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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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Sure am! It so is. Here's some annoying things I hear all the time; "This is Colorado, you should be used to this by now" and  "Ahh, it's May, spring is finally here!"




We moved out for school last July.  We're from Arkansas, so having snow instead of ice is fantastic.  However, as you say it's MAY now.  In Arkansas, we usually end winter with a massive huge storm in late February or early March, and that's all until next November.


This state makes me sad.

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As probably everyone else has also gone through their various situations in defending their eating habits, I hate the conversations about frozen meals.


There's a co-worker of mine that is also trying to lose weight who swears by the Lean Cuisine meals. She explained to me that the meal was a bit healthier than mine because it has whole grains in it, not as much fat, and tasted better, hence why it was healthier. I told to get the box it came from and read all the ingredients in the meal. After the third big word that she couldn't pronounce, I stopped her and told her all four ingredients that was in my meal.


Even after all that, she is still convinced that frozen meals are still good for you. Keep eating them, sweety, and watch me eat twice as much as you with a third of the calories and half the carbs of that stupid, small ass meal!!!

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I have a peeve that is more of an action than a statement... The people who crowd the area before you can set up for a class. As soon as you're allowed to set up a workout area for the class, they rush in for a spot, always in the back, and set up this super passive aggressive  claim on that 4'x4' area. Often times setting up before the person ahead of them has left.


The kicker? You have to SIGN UP for the class... therefore, there's room for everyone...  and it's a square room where everyone faces the center for 90% of the class... why bum rush the area that is the "back" for a total of 2 minutes.



Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

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they do that at my gym too- it's really annoying because I'm in there dancing often up till the 5 minute prior to mark.  They fucking pick THEIR spot- like there aren't any other's in the room... and they camp their- often getting in my way.

it's annoying. But too be fair- they don't have a sign up for that body works class- and they fucking crowd the shit out of it.   

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They say "casual" instead of "causal"? Like, out loud? I can understand misspelling it in writing, but saying it out loud?


I feel The Oatmeal could make a wonderful little comic out of that...



Yes out loud. And it has been this whole entire semester that this girl has said casual instead of causal. She just sounds stupid when she does it. And the sad part, another girl (i think) picked it up from her. 2 girls in one class. Not only these girls, but this guy in my research methods as well...you're in research methods saying casual instead of causal...SERIOUSLY??? *face palm*.



I wish that they would have said it last semester in my critical thinking course. My professor was awesome, and would have ripped them a new one for saying casual. 

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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I'd say something... but I'm the one who turned around at a bar and correct a kids grammar (he was on the phone) and he kept going WHERE YOU BE AT


I couldn't take it.  I politely waited till he hung up and said- "the question is "where are you"... not where you be at.


You never end a sentence in a preposition.


needless to say- he did NOT appreciate my helpful knowledge. 

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Unfortunately when they are saying casual, it is during group presentations, so interrupting is not really an option. (I only interrupt during group presentations when someone is REALLY struggling to say a word from the powerpoint.) By the time they are finished with their presentation, i have typically zoned out and forgotten about the grammatical error.


hahaha that is awesome. Grammar police to the rescue!! 

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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Lol!! I never felt bad for them, it went straight to irritation.

Seriously if I could have corrected them I would have. Instead I'm forced to correct them in my head or under my breath (and thinking wtf!!!)

I tend to correct professors a lot as well. I probably piss them off.

And I agree people are unappreciative of help, especially with their grammar. Just plain rude.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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You forgot "AXSED"


I always picture everyone running about with firemen's axes taking them to one another. It helps with the rage.

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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You never end a sentence in a preposition.


Actually, this is a myth - it's totally fine to end a sentence with a preposition.

"I fell over".

"The stove is on".

"Why did you jump off?"

Warrior Princess
Eating Psychology Coach

Adventure's Guild Challenge winner: Challenge #24

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"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion."

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Actually, this is a myth - it's totally fine to end a sentence with a preposition.

"I fell over".

"The stove is on".

"Why did you jump off?"


Not all of those are being used as prepositions though.  My linguistics is a little fuzzy, but especially in the second sentence, the word "on" here simply means that (assuming an electric stove) there is electrical current flowing through the heating element.  You could say that the stove is hot, the switch is closed, the gas valve is open, or even that the food is cooking.  It's a state of being, or an adjective, not a preposition.


I think the first sentence is a two-word phrasal intransitive verb, at least in this usage.  It could be transitive, but only in certain contexts, such as, "He fell over himself trying to impress his boss."  A good case could be made that usage is as a verb-preposition, but I'm not sure.  "I fell over the stump," is a clear example of a prepositional use.


Depending on context, jumping off could also be a phrasal adjective or verb that means "to start," as in, "I went to the jump-off point," or, "What time are we jumping off?"


English grammar is way fuzzier than some people like to admit.


I heard an interesting snippet on NPR the other day about the use of "yo" as a third-person, gender-neutral pronoun, to replace he and she.  People have tried to force something like that in the past, but it has apparently been spreading in some Baltimore schools.


(I'm a linguistics nerd, please don't laugh at me.)

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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Are you truly surprised that your unasked-for advice was not well received?

Are you giving it for the benefit of the recipient, or for your own feel of self-gratification?

your sarcasm meter is broken good sir.  of course I'm not suprrised that the irritated child didn't appreciate my correcting him.  And i did it for neither- I did it because he was being annoying and ignorant.   


Actually, this is a myth - it's totally fine to end a sentence with a preposition.

"I fell over".

"The stove is on".

"Why did you jump off?"


Not all of those are being used as prepositions though


I agree: prepositions are anything the mouse can do to the house. 


I was indeed taught you never end a sentence in a prepostition- but this article handles it fairly well all in all.





especially considering she my precise complaint.



But, you can't always end sentences with prepositions. When you could leave off the preposition and it wouldn't change the meaning, you should leave it off. Here is a cell phone commercial that gets on my nerves.    [Where you at?] For the purposes of today’s discussion, let’s ignore the fact that they left out the verb “are†because I’ve definitely heard people ask, “Where are you at?†The problem is that “Where are you at?†doesn't need the preposition at the end. If you say “Where are you?†it means the same thing. So the "at" is unnecessary. You should leave it off.


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My mother's friend was visiting yesterday and asked me "if you do something that is not on purpose, then you do it...?"

I said "by accident" and then she told me about this article. She asked my sister (2 years younger) the same question and she said "on accident"

I thought it was an interesting read.



Oh and there is another error that i hear all the time, and cannot think of it. It is driving me crazy. I'll post as soon as i remember it.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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A linguistics professor was lecturing to her class one day. "In English," she said, "A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."

A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah . . . right.





snort- love them.  thank you.  LOL


Harrison- reading the article immediately made me think of a member on another forum... he wasn't a native- I think from Cuba or some other Spanish based culture. 


Regardless- he posted a thread based on "going by"  like- we go by way of plane- or we go by way of boat...


but we don't go by walk?


why not.


Needless to say it was hysterical and full of win- so "going by walk" is now a common joke over there on that forum.  He was great for jokes- huge troll.  

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