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Barefoot running and shin splints


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So I am about a month in to regular working out and eating paleo. I was in great shape a long time ago but college and starting off in my field took its toll, and now I'm trying to get it back.

This may just be inexperience but I own a pair of vibrams so I have been giving barefoot running a shot and today I got the worst shin splints of my life. I only ran a little more than a mile. It hurt when i started but i pushed through the pain, and now i regret it.

Are shin splints common for barefoot runners? Should I just give running a break until I am in better shape or just until my shins start feeling better?

My main concern is developing an injury that would keep me from regularly working out, i don't want to fall out of the habit.



Lvl 1 Lycan Ranger

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Start slow. I know that even for experienced runners, they recommend dialing back your training when you start wearing Vibrams. Go walking barefoot, and throw in small distances of running. This will get your legs used to a fore- or mid-foot strike without burning you out completely and ruining your next workout.

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Same thing happened to me this week after taking a 2 month break from running, you jus have to ease back into it. Next challenge I'm going to do 1 mile runs only to make sure I'm good to go.

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I've not had any injuries(dont even know what a shin splint feels like) but from what I gather a shin splint might be the cause of the calf muscles getting a major work out because of how you are most likely now hitting the ground on the ball of your foot rather then your heel. You without a doubt need to ease into it. I have been doing vibrams and barefoot running for a little under two months now and I have had no injury.

I've taken it mostly slow, but I haven't followed the rules 100%, I have crazy strong calf muscles that are use to me doing a variety of things and I have loose hamstrings( i can do splits), so it has been a pretty easy thing for me to get into. I am ALSO learning the proper way to run.. which is 100% the most important thing any barefoot or vibrams runner can do. I highly suggest checking out this book - http://www.amazon.com/Barefoot-Running-Step-Shoeless-Technique/dp/1592334652

I am currently reading it myself and learning how to land light and have the right technique.

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Listen too you body , Shin splints are caused by the calf muscles pulling off the bone due to excessive use when they are injured or not used to that type of work , basically too fast too soon. Running barefoot takes time take it slow or end up injured with some nasty damage . like Randonwander said go for barefoot walks throw in some running but above all listen to you body it will tell you when it has had enough . Running through an injury only causes one thing a bigger injury . Rest and stretch the calf's allot and take it slower then you have being .

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I adopted a barefoot running style in April once I bought new shoes (New Balance Minmus) and got rid of my old, cushiony, heal-strike inducing Nike's. The first time I put them on I ran a mile and couldn't walk for about a week. Slowly my calves adapted, but I was plagued by shin-splints. I did all the research and tried everything from rolling out the calves and shins w/ foam rollers and lacrosse balls (which was excruciatingly painful bty), to icing them every night, to stopping running completely. Most recently I've adopted a POSE running style only to discover that they weren't getting any better. By chance only, I began running w/ a mid-strike as opposed to striking on my forefoot and I feel like they are getting better. I feel like the impact on my fore-foot strike was so intense (being 6'4" 210 lbs) that I never had a chance unless I changed the way I ran.

That is what I suggest, analyze your running style and go for a mid-foot strike as opposed to a fore-foot strike when running POSE. And good luck, I feel your pain, . . .literally.


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The number one rule with barefoot running shoes htat I've read about (at least when you're starting is if it hurts, STOP. My boyfriend did the whole 'run through the pain' thing and he ended up with a stress fracture in his left foot (only during a 1 mile run) that left him on crutches for the better part of three months. He's now refusing to touch his Vibrams (understandable).

Please be careful!


Wannabe Aiel Ranger

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