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Diet Pepsi is like crack to me (or how I couldn't come up with a good title)

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The name is Pillowpants, or Patrick...depending on what you'd rather call me.

I'm 29, turning 30 in September and well....I've always been kind of a lazy nerd. For most of my life I spent my free time on the interwebs browsing dating sites and obsessing over politics. An acquaintance of mine from college recommended this site to me about 5 hours ago, and I haven't been able to stop reading nerd success stories as well as the routines. I had no idea she was such a crazy powerlifter haha.

A lot of things have happened to me over the last few months. You see, my wife and I are the only ones in our group of friends without kids so its hard to make plans with people. At the end of April, her grandmother got sick so she was away with her dad on the weekends and I had nobody to hang out with so I spent too much time doing nothing. After the second weekend, I was bored of video games (except for Civilization). After the third weekend, my 50% full DVR didn't interest me anymore, and I was having trouble trying to find places to browse on the internet. SomethingAwful and Reddit may be interesting, but only for so long.

And then I got on a scale, and I was SHOCKED to see...238 lbs. I'm 5'6, so needless to say I was very upset. The day before my wifes grandmothers wake in mid May, I realized my nice pants didn't fit so I had to buy a size bigger (size 40...ugh). You see, even though I was lazy as shit, I managed to stay around 180-190 for a long time because I worked in retail and was pretty active there even though I snacked often.....and then I got a real job in 2010 (no offense to those in retail) and packed it on quickly.

At the wake, my wifes cousin told a few of us he was running the warrior dash in September and suggested we (other people in the family who were overweight) do it with him, in the grandmothers name. We were all pretty non-committal about it, but it gave me a little fire under my ass that I'd been thinking about for a few weeks anyways. The next day he created a facebook group and said we WERE running it.

I altered my diet immediately by downloading myfitnesspal and tried to start calorie counting. That was May 18th. I wanted to wait until I got that under control before I joined a gym, so I did and joined the local gym about a month ago. I signed up for six sessions with a personal trainer so I could get a structured schedule ready for the first two weeks and then continue going at those times......I'm very let down by the trainers there thus far and I'm tempted to ask for a refund.

As of right now, I'm down to 225 and I feel more energy than I ever have....but I really hate the gym. I don't know if its because the old ladies do better at cardio than I do, or because the free weights are always full of MS13 gang members (I don't live in a good area), but I just don't feel comfortable there. Finding the Hotel Workout post is amazing. I probably should have posted this in the log thread right?

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Pillowpants!!! Aaahahahahahhahaha! Welcome!

I know what you mean about being the only couple without kids...most of our friends have kids too. It's...weird.

I will also echo bigm and encourage you to look around at the articles and the forums. We're basically awesome, so...let us know if you have any questions!

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Don't know where else I can post this, but I'm down 15 lbs as of today!

On my way to the Personal Trainer now. Should I post a battle log? I feel like I'll get bored of it since it seems like its just me posting and no one yelling at me for doing something stupid.

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Only couple without kids?? I'm becoming the only girl without a couple!

Ignore the other people at the gym. Don't care about the ladies doing cardio. Focus on you. It's about you. Other people don't matter. :)

You can do it Patrick!

Ps, I love your title, diet pepsi is like crack.

Happy. Dreamer. Runner. Teacher. Fighter. Girl.

My journey for the juju.


KellyElizabeth's First Challenge Thread

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Only couple without kids?? I'm becoming the only girl without a couple!

Ignore the other people at the gym. Don't care about the ladies doing cardio. Focus on you. It's about you. Other people don't matter. :)

You can do it Patrick!

Ps, I love your title, diet pepsi is like crack.

Random Fact: I met my wife by posting an ad on craigslist (Don't hate) called "Diet Pepsi is the key to my heart"

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