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What do you believe?

Irish Oisin

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Let's remove the bible from this argument. Then what does the "gay people can't marry" side have? Nada! Zip! Zilch! 

I don't think the argument is that "gay people can't marry." The idea is that one person should not be able to marry someone of the same gender. Gay people, even openly gay people, can certainly marry someone of the opposite sex, and yes, it does happen. I'm not entirely against same-sex marriage, but I see what its opponents are trying to say.


As for my views, I don't believe being gay (attracted to someone of the same sex) is sinful. That's not a choice. Those are thoughts and feelings that one cannot control. Acting on those thoughts, though, are sinful, just as acting on those thoughts and feelings in a heterosexual context outside of marriage is sinful. And since Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have more than just the Bible, we have other things that we get this doctrine from. We acknowledge that the Bible is not infallible, complete, or inerrant.


See http://www.mormonsandgays.org/ for more information on the Church's stance on homosexuality and same-sex marriage. (Not trying to preach by providing that link, just trying to provide information.)

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—Mahatma Ghandi

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I don't think the argument is that "gay people can't marry." The idea is that one person should not be able to marry someone of the same gender.


What?! Are you kidding with that statement?! Why would gay people want to marry someone they DON'T want to marry, ie, a member of the opposite sex. That is just a semantic defense to being against gay marriage. It's just like how black people weren't allowed marry white people a few decades ago. Oh, they can get married, but just not to white people. Yes, I am still drawing that comparison.


You're not making a convincing argument to me saying that if you remove the bible, or any religious text (I'm adding that now) from the argument, that the anti-gay marriage side has anything other than biggotry going on. 


I encourage you to question this one part of your beliefs, not to abandon the whole thing because there are good parts to it. Or maybe watch a documentary called "For the Bible tells me so", it shows how families abandoned sons and daughters because they're gay and after tragedy (Usually) they see the error in their behavior and they change that one part of their beliefs while still being involved in their churches. It's worth a watch.

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I really wish the folks against gay marriage would just admit it all really comes down to this cartoon.



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