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So after my first look around these Forums (which I shall from now on call my Rebelbasecamp) I guess it's time to Introduce myself.

Hallo everyone, my name is Jakob. Some people call me Jake. Either one's fine with me :)



Who are You?

Well that is kind of an elaborate question, but thanks for asking. I am a computer science student living in central europe. If I had to describe myself in a single word I'd call myself a nerd. At least I used to be. Not the 'popular people who hang around Facebook all day and call themselves nerd' kind of nerd but the 'grossly overweight, horrible acne, spend all weekend playing dungeons and dragons, stare at some kind of display all day'. You know what I mean? The REAL kind of nerd. The BEST kind of nerd.
Well all of that used to be. Don't get me wrong, I am not quite where I want to be yet. I'm still overweight. I still have my share of trouble in all kinds of social situations. But I decided to do something about it. Get active. Eat food, that is actually food. Work out. Reach out to people. In short I want to become a well adjusted, happy human beeing. 


That is very interesting, but how did you get here? How did you find Nerdfitness.com

Well, theres this Internetservice thate compiles a list of your interests and gives you random webpages that match any of them with a single mouse click. (to avoid advertising I wont name it. shoot me a PM if you care to find out) Pretty cool right? Well turns out I had Health and Exercise in my list and so I inadvertantely tripped over this fine place. I've been to a lot of places on the Internet, and this one is genuinely one of the best. I would be honored to become a member of this fine community if you would have me. 


Wow you sure talk a lot. So Now that you're here, why stay? 

The first thing I read about on this homepage was Steve talkin about his boy Saint, who lost an incredible amount of weight, or rather bodyfat. And while I love a feel good story like that as much as the next guy, I thought to myself. This could be me. There is no magic behind this. All it needs is some selfcontroll and a proper goal. After reading a lot about how to work out properly, what exercises to do etc. I saw that a new challenge was starting 3 days after my arrival here. An account was quickly created, signed up for the challenge and now I'm here, after my first workout solo, talkin' to you.


Your first workout alone? Care to elaborate on that?

I sure do. You see my brother, hes two years older than me, always used to be the jock guy, in the family. Always successful in sports and other fitness related stuff, Rugby was his game, so it became mine aswell. Though I only stuck to it a short time, partly because of injury, partly because I realized that colliding with other overweigth guys might not be what I want out of my life. But I digress, he started going to the gym a couple years ago, working out 4 to 5 times a week. So I went to the gym with him a few times, doing routines and exercises that my body just couldn't handle. Which led to terrible muscle soreness and a bruised ego. When I began to take my life into my own hands I decided that a part of that has to be eating healthy and getting some exercise. 

Thats great. So what is your goal then?

To be honest I dont have that single goal that im fighting to achieve. I want to live my life healthier, I don't want to see a huge blob of fat when I look in the mirror. I want to be like my Brother, I want to be like Saint,I want to be like Chris the accountant, I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. Turns out the only thing standing between me and that, is myself. And I just got out of the way. I realize that it won't be easy, that it will take time and that Selfcontrol is key. But if they can do it, so can I.


Okay. And what comes after that? 

I guess. I don't know yet. I can't predict the future. Who the hell are you anyway askin' me all these questions?


That is not important. So what do you enjoy to do?

You're rude, askin' questions all the time but refusing to answer any directed at you. Well if you must know, I love working out, I love eating healthy, I really love photography and computers. I love Science, I love meeting other people and I love playing any kind of game, as long as it doesn't rely on chance. Seriously though, who are you and why do you keep pestering me with all these questions?


Uhm... Thanks for this I guess? I gotta go now, kthxbai! *runsaway*

What the ...? Can anyone tell me what is going on here?

Jokes aside, I really like this place, it is full of kind, warmhearted people and a positive atmosphere. It also consolidates my two favourite things in the world: Nerds and Rebellion (huuuuuge Star Wars fan). I like reading these boards, aswell as the blog entries a lot. I hope I can stay and have a good time with good people here.


I wish everone who read this whole wall of text a very nice day, may you accomplish your goals.




TLDR: NO! Sorry, I put a lot of work into this, please have the courtesy to actually read what I wrote if you want to get to know me.

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Welcome to the rebellion. I know you said you don't have a single goal, you want to be healthy and not-fat. I would reccomend being specific; how can you measure being healthy and not-fat? Number of pounds or kgs you want to weigh, the ability to run a certain distance in a certain time, the ablity to lift a certain amount of weight?

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Hey there! Saint's story was the 2nd article I read on here and it knocked my socks off, too.  I like referring back to it a lot.  Also, I strongly believe that you can do better than "like" Saint, your brother, and Chris the accountant.  You can BE a k*ck*ss Jake!!  It looks like you've done a lot of hard work already, figuring out what changes need to be made and searching for a fitness plan you actually enjoy.  Congrats on that!  May you have a nice day and accomplish your goals as well!

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@emeraldxemmie Fyeah I'm gonna be kick-em-in-the-backside Jake. Thats the entire reason why I'm here ;) Figureing out what needs to happen was easy, what comes next ist actually man-ing up and sticking to it. This, by the way, is exactly what I ment, when I said warmhearted people and kind atmosphere. You're support is invaluable to me.


@tanktimus Thank you for bidding me welcome! The measuring thing is kinda hard for me, cause I don't even own a scale, my only measurement is a measuring tape made for construction which doesn't bend well. If I had to single one of my goals out, I'd say it would be: Pick a gym, and continue working out 3 times a week for the next 12 months. Come January 2014 I'll tell you how it's going.

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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My 1 year is actually to stick to a Mo/We/Fr workout. (I'm sure I already wrote this somewhere, but w/e) Since I can't afford my own gym membership I struck a deal with a wealthy person I know. As long is I go to the gym at elast 10 times a month they pay my subscription fee.

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Hehe I have no dillusions of grandeur, but if more people join, we, together, brothers and sisters in rebellion can make a dent even in such a big industry. Well maybe not, but we can atleast try ;) 

Seriously though, thanks for welcoming me. I'm gald you'll have me!

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Hi Jakob. I really enjoyed reading your story. Loved the comment, "Turns out the only thing standing between me and that, is myself. And I just got out of the way.". Way to go! I just got the same attitude the past couple weeks and it feels great. We'll rock this!! I wanted to thank you for commenting on my forum post too. I'm getting used to the community area and don't know my way around very well yet. It was nice to have a friendly comment so quickly. Anyway, look forward to taking the nerd fitness journey with you. If I can figure out how, I'll add you as a friend if that's OK. 


Just found it...hope it was OK to add you :)

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Hi Jakob. I really enjoyed reading your story. Loved the comment, "Turns out the only thing standing between me and that, is myself. And I just got out of the way.". Way to go! I just got the same attitude the past couple weeks and it feels great. We'll rock this!! I wanted to thank you for commenting on my forum post too. I'm getting used to the community area and don't know my way around very well yet. It was nice to have a friendly comment so quickly. Anyway, look forward to taking the nerd fitness journey with you. If I can figure out how, I'll add you as a friend if that's OK. 


Just found it...hope it was OK to add you :)

Hi kcollings :)


Heh that line just came to when while I was writing. Thanks for taking the time to read the whole thing, really kind of you. Turning my life around took a while, and it was not easy, but I'm glad I made the changes I did. Every week when I look into my mirror for picture and measurements I like myself a little bit more. I'll make sure to add you myself, once I found out how that works.


Also I'd like to Welcome you to the Rebellion. I'd usually do this in an introduction or challenge thread, but since you're here already might aswell. Awesome that you decided to take steps towards a healthier life. Everyone here has been really kind and supportive, awesome community :)

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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I liked your post. I think its neat you like photography, art is so cool! You seem to be a very determined individual and I think you will go far. As as far as having trouble in social situations, you seem to be a lovely person. You were very welcoming to me and others, so thank you for that. It really means a lot when people are nice like that. I am sure you are going to have success. Good luck! :)

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I liked your post. I think its neat you like photography, art is so cool! You seem to be a very determined individual and I think you will go far. As as far as having trouble in social situations, you seem to be a lovely person. You were very welcoming to me and others, so thank you for that. It really means a lot when people are nice like that. I am sure you are going to have success. Good luck! :)

Wow that's so kind form you! Thank you so much for these words :) I've made a lot of progress in said social situations, that took a while as well, but it has definately paid of so far. It's a lot of small steps, one after the other. You can actually get a lot of distance behind you this way. I wish you the best of luck aswell!


Hello Jakob!  Thanks for replying to my first challenge post today.  I am even newer here than you are!  I was also looking for kind people who are encouraging.  I think we've come to the right place.  And the nerd-factor is a bonus!

Yeah everyone here is really supportive of each other. That is why I love this place so much! New people unite, one day we might take over. Well probably not, but I can dream :)

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Welcome! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for you ;)

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Welcome! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for you ;) Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks :)

Well one of my goals is to reach level 7 on the forums, so I sense a lot of challenges this year.

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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cause I don't even own a scale, my only measurement is a measuring tape made for construction which doesn't bend well









just occured to me/... you could use a piece of string... then measure the string with the measuring tape :)

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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I loved reading your profile! :) it made me :D Keep up the work! I have been struggling myself and a friend recommended the site to me... im loving it and ready to start my journey :)

That is very kind of you, Thank you very much! :) I've had a lot of success here so far, and I'm definately staying on course. Love it here ;)


cause I don't even own a scale, my only measurement is a measuring tape made for construction which doesn't bend well









just occured to me/... you could use a piece of string... then measure the string with the measuring tape :)

Yeah, you're totally right. I did that last week, I'm gonna stick to it. Also makes the measurements more accurate cause I can't mess with the measured amounts by breathing/flexing the area! Great Idea :)

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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