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Squat/Lunge advice


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I've started doing the Beginner's Body Weight workout that was posted on this site, but since I've never been one to do squats or lunges, I've found that I am EXTREMELY sore afterwards. I'm trying to keep a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule for the workout, but yesterday (Monday) I could do hardly any squats or lunges because the muscle pain nearly brought me to tears.

Is there a way around this or replacement workouts for when I can't do squats and/or lunges?

Also, I feel like a huge weenie for not being able to do more than three of each yesterday. /honesty.

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Toph.. I don't know a work around but I wanted to say if you are just beginning a workout routine. Try doing the body weight twice a week then use the other day (depending on what your workout schedule your trying to set your set up for) for something else. as you progress with the workouts you will eventually work up to it. At least thats how I've thought of it. and Also another suggestion one I just tried myself yesterday actually. Instead of the Beginner body weight why not do the angry bird workout. There are still squats but aren't lunges. hope I'm at least halfway helpful. :) good luck I look forward to hearing your progress.

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Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can be downright beastly when you're first starting out :( Good news is that after about 3 weeks (give or take) of doing a new routine, it should significantly subside. Bad news is...it takes 3 weeks to significantly subside. You can do some low-intensity active recovery-type stuff like walking to keep the blood flowing on your off-days. It's one of the most effective (if not the most) ways of reducing/mitigating DOMS.

Personally, I don't recommend removing/substituting for either squats or lunges. I have personally made this boo-boo time and time again with a new routine - I substitute or remove a movement/exercise from a tried-and-true routine...thereby reducing the effectiveness of that routine.

Have you thought about pain medications? I know this isn't for everyone (I try to avoid, whenever possible), but some sort of analgesic might help get through those first few weeks of nasty DOMS. Just a quick note - both ibuprofen (advil) and acetaminophen (tylenol) have been shown to blunt the post-resistance training muscle-building response (although through different mechanisms). I haven't seen enough of the research to say for sure one way or the other (maybe some more-informed folks on here can comment??), but I doubt it will seriously inhibit your progress if you're only taking it periodically for a few weeks...

Maybe start with the active recovery to see if that helps enough that you don't need to go the pharmaceutical route :)

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Thanks for the advice. Since I work part-time in a pharmacy, I've sworn off all medications unless they're absolutely necessary. I've seen too much abuse to even consider taking pain meds. I didn't even take any when I had my wisdom teeth removed a couple years ago. That was interesting.

But still, I will try your other ideas and see what works best for me. My next workout is scheduled for today, so hopefully the squats and lunges don't give me too much trouble.

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I would suggest that you perhaps double your usual warm up time with some good dynamic stretches focusing on the areas where you are most sore. That seems to help me when I'm having a lot of soreness before I even step foot into the damn gym.

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Don't replace squats and lunges! They are some of the best exercises you can do for overall leg/hip strength....*IF* you're doing them correctly! Spend some time on google/youtube checking out squat and lunge proper form. For squats, start with body weight, move on to empty bar (normally 45 lbs). Try box jumps, step ups on non squat days, these help with your hip flexor / glute muscles. During your stretch routine, include the lunge stretch to help with mobility.

If it's just DOMS, cowboy up and power through, it'll soon be non existent (until you add the next 5lbs to your stack on the bar) but it will never be as severe as when you first start, PROMISE!

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"If it were easy, everyone would be fit..."

I love that and it's VERY true. I seem to be doing a lot better with DOMS and think that my Friday workout (today) will be a lot better than Monday. Wednesday went well until I was nearing the end and witnessed some serious pain issues. I struggled through however, eve if there was nearly a tear or two. Thanks for the support!

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Check your form, MAKE SURE you're warming up and cooling down appropriately, be verrry careful if you're overweight (a lot more stress on your lower body), and use the NSAIDs appropriately. Also, apply ice after cooldown (not a hot soak in the tub, you want to slow down circulation at this point, not speed it up). Some people find a bath with Epsom salts (magnesium chloride, they sell it at drugstores) reduces soreness, draws out the toxins or something. First few hours after a workout or injury is time for damage control, so you want ice and pills. After the first 24 hours, heat and massage will speed up the healing process.

NSAIDs really do work, and they sell them over the counter for a reason: you can't get addicted, because they're non-narcotic. Ibuprofen is especially good because it inhibits the body's production of prostaglandins, which are these chemicals that tell your body to get inflamed and hurty. Use medicine the right way, and you'll hurt less and and heal faster. But if you'd rather suffer, of course that's up to you ;)

If squats and lunges are too hard (and they're boring, let's face it), try walking up stairs or riding a bicycle. You'll work most of the same muscles with a bit less strain.

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I agree that if you're finding it too much right now, work up to 3 days and start at 2. As long as you're continually doing more and doing it better you're moving in the right direction.

Addtional warm ups and stretches are great. I fully support that. And it never hurts to tape yourself and make sure your form is good....bodyweight or barbell...good form is necessary.

Warm bath with epsom salt, low intensity walking, light yoga and stretching... should all help doms.

Regarding NSAIDs.. I'll leave this here.

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If you're feeling a lot of muscle soreness, then you're probably doing something right. You don't have to force yourself to do the same muscle groups again when they're still really sore. I only hit most muscle groups hard once a week. But yeah like the others said, you'll always feel the sorest when you're starting out.

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It'll go away soon. Contrast showers will help, switch from cool to warm water, go back and forth a few times per shower especially focusing on the sore areas. You'll hate it, but you'll probably feel better afterward.

Thanks, but this is probably scarier than the soreness! I'll try it out if it gets bad again.

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