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5K training...and wieght training....together.


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So, I am training for a 5k, it's not until september...i'm half way there.

I am also continuing with my weight training.

I run 3 days a week, and I try to lift 3 days a week, 1 day off. sometimes, I don't get in the 3rd day of weights (weekends in summer are a tough one)

I am making no progress with my weights. There are weeks i only get in 1 session, sometimes 2, the weeks i get 3 in, my 5k traning gets tougher than balls.

I am not going to switch it up, I like what I am doing...guess I'll have to focus back on the weights more when winter comes, and I don't want to run outside anymore.

Anyone else doing both?

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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So, I am training for a 5k, it's not until september...i'm half way there.

I am also continuing with my weight training.

I run 3 days a week, and I lift 3 days a week, 1 day off. sometimes, I don't get in the 3rd day of weights (weekends in summer are a tough one)

I am making no progres with my weights. There are weeks i only get in 1 session, sometimes 2, the weeks i get 3 in, my 5k traning gets tougher than balls.

I am not going to switch it up, I like what I am doing...guess I'll have to focus back on the weights more when winter comes, and I don't want to run outside anymore.

Anyone else doing both?

I did it when I first started my fitness journey. It was really tough but I got some quick weight loss results. I got better at my weights but had a really hard time making any gains in my running. Now, I either focus on heavy, low rep/set lifting with light running, or heavy running and light weight training. Switching it up has been working pretty good for me. Of course everyone is different.

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

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 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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ah, maybe I should switch to light weights. I want the benefits of weight training still, I don't want to drop it, but that might make this endeavor easier...

I have slimmed some in the past 4 weeks, definetely can notice.

Hopefully I can maintain the muscle through all this.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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You basically need more recovery and/or more fuel.

What are your goals? Obviously you want to run the 5K in a good time, but are you also trying to loose weight? If not, the obvious answer is to eat more.

Alternativly, what are your weights workouts like? Do you do total body workouts, upper and lower, or do you split legs off to their own day? Running after doing squats etc will be difficult. You could look at doing legs the day before a rest day, so that the next time they're called into action they've had a chance to recover.

Also, what is the schedule like? How many rest days do you get? Do you run and lift some days? I would suggest throwing some light lifts/runs into the mix to aid recovery. Maybe doing one or two days of both running and lifting and getting an extra rest day in.

Lastly, I can't stress enough how important sleep is. It's really important. It took me a long time to realise that. Even if you're not quite sleepy, go to bed earlier. The extra shut-eye will give your body more time to recover, so you can get more out of it!

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my goals are to stay healthy, have all the benefits of weights (strong bones, body, etc), and the benefits of running...general health, longevity, good physical shape after menapause hits in 10 years...I want to live a long happy life.

Plus,I like the way I look in a skirt.

Weight loss is not a issue. I am a good weight. (5'7", 132lbs)

Weights are full body....tonight, squats, good mornings, bent over rows, shoulders, some ab shit.

this week: sunday:run, monday:weights, Tues:run, wed:weights, Thurs: run, Fri:weights, Sat-rest...Sunday:repeat cycle.

I get good sleep....not usually tired...

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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Cool, great attitude to have :)

Do you run/lift mornings or nights? I think the best thing to do would be add an extra rest day in there by doing both a run and lift one day, making either or both lighter sessions.

If your weight is stable, try eating a bit more, muscles need fuel to get stronger, you may gain some weight, but hopefully it'll be muscle and not fat.

As for rest, get more than you think you need. Not what you think you need. I can't stress it enough! I used be good for about 1 or 2 weeks going hard, but not really improving, then I'd hit a wall and I'd be a mess. You might not be getting to the "mess" stage, but I promise, you will see improvements by getting more sleep.

Like I said, more fuel/recovery will lead to improvments :)

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It will pass.

A 5K will seem hard as you work up to it. But beyond that it is not a difficult distance at all.

I consider days where I run a 5K to be a recovery day. Even running it hard I quickly recover from it. I lift 3x a week and run at least 5K 2x a week, with another day that is a lifting/running hybrid (lunges, squats, hill sprints, with some jogging). And it isn't like I'm a marathoner, the furthest I've ever run is 10K (6.22 miles).

I can't see anything less than 15 miles a week or so significantly impacting lifting performance over the long term. It will at first as you get used to running, but once you are those shorter distances will cease to be an issue. Does a 3 mile walk impact your lifting performance?

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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well put Waldo. Right now it seems like this holy crap goal. it's so tough! but, when I started 4 weeks ago, running for 60 seconds seemed impossible.

And on we tread!

I'm lifting and running on the same days.

I don't feel like I'm making any progress strength-wise but IDK..

I'm struggling pushing past the mile mark without stopping, but like you, not long ago 60 of jogging=death.

If I come up with a magical formula I'll let you know....

Good luck on your 5k, that's my goal too.

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Agree with Waldo - as you get used to running it won't bother the weights much. I'm lifting heavy 3x a week and running 3x a week in prep for a half marathon, and as long as I put my rest day after the 10+ mile runs, I've been able to progress both concurrently. I don't even notice the 3-5 mile runs during the week when I get to the gym the following morning.

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I trained for a 5K, made it through, then started weights. Then I decided to try for a 10K. I don't know if it was because of the weight training, or because I made it through the 5K, but it was REALLY easy. Honestly, I think combining the weight training with running will positively impact your running, but running will negatively affect your weight training. This is just my personal experience... I have no other way to back up this claim.

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I trained for a 5K, made it through, then started weights. Then I decided to try for a 10K. I don't know if it was because of the weight training, or because I made it through the 5K, but it was REALLY easy. Honestly, I think combining the weight training with running will positively impact your running, but running will negatively affect your weight training. This is just my personal experience... I have no other way to back up this claim.

Come to think of it, this is exactly how I did it. I had made it through the 5k before I started barbell training, and continued the weight training while I trained for my 10k (and now half marathon). I'm certain the weight training helped my running, but I can't really say the other way, because I've never done the weights without running. I certainly don't feel like it has been a drag on my progress though.

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If you think you can handle it, maybe do 5k training following weight training. It'll suck balls, but it 'blocks up' your training better, aka you get more consecutive recovery time (almost 48 hours) rather than tearing your legs down every 24 hours.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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do you mean right after a weight session? if that's what you mean, nope, can't do....weights and running work around the hubby's hockey schedule...I try to do my weight training when he isn't home. This way he isn't home to nag me for being in the basement so long. (which he never would, I just feel guilty)

Running nights are when he is home, i run while he puts our son to bed, by the time they are done, i'm already home, and it's like I was never even gone!

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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do you mean right after a weight session? if that's what you mean, nope, can't do....weights and running work around the hubby's hockey schedule...I try to do my weight training when he isn't home. This way he isn't home to nag me for being in the basement so long. (which he never would, I just feel guilty)

Running nights are when he is home, i run while he puts our son to bed, by the time they are done, i'm already home, and it's like I was never even gone!

How much time is one of your lifting workouts? One of your cardio sessions? I too would suggest doing both on the same day if you're having issues with recovery. Would it be possible to develop workouts that are equally intensive but shorter in duration so you could do both? Could you do cardio in the morning? Just spit balling for potential options.



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It will pass.

A 5K will seem hard as you work up to it. But beyond that it is not a difficult distance at all.

I consider days where I run a 5K to be a recovery day.

You ever run a sub-20 minute 5K, Waldo? I guarantee you, that is NOT a recovery day.

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You ever run a sub-20 minute 5K, Waldo? I guarantee you, that is NOT a recovery day.

LOL no, I'm still running in the 26's (probably 25's on flat ground).

But the point stands that it is less than a 20 minute workout. Sure it is an ultra intense 20 minute workout. ...but it is a 20 minute workout.

A few hours after running 5K at my max effort I'm not really tired or sore, and I don't really feel it the next day. Less than 30 minutes of exercise the body can recover from rapidly.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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I find the struggle with the 5k is not muscular, it's cardiovascular. I lose wind and get fatigued in that sense, my legs feel fine.

The cardio part is improving, and I am ahead of schedule on the couch to 5k....

what's suffering for sure is progress with my weight lifting...it's staying the same.... I am not pushing myself enough with it right now, i think maybe because right now I prefer the running. i loooove the running. I just don't want to drop the weights because i hate stopping and starting them...at least if I can maintain the level I'm at, it won't be a struggle come winter to work my way back to where I was...

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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Well then maintain your lifts and concentrate on the running. Most of my lifts probably won't budge an inch until rugby season is over, but I get more cardiovascularly fit every week.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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Well then maintain your lifts and concentrate on the running. Most of my lifts probably won't budge an inch until rugby season is over, but I get more cardiovascularly fit every week.

That word is surely made up.

Regardless of whatever option you pick spatzcat, gonna give you a *high five* for working both at the same time.

Lifting will help your runs, just as sprints will assist your longer runs.

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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you'll condition to it in time, just keep it up. and get plenty of rest. you say it's the weights that are plateauing at the moment, so try to give yourself as much rest leading into these sessions. at the same time, if you want to see gains you have to get that schedule back on track. that might mean taking a step back to allow more rest, if its too hard to maintain at the moment. so maybe (w: weights, r: running, x:rest) wrxwrxx or wrwrwxx. could also try "light days" if you don't want to give up a workout, so every third run becomes only 3k instead of 5, strength session deload a little.


AZSF - lvl 4 assassin

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Replace "run" with "sprint".

Especially when your issue is with your lungs, not your muscles.

Go and do something like this:

800m jog to warm up

2x 400m with 2 minute rest in between

4 x 200m with 1 minute rest in between

8 x 100m with 30 seconds rest in between

Doing an all out effort and trying to hold the same pace for each sprint.

Tabata sprints (all out for 20 seconds, walk for 10 x 8) are awesome too.

I normally do somewhere between 4 and 8 100-200m sprints before every workout as a part of my warmup.

I don't ever "run".

But when I need to run a 5 or 10k, I can, and finish in the middle of the pack.

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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So, I am training for a 5k, it's not until september...i'm half way there.

I am also continuing with my weight training.

I run 3 days a week, and I try to lift 3 days a week, 1 day off. sometimes, I don't get in the 3rd day of weights (weekends in summer are a tough one)

I am making no progress with my weights. There are weeks i only get in 1 session, sometimes 2, the weeks i get 3 in, my 5k traning gets tougher than balls.

I am not going to switch it up, I like what I am doing...guess I'll have to focus back on the weights more when winter comes, and I don't want to run outside anymore.

Anyone else doing both?


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Well, last night went well! I fast forwarded a little on the couch to 5k, I felt good, so i went for it, and did a 20 minute stretch, followed by a 2 min walk, then another 3 minute run.

And this was the day after doing legs.



I do plan to do some sprints as well, I wanted to do some drills sprinting up this big grassy hill near the trails I run.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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