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Are rowing machines good for cardio?

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I'm going to be hitting the gym again, but doing the Nerd fitness stuff isntead of weight lifting.  For my 10 minutes of cardio i was thinking of using a rowing machine, much like this one, since i hate walking on treadmills and the gym doesn't have a track.

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Sorry, was in a bit of a hurry when i posted this.  I mean I'm following the Nerd Fitness Rebel Fitness guide.  Level 1 has you do 10 minutes of cardio.  I was doing wieght lifting (strong lifts) before, but I'm going this way for now, might get back into weight lifting when my body weight is down.

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Yup, rowing is great for that.

(If this post seems brief or anything like that it's because I'm using my phone and don't want to type a lot :))

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Yes, rowing is an excellent option for cardio - and it has the additional advantage over more "traditional" cardio in that it's really a full body workout, unlike running, cycling, etc - which primarily work the lower body.


Just try and maintain good form as best you can so that you take care of your back, shoulders, etc.

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it's her automatic message posting thing- it happens every post.  


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Yeah, rowing machines are great!  Try intervals like 30 seconds "on" (hard) and 30 seconds "off" (easy).


Also, check your form.  Watch YouTube videos, or even better, ask a rower friend or someone at the gym to check your form and make sure you're doing it right.  Legs first, then back, then arms to pull, and then do it in reverse -- arms, back, legs.  If you row with bad form you can really mess yourself up.


Also, make sure you aren't putting the resistance all the way up to a 10.  I'm about 170 lbs, so I set my resistance at a 6 or 7.  Try different settings and see what works for you.

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Just started rowing the last few days and it makes the elliptical seem worthless , after 15 minutes on the rowing machine i feel like puking in a good way i love it. 

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ok, so i attempted the rower on Saturday.  I lasted about 3 1/2 minutes, and I've got some pretty good doms going on in my legs.  i feel like an old man.


Like any new exercise it's easy to overdo it, you won't be sore forever.

make sure you aren't putting the resistance all the way up to a 10.  I'm about 170 lbs, so I set my resistance at a 6 or 7.  Try different settings and see what works for you.

The damper setting is not really a resistance setting in the traditional sense. Just use a middle setting until you get used to it then start playing with different settings to see what you like.


To find piece with myself
I must first find a piece of myself

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ok, so i attempted the rower on Saturday.  I lasted about 3 1/2 minutes, and I've got some pretty good doms going on in my legs.  i feel like an old man.

How's it been going since?



Just started rowing the last few days and it makes the elliptical seem worthless , after 15 minutes on the rowing machine i feel like puking in a good way i love it. 

Lol I felt the same way when I started it! It's a great machine :-)

Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

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How's it been going since?



Lol I felt the same way when I started it! It's a great machine :-)


my schedule's been hectic, haven't gotten back in the gym :-(

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Are barbells good for deadlifts?  ;)


Yes.  Yes, rowers are verrrrrrrrrrry good for cardio, as well as for imploding your ego, any sense of fitness, and soul.  ;)


Enjoy!  :D

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I am not an expert by any means, but I guess that if it can raise your heart rate for an extended period of time, it is good for cardio.

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I prefer the treadmill and elliptical to rowing. I only row as an upper body warmup for lifting. I cant stand to be on there longer than 5 minutes. 

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but but but- you get legs too!!


LOL I'm bias- I love rowing- I used to row for fun for over an hour- so relaxing/good work


I guess I'm doing it wrong because i hardly feel like Im using my legs at all.

USS & NBAC Masters swim coach

Current: lifter, runner

Former: triathlete, cyclocross racer, NCAA swimmer


Current games: Borderlands 2, Runescape, Star Ocean, Dragon's Dogma

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