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3 things

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1. My favorite teacher is leading the Barre session tonight (I've noticed I always am happy about something barre related!)

2. My best friends had their baby yesterday and sent me a new picture this morning that brought tears to my eyes.

3. I wasn't late to work.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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Today's List:


1) Got an invite to a dinner party by an amazing artist and all around person that we met at the convention--yay for adult fandom friends! Living the dream!


2) Managed to pound out another 2000+ words on a fic and posted it to AO3, so huzzah for progress


3) Got up in time to have breakfast this morning :)

Lvl 2 Amazonian Adventurer
STR: 8 DEX: 5 STA: 3.5 CON: 6.5 WIS: 6.5 CHA: 1.5
"When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
~*~Exercise daily if convenient. If inconvenient, exercise anyway~*~
Daily Battle Log: HERE

Accountibilibuddies: Looking :(

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1. I finished and turned in this video re-edit that has been hanging over my head for a few days now. One step closer to being done-zo with school.

2. I got a whole page of photos in the special edition of the local paper that hosted my photojournalism class, where most students only got a half-page. Maybe I'm not a hack with a camera after all!

3. I'm taking active steps to recognizing my worth and making sure it's visible for anyone with two eyes or brain cells to see.

4, just because I'm feeling especially good right now: This really complex, technical story I was assigned is finally taking shape. Just in time, too, 'cause it's due on Friday at noon.

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1. Tomorrow is payday, yet I have a full fridge already :)

2. Its effing beautiful today

3. I've never been a baby person. At all. But I'm finding myself giddy and melted over my good friend's new baby. I feel normal.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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ok skipped a day again


1. That I got a fan

2. That I got some sleep

3. That I may get some more income


1. That I feel passionate about life again

2. That I feel positive emotions in general

3. That I came to a much needed understanding with the ex

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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I almost wish that we had a commiseration thread to go along with this one--for whining and complaining when our days are absolutely headed down the toilet. But I guess that isn't really in the spirit of NF, is it? So instead, I'll try to find 3 things to be happy about today:


1) I got invited to a dinner party at the home of an incredibly talented artist that I was lucky enough to meet at the con last weekend, along with my girlfriend and the friend that came with us. Hurrah for making grown-up friends to do grown-up things with, without giving up fandom squee!


2) I wore a fancy shirt to work today instead of my usual t-shirt (still just wearing the jeans though) and I feel pretty.


3) Looking forward to heading out to the forest tomorrow afternoon for cosplay photoshoot! I want to wear my Arthur costume all the time omg

Lvl 2 Amazonian Adventurer
STR: 8 DEX: 5 STA: 3.5 CON: 6.5 WIS: 6.5 CHA: 1.5
"When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
~*~Exercise daily if convenient. If inconvenient, exercise anyway~*~
Daily Battle Log: HERE

Accountibilibuddies: Looking :(

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Fair enough--but sometimes it is nice to get certain things off your chest in a supportive forum :) And "just stay positive" doesn't always do the job. Not saying that forcing yourself to see the positive in a day rather than the negative is a bad thing, or that it isn't helpful, but sometimes the two just don't balance... I went to a retreat once where they told us, "Don't see your problems as obstacles, see them as opportunities!" It's a great thought in theory--"I feel crappy about myself, so I'm going to use that to motivate me to go to the gym" or "Work s*** just hit the fan, so I'm going to prove to myself and my coworkers that I am adept and super-skilled and fix this!" are two examples I've used more than once--but sometimes things are just completely out of your own control and there isn't anything you can do to better the situation.


Anyways! I don't want to drag this thread down, so I'm going to dig up another three things!


1) Iron Man 3 comes out today!!!!


2) There are officially less than 2 weeks left until my vacation!!!


3) I just found Nenya and Yarya in Angband--I may manage to beat Sauron yet! (Though I want to find Anduril first...lol)


Had to add a 4th--one of my coworkers brought in food from his homeland (Turkey) for everyone in the department! Homemade tandoori chicken, kabob, and a bunch of other stuff I don't know the name of--delicious!

Lvl 2 Amazonian Adventurer
STR: 8 DEX: 5 STA: 3.5 CON: 6.5 WIS: 6.5 CHA: 1.5
"When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
~*~Exercise daily if convenient. If inconvenient, exercise anyway~*~
Daily Battle Log: HERE

Accountibilibuddies: Looking :(

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nbah I hear ya- I use my battle log to vent a little.  Seems safer and who wants to read can read.  


noms- I love M.E. food. I eat at a Lebanese place as often as I can- my BF's family is Syrian/Greek- so we get some good food- well I do- he doesn't like it. Love me some home made Taboulie!!! 

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Today's 3 - before they become "yesterday's 3"


1. After an exceedingly long week, I get to spend the entire day tomorrow with my girlfriend. Moreover, I'm grateful she hasn't found the gift I left in her car yet (she took her nursing school entrance exam this week, and I hid a small gift in her glove box - while I was hoping she'd find it on her own, I did want to see the look on her face)...


2. Tomorrow's excursion involves a visit to a tattoo shop (her), followed by a foray to a cell phone store (yay, upgrades for me, considering my 4S has been through the ringer at this point) and Iron Man 3...


3.  I was able to get out of work earlier than planned, and actually got in a really nice ride this afternoon.

Level 1 Human Ranger

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 4 | CON: 2 | WIS: 2 | CHA:


"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then, the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle." - Phillips Brooks


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1. The rain. It sounds weird, but I had plans to lay by the pool today, had it been nice enough, but it's been raining all week. I know I wouldn't have brought my CommLaw book to the pool, so it's really a blessing in disguise that I have to stay in and study.

2. I'm going to a cookout later, hosted by my photojournalism professor at his house with all the other students in the program. Very excited, even if it won't be a cookout so much as a mid-afternoon gathering with indoor cooking. Happy to see everyone before graduation goings-on, where the tears will flow like wine.

3. I'm going to a roller derby bout shortly after with my roommate! It's on my Athens bucket list, happy to cross another thing off.


Okay, so maybe this is just a list of things I'm doing today. But I'm grateful for each one of them, so...?

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1. I won't have to adjust to waking early to go to my new job tomorrow. (It's Sunday, after a wedding, and I still woke before 7AM. :/)

2. Sleeping in the cellar of the party venue, instead of driving several hours to get home. Very thankful!

3. Spring is coming! :D

Current challenge | Fitocracy | UnTamedTresses


Elf Ranger Level 10STR - 14.75 | DEX - 16.00 | STA - 26.75 | CON - 26.75 | WIS - 27.25 | CHA - 22.00

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1. That I love MYSELF enough to not beg for crumbs from someone else

2. That I got some fantastic things for my bathroom at my new apartment

3. That I only have one more week before Im in my new place

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Weekend things

1.) good workouts

2.) amusement park trip was AWESOME

3.) Concert was AWESOME


My friends are AWESOME.


And- as a side note- for my first official rock concert- I saw three great bands.


And I went crowdsurfing.


First ever- on both accounts- that's a mother fucking WIN in my book.  

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1. Tonight is class #20 of pure barre, which completes my 6-week challenge goal 'early' :)

2. I have a weak backbone. Not literally. But I don't often stand up for my opinions.. I let 'em rip this weekend and feel good about it.

3. Last night, I heard something fall in my house. Normally, I'm terrified and hide under the covers... this time, I got up and investigated. Hardcore me.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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1. It appears that more people have fallen off the 30 day challenge at barre, meaning my chances of winning have gone up!

2. Someone I care deeply about is seeking help today.

3. Whatever weird bug I had yesterday seems to have gone away

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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1. My husband is home for a day

2. He got us to workout this morning

3. My daughter is happy again after crying this morning. 

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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