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I need to be able to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with... a herring.

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Well, I don't actually need to cut down any trees, especially not with a herring.  That would be impressive though, wouldn't it?


Anyway, my name is Dan, and I just discovered Nerd Fitness earlier this week.  I decided to sign up for the Rebellion right away rather than lurk for a while because it seems like a great community.  I graduated college with a BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering, and I currently work as a Test Engineer in the aerospace industry building and testing experimental jet engines.  It's an awesome job.  I love it!  Unfortunately, it requires me to travel a lot because we have testing locations all over the country and world.  It's also a 2 (sometimes 3) shift per day operation, so I don't usually have a set schedule week to week.  One week I might be on 1st shift (7 am - 5 pm) and the next I might be on 2nd (3 pm - midnight).  As you can probably guess, between the traveling and shift changing I have an incredibly hard time developing a workout routine that I can stick with.  Not to mention having a consistent sleeping and eating schedule. 


So, that's where I am right now.  Back in high school I was a 4 year varsity athlete for soccer (midfield and defense) and track (sprinting, hurdling, pole vault), and I was in the best shape of my life.  I could play an entire soccer game and still have enough energy to play a second, and I was not one to just waltz around the field.  My teammates referred to me as The Machine because I never stopped running or working hard.  Unfortunately, I got mononucleosis at the end of my senior year and had it right up till I left for college that summer.  Needless to say, having mono killed me physically (well.... not literally).  I couldn't work out all summer and was never able to get back in shape after I got healthy.  I tried a little bit, but school and extracurricular engineering clubs came first (those are what would get me a job), so, besides going to the gym occassionally and playing intramural soccer a couple times a week, I didn't do much.


Fast forward to this past week.  Roughly 6.5 years after getting over my mononucleousis, I decided that I needed to get much more serious about getting back in shape.  Judging by pictures (I haven't been able to take any measurements because I'm traveling) I'd estimate that I'm about 18% body fat, with pretty much all of it covering up my abs and obliques.  Ew.  I needed to find a workout that I could do anywhere and at any time of the day.  My younger brother suggested body weight workouts, so I did a quick internet search and found Nerd Fitness.  I tried the advanced body weight workout, and it was awesome.  I started reading more articles and soaking everything in, and I'm ready to take the jump.


I don't consider myself in bad shape, in fact, many people would say I'm in good shape.  However, I don't think I'm living up to my body's full potential.  So, I've set a few goals for myself to accomplish, and hopefully with the support of this community I can get them done.



1.  By April 1, 2013:  Establish a workout routine that I can accomplish any time, anywhere.  At this point my plan is to alternate body weight workouts and interval training every other day, with a resting day or two thrown in, depending on how I feel.


2.  By April 1, 2013:  Adjust my diet toward the Paleo style, reducing grains, sugars, and processed foods.  I don't really eat many processed foods as is, but I can definitely improve on grains and sugars.  I don't know about going full Paleo yet, but that's always an option if I'm not seeing the results I want.


3.  By August 10, 2013 (TOUGH MUDDER NEW ENGLAND):  I did the Tough Mudder last year, and the only obstacle I failed at were the monkey bars.  Damn.  This year, I'm not going to fail at any.  In order to do this, my body needs to be back in top physical shape.  The way I'll measure this is to bring my body fat content down to 12-13% by the time of the event.


4.  By the end of my life:  Find more friends.  I moved to Connecticut for my job.  I'm originally from Boston and went to school in upstate New York.  I have one friend from college around me, and I'm semi-friends with people from work, but I'm always looking for more people to socialize with.  Especially if it involves things like soccer, ultimate frisbee, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, etc.  All fun things that I like doing, but don't do as much as I'd like.


5.  Before I'm old and frail (which I will never be):  Become an astronaut.


Oh yeah, what makes me a nerd?  I don't read anything but science fiction books... with the exception of books written by astronauts or other NASA personnel... and books like the Bourne series.  The Ender's Game series is my favorite.


Wow, sorry for the novel, but thanks for reading... if you did.



tl;dr:  Hi.


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 2 | WIS 4 | CHA 2


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Welcome! Those sound like some good, achievable goals!


Congrats on doing a Tough Mudder! Those look like a lot of fun. I'm sure with your workout plan you'll be able to complete all of the obstacles this time!!


I feel you on the more friends goal. After college all my buddies scattered to the winds, so not many friends locally any more. How are you planning to tackle this goal?

Just a guy on a journey - Battle Log



If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done - Bruce Lee


Be honest with yourself and ethically pursue your happiness - Laz


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I joined Meetup.com a few months ago, but I've been traveling since then, so I haven't had the chance to actually meet up with any groups.  I typically travel for months at a time, so hopefully once I come back home I can get into that.  I know a few people from work who are active as well, but not all of us are around since we all travel.  I'm hoping that between co-workers, Meetup, and NF that I can find some more friends.


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 2 | WIS 4 | CHA 2


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I feel ya on the more friends things. I try to tell myself quality over quantity but with everyone being so busy these days it's difficult to hang out with conflicting schedules. Good luck with all your goals, and welcome to the rebellion!  

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


My Game Blog


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I know you must be smart because you are a Bruins fan!!


I did the New England Tough Mudder last year, as well.  Good time!  Currently, I'm focusing on the Spartan Race series, but that's not to say I won't hit up another mudder.  It's great motivation to get into great shape!!

Current Challenge || Previous:: 2020 Reset

There are a ton of previous challenges that I'm not linking


"Freaking pansies. Go work out!" - The Art of Clineliness

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Well, I don't actually need to cut down any trees, especially not with a herring.  That would be impressive though, wouldn't it?



Oh yeah, what makes me a nerd?  I don't read anything but science fiction books... with the exception of books written by astronauts or other NASA personnel... and books like the Bourne series.  The Ender's Game series is my favorite.


What makes you a nerd? You quoted Monty Python in your screen name and first challenge title!  Don't need much more proof than that!


I also love the Bourne and Ender series.  Did you keep reading Bourne after the new author picked up the series?  And did you read the Bean books in the Ender series?

Level 32 Minifig Jedi Assassin

Current Challenge  | Battle Log | "Epic" Quest

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6789101111.51213141516171819, 2021222324, 25, 262728293031323334

"A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse." -Stephan Dolley, Jr.

"You don't get stronger by skipping workouts." - me, to myself, about 3 times a week

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