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Hello Rebels! I've been lurking on the website for a few days now, and I figured it was time to get off my duff and just sign up. My name's sevenlies, aka Karen.

About Me: I'm 35 years old. I live near New Orleans, Louisiana, with my husband (we shall call him Mr. Lies) and my Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Gizmo. I'm employed full time as a bra fitter. Yep, you read that correctly - I fit bras for a living. I work at a store where we help women of all sizes and shapes find their PROPER bra size. We're not taking Vicky's here. A properly fit bra can help you look better under your clothes - not to mention feel better. I kind of have a passion for what I do because I love helping women feel better about themselves. I also love blogging about fashion and beauty stuff - mostly plus size fashion. I feel that everyone deserves to look and feel their best, regardless of their size, shape, or age.

Nerd Shizz: I used to be a pretty big gamer - I met Mr. Lies at a Vampire LARP back in 2000, and we started dating at a con later that year. I miss tabletop RPG gaming something fierce - most of our friends live over half an hour away and I don't really know anyone here to game with. However, I've recently become enamored with board games through Mr. Lies. He has amassed a rather LARGE collection of games over the years - stuff like Agricola, Dominion, Arkham Horror, Le Havre, Smallworld, and Talisman. We host board game days at our place about once a month or so. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan (old school - started with Hartnell, and my favorite doctor is Troughton, followed by Tennant). I drive a blue 2006 Scion xB that I call the TARDIS. I also love Sherlock, The Prisoner, and a few other BBC shows. I also am majorly into costuming, namely steampunk and ren faire ensembles. I am in LOVE with steampunk and have been for years.

Why I Joined the Rebellion: I'm seriously obese (250+ pounds currently), have sleep apnea, and high blood pressure. I recently had a bit of a health scare - a severe migraine landed me in the ER last week. I was pretty scared that the pain was a result of something - upcoming stroke or aneurysm, cancer, whatever. Luckily, it ended up just being a serious migraine, but it made me sit up and realize what I've been doing to my body all these years. I visited with my doctor yesterday and he informed me that my triglycerides are WAY off the charts, so I'm on another medicine to bring those down. I'm 35 years old and on THREE daily medications - and I'll probably be on four soon because of my migraines. Last night I started taking stock of how I eat, and I've come to the realization that I have a pretty major overeating issue. Not only am I eating the wrong stuff, I'm eating too much of it and hiding it from others. I've gone through the McD drive thru and ordered THREE sandwiches, and ate them all in the car on the way home because I didn't want my husband or friends to see me with that much food. I take the wrappers and throw them in the garbage can outside so no one knows that I ate that much. Then I feel terrible afterward - all bloated and greasy, not to mention guilty. I admitted my issue to my husband last night, because I know that food issues like this thrive on secrecy.

I'm too damn young to be feeling like this all the time. No more excuses - it's time to start making some serious changes. I'm moving into the Paleo diet over the next week (gotta go grocery shopping). I'm eliminating all soft drinks (even diet ones) and drinking a lot more water and tea. I'm starting to keep a food journal and workout journal, and documenting my journey through my blog and pictures. I have absolutely no interest in getting "thin" or "skinny" - I just want to be healthy so I don't feel like crap all the time! :)

I do have a few questions that I hope someone can help me out with:

1) I work in retail 40 hours a week. I'm on my feet, running around and climbing up and down ladders every day. Do you think it would be a good idea to just start walking/jogging to supplement this activity?

2) What kind of weight training routine would you suggest for someone in my situation? I've been cleared by my doc to do just about any workout. I was looking at starting with the Beginner Body Weight Workout to start with, and moving up from there. I'm a bit strapped for cash right now, and other than my job, I'm pretty sedentary, so I just wanted to start small. Any movement is better than no movement at this point...right?

Anyway, I think I've kept y'all long enough. I'm glad to be here, and I hope to talk to some of you soon!

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welcome! I still feel very strange welcoming people when I've only been here such a short time, but there were so many interesting things in your post I just couldn't help myself :)

I'm employed full time as a bra fitter.

very cool. I have a keen amateur interest in bra-fitting, after years of difficulty finding decent bras in my size (I had a reduction last year which has made things much easier), and can occasionally hassle my friends about this. There has been a recent thread in the women's guild about it, you should chime in!

I also am majorly into costuming, namely steampunk and ren faire ensembles. I am in LOVE with steampunk and have been for years.

also very cool. you should link to your fashion blog in your signature - I read quite a few. I'm a costuming fan too - I've played in a number of freeform campaigns with historical settings for which i've costumed, and am going to a steampunk/victoriana themed hen's night on Saturday, actually. I've been putting a lot of my costuming 'on hold' for when I get thinner though.

2) What kind of weight training routine would you suggest for someone in my situation? I've been cleared by my doc to do just about any workout. I was looking at starting with the Beginner Body Weight Workout to start with, and moving up from there.

There are a lot of people doing bodyweight stuff in the forums here, so you'd get a lot of support. I started doing the beginner's bodyweight workout about five weeks ago, and i love it. it seems like the best thing to do if you don't yet want to wrestle with actual weights (I'm nervous about that, so sticking with bodyweight exercises suits me). Have you tried to do it yet?


Mist, Level 3 Half-orc Adventurer

STR: 5 | DEX: 3 | STA: 3.5 | CON: 5 | WIS: 8.75 | CHA: 4

Third time's the charm - My current challenge thread

Interested in my progress? - My First Challenge & My Second Challenge

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HI and welcome to the rebellion! as a former 267# restaurant manager I can tell you that with the right motivation and choices it WILL get better and you won't always feel the way you do now. Tracking what I was eating and then making the switch to primal/paleo have made a hugeeeee difference in my life- you will totally be able to tell.

I took up walking in the beginning, even though I was on my feet all day because it was *something* I could do and commit to regularly, then added in more.

Welcome to the rebellion! You've found the right place!

My Blog | My Story

Race: Wood Elf | Class: Footpath Ranger Leader

Level18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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Welcome and congratulations on deciding to make a change! That is often the hardest step.

I would say yes, feel free to supplement your current routine with walking and/or jogging. With the jogging though...start slow. That was always my problem when I tried to run...I would try to keep up with my always-fit boyfriend and would become gassed after .5 miles. So take it slow, as slow as you need, and take breaks. You know, run 1 min, walk 1 min. Etc. There are a few great programs to get you started with running if you're really interested - Couch to 5k (C25K) is a very popular one that seems to work.

I think the bodyweight workout is a great place to start - and if you really like running, getting stronger will certainly help support that. Then you can continue with some crazy bodyweight stuff...like some do...or you could start training with weights (my preference).

Anyway welcome again and please ask any questions!!! :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Welcome! I just joined the Rebellion today as well! :) This is one of the best sites out there that I have come across

July 2012 Weight: 330.2

August 2012 Weight: 325

"Could I have been anyone other than me?" - Dave Matthews

I am Co-Host of "Converse in the Ninjaverse", a podcast devoted to all things pop culture and nerdy! Check us out on itunes and Stitcher


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Welcome to the rebellion. I work in retail in a big corporate chain, and actually work in the Intimate apparel department tonight. I remember the first time One of my best friends and I got are bra's fitted. omg they really DO make a huge difference. Working in said department I was lucky enough to be 'trained' in how to fit a bra. so WOO and good for you. I love asking women what size they -think- they are and what size they are wearing compared to what size I measure them. I'm still new at it. But It puts a smile on my face. Start slow and I can tell you from my personal experience. Don't take on too much at one time. One day at a time. and you'll get to wear you want to be. Do you do any Role playing now? I Paragraph role play in a game called Secondlife. Its not quite the same as Tabletop, (so I've heard from my Rp friends who have both Larp (ed ?) and Tabled top rped I haven't. But I highly enjoy it. It might satisfy your thirst. Anyways Good luck!

DoodleDwarven Adventurer Level 2= STR-3 | DEX-2 | STA-2 | CON-3 | WIS-2 (+1) | CHA-2 (+1)

When Life pushes Me.. I Push Back Harder

Current Challenge: Doodle's finds her spirit again. (Level 2) | First challenge: Level 1: finding the canvas

Leader of The Mighty Adventuring CompanionsMyFitnessPal | fitocracy

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I think you've come to the right place. Everyone here is so nerdy and friendly. I've really enjoyed myself so far.

When I started I started to walk/power walk every morning for at least 20 minutes. I also worked 40 hours a week from 9:30 to 6:30 (sometimes later) so it left very little time to do anything. I would do it first thing in the morning if possible. It is something. Then just add to it, add hand weights and ankle weights to my jog in the morning etc etc.. now I'm up to training for a Half marathon... 13.1 miles sounds like a grand idea....

Doing a body weight work out sounds awesome.

Just because I love it I'll also recommend yogalates (mixture of yoga and pilates it will kick your booty into shape!!).

Welcome to the rebellion

Happy. Dreamer. Runner. Teacher. Fighter. Girl.

My journey for the juju.


KellyElizabeth's First Challenge Thread

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Welcome, sevenlies! I also second and third and fourth the motions for the beginner body weight exercises. You don't need a gym or any extra money to do them, and it's easy to go at your own pace and build up to the full sets/reps. And if you have a playground nearby, mix in the playground workout when you feel ready for it. Good luck on your new journey! :encouragement:

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Greetings fellow Whovian!

I'm new here too, but when I noticed the Dr Who love my ears perked up and I thought I'd come say hi. :) Started out with Baker when I was a kid, but my favourite is probably Matt Smith (followed closely by Tennant). Bow ties!

Eliminating soft drinks is a great step; most of the women in my family gave that a try a couple of years ago and it made such a huge difference. After the caffeine withdrawals (not at all fun) we all slimmed down quite a bit. The reason it's stuck in my head as a good thing though is that my grandmother started drinking diet coke again about a year ago and any weight she'd lost has piled on with interest. Love her to bits but she's in the denial stage.

Anyways! Maybe I'll see you around. ;)

Level 1 Human Assassin/Monk.

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Thanks to everyone for replying! I still need to sit down and take a peek through the forums - it seems a bit overwhelming right now but I'll find a few convos to join. :)

I have a keen amateur interest in bra-fitting, after years of difficulty finding decent bras in my size (I had a reduction last year which has made things much easier), and can occasionally hassle my friends about this. There has been a recent thread in the women's guild about it, you should chime in!

Mist, I will definitely check that out! Thanks!

HI and welcome to the rebellion! as a former 267# restaurant manager I can tell you that with the right motivation and choices it WILL get better and you won't always feel the way you do now. Tracking what I was eating and then making the switch to primal/paleo have made a hugeeeee difference in my life- you will totally be able to tell.

Hammlin, that's what I'm hoping - the problem I've had before is that I WANT instant results, and when I don't get them I get disappointed and quit. I just need to remind myself that this takes time and I need to be more patient. Hopefully being in this community will help that.

There are a few great programs to get you started with running if you're really interested - Couch to 5k (C25K) is a very popular one that seems to work.

I think the bodyweight workout is a great place to start - and if you really like running, getting stronger will certainly help support that. Then you can continue with some crazy bodyweight stuff...like some do...or you could start training with weights (my preference).

I LOVE WEIGHTS. I hate - HATE HATE HATE - cardio. I did weight machines a few years back when I worked out at the Y, and I adored them. Not sure why. I would just hop on them and focus on my form, breathing, and repetition. I never touched the free weights, though - too many big swole-up guys over there doing their thing. I was always like, "yeah, if I head over there, they're just going to laugh at the fat girl with her sad little weights". I think after I get a little more used to working out I'll join a good gym and start working with them, though.

Eliminating soft drinks is a great step; most of the women in my family gave that a try a couple of years ago and it made such a huge difference. After the caffeine withdrawals (not at all fun) we all slimmed down quite a bit. The reason it's stuck in my head as a good thing though is that my grandmother started drinking diet coke again about a year ago and any weight she'd lost has piled on with interest.

Huh. Weird, that DIET drinks would cause the weight to pile back on. One of the major reasons I'm eliminating soft drinks is because of my migraines - the artificial sweeteners may be one of the triggers. However, with my triglycerides being high, I'm to go on a diabetic diet and steer clear of straight-up sugar. So I have NO idea what I'm going to do about my sweet tooth - especially that chocolate one all the way in the back. Maybe it's time to ditch the chocolate and get more fruits...

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Huh. Weird, that DIET drinks would cause the weight to pile back on. One of the major reasons I'm eliminating soft drinks is because of my migraines - the artificial sweeteners may be one of the triggers. However, with my triglycerides being high, I'm to go on a diabetic diet and steer clear of straight-up sugar. So I have NO idea what I'm going to do about my sweet tooth - especially that chocolate one all the way in the back. Maybe it's time to ditch the chocolate and get more fruits...

Yep, was a shocker for us too. I think it must be to do with the sweeteners and so on they add instead of sugar; it works out as being worse than the normal versions. Same boat with the sweet took though! Especially chocolate.

I find, if I don't buy it and have a bunch of nuts sitting around, I'm ok. They seem to cure my munchies fairly well, especially almonds. And there's nothing that says you can't have a small bit now and then (love the Freddo bars for this!).

Level 1 Human Assassin/Monk.

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I like to pair dried fruits with nuts, like almonds with cherries (2:1 ratio for these, yes I count them out, blame the OCD), mixed berries with cashews, and walnuts with cranberries. The sweet tooth with go away eventually with a clean diet, especially if you put those sweet things on your "no" list and keep them out of the house. That's what helped me, although I will have a cookie or chocolate or ice cream once in a while instead of several times a day. It's a good feeling to finally be able to look at the bakery dept. in a grocery store and say, "No thanks. Not paleo." :D Good luck to you...sweet cravings are killer, but you'll get through them! :encouragement:

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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