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It's been a few years or so since I was active here, I figured a re-intro was appropriate because I like the fleeting attention that new people get.


I'm Blake, thirty....two? years old and have had trouble with weight and self-perception for a couple decades. However, I've got a resilient mind and a commitment to figuring my shi(r)t out.

I'm in college, pursuing a B.S. (coincidentally those are also mine and Britney Spears' initials) in Computer Science after a recent change from a misguided pursuit of a Linguistics degree. I will be bothering you other CS nerds for advice and will also expect you to finish my math homework on a whim.


Here's some true facts about me:

  • Enjoys water.
  • My first priority when interacting with a new piece of software is to learn the keyboard shortcuts.
  • I'm re-obsessed with Minecraft and now confused about when I'm there and when I'm here.
  • I (over?)use parentheses in my casual writing.
  • Noticing and then rectifying slightly ajar doors/lids.
  • Noticing and then rectifying two  spaces within a block of variable-width font text.
  • I do not like humor.
  • Has cat.


Butt seriously: I really want to get my (b)ass in gear and undo some of the damage I've done to my body over the years. I'm familiar with the struggles of facing this kind of challenge and have seen some success in the past. I am mainly here to contribute to, and benefit from the like-minded support community. Happy to give some anecdotal advice (I have learned some hard and valuable lessons) but also quite happy to receive advice.


One way or another, I will overtake this nutrient-rich planet achieve my goals.

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On 5/25/2019 at 5:01 AM, Sqthreer said:

I'm re-obsessed with Minecraft and now confused about when I'm there and when I'm here.


I've found the easiest way to tell the difference is to punch a tree a few times.  If the middle doesn't pop out of it, leaving the rest of the trunk hanging in midair, then I'm not in minecraft and need to get back asap.

Do the thing


2024 Intentions Roadmap

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On 10/23/2019 at 4:29 PM, Nedwin said:

Hey, I have a Linguistics degree!

Reading back on that post I see that the implication might be that I think education in Linguistics in general is bad. Let me clarify that I think the subject is awesome and important but I had realizations that I was incorrect to believe that's what I wanted to do. I hope that comment wasn't taken personally! Linguistics is fascinating, just not meaningful enough to me to pursue it as a career.


On 10/28/2019 at 6:36 AM, Brandi91 said:

Well, welcome back to Nerd Fitness then! I can tell you don't like humor.


Thank you for understanding. It is crucial that any interaction with me be super big-time serious business ONLY.


4 minutes ago, Zaethe said:


I've found the easiest way to tell the difference is to punch a tree a few times.  If the middle doesn't pop out of it, leaving the rest of the trunk hanging in midair, then I'm not in minecraft and need to get back asap.


That's a good tip. I think I will go punch some trees and a rock or two to check right now...


EDIT: Welp back from urgent care, seems the fingers and wrist of my right hand are shattered beyond healing. But I can still use my mouse and keyboard so nbd.

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No offense taken :) I'm glad you were able to sort out what you want out of life! That's a big step

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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