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"If I could ask for one favor from the Rebellion, it would be..."


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I wish someone could tune my ukulele , lol . I tried but have no idea what I'm doing . I downloaded a tuner app , but yeah... No clue .

Have you seen this app?


You click the play buttons to hear a note and tune until it sounds right.

If you're still having problems, let me know. I have a few friends who play the ukulele and can put you in touch with them.

You gotta experiment to find out what works for you.
PM me with any questions about, well, anything! :)
Current challenge: Catspaw Starts Strong

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If I could ask one favor of the rebellion, it would be that everyone come to Princeton and help me bake for my sister's wedding on the 2nd. I have to bake 200 cupcakes and 400 cookies.

Other than that, I would ask for help contributing to my newest blog project. I started a book review blog, the Voracious Readers Society and I'm looking for new society members to submit reviews on any good books they've read recently. If you actually would like to be insanely awesome, you can email me a review and a short bio to voraciousreaders@yahoo.com . :) (looking for all genres)


Gnome Adventurer

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 1 | CON: 3 | CHA: 3 | WIS: 4

Fitocracy | ePaleoCookbooks.net | Blog | Twitter

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If I could ask one favor of the rebellion, it would be that everyone come to Princeton and help me bake for my sister's wedding on the 2nd. I have to bake 200 cupcakes and 400 cookies.

Other than that, I would ask for help contributing to my newest blog project. I started a book review blog, the Voracious Readers Society and I'm looking for new society members to submit reviews on any good books they've read recently. If you actually would like to be insanely awesome, you can email me a review and a short bio to voraciousreaders@yahoo.com . :) (looking for all genres)

Do they have to be good books? I've read a few shockers lately that I'd be happy to review for ya!


Scout Commander (ret.)

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This thread is so full of WIN it brings a tear to my eye!

My rebellion favour would be to tell me how I can lead an adventurous life while still providing a stable upbringing for my kids.

Failing that, I'd love to know how to get 8 hours sleep every night without kids waking me up every night! I could take over the world if I could just get a full night's sleep!

I can't help you with the sleep... but I will assure you, that the one thing that kids NEED, which you can call a "stable upbringing", is they need to know that their parents love them, accept them, and are proud of them. You can do this while on as many grand adventures as you like (I assume you take them on adventures), while moving across the country multiple times, and while offering them amazing experiences. As long as they know that they can rely on you, trust you, and that you won't ever put them down, they will have the best upbringing possible.

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I can't help you with the sleep... but I will assure you, that the one thing that kids NEED, which you can call a "stable upbringing", is they need to know that their parents love them, accept them, and are proud of them. You can do this while on as many grand adventures as you like (I assume you take them on adventures), while moving across the country multiple times, and while offering them amazing experiences. As long as they know that they can rely on you, trust you, and that you won't ever put them down, they will have the best upbringing possible.

I like the sound of that!


Scout Commander (ret.)

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If I could ask one favor of the rebellion, it would be that everyone come to Princeton and help me bake for my sister's wedding on the 2nd. I have to bake 200 cupcakes and 400 cookies.

Other than that, I would ask for help contributing to my newest blog project. I started a book review blog, the Voracious Readers Society and I'm looking for new society members to submit reviews on any good books they've read recently. If you actually would like to be insanely awesome, you can email me a review and a short bio to voraciousreaders@yahoo.com . :) (looking for all genres)

I can't get you cookies or cupcakes, but I will make it a goal to write you a review this week. I love reading and writing, and was just lamenting that I don't write anymore, so this is a great excuse to do that.

Halfling Female Ranger

STR - 4 ~ DEX - 3 ~ STA - 5 ~ CON - 2 ~ WIS - 3 ~ CHA - 2

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If I could ask one favor of the rebellion, it would be for pro-tips on transitioning from weight/fat-loss via strength training and Paleo(ish) diet to building muscle. I'm not at my target weight yet, but I can see it from here; so I want to have a plan of action for the transition when I get there.

Kewilson - Misfit Adventurer


Operation Phoenix: 6-Week Challenge Thread

STR: 2 (+2), DEX: 0 (+1), STA: 3 (+0), CON: 4 (+0), WIS: 5 (+0), CHA: 1 (+3)

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Kewilson, you are not going to like my pro-tip. This tip works for more than paleo-ish diets, but everything I attempt. Here is my secret to (sorta) success. I wing it. Everything single thing I do is more or less on a whim. If I have time to think of it, I'll collect underpants, but then I just go all out and try. It seems to have worked since I'm down about 25 pounds in 3 months.

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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Kewilson, I'm way off that stage myself, but my (Very vague) plan is to

- Work out as hard as I am currently (hopefully harder because I'll be stronger then)

- Eat more (but stick to real food and high protein)

I expect I need to refine this a bit (ie find an actual number for the protein, think about exactly how much more food...) but I know I've got ages to go so I'll start thinking about it when I'm nearer the time. Still if anyone has any more advice it will help quite a few people I'm sure!

| STR 15 | DEX 14 | STA 14 | CON 10.5 | WIS 11 | CHA 7 | Level 5

Ocelot's Dossier - Battle Log | Springing into my Sixth Challenge!


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If I could ask one favor of the rebellion, it would be for pro-tips on transitioning from weight/fat-loss via strength training and Paleo(ish) diet to building muscle. I'm not at my target weight yet, but I can see it from here; so I want to have a plan of action for the transition when I get there.

Eat more of the same. Keep lifting heavy things. :)

You gotta experiment to find out what works for you.
PM me with any questions about, well, anything! :)
Current challenge: Catspaw Starts Strong

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