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Writing out my training plan in my first post last challenge worked really well for me. I'll still keep my analog log of what I've actually done, but I'd like to use this topic for planning and evaluating my training for 2023. 

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Macro Planning:


Current stats and Goals: 


Kettlebell sport


Biathlon points: 148,5 -> 194 (CMS rank)

Jerks: 104 -> 120

Snatch: 105 -> 140


compete with 18/20 at some point

do a triathlon

rank 1 longcycle 



(lifetime PR -> post second child stats -> current goal)

squat: 90 -> 75 -> 90

bench: 55 -> 50 -> 60

deadlift: 120 -> 105 -> 120



consistent chin-ups and then work to sets of 5

able to do 10 pushups np

mobile/functional hips and upper back

be able to run as needed

develop my weightlifting skills


Competition overview; 


Week numbers:



47: deload



49 (shark week)

50 (sick kids)





2:  snatch competition (deload)





6:  max dag


8:  Hanze Cup







13:  Jaap's Open 








KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Meso Planning:


Snatch progress + plans

part1 (week45-week2)



1:40/0:20 x6 I think this is probably enough volume, but I wouldn't mind repeating that one with perhaps an extra set or two

now I need to work on the same volume but more work on one hand, so no switches* in a progression like this; 

1:00*/0:30 > 1:10*/0:20 (skipped this because bad sleeping > 1:20*/0:40 (did these, but pooped after 6 sets.. do it again x8?) > 1:30*/0:30 (week 52?) and back to 1:40*/0:20 (week 1? preferably x6 or even x8)

>I did 10:00 multiswitch during class, weak point is my back, switched every 0:30



0:20*/0:10 x20 = 6:40

0:30*/0:30 x12 = 6:00

need to work up to 10:00 in volume preferably in the next 7 weeks, something like this?;

1:00/0:30x7 > 0:40*/0:20x12 > 1:20/0:40x7 (week 51?) > 0:50*/0:40x10 (week 51?) > 1:30/0:30x8 (beginning of week 52?) > 1:00*/0:30 x10 (end of week 1?)

RESULT: 139 snatch in 10:00 (56/83 and 3:50/6:10)



maybe stay away from 16 for now while my joints get used to doing this again?


part2 (week3-week?)



1:00*/0:30 x4L/4R then later x5/5

move up to 1:20*/0:40 and then 1:30*/0:30

8:00 multiswitch (every min and then later every 2')



1:40/0:20 x5or6

1:00*/0:30 x10or12



0:30/0:30 x10 then 16?

0:40/0:20 x8 then 12?


Jerk progress + plans


not sure about this at all.. I think I should do a longer set at least every two weeks

then work at 12rpm with 12 and 14.. but maybe also 15rpm? 

start getting used to 16s in shorter sets, at a pace of 10/12


12 weeks till biathlon with 14kg, so maybe....

6:00 with 12 > 3+3 with 14 > 7:00 with 12 > 5:00 with 14 > 6:30 with 14 > 4+4 with 14 


and then only 4 weeks till biathlon with 16... so 16 weeks to build up to 16, gotta do that in-between

work on building the 10:00 volume first? 

1:00 x7 > 1:20/0:40 x6 > 1:00 x10 > 3+2+1 > 5x2:00 > 3x3 > 5++2 > 4+3+2+1 > 6:00, all of these at 10rpm

then faster (12) > 1:20/0:40 x8 > 3+2+1 > 5x2:00 > 3++3 > 5:00 > 4+3 > 6:00? 


This might be too optimistic :)


Powerlifting & weightlifting progress + plans


doing sets of 5 FS and sets of 3 BS atm, perhaps I'll switch these around after the mini-deload

then after the snatch comp start a peak 


update week 51

> switched to doing 1 day of squats with a heavy set of 3 FS and then 3 sets of 5 back squats at the same weight. 


will have to start doing barbell deadlifts at some point.. probably.... do I? x) maybe just once every two weeks?

same for bench.

> did some barbell deadlifts with a client, worked up to a single of 100kg, felt fine. Will start adding these in sporadically. 


update week 1

I really want to clean&jerk my bodyweight

did singles at 50kg today


'Other' progress + plans


long term plans include a muscle up, so shall I add dips and transitions to my training somewhere? 

am I doing enough pullup work? I could perhaps add just a set or two to every training. 


update week 51

- I've added dips

- doing more pull-ups 


KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Micro planning


Cycle 1: getting started (5 weeks: 43-47)

just using these weeks to figure out where I'm at and what kind of volume I can handle


week 43


training 1.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 40kg

B. KB jerks 2x14kg, 3:00 & 2:00 & 1:00 -> 12rpm and 17 on the last set

C1. KB deadlifts 32kg 4x8

C2. ring rows 4x8


training 1.2

A. KB snatch 14kg 1:20 work, 0:40 rest x5 -> 18rpm

B1. pushups (7.1) 4x6

B2. cable rows (50kg) + reverse lunges (8kg) 4x5/5

C. back squats 3x3 with 50kg & 1 max rep set with 30kg -> max reps was 13


training 1.3

A. KB jerks 2x16kg 1:00 work, 1:00 rest x10 -> only did 8 sets, was tough, did 10rpm

B. barbell clean&jerk 10x2 with 35kg

C1. pull-up negatives 5x2

C2. walking lunges 4x10 steps with 10kg KB off centre


training 1.4

A. KB snatch 16kg 0:30 work, 0:30 rest x12 -> 18rpm, was fine

B1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 4x5/5 with 12kg

B2. assisted pull-ups 4x5

C1. bulgarian split squats 4x8/8 with 2x6kg -> only did 2 sets

C2. dumbell bench press 4x6 with 2x15kg -> only did 1 set, 15 was too heavy and also maybe better do floor press? 


running 1.1

1:00 steady, 1:00 slow x10


running 1.2

2:00 steady, 3:00 slow x5


week 44


training 2.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 42,5kg

B. KB jerks 2x16kg, 3:00 & 2:00 & 1:00 -> 27,20,12 and p2/p1

C1. KB deadlifts 32kg 4x10

C2. ring rows 4x8


training 2.2

A. KB snatch 16kg 0:40 work, 0:20 rest x10 -> 18rpm

B1. pushups (7.2) 4x6 -> missed one set, did negatives instead, was very sore after

B2. cable rows (50kg) + reverse lunges (9kg) 4x5/5 -> missed 1 set

C. back squats 3x3 with 52,5kg 


training 2.3

A1. pull-up negatives 3x2 & assisted pull-ups 2x5

A2. bulgarian split squats 4x8/8 with 2x6kg -> did 4x5/5 instead

B1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 4x5/5 with 12kg -> cable machine was broken, did it without, was heavy

B2. dumbell floor press 4x8 with 2x10kg -> only did 2 sets, time was up


training 2.4 (Dutch Championship)

A. 10:00 jerks with 2x16kg

B. 10:00 snatch with 16kg 


running 2.1  -> completely unmotivated for this one, because of pre-shark week perhaps? 

2:00 steady, 3:00 slow x4-5?


week 45


training 3.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 45kg

B1. KB deadlifts 32kg 4x10 -> did 3 sets

B2. ring rows 4x8 -> did 3 sets


training 3.2

A. KB snatch 12kg 1:30 work, 0:30 rest x5 -> did 2x3:00 at 18rpm (due to time restaints)

B1. pushups (7.3) 4x5

B2. cable rows (45kg) + reverse lunges (9kg) 4x5/5  -> did 3 sets

C. back squats 3x3 with 52,5kg -> did 55kg 


training 3.3

A. KB jerks 2x14kg 1:20 work, 0:40 rest x6 -> stopped at 5 sets 'cause form got sloppy

B. barbell clean&jerk 8x2 with 35kg -> did just cleans because of the left arm issue

C1. pull-up negatives 5x2

C2. walking lunges 4x10 steps with 12kg KB off centre


training 3.4

A. KB snatch 16kg 0:30 work, 0:30 rest x14 -> did 5:00 with 10kg instead, due to both time and that left arm issue 

B1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 4x6/6 with 12kg -> no cable and forgot it was 6 so only did 5 reps

B2. assisted pull-ups 4x5 -> did 5 sets

C1. bulgarian split squats 4x5/5 with 2x7kg 

C2. landmine press 4x8/8 with 20kg 


running 3.1 -> not sure about this, didn't prioritize finding time mostly 

1:00 steady, 1:30 slow x8


week 46


training 4.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 47,5kg -> verrry heavy

B. KB jerks 2x14kg 4x2:00 -> 2:00 breaks, 12rpm

C1. KB deadlifts 32kg 4x12 

C2. ring rows 4x8 


training 4.2

A. KB snatch 12kg 1:30 work, 0:30 rest x8 -> misread these, did 1:20/0:40, oops (18 rpm) 

B1. pushups (8.1) 4x5

B2. cable rows (45kg) + reverse lunges (10kg) 4x5/5

C. back squats 3x3 with 57,5kg  -> missed these cause I ran out of time 


training 4.3

A. KB jerks 2x16kg 1:00 work, 1:00 rest x10 -> did 0:40/0:20 with 2x14 instead, so I could do it together with a teammate (12 rpm)

B. barbell clean & jerk 8x2 with 37,5kg 

C1. pull-up negatives 5x2

C2. walking lunges 4x12 steps with 12kg KB off centre


training 4.4

A. KB snatch 16kg 0:30 work, 0:30 rest x14 -> adjusted it to 14kg because elbow hurt, did 0:20/0:10 x20 instead (18rpm) 

B1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 4x6/6 with 12kg -> stopped after 2 sets because hip felt very off (later my knee hurt, so yeah)

B2. assisted pull-ups 4x5  -> did 5 sets

C1. bulgarian split squats 4x5/5 with 2x8kg -> these felt ok on the hip, but did 3 sets to be careful 

C2. landmine press 4x8/8 with 22,5kg -> 3 sets also




week 47 -> small deload


training 5.1 -> tired but got it done

A. front squats 3x5 with 42,5kg 

B. KB jerks 2x12kg 5:00 -> 12rpm

C1. KB deadlifts 40kg 4x5 

C2. ring rows 4x5


training 5.2

A. KB snatch 12kg 1:30 work, 0:30 rest x6 -> 18rpm

B1. pushups (6.1) 3x7

B2. cable rows (45kg) + reverse lunges (8kg) 3x5/5

C. back squats 3x3 with 55kg


training 5.3 -> too busy and too tired, skipped this one

A. KB jerks 2x14kg 1:00 work, 0:30 rest x6

B. barbell clean & jerk 3x1 with 30kg, 3x1 with 35kg & 3x1 with 40kg 

C1. pull-up negatives 5x1 -> moved this to training 5.4

C2. walking lunges 4x8 steps with 14kg KB off centre -> moved this to training 5.4


training 5.4

A. KB snatch 14kg 0:30 work, 0:30 rest x12 -> 18rpm

B1. single leg deadlifts 3x5/5 with 10kg 

B2. assisted pull-ups 3x5 

C1. bulgarian split squats 3x5/5 with 2x8kg -> did these without weight

C2. landmine press 3x8/8 with 20kg 





Cycle 2: snatch comp prep (7 weeks: 48-2)

at the end = 4 weeks out from powerlifting comp and 6 weeks out from biathlon comp

needs a mini-deload in the middle, around week 51 


week 48 


training 6.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 45kg -> heavy.

B. KB jerks 2x14kg 1:00x10, p1 -> 2x10rpm, 5x12rpm, 3x15+

C1. KB deadlifts 40kg 4x6 

C2. ring rows 4x6


training 6.2

A. KB snatch 12kg 1:40 work, 0:20 rest x6 -> 18rpm, last set 20 but technique broke down there so did reach my limit 

B1. pushups (8.1) 4x4 -> did 4x5 instead, felt good

B2. cable rows (45kg) + reverse lunges (10kg)  4x5/5 -> left hip feels a bit iffy on these, maybe cable is set too heavy? 

C. back squats 3x3 with 57,5kg 


training 6.3

A. KB jerks 2x12kg 6:00  -> hard but done, 12rpm. 

B. barbell clean & jerk 3x1 with 30kg, 3x1 with 35kg & 3x1 with 40kg -> had 35 on the bar to start which felt fine so did 35/40/45 instead

C1. pull-up negatives 5x1

C2. walking lunges 4x8 steps with 14kg KB off centre -> switched these out to Bulgarian splits squats from 6.4 


training 6.4

A. KB snatch 14kg 0:30/0:30 work, 0:30 rest x6 -> 18rpm, went well, but did feel back/knee at the end

B1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 3x5/5 with 12kg -> did these with 14kg for the 2nd and 3rd round, 12 felt easy, 14 was v challenging tho 

B2. assisted pull-ups 4x5 

C1. bulgarian split squats 4x5/5 with 2x8kg -> did the lunges from 6.3 today, heavy but good

C2. landmine press 4x8/8 with 22,5kg -> really not feeling these, hip complains after SLDL, did some assisted dips instead. Keep the dips? or move this up?  



week 49 (shark week)


training 7.1 

A. front squats 4x5 with 47,5kg -> very heavy, but got 'er done 

B. KB jerks 2x16kg 3x8 &  2x18kg 3x8 &  2x16 'max rpe8 setje' -> did 2x16,2x18,1x20 and then 2x16 max but wasn't much 

C1. KB deadlifts 40kg 4x7 -> couldn't do these, left hip/ left side lower back  

C2. ring rows 4x5 -> did 3 sets


training 7.2 -> had to skip most of this training because of hip pain

A. KB snatch 12kg 1:00* work, 0:30 rest x10 -> did these on 7.3 instead, went well, 18rpm, left grip was challenged.

B1. pushups (8.2) 4x4 -> did 4x5 (maybe even 5x5)

B2. pull-up negatives 5x2 -> didn't check and did 6x1 instead, oops.  

C. back squats 3x3 with 60kg 


training 7.3 -> changed this up due to not being able to complete 7.2, added that snatch work

A. KB jerks 2x14kg 1:30/1:30 x5a6 -> did 5 sets, was not easy, 12rpm

B. barbell clean & jerk 5x3 met 35kg

C1. cable rows (35kg) + reverse lunges (10kg)  4x6/6 

C2. top position holds 4x?sec

D1. cable assisted (30kg?) single leg deadlifts 3x5/5 with 14kg

D2. side plank progressions 3x5/5


training 7.4

A. KB snatch 14kg 0:40*/0:20 x12 -> done, 18rpm

B1. walking lunges 4x8 steps with 14kg KB off centre -> felt good, did 4x10 instead

B2. assisted pull-ups 4x5 -> 5x5

C1. bulgarian split squats 4x5/5 with 2x8kg -> heavy but good

C2. assisted ring dips 4x5 -> done


Week 50 


Training 8.1 -> super slechte nachten, geen training uitgeschreven, dus dit maar gedaan

A1. cable rows (35kg) + reverse lunge (8kg) 4x5/5

A2. assisted pull-ups 5x5

B. couple of deadlifts, squat and OH press


Training 8.2 

A. back squats 2x5x45, 5x55, 5x60

B. KB snatch 12kg 1:20*/0:40 x8 -> alleen 6 sets gelukt


Training 8.3

A. front squats 3x35, 3x45, 2x5x50 -> PR

B1. KB jerks 2x18kg, 4x8 reps

B2. KB jerks 2x14kg 0:15 werk (=3 reps) / 0:05 rackhold x15 (=5:00)

C. KB snatch 12kg 10:00 multiwissel -> +-17rpm, rug hield op, grip ok, wissel elke 0:30


Training 8.4

A. walking lunges 16kg, 4x10

B. kickstand KB deadlifts 24kg, 4x5/5

C. Pushups (6.2) 4x8

D1. Bulgarian split squats (2x9kg) 4x5/5

D2. pull-up negatives 4x2


Training 8.5

A. assisted pull-ups 5x5


week 51 


Training 9.1 

A1. cable rows (35kg) + reverse lunge (9kg) 4x5/5

A2. assisted ring dips 5x5

A3. chin-up negatives 10x1

B. KB snatch 14kg 1:20/0:40 x7 -> 18rpm


Training 9.2

A. Frontsquats 3x35, 3x45, 3x52,5kg + Backsquats 3x5x52,5kg

B. KB jerks 2x14kg 3:00+3:00 -> 12rpm (this was hard)


Training 9.3

A1. walking lunges 16kg, 4x10

A2. pushups (X.1) 4x5

A3. Bulgarian split squats (2x9kg) 4x5/5

B. KB snatch 14kg 0:50*/0:40 x10


Training 9.4 -> Christmas eve, didn't have much time

A. deadlifts 5x45, 5x55, 5x65, 3x75, 3x85, 2x90, 1x95, 1x100

B. assisted pull-ups 5x5


Week 52 -> turned into a deload week, must plan better


Training 10.1 -> Boxing day

A1. KB snatch 14kg 1:30/0:30 x8 -> harder than I would have liked, 17 rpm due to the switch

A2. KB jerks 3x8 each with 2x16, 2x18 & 2x20kg

B. SQUATMAS! barbell clean & jerks 50x40kg -> did these in sets of 1 or 2 


Training 10.2 

A1. pull-up negatives 8x1

A2. reverse lunges 4x5/5


Training 10.3

A. assisted pullups 5x5

B. KB snatch 12kg, 1:30*/0:30 x6


Week 1 (shark week)


Training 11.1 

A. Frontsquats 3x35, 3x45, 3x55kg + Backsquats 3x5x55kg -> heavy but done

B1. ring rows 5x5 -> did 4 sets

B2. pushups (8.1) 5x6 -> 4 sets, a challenge to maintain good form

C1. walking lunges 14kg, 4x12 steps -> ridiculously heavy after squats, might be due to the sharks

C2. KB deadlift 32kg, 4x8 -> fine.


Training 11.2

A. KB snatch 14kg, 1:00*/0:30 x10 -> done but very heavy

B1. Bulgarian split squats (2x9kg) 5x5/5 -> did 3 sets due to time and also my quads were on fire

B2. Overhead press 14kg 5x5/5 -> also 3 sets due to time

C1. Assisted pull-ups 5x5 -> 4 sets, felt good

C2. Banded walk variations 6x10m -> probably more like 6meters 


Training 11.3

A. KB jerk 16kg 1:00 x7-10 -> 7 sets at 12rpm

B1. barbell cleans 45kg 12x1 -> ran out of time, moved these to 11.4

B2. pull-up negatives 12x1

C1. cable assisted single leg deadlifts 12kg, 4x5/5 -> did 3x6/6

C2. ring dips 4x7 -> did 4x5


Training 11.4 

A. KB snatch 12kg, 1:40*/0:20 x6

M1. barbell clean & jerks 45kg 12x1 -> moved from 11.3, did 3x1 at 50kg (5x1x45, 4x1x35)

B1. cable row (35kg) + reverse lunge (10kg), 4x5/5 -> ran out of time and will ;)

B2. Pushups 5x2

C1. assisted pull-ups 5x3 -> may do these pushups and pull-ups on Sunday 

M2. cheater pull ups + pull-up negatives 8x1 

C2. step ups 5x5/5 -> did 3x5


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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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I'm giving up on running for now. It's busy enough in december and I just really don't need another thing on my plate- I'd have to figure out how and when to make it happen and get winter gear for it and stuff for running in the dark.. so.. no. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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On 11/30/2022 at 9:58 AM, Waanie said:

Found you :). You're progressing really nicely!

Beginner gains! ;)


8 hours ago, Mad Hatter said:

I don’t know why but I love this for you. It’s like you’ve stepped into a different gear and it’s very exciting.

Aw thanks! It is true, something just went "ok, training is now non-negotiable and top priority" and it's... I'm not going to say pleasant, because sometimes it just sucks, but it's calming. I want this. It's happening. And if it's top priority it can happen even when everything else goes to shit. And I get your feeling, I'm loving your renewed enthusiasm for training for you too ?

  • Like 2

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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14 hours ago, KB Girl said:

Beginner gains! ;)


Aw thanks! It is true, something just went "ok, training is now non-negotiable and top priority" and it's... I'm not going to say pleasant, because sometimes it just sucks, but it's calming. I want this. It's happening. And if it's top priority it can happen even when everything else goes to shit. And I get your feeling, I'm loving your renewed enthusiasm for training for you too ?

That’s amazing. It’s also seeing the structure of your planning. Are you programming the same way for yourself as your clients?

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4 hours ago, Waanie said:

They're still amazing!

Thanks :)


9 hours ago, Mad Hatter said:

That’s amazing. It’s also seeing the structure of your planning. Are you programming the same way for yourself as your clients?

Ehm, I use the same structure but with more or less detail. For example if the goals are easier or not so set in stone time-wise or the person is very new then I just outline a micro/meso plan and skip the macro altogether. And for work that I'm doing a lot, for example the post partum women who do group classes, I mostly just go with what is in my head and don't even write everything down.. but as we're growing I've noticed that I do need to write more down- I have a whiteboard with peoples lifting numbers on them now, couple years ago we were small enough that I knew them all by heart (and my memory was probably better). And I only write outlines for the group class programming.., which I like because it leaves room for whatever I feel like doing or for adjusting to whomever shows up for class- but sometimes I think I ought to plan better, so I don't know. 


On the other hand for that kb athlete who won worlds there is a whole lot more detail, I have a much better grasp of what she can do and at what rate she will progress and there are many more factors to keep in mind. Beginner gains are so much easier than a very serious athlete with years under her belt. And there are some intermediate athletes for kettlebell sport, powerlifting and weightlifting that I plan for in more detail than this. Maybe I'll go into that detail for myself too eventually, but right now I'm really still in the data gathering beginner phase. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Updated some of the meso planning. 

I was tired in week 50 and then Tuesday I didn't do any KB lifting during my training-- but was this just because of the tired or also because I didn't have a plan ready on Monday? 

Wanted to make a plan today (Monday week 51) but now I am not sure since I seem to be getting sick. I'll leave it for now and figure this week out as I go- but back to making plans in advance as soon as I'm better. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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On 2/22/2023 at 11:57 AM, Waanie said:

Pling! What is your training going to look like in the next few weeks?

hm! thanks for the pling :)

of course my training looked liked lying on the couch recovering from a bad flu, but as I'm almost better it is definitely time to make a new plan.. let me think on it a little bit and I'll come back here tomorrow. 

  • Like 2

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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