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I want to move halfway across the country


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I live in Wyoming and have my whole life. I like it here well enough and all of that, but I have wanted to move out to WA or OR for years now. It seems like everytime I look around though there is less and reason for me to stick around.


Bemoaning aside, I have never made such a big move and one of my biggest concerns is $$$. I make a decent amount of money and I increased the amount of my paycheck that goes into savings from $50 to $150, twice a month, recently.



My question is, is there anyone who has made a similar move? What kind of budget did you have? Were there any details you over looked that I could use to avoid problems?


I am open to all suggestions. Thanks.

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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I haven't moved that far, but if you can rent a truck and drive your stuff yourself instead of hiring a moving company can save loads of money. Then there is the choice of where you're gonna live. I'd obviously recommend scouting for and picking a place before you get all your stuff there.

Level 4 Human Ranger

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a moving company wasn't even on my list of options. haha. I am more of a do-it-yourself kind of girl.


My plan is:

find approx how much a place to live will cost and accrue at least one months rent

gain residency to attend school

live happily ever after :P


that's the plan anyways.

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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I picked up and moved from Boston to Phoenix last year after graduating college. I had no money at all (but a great job in Phoenix) and just took whatever could fit into my car, then when I got here bought everything. It was a difficult month or so, but then after that it was easy. Very glad to have made the move.

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I moved from Ontario to BC 6 years ago. Probably the greatest choice of my life. Leaving everything behind will make you grow more than anyone who stays behind could ever imagine. 


I left after graduating college, no job lined up, $900 in my pocket, my cruddy old car, clothes, and a dream.


My best advise, don't try to move your life where you are to where you are going. sell all of your junk, start fresh, and things will fall into place.


Money will be tight, things will scare you, but looking out at the sound you will know the west was the right move.

Currently lost in Fitness.

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My advice, get a job lined up before you even start packing.


I moved from San Diego to Rapid City, I had around $6,000 from a leftover loan. Due to some seriously idiotic family drama, I just picked up and moved. Didn't have a job or a place to stay. I got a job at a hotel pretty quickly (it was minimum wage), but I had to go back to SoCal for an entire month to deal with a very serious problem with my best friend and her ex-boyfriend...giving up a month's pay and spending around $2,000 altogether. So I guess I really only had about $3,000 to work with.


While I can't say that I regret moving, it's helped me grow as an individual and I've made some really good friends, I am currently in an extremely difficult situation. Been having a harder time here than I've ever had in San Diego. It's been 10 months since I moved and things are more difficult than ever for me.


Personally, I say that you need to find a decent job before you move. Money goes VERY fast. Sell everything you own that you don't need. Pay off credit cards/loans first.

Level 1 elf adventurer.

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when we moved from az to va... we packed up most of our stuff into a 2 door volvo... strapped stuff to the top... me (ex now) hubs three kids... one kittey... drove for four days.... camped until hubs found a job/house... 





not recommended.... 



find a job first.... find a place to stay... rent a truck... drive there

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

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* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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I moved from Chicago to Denver in 2005 and it was the best thing I ever did. I didn't have a ton saved (couple thousand?) but I had a job lined up that started a week after I arrived. Also got rid of a ton of stuff and simplified quite a bit. Got a lot of essentials from Goodwill/ARC super cheap.


Best of luck!

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"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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I've done 1000+ mile moves at least a dozen times in my life so here are my tips:


1 - you will need way more than 1 months rent in your pocket.  Save up at least 3-6 months of all of your expenses

2 - have a job/school lines up before you go, especially if yoiu are going with little money

3 - sell all your stuff and sublet a furnished room when you first arrive.  it'll help fund the move, won't cost you as much to do the move, won't lock you into a location in a city you don't know, and living with someone can help you meet people.


Finally, the weather in that area is WET.  Make sure you visit a few times during different seasons so you experience all aspects and be honest with yourself about whether you can deal with it.  I moved from DC to Portland and HATED IT. It rained ALL. THE. TIME!  I was there for 18 months and they were some of the worst of my life because the weather sucked and I was not a good fit with the people.  Unfortunately, I was locked into a lease so I had to suck it up. Good luck!

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Wooo I am looking at a move coming up, myself! But it will be my sixth. Ahem. I have a bit of a...let's call it a relocation problem.


I've packed my small life into a car and drove it, attached a tow-hitch to my civic and drove with a trailer, rented a big-ass U-Haul and drove it, and hired movers. I was always way too attached to my furniture to get rid of it -- they are all hand-me-downs from family, and mostly very old. BUT if you are not extremely attached to your large furniture, I definitely second/third/fourth(wherever we're at now) everyone's suggestion to sell everything. Every stick of furniture you bring and every box of stuff will complicate your move. If you drive a a moving van yourself, it will be a pain to park, fill with gas, and stow at hotels. Just keep that in mind! (Slightly related: people could not hide their astonishment that a girl was driving that big truck, so be prepared for that, too.)


Dealing with movers blows and is really expensive but it sounds like that's not in your plans anyway :)


Take a friend with you, if you can. It makes it a whole lot more enjoyable.


I don't know if you need 2-6 months of expenses, but it would sure be helpful. Absolutely save as much as you can. See if your new town has a Freecycle when you arrive.


Finally, I actually disagree a little bit about having a place lined up. I think it's better to sublet a small furnished place for a month or two (do line that up) and explore your town to figure out where you'd like to live. I really wish I had done that when I moved to San Diego, and regret it basically every day. I love my house but hate this part of town! 


You're definitely looking at a gorgeous road trip. I can't really imagine moving away from Wyoming because Jackson is my favorite place in the entire world, but the Pacific North West is awfully beautiful, too. 


As far as cost, I don't think anyone here will be able to give you an estimate. My moves have varied from ~$800 to several thousand dollars, and all of them were 2k+ miles. Wyoming to WA/OR isn't too bad, though. Just depends how much stuff you have and how fast you plan to get there!


Good luck!

Level 2 Half-elf Druid

STR: 3 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 1 | CON: 6.5 | WIS: 4.5 | CHA: 3



If you do not change where you are headed, you will end up where you are going.

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Thanks for the tips everyone. I live in Central Wyoming and while it does have infinte beauty,  I am looking for a new adventure and a new beauty. It sounds like I need to save quite a bit more money than I thought I did though. I was thinking in the $1500 to $2000 range and I think I will be uping the to $3500-$4000 range before I even feel comfortable looking for a place to work. I have a cousin in that area who I can crash with for a while until I find my own place.

I'm an athiest and I thank God for it. -George Bernard Shaw 

If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor. -Voltaire 

'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes. -James Morrow

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