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Introversion/Extroversion: How do YOU recharge?


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It seems that the day(s) after a large event, I crash quite hard.

My energy levels are low, even after an hour or two of hustle and bustle, heavy interaction with strangers or being in an unfamiliar place.

Someone suggested it could simply be that I'm introverted.

Despite being told I'm Ambi-verted (almost 50-50, depends on activities)

So I looked up more about it..

In short,

Introverts recharge through alone time. Some sources say specifically one's mental life.

Extraverts recharge by being with people. Some sites use the word gregarious to describe preferred interactions.

So I'm curious what sorts of things people do to recharge!


Reading somewhere quiet


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You know, I don't really know WHAT I would be considered...

I love being around people, but am perfectly happy being by myself. If I am tired of being around people, I go somewhere quiet, if I am tired of the quiet, I find some people to hang out with. I guess that makes me ambi-verted?

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I'm an INTJ (Myers Briggs) with a very heavy leaning towards introversion. If I've been over the top social, the best thing I do is to grab a book and hang out in my basement for a while where it's nice, cool, and devoid of other people. Although, typically just sitting around at my computer for a little bit works too. If I'm in the middle of a party or something, just finding a corner so I'm not surrounded by people can work in a pinch.

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Elf Assassin

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That's fair ^^

o.o I have never gotten the same Myers-Briggs result twice - and that's with tests spaced out by a few years!

Its the only reason I know I'm almost half and half with intro/extro version.

ISTP, INFP, ENFP, I've also found the Keirsey Sorter a good one - the archetype names are easier to remember :3

Adding to the list - Reading in isolation.

Here's one; Any introverts find that the TV being on (depending on the show) interfere with that recharging?

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I look at it a little bit differently as I am an energy reader and intuitive. When in a group of people who you do not know you are bombarded by foreign energy and have not developed protection techniques to discern what energy you wish to let flow into your subtle energy body and aura and what you wish to keep out. Simply knowing this can help, but if you find you are really frazzled you can simply sit down and cross your ankles and then take your two hands and make OK signs and link the two thumb/index finger loops and breathe deeply and exhale fully--you will INSTANTLY feel an ease of the situation. You can also imagine yourself in your own personal bubble of love that is semi-permeable and use your "gut instinct" or solar plexus chakra (right below the tip of your xiphoid process at the base of the sternum) to know who you are personally in alignment with and who you want to steer clear of.

Its fun to do this work as a personal experiment too and see how it feels. Best of luck--oh me? I am balls out extrovert but I do know that I have an unlimited source of energy, when to cleanse myself of negative energy and when to relax and chill...laughter, smiling and tapping on the sternum/thymus gland can help shift you significantly to the positive. Best of luck and feel better.

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I'm totally introverted, can happily go days without human interaction (apart from my lovely OH).

I tend to need recovery time after going to town, or socialising - sometimes a whole day.

Sitting down with a book, or the computer, or an absorbing TV show, definitely helps. Or spending time with my horse is relaxing (even if he does try to eat me). Going for a walk or cycle can work too, because I can soak up outisde beauty but get the internal reflection time as well.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Rider of Rohan


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I'm really introverted too. I have been known to go to the bathroom during parties and just close the lid of the loo and sit there for a few minutes while I recharge a little. Even as a little kid, sleepovers were something I couldn't wait to get home from and hang out alone!

Too many days of being social leaves me completely over the human race :D I swear, even reading too many message boards online is sometimes too much social interaction for me. I'm living alone for the first time in my life, and I LOVE it!

As for what I do to recharge? Just regular stuff, but I do it all alone. For example, this past weekend I was the leader of a group of expats here in South Korea and spent all day touring 20-odd people around a Zoo, so next weekend (it's 3 day one), I'm going to the beach on holiday by myself. The idea of just lazing around in the sun, reading, and having an ice cream... so good.

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Guest Gemeaux

I just asked my mum what she thinks : am I intro or extroverted ? She burst out laughing and said " do you really have to ask ? You , introverted ? " guess I have my answer haha .

I do need alone time though , I'm single so I'm used to doing things alone , I love. It !

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I'm a serious introvert. One thing I should note is that I find it stressful and draining to be put in situations where one is *expected* to speak and/or listen continuously for hours on end. On more than one occasion I've not gone on a second date with someone because I left the first date feeling exhausted instead of excited, simply because my date never stopped talking and the conversations were structured in a manner that continuously "begged" for me to respond in a certain manner.

Being able to enjoy *comfortable* silence with someone is definitely a critical quality for any close friends and/or potential partners for me. Thankfully with my parents things are usually this way - conversations don't feel forced, and sometimes we can just enjoy silence.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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Well, for me it depends on the people:

- a family gathering will usually completely drain me in 2-3 hours, in some cases leaving me with a headache.

- an entire day with a close friend (or several) usually greatly energizes me.

I can spend weeks not to talking to anyone (I did this when I was living alone back in 2010), or I can spend them barely leaving someone's company. Either way, it's fine so long as the company is right.

It's worth noting I greatly prefer 1-on-1 social interactions over bigger social events and I recharge like an introvert (reading, programming, watching a documentary, organizing my files, etc).

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I'm a serious introvert, but it also depends on the situation. I can be fine hanging out with family all day, but after going to a concert or a festival I need some serious alone time.

I wonder sometimes how I managed to get a job in retail management, haha, but I've found that being in that situation has helped me be a little less introverted. But of course after spending a day with crazy customers I just want to be by myself.

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I am mostly introverted, but not overly so. My Myers-Briggs (as of 10 minutes ago) is INFP, but the only thing that remains constant is the F.

I am fine in small gatherings and 1-on-1 things, but I'm not so well with groups. I like to say that I am severely allergic to mass stupidity and I may have a violent reaction. Then again, what large gathering doesn't have its fair share of stupidity? But I do notice myself closing up around large groups and getting tense and just watching everyone with a suspicious eye. If there are people I like in that group, especially my female friends, I get very protective and mentally prepare myself to kill if something happens. (Hey, don't judge. It can be a fun mental exercise to find someone's weakness and the quickest exit out of a group/building. Acting it out on the other hand is completely different.)

Anyway, when I'm in a group and need to recharge or calm down, I find a corner or some section away from people and just people watch. The human species' interactions are very similar to social animals in nature. Sometimes disturbingly so.

If I'm alone and need to recharge, I'll read or think or just sit in the dark. If something is bothering me, I'll text a few close friends and talk or try to get them to hang out.

Level 1 Woodwose

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I like to say that I am severely allergic to mass stupidity and I may have a violent reaction. Then again, what large gathering doesn't have its fair share of stupidity? But I do notice myself closing up around large groups and getting tense and just watching everyone with a suspicious eye. If there are people I like in that group, especially my female friends, I get very protective and mentally prepare myself to kill if something happens. (Hey, don't judge. It can be a fun mental exercise to find someone's weakness and the quickest exit out of a group/building. Acting it out on the other hand is completely different.)

No judgement here, as I am married to a man exactly like this. I jokingly tell him he was James Bond in a former life, because he can walk into a room and immediately tell you 1) estimated number of people, 2) number of exits/quickest way to them, 3) top three people in the room he would kill first if necessary.

Makes me glad I'm on his side.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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No judgement here, as I am married to a man exactly like this. I jokingly tell him he was James Bond in a former life, because he can walk into a room and immediately tell you 1) estimated number of people, 2) number of exits/quickest way to them, 3) top three people in the room he would kill first if necessary.

Makes me glad I'm on his side.

If I was a Bond, I'd definitely be Sean Connery-era bond... I wish... And top 3 people? I'm not sure if I could stop there. Maybe I should become a bodyguard, that's about the only use I see for these skills.

At least I now know I'm not alone.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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I'm an INTJ (Myers Briggs) with a very heavy leaning towards introversion. If I've been over the top social, the best thing I do is to grab a book and hang out in my basement for a while where it's nice, cool, and devoid of other people. Although, typically just sitting around at my computer for a little bit works too. If I'm in the middle of a party or something, just finding a corner so I'm not surrounded by people can work in a pinch.

INFJ here, but yeah I'm the same way.


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I've found more and more need for recharge time now that I have small children who love nothing more than climbing all over me all the time. I tend to go somewhere (park, coffee shop, etc. for my recharge time, but I go alone and do something solitary, like read or play games. My bubble is firmly in place, but there are other people there. I've just found that if i try to recharge at home, I end up frazzled about all the housework, etc., I "should" be doing, instead of actually relaxing.

Hobbit Ranger seeking balance (and cookies)


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INFP, and very much an introvert. People think that it's odd that my husband and I spend a significant part of our days in separate rooms, him playing video games and me sewing or reading or baking or some other solo pursuit. We do spend time together and love to be around each other, but interaction isn't always necessary to our relationship.

My best friend and I regularly will spend an afternoon reading together. We consider this a social activity, but one that is not as exhausting as most.

I don't dislike people. I actually really enjoy some social situations, but I am rarely comfortable in large groups or with people I don't know well. I don't "go out" often and would prefer a quiet evening with one or two people that I am close to than a night out at a club or a bar.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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I do enjoy some good chill time with me and an RPG or a movie, but I definitely prefer people and social interaction overall. However, I prefer to be with a variety of people, and not just the same few day in and day out.

My current living conditions have me around the same 5 people all day, every day, and I am going completely bonkers.

"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." -Proverbs 14:23


I. AM. A. BEAST!!!!!!!!!" -

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Definitely an introvert. I get anxious when a lot of people stand near my desk and talk, and I definitely prefer a smaller, quiet gathering than a loud party--never went to any in college, in fact.

To recharge, well, living alone helps a lot. I can just go home! If I don't have that option (like, I'm at work), I go for a short walk. Or go read a book in an empty office. When I had roommates, I'd manufacture an errand and go for a drive somewhere.

Human Ranger

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I've found more and more need for recharge time now that I have small children who love nothing more than climbing all over me all the time. I tend to go somewhere (park, coffee shop, etc. for my recharge time, but I go alone and do something solitary, like read or play games. My bubble is firmly in place, but there are other people there. I've just found that if i try to recharge at home, I end up frazzled about all the housework, etc., I "should" be doing, instead of actually relaxing.


I find more and more that in order to really relax I have to actually leave the house and kids behind for a day or two. My husband and I try to either have a weekend away or send the kids to Grandma's and stay home once a month, but it doesn't always happen.

I've actually gotten worse since my husband and I started working out together, because before I would get up and be by myself first thing in the mornings. Now I get up with him, he's in my face pushing me to work harder, I have kids all day, then I go to bed with him every night! :P

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I'm reliably an ISTJ, though I've modulated over time. The first time I took the personality sorter (maybe 15 years ago?) I was almost 100% I, 0% E. I'm probably closer to 70%/30% (okay, maybe 80/20) these days, but definitely recharge from being alone. I recently read "The Introvert Advantage" which I found to be very good. I promptly loaned it to my mom (also a pretty big introvert) and to hear her talk about it, the book changed her life... finally let her realize that it was "okay" to be introverted. :)

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Hardcore extrovert here as well (don't look now folks, but I think we're outnumbered). Oddly enough, my girlfriend is completely introverted, and she has to work herself up to going to a social event, while I am ready to go hang out at the drop of a hat. It took some adjustment for us to get used to the other's behaviors but I think we ended up being able to adjust to each other, so from time to time I'll go out and hang with the fellas while she enjoys some alone time. Everyone wins!

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I'm an introvert. I really like persons, but I can't stand people.

I find it quite strange - I crave human interaction, but I tire of it quickly.

I've never really looked at it as "recharging", but I've always found reading to be energizing. I've never understood people who talk about reading to prepare themselves to go to sleep.

It seems to me that this should be an extroverted thing, but I also really enjoy people-watching. I live near a park & I can just sit there and watch the passersby for hours. It's only when there's too many attractive women there that I have any trouble, and that's only because of whiplash.

"Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." - Red"I'm not losing weight, I'm evicting fat." -me

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