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LGBTQA and Ally Safe Space

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France is on the final debates too. Both the House and the Senate have accepted the relevant parts of the new law (same sex marriage and same sex adoption) and the parts that the Senate has changed and the House needs to look at before accepting them don't seem like they'll be a problem (for instance the House had a section about how a married or pacsed (civil union) gay person could refuse to be mutated to a country where homosexuality was a crime - the Senate changed it to anyone, regardless of marital status, who would be considered criminal in those countries due to sexual orientation).


BUT this is France and debating seems to always take ages. They've been working on the whole thing for something like a year now. Hopefully it will be passed before the end of the month, I would be delighted if it was passed today but... seems like a stretch.

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Guess I might as well say it here. I'm pansexual, in a relationship that only looks heteronormal, so the people who are most conservative in my life will probably not believe me/not think it matters if I come out any further. (I told my parents I was bisexual in high school and I'm fairly sure they somehow managed to pass the saving throw vs. believing it. I...don't know how that happened.) I'm really not sure how much I can really bring it up to them or my future in-laws. But my friends all know I'm pansexual and I'm out on the Internet (not attached to my real name), so there's that.

The one thing I have learned through the years is that gender is weird and I am very very lucky to have my cisgendered privilege.

Le cÅ“ur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point. (The heart has its reasons that reason cannot know.)

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LOL yeah- that was a new one for me.


another reason I loved the GLOW group- "or whatever" is a nice catch all.  


I'm not sure how I feel about this to be honest. 



Pansexual people are people attracted to people regardless of their gender. The word pansexual comes from the Greek word 'pan-', meaning "all". Pansexual people are part of theLGBT community.

Pansexuality is an aspect of bisexuality. Bisexual people are sexually attracted to both sexes (males and females), usually to those who identify as boys or girls or as men or women, while pansexuality means sexual attraction to people of any gender (including those who may not identify as boys or girls or as men or women) or to those who areintersex. Pansexuality is opposite of asexuality, as pansexuality means a person may be sexually attracted to anyone, but asexuality means a person is sexually attracted to no one. However, pansexuals are not sexually attracted to everyone they meet, nor do they necessarily have strong sex drives.


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People who identify as pansexual generally dislike the binary aspect of "bisexual". Some might feel it doesn't include non-normative people such as trans people or genderqueers, while other just don't like the fact that it implies a "both" instead of "all".


For information though, "bisexual" doesn't mean "attracted to both genders", it means "attracted both to people of your gender and of a different gender", so it does cover all genders, but not as obviously as "pansexual" does.


Very often, you can use one for the other, but it's good to know what people's preferred term is.

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People who identify as pansexual generally dislike the binary aspect of "bisexual". Some might feel it doesn't include non-normative people such as trans people or genderqueers, while other just don't like the fact that it implies a "both" instead of "all".


For information though, "bisexual" doesn't mean "attracted to both genders", it means "attracted both to people of your gender and of a different gender", so it does cover all genders, but not as obviously as "pansexual" does.


Very often, you can use one for the other, but it's good to know what people's preferred term is.

Ding ding ding! For me it's a recognition that there's more to gender than the binary, and acceptance of and love for gender fluidity is a part of my identity. I'm sorry for any confusion!
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Le cÅ“ur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point. (The heart has its reasons that reason cannot know.)

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L2 Spriggan AssassinSTR 5 | DEX 3 | CON 7.67 | STA 6 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 4.67QUEST || CHALLENGE: Lair (0) Start-Scummer (1) UD (2)

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I'm pan-sexual, and i'm trying to find a way to come out without getting disowned. I'll stop by when i can. Advice would be helpful too.


Sometimes I'm just going along my normal life and then someone says something like this. I had NO idea what it was but, as it turns out, my roommate for a semester in college was pansexual. The reason I say this is because she was dating a pre-op male-to-female individual. She wasn't attracted to a gender, she was attracted to an individual.


Recently, someone on my facebook talked about polyamorous relationships. Again, I had no idea what that was and had to look it up.


It's really awesome the amount of diversity that exists. And really terrible that unless you go searching for it, you aren't exposed to it.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I have been lurking this thread since I joined NF and while I always thought it would be good to introduce myself to all the rainbow colored people here, I kept delaying it and forgeting it and whatevah.


Anyhow.. Today we had some awesome news here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Rio is now the 11st state that allows gay peeps to officialy get married.


I am totally going out to celebrate with my girlfriend and friends tonight. If you guys asked me if I thought this possible five years ago my answer would be "heck no!".


I am just so glad things are moving at an awesome pace here in Brazil, regardless of the religious politicians (we have plenty, sadly) and all the crap and prejudice gay people still go through here. Now they will have to suck it up.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Edit: I blame Tapatalk for the wall of text. Sorry, guys.

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I have been lurking this thread since I joined NF and while I always thought it would be good to introduce myself to all the rainbow colored people here, I kept delaying it and forgeting it and whatevah. Anyhow.. Today we had some awesome news here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio is now the 11st state that allows gay peeps to officialy get married. I am totally going out to celebrate with my girlfriend and friends tonight. If you guys asked me if I thought this possible five years ago my answer would be "heck no!". I am just so glad things are moving at an awesome pace here in Brazil, regardless of the religious politicians (we have plenty, sadly) and all the crap and prejudice gay people still go through here. Now they will have to suck it up. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

WOOOOT! Go Brazil!!!!!!! Enjoy those celebrations! :D

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Bisexuality doesn't explicitly exclude trans people... and neither does being straight or gay, for that matter. Some people are more comfortable with it than others, and depending on what attracts someone, they might be attracted to, say, cismen and transwomen who didn't get bottom surgery, because they're attracted to people with penises of any gender (but not people without penises, regardless of gender). But there isn't really a word for that, so they might call themselves straight (if they're female) or gay (if they're male) because cis people are way more common than trans people.


Anyway, my point is, when someone says they're bisexual, they don't necessarily mean they're not attracted to trans people. They might or their might not.

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Hello all,


I'm new around here - figured I'd stop in and say hi. I'm Alex - 23 year old nerd and queer. 


I'm a Rhode Island resident - which isn't usually very exciting, except for yesterday:



It needs to go through another procedural vote in the House - largely a formality, since the House passed it with a large margin - before the Governor can finally sign it into law, but it should be set to go into law as soon as August 1st.


Needless to say, my partner and I are rather excited.  :rapture:


It's nice to meet you all, and I look forward to talking more with you.

Level 1 Human Ranger

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 4 | CON: 2 | WIS: 2 | CHA:


"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then, the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle." - Phillips Brooks


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I am so so stoked to hear the Rhode Island news!! Yay!


Thanks! It's exciting - it'll be quite the victory to have at least a region of the country that is 100% behind marriage equality. Of course, we'll see how things go with the SCOTUS ruling on California's Prop 8...

Level 1 Human Ranger

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 4 | CON: 2 | WIS: 2 | CHA:


"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then, the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle." - Phillips Brooks


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Thanks! It's exciting - it'll be quite the victory to have at least a region of the country that is 100% behind marriage equality. Of course, we'll see how things go with the SCOTUS ruling on California's Prop 8...

Can't lie. For completely self serving reasons I'm vastly more concerned about the SCOTUS ruling on DOMA. My partner and I are both active duty Navy, so, we're getting worried about what will happen when she comes up for orders in a year and when I start deploying to the Horn of Africa later this year. Yes, come August things will be better when the memo that DOD recently put out takes effect for the military, but there are still some very scary and shitty things that could happen without us having equal rights to heterosexual couples in the military.

We aren't married yet (but we could be since we're stationed in Washington DC presently), but I foresee it on the not too distant horizon. Honestly, within the next year in all likely hood.

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