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Ab workout question


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Yes.  Squats, deadlift, overhead press, and chinups.


I'm really not being snarky- those exercises will work the heck out of your midsection's stabilizing muscles and make them stronger and bigger.  Your "core" has two primary purposes that I can find: flexible armor, and transfer of power.  When you are lifting with your lower body, but the weight is on your upper body, your core has to stabilize to allow for that transfer.  Overhead press requires a lot of core strength just to maintain a hold in the lifted position.  For some reason, chinups and pullups require a lot of abdominal stabilization.


In addition, these exercises work the big muscle groups, and will therefore stimulate a greater hormonal response, causing muscle growth throughout the body.


If you really feel the need to do abdominal exercises, hanging leg lifts (from a bar, not where you lock your elbows in and put your back against a 'seat') will do more for you than any other kind of flexing workout.

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I find that low reps of high weight works and high reps of low weight works. 


After both sessions I have that cup feeling in my abs and the same ache the next day. 


That way I see it is that you're keeping your muscle guessing, change up your reps and weights, if it's the same every time then your muscles know how to deal with it, ya know?

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That way I see it is that you're keeping your muscle guessing, change up your reps and weights, if it's the same every time then your muscles know how to deal with it, ya know?



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technically progressive overload IS variety. When you add weight or reps to your next workout your body sees it as a new stimulus.

+1000 to squats, deadlifts, and overhead press... I recently found out that I can do a dragon flag and I give more than half of the credit to deadlifting and (standing) overhead press.

If you get to the point of being able to do the bigger core exercises (L-sit,front/back lever, dragon flag, planche...) all you have to do to add resistance is put on a heavy pair of shoes.

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They all work, that's the thing. As long as it tires you out and your muscles ache after it.


I think that changing up your workouts keeps it fresh for you! Just an opinion after reading a lot of articles on working out and working out and trying all of the permutations and variations

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If you get to the point of being able to do the bigger core exercises (L-sit,front/back lever, dragon flag, planche...) all you have to do to add resistance is put on a heavy pair of shoes.


The load from bodyweight alone with the hard stuff is absolutely astronomical, and the leverage such that a little weight goes a very long way.

Body Lever (static dragon flag):


If you really feel the need to do abdominal exercises, hanging leg lifts (from a bar, not where you lock your elbows in and put your back against a 'seat') will do more for you than any other kind of flexing workout.

Lol. No. In the continuum of ab exercises, leg lifts are easy (they are to the abs as pushups are for the chest). Static exericses are where the high loads are.

+1000 to squats, deadlifts, and overhead press... I recently found out that I can do a dragon flag and I give more than half of the credit to deadlifting and (standing) overhead press.

Aren't you close to being able to do a front lever? I would think that front lever training would play a major role. If you can hold a front lever, dragon flags should be easy peasy.

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I-Jo, on 28 Mar 2013 - 14:58, said:

I don't get the deal about dragon flags- I have never found them to be exceptionally challenging.

You sure you're doing them right?

For reps they do become quite easy over time, at least for guys (examples of females doing them is quite rare), but holding the bottom of it for time is just brutal. The angle makes it slightly easier than lever hold of the front lever, and generally for the ridiculously strong, the ab portion of the front lever is harder than shoulder/arm portion.

You could always add flutter kicks to kick it up a notch, or walk up/down in air, which looks quite cool.

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Yeah holding the bottom for time would be brutal.  I don't do them very often because it strains my lower back at the bottom.


I'll look into them some more- I never knew that move had an actual name- so I'll youtube tonight and see some variations and see if what I'm thinking I"m doing- what I'm actually doing and what are officially dragon flags are all the same or if I'm just on a different page.  There is stuff I do that I'm not familar with the terminology- so sometimes I get a little bassackward- I was pretty sure I was on the same page.  We'll see later!!  (That being said I feel like I have unusually strong abs at this point for a variety of reasons which may have something to do with it)


I've done a variation holding a pillar and my upper back on a stability ball before and come toes on the ground all the way to toes almost to the pillar... it usually aggravates my lower back- but I can do them. 


The only way I want to do walking up and down is if I"m doing it on a pole- looks way cooler.  But since I can't do pole stuff- that won't be happening.  LOL

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I-Jo, on 28 Mar 2013 - 15:23, said:

(That being said I feel like I have unusually strong abs at this point for a variety of reasons which may have something to do with it)

I've done a variation holding a pillar and my upper back on a stability ball before and come toes on the ground all the way to toes almost to the pillar... it usually aggravates my lower back- but I can do them.

The only way I want to do walking up and down is if I"m doing it on a pole- looks way cooler. But since I can't do pole stuff- that won't be happening. LOL

Never occurred to me that dragon flags would be a poledancing exercise, but it makes sense (I actually don't think I've ever actually seen legit poledancing). Hurts the shoulders a good bit, but you can do them hanging from a pole, I was going to try using a balled up shirt to see if that would lessen the soreness. Last time I tried I could only do a couple reps before my clavicale cried uncle, but its been a while.

Walking in midair though while moving into/out of a lever of some sort looks frickin rad.

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I-Jo, you're doing it right if your lower back is not touching the ground and your hips are straight.

Aren't you close to being able to do a front lever? I would think that front lever training would play a major role. If you can hold a front lever, dragon flags should be easy peasy.

Haha, I forgot about that part...

I'm up to holding a front lever with bent knees (advanced, advanced tuck?) for 4 seconds or so. I don't feel it much in my abbs so I don't think of it as a core exercise.

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Lol. No. In the continuum of ab exercises, leg lifts are easy (they are to the abs as pushups are for the chest). Static exericses are where the high loads are.



No argument here.  It seems a lot of people insist on doing the flexing type of abdominal exercises- crunches, situps, etc- much like the guys that insist on daily bicep curls.  If a person is going to insist on flexing abdominal exercises, then hanging leg lifts are very much like a pushup- not terribly difficult with some strength and practice, and a pretty decent starting point for more.  

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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You can get a somewhat strong core from just the heavy compounds, but if you want a really strong core you need to work on it. Nothing gets really strong just as an accident or an aside. Planks, ab wheel, Pallof Presses, one arm dumbbell bench press, Romanian deadlift, etc. There's lots of options. Don't be content just to get your core get worked as a consequence to your other lifting, spend some time on it directly and you'll be glad.

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The low back not touching anything is the problem.

I am a huge fan of thr pallof press... I do two or three variations but not the vertical componut one- hurts the elbows. But all three others are great. Love love love them. I am quickly becoming known for my killer ab routines which amuses me bc I never just do 'abs' lol

Waldo I find the vidoe and share. Its truly amazing work ... I don't do pole but i love watching tricky talented ladies- it's not anything but pure sexy athleticism!

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That dragon flag is awesome looking, gonna try it tonight!


On the pole dancing thing, am I the only person who is impressed by the athleticism of some pole dancers? I went to a strip club, or 4, in Montreal once and there was one place that had athletes stripping on the poles, double turn on.

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Have never been to one myself, though the wife is determined to take me. I do think some of the things they do is pretty intense!


Dragon Flag is a bitch to do, though that may be on my next 6 week challenge! I didn't think about holding the bottom of a door to assist, so maybe that will make it a little more possible? Before I tried just off the floor alone. It definitely isn't easy to do, as you have to keep from bending the hips..or any part of the body for that matter.


It is not possible to do without holding on to something, you will simply fall over otherwise.  Holding on is not assistance, it is to create the balance, it assists no more than a bench assists the bench press or a pullup bar assists the pullup.  You actually have to hold on really hard, after all you are turning yourself, for all intents and purposes, into a human crow bar.  You handhold needs to be strong because you are quite literally applying hundreds of pounds to it (my couch with my wife on it isn't close to sturdy enough).


I wouldn't attempt to work on the dragon flag until you can easily hold a hanging L.  The lower back is not a fan of failing while doing dragon flags

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I wanted to make sure it was Jenyne Butterfly before I said anything- she does two really impressive moves in here


1:54 and then the walking one happens at 3:20- 3:45 is absolutely incredible- she repeats the walk right side up at 4:10.



oh yes- real pole dancers are something to definitely be admired.  

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Wow, that's pretty amazing.


Nice straddle human flag (though wow can she can hold an ultrawide straddle).  The walkdown dragon flag is awesome.  I wonder what the first walkdown thing is called, its like an upside down dragon flag.  Not technically a back lever, but closely related.

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Yeah- she's pretty amazing- it's a work of art.  The little kid hop scotching is kind of creepy all in all- but she's an incredibly talented performer- my friend does pole classes- I've considered going on numerous occasions- but I bruise in a matter that's beyond embarassing- I look like I'm a domestic abuse victim half the time because my legs are bruised constantly.  So pole dancing would REALLY cause even more questions.  But I'd love to be able to- it's just so damn cool.



Okay- so I had my friend who does dragon flags come over and do these with me today... I can do half.  


I can go down with little to no issue- but I pike to get up and I can't lift up off the ground in any manner of any inkling of any thought.  


so nope- I was slightly wrong- half the dragon flag for me is ridiculous- the other half is completely fine and not an issue.  




I knew I had to be missing something that was reducing the difficulty LOL

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