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I don't actually remember how I found NF, but I'm hooked because it's written in a language I understand! Been reading the blog for a little bit, just started looking around the forums, figured I'd throw my hands in the air and wave them like I just don't care and say hi :-)


I'll simply go by Cee (or just C, if the e's are too much, lol). I'm a 32 year old chick, work an innocuous 9-5 desk jockey job, no husband or kids, but a few extra curricular activities that keep me out of the house. I'm pretty tubby but also strong like bull. In my old Everquest days I was a warrior elf, and I plan to get back to that!  


Fitness and health wise, well, I've been tubby since middle school and have heard all about how I need to lose weight just as long. Basically a life long story, and it began with and is maintained by the fact that I *really* love food - all of it, at any opportunity to make/eat/bake/share, and there is ALWAYS an opportunity in our abundant world. I fully and completely subscribe to food being at LEAST 80% of the battle, but I'd only been putting 30-40% effort into. Time to change: Proper portion sizes (translation: less than what I eat now), and way more veggies. Fitness wise, the gym and I are old friends. However, I have a bad habit of falling out of habit though. I'll do well for like 3 weeks then stop for 3 months. Bad bad bad. I do better when I have to report progress, so I'll be posting a lot. 


So yup, hi! 

Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

STR 4.5 . DEX 1 . STA 3 . CON 5 . WIS 8.75 . CHA 4

ch 0|ch 1|challenge 2

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Hello there ms C :)

Welcome to the Rebellion! This place is great to keep you accountible for your dietary and exercising goals. Just jump right into the 6 week challenge if you feel like it. Most people here are really encouraging and kind, but if you need good ol fashioned yelling, some are inclined to provide that aswell (not me though, I'd rather focus on beeing positive).

What Athena says is, as usual, very wise. What is different this time around? What is it that is gonna make you succeed this time? 

For the diet thing I can strongly recommend going the Paleo route, it's simple, easy to remember and gets results. But to be honest, whatever is woking for you, is probably also best for you :)

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Hola all, thanks for the welcome. I actually just got back from the doctor, everything appears healthy (besides the # on the scale), but I'll get the blood work from my full physical in about a week. I wanted a measured baseline showing my overall health.


Before, I let "life" get in the way, meaning I regularly choose happy hour over the gym. There's always a special occassion to celebrate, and I never wanted to miss anyone's events. "Meh I'll go to the gym tomorrow..." Then tomorrow happens and hey let's go to dinner! Okay! Next thing I know, it's 2-3 weeks later (my coworkers are REALLY social). Crap, time to get back to the gym. Oh wait, it's the new guy's birthday and you're going to HH? Sure! Rinse, repeat.


But, I'm feeling much more selfish as of late, because I realized that always doing stuff for and with other people took away from doing stuff for me. I had no idea I was such a people pleaser until I sought out some professional help for other issues, and have since been working on focusing making me the priorty.


Food is my challenge. I'm eating much more organic stuff as of late, but I still eat too much of it. I grew up in the school of you can't leave the dinner table until you've finished everything on your plate. So I'm working with that habit by putting less on the plate (portion size!), and also being more mindful of how hungry I am. I don't eat much prepacked stuff, but I DO eat out a lot for convenience (like sit down restaurants, not fast food). It's a really expensive habit, too, so this'll be good for me both health and wallet wise.


I'm a bit confused on the 6 week challenge - it's halfway over, so... would I get only half of the 15 level up points assuming I complete all the goals? And how is that different from the daily battle logs?

Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

STR 4.5 . DEX 1 . STA 3 . CON 5 . WIS 8.75 . CHA 4

ch 0|ch 1|challenge 2

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