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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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"Quitting smoking is easy, just don't do it", or something to that effect.

I can't remember exactly what it is people who have never smoked said.  In a way I agree, quitting is easy, the hard part is not picking up another one.  I used to smoke 2+ packs a day, and cut down to a pack for a long time before I was able to quit a few years ago. still have the occasional cigar though.

Family was the worst for me with quitting.

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Briguy, level 2 STR 1|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2[/TD][/TR][/TABLE] "Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!!" Bruce Lee "To Live by a principal is to live, do die with no principal you have not lived."

Battle Log   My Fitness Pal

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"Quitting smoking is easy, just don't do it", or something to that effect.

I can't remember exactly what it is people who have never smoked said.  In a way I agree, quitting is easy, the hard part is not picking up another one.  I used to smoke 2+ packs a day, and cut down to a pack for a long time before I was able to quit a few years ago. still have the occasional cigar though.

Family was the worst for me with quitting.

My roommate was an excessive smoker and he used to say stupid crap like "oh I'll quit when I bla" or his favorite was "I can't quit right now because I need to surive and not kill people" 


or whatever rubbish he came up with. I'm not an addicted smoker (I smoke hookah several times a month- but I don't smoke regularly outside of that- and never cigarettes) so I can't presume to understand how difficult it may or may not be... but what bothered me was that he always had an excuse about his lack of self discipline.


Toward the end of our stay together- I finally just said- stop trying to tell me why you won't quit- just admit that you don't want to.  Because if you really wanted to- you'd try and stop saying "you'd kill people"  People stop/start doing very difficult things all the time- including quitting smoking-you aren't a special snowflake- you just think you are and like to make excuses for yourself.  


Apathetic bastard. 

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"I mean, sure, winning isn't everything and this is a friendly competition, but don't join a team if you're not good enough to help your team win." - Overheard in the break room from one of the guys on my Iceman Relay team who doesn't realize I'm on his team, and I'm probably not good enough to help him win. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I live in a touristy area near famous Christmas lights. I don't go there very often, but I tend to at Christmas for the lights and the special food they serve only in December. These lights are world famous and the three most common non-Brit tourists are: Americans, Germans and Japanese. This took place between two Americans.


Girl: "Mum! Look at this pie, it's got whole fish in it!"

Mum: "If you want a piece we can buy you some as a special treat."

Girl: "Mum, I'm lacto-ovo, no fish or meat."

Mum: "Well it's not like the pie as any fish in it, it's only decoration."

Girl: "It's a fish pie."

Mum "Don't be silly, we'll have a small pie please!"


 . . .

For reference, the pie is a fish, seafood and potato pie. It was a very common dish during deep winter because of the scarcity of food making it so that to whole fish was used. The whole fish is used in the pie today; the guts are used for the broth and the head and tail fin are baked in the pie crust, though not often eaten today.

For additional reference, the place that was selling this pie had that information written on a board next to the vendor.

The look on that girl's face.

The look on the faces of everyone who overheard it.

I know the Idiot American Tourist is an overblown stereotype, but sometimes you have to just stare.


Still, better than the time I was in uni and overhead someone mutter to a friend, "Look at this, the diabetic ice cream is 50p more expensive than the normal stuff! I'll just get Mike the usual stuff and tell him it's diabetic, it's not like it'll kill him."

There's idiocy and then there's deliberately risking someone's health because you're cheap. If the cashier hadn't also overheard that and refused to sell the guy any ice cream I don't know what would have happened.


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I did the same thing as your roommate for 10 years, until I actually realized i am just making excuses, then I started looking for ways to get past that.  I am glad I am no longer a smoker, I can tell them they stink and I used to be the same way.  quit with the bullshit excuses they don't do you any good.



wow, I don't have anything to say on those ones.

Briguy, level 2 STR 1|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2[/TD][/TR][/TABLE] "Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!!" Bruce Lee "To Live by a principal is to live, do die with no principal you have not lived."

Battle Log   My Fitness Pal

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My moms friend made dinner here tonight, she Ham and been soup, also brought apple turnover deserts.  


"They're Delicious you could always start tomorrow"


"That is what I always said, and it hasn't worked, so no thank you"

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Briguy, level 2 STR 1|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2[/TD][/TR][/TABLE] "Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!!" Bruce Lee "To Live by a principal is to live, do die with no principal you have not lived."

Battle Log   My Fitness Pal

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Well, tourists generally just don't read signs, anyway.  They're on vacation and reading is work!


I grew up in a tourist town, it can get old real fast.  "How much is this?"  Oh I don't know, why don't you try reading the sign that is right there in large block letters, maybe that will tell you.  "What time is the movie?"  The time that's on the sign on the movie poster you're staring directly at.  "Do people actually live here?"  No, we are an entire town of actors hired just so that you can come here and visit, like Disney World.  That's why we have banks and post offices and schools and grocery stores and a courthouse.


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Forgive me for not being the typical American, I thought meat pie had meat, apple pie had apples, and shepherds pie had stuff that shepherds cooked in pie, if they were cannibals then I guess you should stay away from the pie.

I grew up about 25 miles from Jackson Wyoming, we avoided the tourist places most of the time.  Drove to Idaho Falls for shopping, went 'over the hill' to Jackson for work and stayed in the non-tourist areas, like Kmart and Ace Hardware.

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Briguy, level 2 STR 1|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2[/TD][/TR][/TABLE] "Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!!" Bruce Lee "To Live by a principal is to live, do die with no principal you have not lived."

Battle Log   My Fitness Pal

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Forgive me for not being the typical American, I thought meat pie had meat, apple pie had apples, and shepherds pie had stuff that shepherds cooked in pie, if they were cannibals then I guess you should stay away from the pie.

I grew up about 25 miles from Jackson Wyoming, we avoided the tourist places most of the time.  Drove to Idaho Falls for shopping, went 'over the hill' to Jackson for work and stayed in the non-tourist areas, like Kmart and Ace Hardware.


I thought shepard's pie had actual shepard's...

"I like you just the way you are" - Mr. Rogers


In Br0din's name we gain.

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SuNoYo unfortunately for the majority of Americans the concept of a meat pie is unknown to them. Pie = fruit baked in crust to their mind.

On behalf of America I'm sorry :)

Really? Up here in Canada it's practically a staple! Especially around Christmas time.

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Girl: "Mum! Look at this pie, it's got whole fish in it!"

Mum: "If you want a piece we can buy you some as a special treat."

Girl: "Mum, I'm lacto-ovo, no fish or meat."

Mum: "Well it's not like the pie as any fish in it, it's only decoration."

Girl: "It's a fish pie."

Mum "Don't be silly, we'll have a small pie please!"



How is "lacto-ovo" no fish or meat? Unless lacto-ovo means she can ONLY eat dairy products & eggs?

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How is "lacto-ovo" no fish or meat? Unless lacto-ovo means she can ONLY eat dairy products & eggs?

I think she meant lacto-ovo vegetarian. So plant matter, dairy and eggs. No meat or fish. Pescatarians are the ones who eat fish but no (land) meat.

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Tsk, she needs to be more specific! Although to be fair to her she's probably so weak from lack of nutrients that she can't waste words...

Please do not bash the vegetarians/vegans. Those are perfectly valid styles if you know what you are doing. Be careful or some of our vegetarian/vegan rebels will get on your case about "people critisizing my eating choices".

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Handy linky.

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Friends over today, they commented on my weight loss, I said hard work and lifestyle change;

Friend: lifestyle change?

Me: yes I have changed the way that I eat.

Friend: oh diet.

Me: no, as I don't plan on going back to the way I was before, diets usually end ( in disaster ).

Friend: so what do you eat?

Me: everything except, grains, dairy, sugar, processed foods of any kind.

Friend: so what does that leave you?

Me: all the meat, fruit and veggies I can handle.

Friend: oh if it's that easy maybe I will try it. Can I eat bread?

Me: face palm.

All the while our little convo is happening she is popping Jatz and dip into her face.

I wrote down the website for her and told her to google Paleo.

( I cheat a little every now and then with a wee bit of feta on me salad ).

Wait! What............?

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Friends over today, they commented on my weight loss, I said hard work and lifestyle change;

Friend: lifestyle change?

Me: yes I have changed the way that I eat.

Friend: oh diet.

Me: no, as I don't plan on going back to the way I was before, diets usually end ( in disaster ).

Friend: so what do you eat?

Me: everything except, grains, dairy, sugar, processed foods of any kind.

Friend: so what does that leave you?

Me: all the meat, fruit and veggies I can handle.

Friend: oh if it's that easy maybe I will try it. Can I eat bread?

Me: face palm.

All the while our little convo is happening she is popping Jatz and dip into her face.

I wrote down the website for her and told her to google Paleo.

( I cheat a little every now and then with a wee bit of feta on me salad ).

Wait! What............?

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I did the same thing as your roommate for 10 years, until I actually realized i am just making excuses, then I started looking for ways to get past that.  I am glad I am no longer a smoker, I can tell them they stink and I used to be the same way.  quit with the bullshit excuses they don't do you any good.



wow, I don't have anything to say on those ones.

my big frustration was "just realize what you are doing"


I personally don't care if you smoke or not- I mean clearly it's bad- and I think you are a dumbass for doing it- but that's on you.


I just hate the blatant bald face refusal to look deeper and accept that it's an excuse. What you do from there is irrelevant- it's the fact you can't even realize what you are doing- own your life. stop being a passenger. It was a common argument we had- he used to get so defensive and I always said I seriously don't' give a rats ass- but stop excusing it to me. 

If it wasn't so said it would have been comical. 


I think she meant lacto-ovo vegetarian. So plant matter, dairy and eggs. No meat or fish. Pescatarians are the ones who eat fish but no (land) meat.

that sounds sad.  But hey if that's what you want go for it.

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I'm getting married in may, and the list of repeated comments could be a thread alone


"is the wedding cake/The food going to be vegan?" (fiance and I are both Vegan, so ... yes, obviously!)

"Is it all planned yet?!" (No! its not, why do you care, get off my case, argh!)


and remarks like


"It'll sneak up on you"

"Not long now,"

and remarks on it being the Bride's day, we've both said, its OUR day. As well as things you always do at a wedding. We're Vegan, kinda-pagan, Kinda left wing (very in my case) and pretty darn Hippie! It wasnt going to be majorly traditional.


so many comments on the future Mrs Kingclumsy "Are you going to lose weight, Dont eat that, you want to fit into your dress" "What are you doing with your hair" "Are you going to wear heals," etc. Thanks, jerks,.




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Hey, all those people are just living vicariously through you.  As long as you remember that it's your day and not anyone else's, and you take things one step at a time, you'll find that everything falls into place and you'll end up with a beautiful wedding, a happy family, and (most importantly) happy newlyweds!


If people are so darned curious, take advantage of it and delegate tasks to them.  It'll take some stress off you and hopefully get some of them to shut up! ;)

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What do we say to the god of failure?  NOT TODAY.

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