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i'm taffy and i'm a fatty.

my good buddy stolly told me all about you all.

lordy maudy, this is sounding like a rollicking drinking song. i apologise.

i have much weight to lose. i've lost 20 kilograms (but this week 1.5 found their way back home, bugger.)

i still have about another 45 to go. hell's bells. i'm a bit annoyed because of this weird 1.5 kilogram fluctuation.

i weigh myself twice daily because i am neurotic and don't listen to wise and experienced people.

i have an app that helps me count calories, and one that helps me run away from zombies, and two that chart my running, and one that once inspired me to run. cripes, i sound like i'm an iphone geek. i'm really not. i'm just lazy and apps have made all this stuff sooooo much easier.

i hate my calorie counting app, it's constantly freezes, and when i can't get it to work, i kind of give myself permission to keep mental track of what i'm eating.. and well.... i haven't exactly got dementia.... but i think i know how i found that extra 1.5kilograms.

so.... i've been at this fitness caper for 125 days or so and i'm getting a bit tired of it.

any support, love, kicks up the arse you'd like to send my way would be gratefully received.


-just teetering back off the precipice of insulin resistance.

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Welcome taffy! Losing 20 kilograms is quite amazing, great job on your progress so far. I'm sure you'll find lots of motivation here to lose your last 45.

What app do you use to track your calories? Also, I know this might be hard but you really should stop weighting yourself twice a day, I bet you are driving yourself crazy!

Daily weight fluctuations are completely normal and nothing to get concerned about. Last week I weighed in at 68.1kg and today I weighed in at 66.5kg, and I promise almost none of that was fat loss! Just normal water weight fluctuations.

By weighing in weekly you'll stop seeing those little ups and downs and instead just see one (hopefully) down number. Trust me, I used to get on the scale everyday too, then I realized that if it didn't show what I wanted it to, I would let it mess with my emotions and it would make me depressed and less confident all day. All over some arbitrary number!

Level 6 Half-Pony Warrior Assassin
STR 9.5 | DEX 6 | STA 12.5 | CON 12.5 | WIS 15.5 | CHA 13.5
Current Challenge: Working out for two

"Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something" - Jake the Dog

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Welcome, taffy!

I second heathbar with the weekly weigh-ins. Water weight changes all the time. Have you kept track of body measurements (neck, waist, etc.) in addition to the weigh-ins? Measurements might give you a better picture than weight alone.

And taffy, how did you teeter off of the insulin resistance cliff? My hubby is starting down that path, and I'd like to know how you got away from it, if you wouldn't mind sharing.

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Hi! I wanted to chime in on your thread as I'm a Sydney-sider too (although if you can actually see the sea then you are clearly in a much nicer part of Sydney than I am :) )

losing 20kgs is great! you should be really proud.


Mist, Level 3 Half-orc Adventurer

STR: 5 | DEX: 3 | STA: 3.5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 8.75 | CHA: 4

Third time's the charm - My current challenge thread

Interested in my progress? - My First Challenge & My Second Challenge

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aha, the trick to replying is logging in. who knew!?

so the secret to not falling completely in to the insulin resistance abyss... for me, was losing the weight. i'm still as a rotunda, but i was only marginally insulin resistant anyway. i have a family history of it so i knew it was on the cards. i'm having another blood test in about two months time, and i fully expect that it will be all back to normal. all the anecdotal evidence (i know, the plural of anecdote is not data!) i've come across suggested that a good chunk of weight loss and more overall moving would reverse the insulin resistance.

as for the weighing...... i've become dependent upon it, even with the ups and downs... because i need a daily reminder of what i'm doing and why. tonight i hit the wall with my excercise.... my heart is just not in it anymore. halp!

i use the myfitnesspal app, and it seems to hang a lot. it may just be my carrier.

and mist..... i can't really see the sea anymore. we moved and i can see the nye fireworks from my porch, if i stand on my tiptoes. but sydney is by the sea... so there's that.

sooooo.... what do i do now?

i've joined here. got the tapatalk app.... now what?

please everyone, kick me up the arse.

i'm utterly unmotivated.

apart from that whole... don't want to die of obesity thing... ha!


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Hi Taffy! Welcome to the rebellion. I was a 2 a day weigher for a long time. Finally had to throw the damn thing in the garbage. It was ruining my life.

What's you daily plan? (if you have one)

My Blog | My Story

Race: Wood Elf | Class: Footpath Ranger Leader

Level18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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/me gives you a kick in the arse!

Man up, rebel! You can do this!

I have basically stopped weighing myself. For some people it works, for others...not so much. And to echo heathbar, weight fluctuations are TOTALLY normal. I "gained" ~10 kg and was freaking out...a couple weeks later it was (almost) gone.

What kind of physical activity have you been doing? Running? Swimming? Rowing?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Thanks for letting me know about how you're beating the insulin resistance. I had a feeling that losing weight would help...My hubby started working out a little bit this week; small progress is progress nonetheless. For him, I'm thinking that it might be a diet change too in addition to losing the weight. Since I switched to almost full Paleo, I told him that if he wants cookies/cakes/brownies/etc. that he'll have to buy it with his own money from his side job. I can't in good conscious buy him the crappy sugary food while knowing that he's insulin resistant.

As for motivation, I unfortunately can't make you motivated :apologetic:. Even took a Master's class about it, just to discover that I can only motivate myself and no one else, not even my students. But maybe reading these articles can help you give yourself the motivation you need to get into gear:



Other thoughts:

Remember why you're exercising and doing all of this in the first place. Get a picture, a phrase, something that can be a reminder when things get tough.

You said in your first post that you're getting tired of this fitness caper thing...are you getting bored of your workouts? If that's the case, then change things up a little, do something different for one of your workouts. Steve has lots of different types of workouts on his blog. Pick a new one to try for a week or so. Is it the calorie counting? Try switching to as much Paleo as you can stand. You won't need to count calories if you're eating the good stuff.

Go kick your unmotivation in the arse instead of letting it kick you. You can do this! I believe in you! :encouragement:

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Why dont you just try entering your workout on the puter or your phone after your work out instead of relying on the gps? There are a heap of dead spots around where you are, which must be annoying for you.

Go for a walk somewhere different. Catch a train to somewhere a few suburbs away then walk/run home. Look at new stuff. Its deadly dull doing the same walks day in and day out.

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