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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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lol good for you!


Yeah i don't like salad's at work- mostly b/c they get soggy- but I do have a baggie of baby carrots- and I eat one a green pepper and one big tomato- I am lucky- I have a kitchen- so i can slice them right at work- no squishy tomatoes!!!  woot woot


sometimes people give me crap- except I'm ALWAYS eating so they can only give me but SO much crap LMAO

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the ones lately have been:

"When you getting married?"

"When you having kids?"

"Is she the one?"


I don't know, stop asking me complicated life-defining questions.

Lvl 5 Penguin Warrior:  10 Str, 3.5 Dex, 6.5 STA, 23.5 CON, 12.25 WIS, 5.75 CHA

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I hate the comments about my lack of "fun"/living, because I don't frequent bars or clubs.


When people say "no offense, but [insert something offensive]," it always makes me laugh. 


I think the comments that annoy me the most deal with initiating small talk. For example:


Person X - "Hey!"

Me - "Hey! What's up/what are you doing/how's it going?"

Person X - "Nothing much/Chillin'/Good."


Me - "Ooookay. Glad to hear it then. Bye."


I can't do it. I just can't.

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on" -- Robert Frost

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Most annoying:


"Well, looks like weight watchers is working for you" - never have, never will do WW


"You've lost enough now, you can stop" really? so slightly overwieght is okay?


Waaay to specific comments about where I have lost weight. "your back isn't as chubby", ect.


How would they like it if I started speculating about their weight and problem areas? I doubt it will be recieved well. So rude.

Level 3 Human Ranger


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the ones lately have been:

"When you getting married?"

"When you having kids?"

"Is she the one?"


I don't know, stop asking me complicated life-defining questions.

This reminds me of the "are you pregnant?" questions I've been getting since about 10 minutes after we got married. I read somewhere that the best way to respond to "When are you going to..." questions is to reply "not until 12 months after the last time someone asks that question"

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The times that I have gotten up and left turned out to be the times that my 'friends' have done some very very very stupid things.  Most recently, we were all set to go to a club.  About an hour before we were set to meet, 'friends' announced that other 'friends' were going to join us (I did not know them), so I opted out.

At the club they were involved in a big brawl over a small scuffle between said 'friend' and a drunk teenager.

Taking an objective look at things is healthy.  Stepping away when you see that the situation is going downhill is also a good principle.



Receiving comments about my long hair; be it from classmates or just a random person driving by screaming obscenities.



Most of the time when it gets out of hand at a bar and someone is buying one more round and one more round, it's fun at the time, but then I have to deal with the consequences all weekend. I work full time, work out a lot (triathlon training), and I plan all my meals. So Saturday and Sunday are days that I get shit done - cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning. So that I can be streamlined for the week. I can come home after work and just heat up something easy. It's a lot of work, but when I drink Friday night, all of Saturday morning is mostly a waste, and then I'm scrambling to get stuff done and my nice relaxing weekend has now turned into recovery and not being prepared for the week. And that pisses me off because one night has the ability to effect the following week for me.


Also, maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, but that whole "oh yeah I stayed up for 36 hours and we did shots and then dragged myself to this event" is really not fun anymore. Just no. In college, some guy was hitting on me and telling me awesome stories about, "isn't it great when you wake up still drunk?" No actually, that sounds awful.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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Also, maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, but that whole "oh yeah I stayed up for 36 hours and we did shots and then dragged myself to this event" is really not fun anymore. Just no. In college, some guy was hitting on me and telling me awesome stories about, "isn't it great when you wake up still drunk?" No actually, that sounds awful.

"Old and cranky?"  Try wise and.... er... cranky.   :D  But seriously I feel the same way about the whole partying thing.  I still enjoy having a beer with friends every now and then but I don't consider it a waste of the weekend if I stay home at night and read to my son.


Level 1 Lycan. Druid/Monk at heart, training with the Assassins
STR 7|DEX 5.75|STA 4|CON 3|WIS 3.75|CHA 3


My blog, "Zen, Music, and Movement": http://raffyayaladvo.wordpress.com/

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the ones lately have been:

"When you getting married?"

"When you having kids?"

"Is she the one?"


I don't know, stop asking me complicated life-defining questions.

ANSWER: "she's the one I'm dating right now, and that's good enough for me."

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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Yesterday someone looked at my lunch (salad of lentils, sweet potato, baby spinach & walnut) and said to me in a disapproving manner: "ugh... that looks a bit healthy!" 


I replied "it is actually, and it's pretty tasty too". I'm not gonna act all apologetic because I don't ride the office cake train. Also, I don't say negative things to my colleagues about their lunches, and I expect the same courtesy in return.


Current challenge - Rebels - Huntress lays the foundations

"The effort yields its own rewards"  - Data, Star Trek: TNG.

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What I keep getting over the last year is "How come you're still single?"

From friends, family, friends' family and even clients where I work!

I'm 27, it's not like I'm getting on or anything. I even overheard two friends discussing why they thought I was single. Neither of them weren't saying anything negative, which I'm grateful for, but as I reach the age I'm at, a lot of my friends are in long term relationships, engaged, married, have kids or have kids on the way and they all expect everyone they know to be doing the same. I used to want a girlfriend more than anything because everyone else had a gf or bf, but I've grown out of it and I'm happier on my own than I've ever been!


THE most annoying thing I hear as a result of this stuff is "Oh, well, we're kind of having a couples night..." and I'm excluded from whatever they're doing. It very rarely happens, but when it does, it pisses me off. I'm single so I'm not allowed spend time with you? But, one time I met up with all of my friends and loads of new people and I was in a room with 10 couples and it was painful, all anyone talked about was their relationship, their engagement, "couple jokes" and their kids. I actually left because the conversation was so boring, nobody wanted to talk about anything else. That sounds a bit hypocritical, but both are individually annoying.

Go BIG, or go home.

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I can understand having a date night- they probably think they are doing you a favor by not inviting you. I hate when people due around and talk about relationships and stuff. drives me nuts. I wouldn't have a date night relation chit chat. but then again my bf and I aren't into discussing our relationship out in the open with other people like that. it's personal stuff.

My friend and I were coming back from dance class last night and we both were if the same mind set asking if a couple was planning to get married or have kids was too personal and inappropriate. if they bring it up fine but you have no idea where they are in life or if they are trying already or not... it's just to impolite to ask.

people are way too much about . over share and since they spill their personal life they think you should do the same. it's annoying.

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I don't get these "date nights". When I was in relationships, I never thought to exclude certain friends because they're single. I don't understand why couples want to be with other couples, how is it different to single people? They're your friends. Not your paired friends. It's snobby and condescending if you ask me. I've heard "Sometimes it's just nice to be with other couples". That's not an explanation, it's smug!


Trying to talk to guys about movies in the cinema cracks me up too, because if I go see a big dumb action movie aimed at men I often hear "Ah, Mary didn't want to see it so we saw *insert Sandra Bullock/Ryan Gosling sad/romantic film* instead" Jeez, grow a set!! 


hahaha, relationships annoy me, can you tell? I have very little patience for all of this stuff

Go BIG, or go home.

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What I keep getting over the last year is "How come you're still single?"

From friends, family, friends' family and even clients where I work!

I'm 27, it's not like I'm getting on or anything. I even overheard two friends discussing why they thought I was single. Neither of them weren't saying anything negative, which I'm grateful for, but as I reach the age I'm at, a lot of my friends are in long term relationships, engaged, married, have kids or have kids on the way and they all expect everyone they know to be doing the same. I used to want a girlfriend more than anything because everyone else had a gf or bf, but I've grown out of it and I'm happier on my own than I've ever been!


Irish Oisin, this stuff drives me nuts. There are multiple valid ways to live one's life, and being single is one of them. It really sucks when people ask you why you haven't partnered, as if it's something we all have to do in order to be proper grown ups. I'm in a relationship at the moment but it used to irritate me no end when I was single as all of the friends I have in my city are in long term relationships and I'd get comments and pressure. It's just rude. 

Sometimes the couples that act the most smug are also the least happy, though. I've stopped taking public claims of perfect relationships at face value after hearing a few private confessions. I mean, it's not always the case, just something to keep in mind if any comments get you down.


Current challenge - Rebels - Huntress lays the foundations

"The effort yields its own rewards"  - Data, Star Trek: TNG.

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I actually enjoy/miss being single sometimes- I'm a HUGE flirt- and I'm super social butterfly- I want to do all the things- which means I CAN"T because I live 2 hrs from the man and when he is here- that time is dedicated toward him- I have 5 other days of the week I can do what I want- it just sucks when the things over lap.


But they both have their advantages.  


And fuck that going to ONLY see romantic movies- I want to watch all the worst awful action B flick movies ever.  I'm down for anything- except horror flicks.  I can't watch them- I have sleep/paranoia issues- only can be watched at home- mid day with lights on and I have full control of the remote. Otherwise- I'm game.  Shot them up bang bang go for it!!!  Fuck that sappy shit- and I hate women who drag their men to watch it.  


Magic mike- totally want to see (mad I haven't) no WAY I would have drug the man to that!!!!   And I only wanted to see that for the shirtlessness- I hate sappy movies. sorry- over rant- I agree Olsin- they really have to grow a set.  LOL

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I don't get these "date nights". When I was in relationships, I never thought to exclude certain friends because they're single. I don't understand why couples want to be with other couples, how is it different to single people? They're your friends. Not your paired friends. It's snobby and condescending if you ask me. I've heard "Sometimes it's just nice to be with other couples". That's not an explanation, it's smug!


Trying to talk to guys about movies in the cinema cracks me up too, because if I go see a big dumb action movie aimed at men I often hear "Ah, Mary didn't want to see it so we saw *insert Sandra Bullock/Ryan Gosling sad/romantic film* instead" Jeez, grow a set!! 


hahaha, relationships annoy me, can you tell? I have very little patience for all of this stuff


Randomly jumping in.


If were out we invite who ever. If your cool and we like you then we invite you. If a person declines because most people in the group bring a date then that's fine. But I won't leave anyone out because they are single!


And two...I absolutely despise seeing romantic flicks with my husband. I can tell the dude is miserable so why would I drag them to them. But we also each love action flicks the most so we tend to go for those anyways.


 I like a good chick flick but I would rather go with girlfriends/people who enjoy them. 

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I was on the hunt for a relationship for a while, really putting myself out there. Going to "single nights", I was in a national magazine's bachelor of the year competition and was on Ireland's biggest rated morning radio show on a blind date after e-mailing in looking for help with finding someone, all of which were unsuccessful. I got a few dates, but I never clicked with anyone. I can literally say "I have done everything". It was all amazing and all 100% positive! I'm just happier now because I've tried it. I'd be miserable if I didn't have the balls to do all of that. I'm actually very, very happy in myself! I'm over feeling like I need and want someone and everything I do on my own I embrace and grab with both hands and LOVE life! Just that one question that keeps popping up! 


You sound like pretty awesome women! I think I just have weird friends...hahaha

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Go BIG, or go home.

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Our first valentines day together... I had already said I didn't want to do anything, and that evening I just said "Can we get pizza and watch Predator?"


Its something my fiancé likes to share when people are peeved at getting dragged to see terrible stuff with *insert name of current star*


What I'm currently bothered by is people discussing, basically when you think about it... discussing my contraceptives and sex life without regard.... or asking when we plan on having a baby as we are getting married this year and the question keeps being asked/discussed. Really its a huge personal question that people really have no need to be asking you about.


"Why yes I'm having repeated un-protected sex! So much fun! How often are you having sex?"


I'm no prude by a long shot, but this is deeply personal and not up for public discussion.

Khajiit Level 4 Adventurer


Strength: 10 Dexterity: 4.7 Stamina: 5.8

Constitution: 9.9 Wisdom: 18.4 Charisma: 8.9
June 3rd - July 14th -  4th 6 Week Challenge


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One night we were all in the pub and the whole table, about 6 people, were discussing why I'm single (yeah, this actually happened) and one of the girls said something that made me feel 1000% better about it "Well can anyone think of a girl who deserves Oisin?" which was met with silence. Over the last 4 years I've been on a very visible quest to be the best Oisin that I can be, I've been making big improvements on myself and making an effort to be the kind of person that, when I'm old and grey, I can look back and say "Man, I was fuckin awesome". I just wish people would drop the "why are you single?" questions, they go nowhere!

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Go BIG, or go home.

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That's fantastic... although weird with six people.


You just keep being the best Oisin you can be!!!  



"Why yes I'm having repeated un-protected sex! So much fun! How often are you having sex?"




If I was going to have babies- I would totally answer this- but I'm going to have to modify because I'm not.  Which is going to make it worse (god why are people so judgy about having babies)  whole other topic....


annoying comment number one billion and whatever


ME: I hate kids... they are filthy vile creatures. Never having them.

OTHER:  Just you wait- you'll want them in a few years.  When you're older- that will change.

ME:  >:o fuck kids.  I hate them- I never want them.  Please stop telling me what you think my body will dictate I do... because last I checked and my brain ran my body- no the other way around. 


(where's that angry troll face picture)

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I get that too, always from women. I'm a man, I don't have a biological clock, it will never happen!


This. Oh man this. "You'll want to settle down, get married, have kids one day..."


I'm not a child anymore. I turn 30 in a few short months. I'm pretty sure if I still don't want to get married and have kids....

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"when you grow up...."



I'm not a child anymore. I turn 30 in a few short months



yeah- when does that whole "growing up" stage and the decision to magically have kids come into play?  Cause I'm RIGHT there with you!!!


(Side note- I LOVE teasing my bf about this... every once in a blue moon- I'll text him and tell him I've re-evaluated having kids.   LOL mostly just want to give him a heart attack)

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"So... how's the PhD going?"


I fucking HATE this question.


What do you want me to say? "Oh, actually I just read an interesting article on the heuristics of a proof of Serrin's result that extends into nonlinear analysis."


"Oh woooooow I didn't understand ANY of that lololol"


I know you didn't. I just made some shit up and slung terminology together. Why did you even ask me? RRGGH.

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I work with a lot of women who have never even tried to be fit and are over weight and when they see me wearing my pedometer and counting my steps or eating healthy food I get a hard time because "I don't need to I am skinny". Weight has NOTHING to do for me with my health. Just watch me try to run a block. It is really frustrating to watch try to starve themselves and then wonder why they can't lose a single pound. One girl actually got mad at her doctor for suggesting proper diet and exercise rather then some magical mystical pill. I don't share my success stories at work anymore because of all the negative energy here.


Level Two Elven Adventurer

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