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Do We Have Any Bookworms Here?

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I read probably four books a month, and often have two or three going at once.

I'm currently reading:

-Practical Programming for Strength Training by Rippetoe and Kilgore

-Man's Search For Meaning, by Viktor Frankl

As you can see, "I like to break a mental sweat too!"

Next up is:

Franny and Zooey by J.D. Sallinger

and Chasing Fire by ....somebody I can't remember...

Anybody read anything good lately?


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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I love reading, but man I don't think my books are so mentally challenging right now. Mostly into sci-fi/fantasy for my relaxed reading time. Currently finishing up "In the name of the wind" by Patrick Rothfuss and it's one of the best fantasy fiction novels in recent history. Not your typical LoTR rip off, and well worth checking out. I'm also working my way through Stephen Kings Dark Tower series, currently on book 3.

LvL 2 - Viking Adventurer (Warrior in Training)

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Currently re-reading Lenny Bruce's autobiography, "How to Talk Dirty and Influence People" Interesting stuff, and a wonderful example of an unreliable narrator.

Also reading "Ettiquete for Outlaws", a collection of the unwritten rules of vice and certain subcultures. It's a little dated and some of it is just common sense, but there's some stuff in there that's pretty good.

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Ha, I made the mistake of reading the 1st dark tower book back in college. Two years later, I finally finished. I was actually super frustrated by the ending, and then the REAL ending that got added (or whatever)...which I thought was actually really really cool. After 7 books of build-up, I think King did his best to bring it to a close, and he did well.

Great books, but damn that took forever to read.

I could never get into the wheel of time books, but I only made it about 3 chapters into the first one back in 8th grade and then I gave up...maybe I'll give it another shot.


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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I'm reading the 8th book of the Wheel of Time series now, they're great.

Try George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones series - fantastic (as an added bonus, HBO just signed on for 9 episodes of it to be made for next year). I got really sick of Jordan during and after Lord of Chaos...haven't ready the most recent one yet.

For good, mindless adventure, Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt books are fun.

For a great, non-fiction read, I recommend "The Professor and the Madman".

For kick-ass graphic novels: Sandman, Preacher, 100 Bullets, and The Walking Dead will firmly punch your "nerd" card.

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Re: Game of Thrones and Kingkiller Chronicles

I keep hearing about how badass these are. But it is infuriating to wait ten years on an epic fantasy trilogy to finish. I might just wait them out and start when all the books are written. Waiting on the Harry Potter ones to finish drove me bonkers.

Anyone else share this frustration?

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Re: Game of Thrones and Kingkiller Chronicles

I keep hearing about how badass these are. But it is infuriating to wait ten years on an epic fantasy trilogy to finish. I might just wait them out and start when all the books are written. Waiting on the Harry Potter ones to finish drove me bonkers.

Anyone else share this frustration?

Yup, I jumped on the Harry Potter train when the 4th one was out...and it was miserable waiting for hte next three. Especially because you'd wait 2 years for the next book...and then when it came out you'd read it in a day and a half (not sleeping)...and then wait another two years.

That's like Lost for me right now...thank god it's on the last season. I watched the first three seasons back to back to back...and then having to wait on a weekly basis (and then in between seasons) to figure out wtf is going on just KILLED me.


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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LOVED Name of the Wind! Rothfuss posted on his blog that a draft of book 2 was just sent off to his editor.. so while it's not the final draft.. it does appear to be getting closer! I'm going to have to re-read Name of the Wind when it gets close to book 2 release, since I've forgotten most of it by now.. I just remember that I loved it supermuch!

I never started the Wheel of Time series, my husband has read up to like book 57 and stopped.. says he can't handle reading 75 more to get to the end. Okay my numbers are off.. I just know it's a really long series that I'm not sure I can wrap my head around starting.

I'm a big fan of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series. I also enjoy Keri Arthur's Riley Jenson series. I've read all of Kelley Armstrongs Otherworld series. I've read all the Harry Potters.

I was looking for books for my Kindle and found a slew of free books. Apparently authors offer up the first book in a series for free or cheap on the kindle in the hopes of snagging you in for the rest of them. Found book one of Tim Pratt's Marla Mason series and I've been hooked on that for the last couple months. Unfortunately it appears his publisher won't be picking up book 5 for publishing but the author is writing it anyway and posting it chapter by chapter online for donations sent via paypal. Very interesting model... I'm anxious for that to come out soon.

I know there's other books I want to mention but I'm sleepy and told myself I was going to bed 30 minutes ago and haven't made it there yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember more books :)

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After Lord of Chaos the Wheel of Time books definitely tailed off, but they do pick up again around Winter's Heart. Granted that's 4 books later. Either way, I've already invested too much time into this series not to finish it out...two more books to go and the series is finished. I just really love the world Jordan paints in the books, and the story is so detailed and intermingled, I think it's really cool.

My roomate keeps trying to get me to read Game of Thrones, so I'll probably do that soon, although next up is Under the Dome, by Stephen King.

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Yeah I started wheel of time many years ago and worked through them as they came out. I think the first 6 or so were out when I found them. They did trail off in quality (imo) but I have to finish them after all this time. I was sad when I heard the author died but I was glad they were able to complete the last book. I just got a B&N Nook for Christmas so I was waiting for the digital copy of the latest novel but it looks like that won't hit until october 2010. I might have to break down and finish them.

On the Dark tower series, I read books one and two over the course of something like 5 years lol. So difficult to get through, but a friend of mine said book 3 is awesome and he really liked the series so I'm giving it a shot. For fun candy fantasy I enjoy the RA Salvatore Forgotten Realms books. Working on the 9th book (book 1 of the fourth trilogy I think) as I drift to sleep. Go go magic and swords and fun.

I thought the Game of thrones and the subsequent sequels were epic and awesome. I love the books, hate the waiting. We're like 2 years over due for the next in the series. It also just had a TV show greenlit by HBO so sometime next year we'll get to see book one acted out. Not sure how I feel about it, hope it's going to be good.

Been having fun with my Nook checking out new stuff. Lots of freebies and independent writers out there you can throw on it. Only wish I had more time to read now.

LvL 2 - Viking Adventurer (Warrior in Training)

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Yeah I started wheel of time many years ago and worked through them as they came out. I think the first 6 or so were out when I found them. They did trail off in quality (imo) but I have to finish them after all this time. I was sad when I heard the author died but I was glad they were able to complete the last book.

You wish it was the last book. In true Robert Jordan fashion, they have split the final book into 3. So there will be two more coming. So what was originally planned as a trilogy is now slated to wrap up after 14 books (15 if you count that piece of crap "prequel" with Moiraine...that was also going to be a trilogy, but sold so poorly, they put it out of its misery).

Not even kidding.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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yep love to read! Not very highbrow stuff, mostly thrillers/murder mysteries/chick lit. Am currently reading The Primal Blueprint though which is very educational.

For the dog lovers out there, I can totally recommend the book "The art of racing in the rain" by Garth Stein. Just loved it. Just checked out his website and see he has written a couple of other books which I am quite keen to read.

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I actually really like the Wheel series (and yes it did trail off a bit, but the new books are awesome). I actually own one of the swords from robert jordans personal collection, which is quite awesome since I'm a hge nerd. Theres also a Wheel of time movie in the works at the moment (heard this straight from Robert Jordans wife, lol), so I hope it works out and is good.

The Game of thrones series is also freaking epic (altho I hate how they seem to kill off any character I grow to like). I'm still waiting for the book after Feast for Crows..... And you have made my day letting me know HBO has signed for 9 episiodes.

I also Like The Sword of Truth Series (and even the show, but that may be cause it reminds me of hercules, and the guy that plays richard is ripped) and the Malazan Book of the Falen series, which I am currently reading.

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I actually really like the Wheel series (and yes it did trail off a bit, but the new books are awesome). I actually own one of the swords from robert jordans personal collection, which is quite awesome since I'm a hge nerd. Theres also a Wheel of time movie in the works at the moment (heard this straight from Robert Jordans wife, lol), so I hope it works out and is good.

Yeah, technically there's been a WoT movie "in the works" since Eye of the World was going to be a TV miniseries. It's never made it past script stage, though.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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I actually really like the Wheel series (and yes it did trail off a bit, but the new books are awesome). I actually own one of the swords from robert jordans personal collection, which is quite awesome since I'm a hge nerd. Theres also a Wheel of time movie in the works at the moment (heard this straight from Robert Jordans wife, lol), so I hope it works out and is good.

The Game of thrones series is also freaking epic (altho I hate how they seem to kill off any character I grow to like). I'm still waiting for the book after Feast for Crows..... And you have made my day letting me know HBO has signed for 9 episiodes.

I also Like The Sword of Truth Series (and even the show, but that may be cause it reminds me of hercules, and the guy that plays richard is ripped) and the Malazan Book of the Falen series, which I am currently reading.

whoa whoa whoa. Sorry Aluron, there's no room for huge nerds on these boards :P


Rebel Leader. I post videos of my dog on Instagram, and sometimes even share fitness wisdom. SOMETIMES.

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JohnnyConfidence, you need to get out of my head...

I have 'In The Name of The Wind' waiting to start, just finished 'The Long Road Home' graphic novel, part of the Dark Tower Universe.

I can't get enough of it for some reason. I listened to the whole series last summer; I drive for work a lot, and King is awesome because he doesn't allow abridgments, which are all too common in audiobooks. These readings are also done by a guy you can just imagine is Roland, some kind of Johnny Cash/Clint Eastwood/my grandpa mix.

I just restarted listening to them this last week. It's kind of amazing how much foreshadowing there is, considering it took him about 20 years to write the whole thing... In Gunslinger, it says "Roland lost the horn long ago, on Jericho Hill... but aren't the guns more important than the horn, and friends?" I'm paraphrasing, but something along those lines. Then, he has the horn for is 2nd time around, I guess because he learned the importance of friends.

Level 5 Human Ranger

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Tough Mudder CO 2012 (4hrs)

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I read probably four books a month, and often have two or three going at once.

I seriously do the exact same thing. Right now I'm reading:

- Han Tzu's "The Art of War" which literally is like a historical document written by Yoda(at least that's the way it seams) ;)

- The complete works of Sherlock Holmes (this book is insanely long. I'ts been like a year and I still haven't mustered the courage to finish it)

- Just finished "Star by Star" which is the 10th book in the New Jedi Order series.

- ...and I'm about to start reading "Blender for Dummies" which is program I've been meaning to learn for awhile.

I'm a huge Science Fiction fan (Duh), but I also love books that make me think.

Here's my list of books that I think everyone should read(if you haven't already):

- Orson Scott Card's "Ender" Saga ( i'm sure most people have read these but If you haven't you really need to)

- The Legacy of the Force series.

- Pretty much any of the books written by Timothy Zahn. The man is a genius.

- Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

...I'm sure I could add a whole bunch more, but I won't. I'll restrain myself.

ooh, and "The Silmarillion" for all you LOTR fans.

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Loyal, does the Ender's Game saga hold up throughout the whole series? I've read the first two, and I have book 3 but haven't started it yet. I get the impression that the first 4 are pretty good, and after that I'm not sure. Reminds me of how the Dune saga went on and on and got really crappy after book 3 (I thought 4 was alright, and started 5 but couldn't finish it. Number 1 was the only one I really loved though)

And Silmarillion FTW :) I've read that I think about three times now. I love it easily as much as I love the LOTR series.

I go through spurts where I read a lot. Right now I haven't picked up anything in about 2 months. My four main hobbies are: books, movies, games, TV, and I only have time to devote to a couple of those at any given moment. Right now I finished up Mass Effect 2 in time to start Final Fantasy 13, so games have been my main hobby. Once I finish this one I'll probably jump into books again (because as a rule I hate not having anything on the go).

A few years ago I read 2001 A Space Odyssey and it blew me away. I've been reading almost exclusively sci fi ever since. And anything by Clarke that I can get my hands on (Space and TIme Odyssey, Light of Other Days, um forget the name, but the one where aliens come down and they're in the form of the devil, the Rama series, and the Last Theorem which I haven't read yet but I have it). I tried reading a few by Kim Stanely Robinson. I like the idea of his books but don't like his writing. It tends to bore me to death. Hit and miss towards Stephen Baxter (I liked the first two in the Manifold series but didn't finish the third). I currently have a book mark in The House of Suns by Allistair Renolds , but I haven't opened it in 2 months.

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Loyal, does the Ender's Game saga hold up throughout the whole series? I've read the first two, and I have book 3 but haven't started it yet. I get the impression that the first 4 are pretty good, and after that I'm not sure.

Personally I love the whole series. I tend to become an addict to things and I love getting as much story as I can. That being said I can see why some people would think that the books after four aren't as good because they deviate from Ender as the main plot character and start following POV's of other main characters (hence the word "shadow" being used in the titles), which I think is cool because you get some insight as to why people did what they did, etc. The Books go back to Ender as the main character in book 11 I think.

And yeah, the Silmarillion is great! I don't know why but I know quite a few people who say that it's too confusing since Tolkien didn't finish it. Weird. I personally think it's a lot easier to read than the rest of the LOTR books.

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Yay for Tolkien! I have read almost none of those books mentioned previously. o.O;; Although I do consider myself a reader. XD

I read a lot - A LOT - of Agatha Christie. Currently reading a Ngaio Marsh (more mystery). I read a lot of C. S. Lewis, and ONCE UPON A TIME I read loads and loads of Tolkien. It's been awhile though. I love reading Diana Wynn Jones. She took classes from Lewis & Tolkien. How COOL is that? I also read George MacDonald, although he can be tough to get into. (Currently reading: Lilith) Also, there's nobody like P.G. Wodehouse for laughs. Yay Jeeves!

... I think I should be sad that almost all the authors I read are DEAD. Jones isn't, but still. :3

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I think the original saga is great. I dropped Speaker the first time I picked it up, because it's so different than Ender's Game, but once I got through it I loved it. Card prefers to think of that series not as a quadrilogy, but as a book and a trilogy, because of how different the story is. I mean, Ender's grown up in Speaker, Xeno, and Children. Those 3 really tell the 1 story of the pequeninos and everything around that quite well.

The Ender's Shadow series is very cool too, but very different from the original. The Speaker series gets pretty deeply moral/philosophical; Shadow stays a military/action type story.

What I'm really leery of is the new ones he's supposed to be writing. "War of Gifts" and a couple of the other recent stuff set in that universe have been pretty crappy, and are obviously money-grabbers. Empire was also a little out there, and just not critically up to par with his older stuff. Either he's stopped trying because he has such a loyal fan base, or he's gone off the deep end of crazy Mormon... we'll have to wait and see.

Level 5 Human Ranger

Stats as of July 25:   STR: 9.5   DEX: 5.75   STA: 7.5   CON: 15.25   WIS: 6   CHA: 8.5



Tough Mudder CO 2012 (4hrs)

Got below 200lbs

NF Challenge #4 Winner


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