest Day


Notes:  I think the conditioning workout after the lifting day wore me out. Also haven’t been sleeping real well so just took the day off from workouts. Even indulged in some cookies this afternoon which was nice. 


Really glad tomorrow and Thursday is my last travel for a bit. Going to try to get to a conditioning workout at an MMA place in Kentucky while I’m there. Would have liked to do some boxing or rolling but have a work meeting in the morning so probably wouldn’t be great to show up with a shiner or a sprain of some kind. Also focused on making a recovery meeting while I’m there. I let that slide in my last trip and it started to put me in a bad place. 


All in all looking forward to it and am going to make an effort to post more pictures of my travels.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 222.8 lbs (8lbs total weight loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 130 grams



9:00am - Coffee

12:00pm - Turkey club wrap & green tea

5:00pm - Burger, asparagus, iced tea

9:30pm - Quinoa Salad & Chicken





Notes: Slowly dialing in my nutrition. I’ve been maintaining weight the last couple of days rather than loosing. Main difference is that I’ve been doing a calorie rich protein shake before bed on my conditioning (non-lifting) days. New plan is to only do that extra Protein shake on lift days and see what happens.


On the road again, off to Louisville, Kentucky to do an assessment at the Kentucky Derby for my company. I’d be more excited but horse racing has just never been my thing. I know there is a lot to do with fashion and booze, which neither are really in my wheelhouse these days. On the upside, I will get a chance to sport a bow tie that I got for Christmas last year. Learned to tie it as well, which wasn’t as daunting as I thought it would be.


For those wondering yes there is indeed a Dixie Land band, people passing out free bourbon balls, and a horse statue in the airport terminal:



Missed the conditioning class and decided to chance it with the boxing class at the nearby gym. Lessons learned:

     1. Louisville is where Muhammad Ali is

         from, so it is BIG here.

     2. I hope I never tick off a boxer from



This workout was no joke, the gym was home to several amateur champs, junior olympians, and a couple of pro’s:



The footwork was absolutely amazing. There was definitely some solid punching power and position precision but it was all about the legs and footwork. I barely made it through the workout and sweated so much my shoelaces were soaked. The people really make it though. Everyone I’ve met here has been so friendly! Even the exhausting training was a blast.


Jujitsu there looked good too. Mat areas looked great. Will make it a point to go if pass through here again:


Also, major props for having a gym cat. He seemed to supervise training with judgy yet cuddly stare...


Hit up a recovery meeting afterwards and got a chance to chat with some people afterwards. My goodness what a difference sticking to the important/healthy things makes. Feel like the cloud that has been hanging over me for the last week is starting to lift. It always does, but sometimes in the middle it’s hard to see the other side. Something I heard today really hit home. It’s a story a gentleman told at the meeting:


A man was going with his son to a business appointment. It was going to take an hour and the son was bored. The man picked up an old magazine in the waiting room and saw a picture of the world. He pulled it out and tore it up into small pieces. He told his son to put it together like a puzzle and he should be done in about an hour when the appointment finished. The son got to work and to his fathers surprise came back a few minutes later with the puzzle completed. The man asked how he finished so quickly. The son replied that on the other side of the page was a picture of a person, and when he put the person back together the world fell into place.


I know that hit home with incredible timing for me. Hope that helps some of you as well.


On to tomorrow and a day of work at the derby.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: Traveling, no scale

Sleep: 4 hrs (couldn’t sleep)

Water: 1/2 Gallon

Protein: 130 grams



9:00am - Coffee

10:00am - Southwest scramble, muffin, strawberry Greek yogurt, oj, vitamins

2:00pm - Ribs, chicken tenders, French fries, coleslaw, iced tea

5:00pm - Green Tea & Cookie

7:00pm - Turkey tacos & a soda



Rest Day 


Notes: Last day of travel down. The derby ended up being pretty cool. Was able to dress the part more or less:


(Have some strict social media rules at the new job so will be keeping the face covered in photo posts to able to continue to write openly here on NF. Also there was no top hat, but that would have been cool...)


Quite a spectacle at the Kentucky Derby and this was just Thursday, the day of the race is supposed to be crazy. Churchill Downs, where the race is held, is truly massive. Very much a Disney vibe. 


As expected a center point of the event is lots, and lots, and lots of booze. I was surprised that when I was leaving at 1pm that there were people that were already blitzed, so it was a good time for me to make my exit. By no means am I judging people having a good time, just not a preferred pastime of mine these days.


Air travel had what are becoming standard delays. Probably just seasonal due to the weather but it kind of threw off my groove. Made it back to Dallas after a good lunch of Kentucky BBQ and Desert Pear Tea (didn’t know that was a thing but am now a fan), and got a bit of downtime with the fam before bed. So glad to be home for the next three weeks, don’t even care that I have to got to the DPS tomorrow to get my licensed renewed. Ah adulting...


Overall a nice trip, the people, food, and landscape in Kentucky were amazing and hope to go back again, but definitely need some recharge time in the Lone Star State first.


On to tomorrow and finally the weekend.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 224.4 lbs (6lbs total loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 160 grams



9:30pm - Egg whites, cheese, oatmeal, raspberries, oj, vitamins, coffee

1:30pm - Greek Yogurt, honey, granola, grapes, green tea

6:00pm - Chicken, veggies, cheese, guacamole 

10:00pm - Protein Shake



Cardio - 2 Miles


Notes: Weekend flew by, lots of family catch up time. FINALLY got a chance to watch Avengers: Infinity Wars, on to Captain Marvel and End Game....#parentlife. 


Excited to sign back up with my old Coach for Boxing & Jujitsu this week. ReturnOfTheDad Jr. May also be signing up this week. Still debating whether he will do kickboxing as well or just Jujitsu, having a conversation with my Coach about it, but either way glad he has an interest and should be a good way for him to socialize with some other kids and get some energy out dong something he enjoys. *Post note* It didn’t go great today, little guy was super shy and didn’t really participate, maybe kickboxing isn’t his thing and hopefully we’ll have better luck with Jujitsu tomorrow.


Pushed my limits on Squat and Deadlift yesterday and am reminded why I stopped doing those the last time I was lifting. Apparently my back is still able to do those heavier lifts but I know I’m pushing my luck on herniating some disks. It was nice to do regular lifts for a while but going to have to switch back to nonlateral leg lifts (lunges, romanian deadlifts, etc.) now that the weights are getting up there. All in all it’s a minor adjustment. I know I may never be able to squat crazy weight but the functional strength and grip strength that comes from walking lunges with a couple hundred pounds is still not bad. Had a Lifting Coach with my same back issue that was a beast, all from lunges and non lateral leg movements (I think he averaged 10 lunges each leg with 200lb dumbbells for 4 sets) so there’s plenty that can be done going this route.


Finished the day with a bit of cardio. Figure if I want to shed those pounds and I’m at my minimum nutritionally to maintain steady muscle growth, a deficit has to be made somewhere. Going to experiment with some light jogging in the evening and see where that gets me this month.


On to Tuesday.

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15 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

*Post note* It didn’t go great today, little guy was super shy and didn’t really participate, maybe kickboxing isn’t his thing and hopefully we’ll have better luck with Jujitsu tomorrow.


Aw. Is he normally shy? That's a lot of new new.

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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6 hours ago, Urgan said:

Aw. Is he normally shy? That's a lot of new new.


He is usually a little shy at first, and Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad concurs, that was a lot of new new.


it did go better today though, seems like it wasn’t as much of a shock because we had gone yesterday. Also there were a lot more kids, which seemed to put him more at ease. 

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 223.4 lbs (7lbs total loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 120 grams



9:30pm - Egg whites, cheese, tomatoes, tortillas, oj, vitamins, coffee

2:30pm - Greek Yogurt, honey, granola, strawberries, green tea

6:00pm - Cheese sticks & Chicken tenders



Rest Day


Notes: Back is doing a bit better today but still going to take a few days to get to 100%. Curious to see how I do at Jujitsu tomorrow, but can always take it easy if needed. 


Speaking of Jujitsu, it looks that was hands down the preference of ReturnOfTheDad Jr. He had the typical ‘new thing’ toddler meltdown but after 10 minutes of that he jumped right in:



He pointed to the gym tournament medals on the wall (one of which was mine) and asked if he could have one. I explained to him that he had to work very hard and listen to the Coaches and one day he could enter a tournament and maybe earn one. He though for a minute and said, “okay”. Who knows, could be some ReturnOfTheDad Jr. medals up there one day. For now I’ll settle for him not grabbing his crotch the second he is uncomfortable in a public setting.....baby steps.


Was shooting for some lifting today, but between the back issues and craziness of family commitments was absolutely spent this evening. Going to try and get some extra rest tonight and pick up lifts again tomorrow. This week is another progression week moving from 155lbs to 185lbs on bench/rows and from 70lb to 80-90lb dumbells on lunges (not sure what it will be for legs since switching from barbell squats). Feeling pretty confident but want to make sure I’m in the right place mentally to tackle that, which was definitely not today.


On to Wednesday...

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 222.6 lbs (8lbs total loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 150 grams



9:30pm - Egg whites, cheese, cereal, raspberries, vitamins, coffee

1:00pm - Protein Shake & Banana

5:00pm - Chicken & veggies

11:00pm - Protein shake



Jujitsu Practice


Notes: First day officially back training in Jujitsu and I am feeling it. Me putting my rash guard and uniform on from 50lbs ago:



Rolled and I’m definitely out of practice. Went with other white belts and was getting tapped and reversed left and right. I guess that will teach me to be more consistent in future, but I know it won’t take long for me to catch up.


Back is still a little out of sorts so going to continue some moderate training and take a break from heavy lifting this week. Found out I need to travel again a week sooner than I thought, so not thrilled about that, but know it has to get done.


Been kind of a rough week all things considered, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 221.4 lbs (9lbs total loss)

Sleep: 8 hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 160 grams



10:00am - Egg whites, cheese, Raisin Bran, vitamins, coffee

1:30pm - Protein Shake & Banana

6:00pm - Chicken & veggies

10:30pm - Protein shake



1 Hour Boxing


Notes: Back continues to do better. Watched it in boxing and Coach had me do my PT exercises for my back instead of the more impactful stuff. Felt great to be back. ReturnOfTheDad Jr.s second day of Jujitsu went really well. Got his uniform and was super excited. Finished up with a nice family dinner and hanging out with some friends at a recovery meeting. Sure is nice to be home and can’t wait for the weekend.

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9 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

ReturnOfTheDad Jr.s second day of Jujitsu went really well. Got his uniform and was super excited. 



  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 221.2 lbs (9lbs total loss)

Sleep: 7 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 140 grams



10:00am - SW Egg white scramble, tortillas, vitamins, coffee

1:30pm - Greek yogurt, honey, strawberries, granola, green tea.

6:30pm - Hot wings & salad w/ ranch



1 Hour No-Gi Jujitsu


Notes: Definitely feeling the boxing from yesterday. Glad today was a light training day, because I’m on that overtraining border where I’m tired and everything annoys me. A good night sleep and couple of rest days should help with that.


Big challenge this weekend is to eat healthy and avoid that weekend weight regression Intend to get into. Right on the cusp of 220 and very ready to get into the two hundred teens on my weight loss.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 220.6 lbs (10lbs total loss)

Sleep: 2-4 hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Protein: 100 grams



10:00am - Egg white delight, oj , coffee, vitamin

1:00pm - Chicken Mediterranean salad, iced tea

4:00pm - hummus & bell Peppers

6:00pm - Chicken, noodles, veggies, cake



3 Rounds of back PT

Walked 3 miles


Notes: Rough night of thunderstorms highlighted by ReturnOfTheDad Jr. hopping into bed with us around 1am and insisting on chatting about the storm until 4am and Little Ms. ReturnOfTheDad up and around from 4am to 6:30am. I maybe snuck 2-4 hours of sleep in. Morning proceeded well enough but an afternoon of errands followed by hosting a dinner for the In Laws and crazy tired children absolutely sapped me by the end of the evening. That and diet went straight down the tubes at dinner. I know thinggs aren’t terrible but with this level sleep deprivation I’m not a happy camper. Trying not to take it out on anyone and just to get through what felt like a really tough day.

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On 5/11/2019 at 1:02 AM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Notes: Definitely feeling the boxing from yesterday. Glad today was a light training day, because I’m on that overtraining border where I’m tired and everything annoys me. A good night sleep and couple of rest days should help with that.


On 5/11/2019 at 10:56 PM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Notes: Rough night of thunderstorms highlighted by ReturnOfTheDad Jr. hopping into bed with us around 1am and insisting on chatting about the storm until 4am and Little Ms. ReturnOfTheDad up and around from 4am to 6:30am. I maybe snuck 2-4 hours of sleep in. Morning proceeded well enough but an afternoon of errands followed by hosting a dinner for the In Laws and crazy tired children absolutely sapped me by the end of the evening. That and diet went straight down the tubes at dinner. I know thinggs aren’t terrible but with this level sleep deprivation I’m not a happy camper. Trying not to take it out on anyone and just to get through what felt like a really tough day.


Hanger and sleep deprivation are a deadly combo. If it makes you feel any better, there's an idiot who did that very thing (<4 hours' sleep) to herself and the day ends at 10PM....

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 219.2 lbs (11lbs total loss)

Sleep: 9 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Protein: 160 grams



10:00am - Protein Shake, PB and banana sandwich

1:30pm - Chicken, egg whites, soba noodles

6:30pm - Chicken & Veggies

10:30pm - Protein Shake 



AM - 1 Hr Jujitsu

PM - Weights Back/Biceps/Abs


Notes: Hit my next lift goal this week of benching 185lbs. A far cry from he 95lbs I struggled with back In January. Going to take a good 6 weeks to get to the reps I want before moving up to 205lbs, but nice to see the plates next to the 45s getting larger.


In an effort to dial in on my nutrition, I’m taking a step back from a stress/vitamin B complex I’ve been taking in the morning for the last few years. Will give it a week or so to see if the sluggishness and lows I feel in the mornings might be diet/hydration oriented. The tweaking continues.


Speaking of tweaking, was running behind and scarfed a quick protein shake and peanut butter banana sandwich for breakfast instead of my usual mountain of egg whites and oatmeal. ABSOLUTELY not enough to get me through Jujitsu today. Was gassed half way through class and proceeded to just try and survive rolling at the end of class. Note to self: Don’t be lazy, eat a good breakfast...or get choked out...

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11 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

In an effort to dial in on my nutrition, I’m taking a step back from a stress/vitamin B complex I’ve been taking in the morning for the last few years. Will give it a week or so to see if the sluggishness and lows I feel in the mornings might be diet/hydration oriented. The tweaking continues.


Perhaps they need to be taken at night? Assuming you aren't taking something else then that needs its space away from other foods and supplements. And if the timing of your coffee is correlated to this feeling.


11 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Glad to know I’m in good company. :D


Just...you know...



  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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