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Nerd Fitness Musicians Unite

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I've been playing drums for a little over ten years now and am a complete metalhead. Here's a pic of my kit:

Nice Kit! As I see two bass drums, I've got to ask; do you prefer the two over the double pedal? (just curious, seems like every drummer I talk to has a different opinion on this)


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Nice Kit! As I see two bass drums, I've got to ask; do you prefer the two over the double pedal? (just curious, seems like every drummer I talk to has a different opinion on this)

Thanks! I started out with a double pedal, but I always felt like there was some lag to the left pedal. It seemed like I would have to do a bit more work with my left foot than with my right, due to the extensions. Upgraded to the dual bass and haven't looked back.

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I'm decent with a guitar (acoustic, by preference), piano, or violin. I'm working on becoming better with the cello, banjo, and mandolin.

"We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered." - Tom Stoppard (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead)

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Great thread! Good to see so many other fellow musicians around! I was originally a music major, but after a while, I realized that I'd be much better off with a career in chemistry than in music, so I switch my major to chem and I still do music on the side. It also helps that I don't have to study chem anywhere near as much as I used to have to practice.

I myself play:


Saxophone (I've played alto and tenor at concert level when I was a music major, and soprano when my friends wanted to hear the awesomeness that is soprano sax)


Clarinet + Bass Clarinet (if I have to)

The NF jam idea sounds SICK!

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.

-Maya Angelou

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Well I played trumpet in school, and I *own* an electric guitar. I wouldn't really say I'm good at playing it. I have (i guess, or so people tell me) a good voice, but I rarely sing these days. I do however dj, mostly for personal recreation, but occasionally at parties/out at bars and stuff.

Think 2 turntables w/ vinyl records, none of that "wedding dj" BS.

"Tomorrow = Never"

Twitter | Thingist | Challenge | Squad

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For many years I played classical guitar, but I've all but given that up now. It's nice occasionally and it did good things for me in terms of studying music last year + bolstering Uni application, but it lacks the pure fun of jamming on electric.

I'm a big electric player. Mostly rock (think Aerosmith, Queen, UFO, Deep Purple), 80s rock (Whitesnake, Bon Jovi) and heavy-ish blues (ZZ Top, Gary Moore, Hendrix). Dabble with heavy metal (I loved Megadeth for ages and even bought Dave Mustaine's signature guitar at one point, but sold it on to buy a Schecter Solo 6 Custom, which is amazing) and in my band we play things like the Beatles, CCR, The Who, Bad Company, etc.

I also sing and can do so in tune, but I'm not really very good. It's fun though and that's the main thing. Can't beat screaming one's head off to Livin on a Prayer while jamming the solo as well...

Have played bass for recording things and once in a band (one practice, I mean) and wish to learn drums and harmonica at some point. Drums are quite unrealistic due to neighbours and space - I have a set of harmonicas just gathering dust however. I need to get on that.


Jack Blog | The Blog of Jack

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from the time i was 8 years old i've played euphonium and then later on Bb bass. i 've won a few local and national champion ships on both but the time commitment is to much and i like doing alot of things so i left just before finishing high school.

i can also play the piano poorly and with an almost non-existent left hand and i have a guitar but am still useless on it.

my main instrument at the moment though is vocals. i love singing and took out about half of the classes i entered in the local competitions back in Blenheim.

i would also love to learn how to play electric bass or start playing the piano properly but i just love music especially classical and classic rock.

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Oooh, I've been waiting for a thread like this!

I played clarinet in HS (I've been meaning to pick it back up, I just need to get my clarinet fixed).

I've played piano since I was 8, and it's the main instrument I play now, though I picked up guitar in college and I've gotten decent at it. I can play a bass guitar at gunpoint, and know exactly three drum patterns!

I currently play in an instrumental post-rock band, and I mostly play keys (synths via midi keyboard and Reason, Absynth and Kontakt through Ableton Live on my Macbook), though I do play second guitar in a few songs (a beautiful blue Rickenbacker 620, otherwise known as my baby).

If anyone needs some recording or midi advice, I've gotten pretty proficient at Ableton Live and have tons of VSTs for it.


STR: 14 | DEX: 7 | STA: 8 | CON: 7.5 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 3Current Challenge | Bildungsroman's Epic Life | Fitocracy | My blog

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I used to play piano when I was young (8 years, then I was placed in the Honors program..so I had no time)

Then I played guitar for 1 and a half years (lost interest)

I used to be in choir, but I'm mostly self-trained at this point in time. I enjoy singing a lot and I hope I can get back into piano someday

oh! and my parents tried to teach me violin when I was a tot...that didn't go so well haha.

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Hey, I just saw this and I want to join in the fun!

I play the upright bass - bluegrass and country style. I am in a couple of bluegrass bands and a traditional western music band (a la The Sons of the Pioneers). I sing with 'em all, leads and harmonies.

Am trying to impress the boys with some slapping I'm working on. Once I've got that down will be looking for some rockabilly opportunities. Next up: learn to wear red lipstick and low-cut dresses to gigs. Har har.

I also play rhythm and flat pick a bit on a Martin D-18 I just bought. My HD-28 is for sale now, if anyone is interested. :-)

Spezzy, our house is 780 square feet. Don't wait to buy that bass - make room, baby, make room!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Main: Bass. I've got a fretless Ibanez and a fretted Washburn (el cheapo that I used to learn on).

Other: Guitar (electric and classical), keyboard (I suck at it, but I wouldn't mind learning), and a drum practice pad (does that count for anything?).

I had a trombone as that was what I learned on in school, but I've since sold my Bach, and I can't seem to find my little pea shooter anywhere. Oddly enough, I had a Bach 42BO, but I had more fun playing my little pea shooter horn even if it was just a learner instrument.

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." -Henry Ford

"If you know the way broadly, you will see it in all things." -Miyamoto Musashi

"Oh, she says, well, you're not a poor man. You know, why don't you go online and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? And so I pretend not to hear her. And go out to get an envelope because I'm going to have a hell of a good time in the process of buying one envelope. I meet a lot of people. And, see some great looking babies. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And, and ask a woman what kind of dog that is. And, and I don't know. The moral of the story is, is we're here on Earth to fart around. And, of course, the computers will do us out of that. And, what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And, we're not supposed to dance at all anymore." -Kurt Vonnegut.

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It's amazing how many threads I don't see until they show up in the "What's new" section :P

Main: Violin. I started playing when I was almost 3 years old (thats what my crazy 2 year old self wanted for her birthday) and played solid till I was about 13-14 years old... I still play occasionally but it's not a big focus of mine, however it seems to be like a true second language to me because I can always pick up almost where I left off.

I also play guitar and piano, and I am capable of producing sounds with my voice in a tune. I've played on some drums and would love to actually learn.

My weakness these days is writing silly songs on spur of the moment urges.

Anxious, but ambitious! Current challenge: Undermining the Conspiracy

Find me on Twitter or maybe Instagram

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Hi everyone! Glad to see the artistic side of you guys!

I am a tenor singer, i sing in a choir of old men (65 years old and more, though I'm 25) and i started palying the tin whistle

few weeks ago (and I loooooove folk music!!!!!!!).

"The life you wish for is the only life you will get" - Giovanna Giuffredi

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I've been playing guitar for a little over 8 years now. Started with classic rock stuff (Zeppelin, Sabbath etc.) but also picked up a bit of blues (SRV) and metal (Metallica). Gone a more alternative direction now so really into stuff like Biffy Clyro, A Perfect Circle, Tool and Nine Inch Nails.

I can kinda play bass as well. I wouldn't call myself a true bass player, rather I'm just a guitarist that can play bass (I think it's a philisophical thing rather than a technical thing, although I can't do slap bass to save my life).

I can also play a bit of piano but I'm nowhere near as comfortable at it as I am with guitar. One of my life goals is to get to a similar level of comfort with the piano that I am with a guitar (being able to jam along with others and being able to pick up new songs very quickly) but it's tricky being a student and not being able to afford/not having enough space to have my own piano



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I used to play the flute and piano a little, but I am incredibly rusty.

I took singing lessons at school, and I get a lot of practice in at work. I generally work alone, so it doesn't bother anyone if I decide to belt my head off. So I do. A lot.:)

Can I post a couple of recordings here, to get the Rockstar achievement?

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Wow, well I too am a recovering Music Major, but switched majors my second year of school (I even had a music scholarship). I was mostly a band geek but I also was in chorus and musical theater.

Primary Instruments: Alto Sax, Percussion

Things i know how to play: All Saxophones, Piano, all percussion except drum set (although i ROCK at drums in Rock Band lol), Hand Bells (that was an odd year).

I played violin when I was very small, and my mother tried and failed to teach me guitar, lol.

N7 Lycan. Scout at heart, training with the Rangers.

{Level 1} STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 2



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Sweeeeeet. Guitar player since I was 10, currently rock a Fender Jazzmaster, after seeing one of my heroes (Mike Einziger) rocking one, Fender DeVille 4x12 tube amp. Learned how to play bass 3 years ago and have a good degree of competency in it, Fender Jaguar (the tonal versatility is awesome). I like to play a little bit of everything, mostly within rock but I have passing knowledge of jazz theory. I'm mostly self taught. I am completely in love with knowing how to play music, it is such sweet therapy.

Though, I have learned that hammering out a few kipping pull ups will mess with my forearms enough to make playing either guitar or bass a liiiitle bit difficult!

pause > breathe > press play

tweetle dee

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Main instrument: piano

Second (and favourite) instrument: acoustic guitar

Next on my list of instruments to learn: electric bass, followed by electric guitar, then violin.

I also sing sometimes, but I don't terribly like to :P I much prefer to hide behind an instrument and just play.

And I write music as well. In fact...there's something going on RIGHT NOW called 50/90, and the goal is to write 50 songs in 90 days between the beginning of July and the beginning of October. http://fiftyninety.fawmers.org

It makes me happy that there are so many other musicians on here!!

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