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What's your mutation or not-so-super-power?


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Hello fellow mutants!

I've always loved the X-men and loved this idea that we're all developing these weird superpowers, however, you gotta admit that flame hands is kinda hard to genetically code. So many our DNA is starting small, what if we're all already mutants but our powers are so obscure that we don't realise that we're not alone? The kind of super power that wouldn't get your into even the D-team in the X-men.

I, for example, can tell when rice is done cooking just from listening to it, even when I'm in the next room. Useful yes, but unlikely to save the day unless it's a REALLY specific disaster. My friend on the other hand has the power to summon socks. If you've lost a specific pair of socks and you ask her to look for them she'll instantly "find" them.

So, my fellow rebels, what's your not-so-super-power? I'm assuming that Dawsy's is impervious to gravel ;)

They/them please

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Good idea for a thread. I am great at keeping track of time. By that without using a watch, I can usually tell you what time it is within 10 minutes regardless of day or night. I contribute it to being able to keep time with a clock. Music is awesome lol.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Level 1 Dirge. Singing songs that make you run or die.


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I am The Proofreader! Seriously, I have a knack for spotting typos and grammar errors in text very quickly. I can also read upside down and backwards, and I'm the go-to guy if you have bad handwriting to unravel (including my own, I'm sorry to say).

I used to be able to wrap my arms around my head, but that's been getting harder over the last few years. Perhaps the yoga will bring it back. It does mean I can scratch any part of my back, which is pretty useful.

Oh, and I can understand cats. But I'm not proud of that one, as I always get the impression they are talking to me very loudly and slowly, like some people do with foreigners.

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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When I was younger and we had a landline, I used to be able to tell if the phone call was for me while it was still ringing. Useless now that we all have cell phones, so the call is always for me :D


I can reliably wake up 1 minute before an alarm is set to go off and turn it off before it even rings.

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

â•‘ Live the Whole  â•‘ Bucket List â•‘Level up my Lifeâ•‘ 

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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I have lyrical anticipation. I can hear one line of a song and tell you what the next line is going to be, word for word, without ever having heard the song before in my life.

I also have "fast hands". Like, if something's going to fall or drop or spill within my range of possible motion, I usually catch it. And I can do it with any body part. I've stopped tipping beer bottles with my knees before because my hands were full. Works great when trying to keep the kitchen clean!

You can't take the sky from me...
Level 4: Coyote Skin-Walker, Hunter, Ranger, Maker Of Dust
6'0" | white female | age: 25 | 42-35-42
CON: 7 | DEX: 8 | STR: 10 | STA: 8 | WIS: 10.5 | CHA: 7
Heaviest: 267.2 | Current: 206.1 | Final goal: 190

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Did you know you have a theme song all ready and waiting? Not being an Aussie, you might've missed out on the wonder that is Spicks and Specks, and the song
. (Though I think the performer is English?)

I can sing harmony, and I know when my kids are up to mischief even without looking or hearing signs of trouble.

Haha! Very Mild Superpowers! I've heard that song before, but not for a very long time. Hilarious!

The Road Goes Ever On And On

You can watch stuff happen, MAKE stuff happen, or wonder what the heck happened

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I have the uncanny ability to walk into screen doors, be unable to find things that I'm carrying, and generally be absent-minded and scatter-brained 24/7.

I also have another INCREDIBLY USEFUL ability...I can create tactical sleep missiles in the form of mini-lectures on Roman history, either texted or on a forum. You're all lucky I am merciful, I could put this entire board to sleep with one post on how the Roman grain reforms of the second century following the systemic collapse of the middle class lead to the creation of a permanent military which lead to the rise of Caesar which...


[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]We will lead by example.

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Oh, and I can understand cats. But I'm not proud of that one, as I always get the impression they are talking to me very loudly and slowly, like some people do with foreigners.

I get the same feeling from them... Half of the time my cat is rolling his eyes at me and wondering how our species has survived this long.

I think my super(ish) power is animal communication in general. Cats, horses and dogs are the easiest because I spend the most time with them, but if I concentrate I can start to hear birds, rodents, etc.

And I can be "invisible". Being small helps, but I can make myself uninteresting to the point that people don't realize that I'm there. I have noticed, however, that this power is voided if the people around me have been consuming alcohol. Which is really unfortunate.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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Ahhh, my nearly-useless superpowers...

I was going to say 'feline magnet' but then it dawned on me, if you wear a lot of black, the cats will come to shed copiously on your shins. It's not really my super-power, it's just Murphy's Law.

So I guess you could say my useless superpower is the perpetual invoking of Murphy's Law? :(

I also seem to 'know' what someone's news is when they approach me with the line "You will never guess what happened..." Which is cool and all, but it completely takes the energy out of the conversation and is a super power best left unused.

Dwarf Adventurer

Level: 0 <--so sad!


"You give into distraction as if it is a murderer. You lay there, waiting to be killed. Today: fight for your life." -Miranda July

Current Challenge:--Slaying the Beast of Maybe Tomorrow

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I have the super human ability to... read.

I read really really fast. On a weeks vacation I went through 10-11ish books. I am a total speed reader, sometimes its the best thing ever but it really sucks when yu don't want a book to end.


Shapeshifting Rebel

It is the job that is never started that takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

tonic's taking it back


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I have a reallu good short term/medium term memory. I can nearly repeat word for word a conversation or lecture or whatever I heard or read but it only lasts about a week. After that I can recall concepts of the previous for a long time. I used to think I had precog abilities then I learned about the law of large numbers.

I also have a stealth power. I can walk up behind someone or into a room and most people won't realize I am there until I make a noise. I make an effort to walk loudly around work so not to scare people.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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Ooh I'm with Artinum on the proofreading one, my eye just tends to find errors immediately, can be irritating! Other than that... if I concentrate I can hear quite well, haven't heard anything *too* bad so far. I can also walk silently if I want to, not quite silently in heels though, must work on that :P

Human Ranger

2.5 STR | 2 DEX | 1.5 STA | 1.5 CON | 4 WIS | 3.5 CHA

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I am also a proofreader... and I can also vanish and appear (used to totally freak out the kids!).

I'm also a chronos & weather witch. I occasionally will bend time (not very often, as it has to be made up somewhere/when else), and I have shifted weather, though I also don't like to do that one much, as there is a karmic backlash to it.

I'm nearly impossible to startle - much to the frustration of our kids - mostly because I always know who is in my immediate vicinity.

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I'm relatively empathic

I can use twisted logic to win any argument

On that note I can related just about anything to anything else

I can toss object and make it bounce off of anything then go into the trashcan or sink... unless I'm trying to get it to go into the trashcan or sink.

EDIT: I also can find a knot on anyone within a second without having ever touched them before. My girlfriend seems to love/hate that skill. Back massages for the win!!!

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Hey guys, we are the superpower squat!

I'm with Ryan on twisted logic and relating random stuff to other random stuff - it can be quite useful, but I feel guilty when I use twisted logic, so I don't, most of the time.

I'm also pretty empathic. If someone hides an emotion, it kind of jumps over to me. It took me some time to figure that one out; it involves random attacks of joy, anger, fear, etc. It also involves something I would describe as 'knowing how people think' - I know what people want to hear, how they are going to react, and sometimes what they are not telling me. I had this even when I was a kid. It's mostly subconscious and therefore while I talk to people I mostly don't 'actively' think, but I rather just talk and everything works out great.

This stuff runs in the family, though we don't talk about it. My mother has it, and my grandfather and my great-grandmother, too.

For the Pratchett fans among us: I'm Tiffany, or a young Granny Wheatherwax (which is about the same), but I'm not as nasty. Yet. I think.

EDIT: Like Ryan, the knot thing for massages, too. I always guessed that this was a side effect of being empathic, as everything listed above. But OTOH, I also think most of my 'intellgence' is due to being empathic (no matter how bad the teacher, I always knew what they meant. I also picked up reading and writing just by myself and by watching the grown-ups), so I really don't know. :)

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Rix - Level 2 Amazon Assassin

STR 7 | DEX 6 | CON 7 | STA 5 | WIS 7 | CHA 4 | LVL 3

LVL 2 | LVL 1

Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.

Conan O'Brien


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~ I can manage to snag ropes/cords/backpacks/straps/hoses etc. without trying and usually at the most inconvenient moment.

~ I am the finder of lost toys

~ I have a nack for hiding things in plain sight

Scout: STR: 20.5 | DEX: 13 | STA: 28 | CON: 13.5 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 4

http://51feetunder.wordpress.com/ - Running, Rock & Roll, Rock Climbing and Photography

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