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new, i don't even know where to begin

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at 23 yrs old i am at my lowest point, i don't even know where to begin i'm extremely over weight. i am so ashamed of myself i don't even know how i let myself get this way being that i used to be an athlete up until i came to college.  every month i tell my self that today is the day that i start my long awaited journey to a new healthier me, but yet i cant stop myself from going out and eating fast food or snacking on chips. i lack the motivation and patience that is needed for this journey. so here i am in hopes of being able to start this new lifestyle with the help of everyone here, hopefully i can get some advice or motivation from you all out there. my biggest problem is that i hate eating breakfast, which i know is extremely important so any ideas on what i can do to get a balanced meal in the morning that will be fast and easy?  i think eating breakfast has to be my first step. 





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Hey Angela – welcome. Do keep in mind you are far from the only one to let things get the way they are. This is my second big go-round and the first one I was younger than you. You mentioned patience – I too have trouble with that but just this week seeing changes and that really helps to keep going and know that it does work. This whole transition takes time. I see people post it took 6 months or a year or more to fully transition and I can see why with my own struggles. What I am finding out is experiment and find what works for you. Taking it in steps as you mentioned is a good idea as I found myself back peddling and kind of starting over. I’m only in week 6 but its change for the long haul. Coming here is a great move – I know it is helping me. Hang in there.

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Hey Angela – welcome. Do keep in mind you are far from the only one to let things get the way they are. This is my second big go-round and the first one I was younger than you. You mentioned patience – I too have trouble with that but just this week seeing changes and that really helps to keep going and know that it does work. This whole transition takes time. I see people post it took 6 months or a year or more to fully transition and I can see why with my own struggles. What I am finding out is experiment and find what works for you. Taking it in steps as you mentioned is a good idea as I found myself back peddling and kind of starting over. I’m only in week 6 but its change for the long haul. Coming here is a great move – I know it is helping me. Hang in there.

yes patience is something that i need to learn, i know its going to take a long while to get where i need to be but it will be worth it. I've watched my boyfriend lose 90 pounds just under a year so i know it can be done and all hes been doing is the low carb diet, i tried it and lost 7 lbs in a week but its hard to stick with only thing i enjoyed was the cheat day every saturday. so now im looking for something new to help me.  good luck with everything!

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Welcome! If you don't like breakfast maybe you can try to drink a green smoothie? There are a lot of recipes around the web but basically you mix a piece of fruit with green veggies - baby spinach is great for the beginning. A while ago I used to drink one in the morning that made me full almost till lunch. Good luck! I'm sure you will follow your boyfriend with loosing weight.

"never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. the time will pass anyway." - earl nightingale


halfling - adventurer

STR - 2 | DEX - 3 | STA - 3 | CON - 3 | WIS - 2 | CHA - 2

challenge – no.1 no.2

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Hi Angela,


Congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you. It is great that you are starting out. I do have some suggestions if you like.


My first one is the one I struggle with daily. Never compare your beginning with some one else's middle.... or anything else. It is great that your boyfriend has lost so much weight, but what worked for him, what was easy for him or what was difficult for him won't be what is for you. It's hard not to go out and eat or go to the gym and not feel judgmental towards yourself because of how much better everyone else is doing, but it definitely impacts my diet and exercise when start focusing on what everyone else is doing. 


As for breakfast, my first question is what don't you like about it? The breakfast food? .... there is no rule that says you can't have a piece of chicken, brown rice and some steamed veggies if that is what makes you happy. Not actually hungry? ..... the breakfast smoothie is a great idea. Or you can check out intermittent fasting and know on some days you will not eat until lunch. 


Finally, remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Start with one small change that can work for you. For me it started with bringing a bag of Apples for my desk at work. It's something sweet and crunch that keeps me away from the vending machines in the afternoon. After that it was going from a large pop to a medium at drive through and water at sit down restaurants. 


Change can happen. Its sometimes slow, sometimes painful and always frustrating.


Hang in there and remember this is a great place for motivation. 


I can do this. STR 0|DEX 0|STA 0|CON 0|WIS 0|CHA 0

Never compare YOUR beginning to someone else's middle. 

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Hi Angela,


Congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you. It is great that you are starting out. I do have some suggestions if you like.


My first one is the one I struggle with daily. Never compare your beginning with some one else's middle.... or anything else. It is great that your boyfriend has lost so much weight, but what worked for him, what was easy for him or what was difficult for him won't be what is for you. It's hard not to go out and eat or go to the gym and not feel judgmental towards yourself because of how much better everyone else is doing, but it definitely impacts my diet and exercise when start focusing on what everyone else is doing. 


As for breakfast, my first question is what don't you like about it? The breakfast food? .... there is no rule that says you can't have a piece of chicken, brown rice and some steamed veggies if that is what makes you happy. Not actually hungry? ..... the breakfast smoothie is a great idea. Or you can check out intermittent fasting and know on some days you will not eat until lunch. 


Finally, remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Start with one small change that can work for you. For me it started with bringing a bag of Apples for my desk at work. It's something sweet and crunch that keeps me away from the vending machines in the afternoon. After that it was going from a large pop to a medium at drive through and water at sit down restaurants. 


Change can happen. Its sometimes slow, sometimes painful and always frustrating.


Hang in there and remember this is a great place for motivation. 

most days i don't eat till i get back from classes which is usually around 2 pm. i'm just not hungry when i wake or don't have time because i would rather sleep then wake up and make breakfast. but i will be looking into the morning smoothies so hopefully that will help. thank you for your encouragement 

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most days i don't eat till i get back from classes which is usually around 2 pm. i'm just not hungry when i wake or don't have time because i would rather sleep then wake up and make breakfast. but i will be looking into the morning smoothies so hopefully that will help. thank you for your encouragement 

I don't get hungry first thing in the morning, either.  Not usually until an hour or more after I wake up, which is a problem if I have somewhere to be.  I've learned to eat leftovers from last nights healthy dinner if I have time or have a stash of  pre-made "fast foods" that I can take with me as I bolt out the door.  Some ideas would be: a couple hard-boiled eggs already peeled (or chunks of chicken or other fave meat that's decent cold) in a ziploc bag, the kiddie applesauce/mixed fruit pouches you can "drink" instead of needing a spoon (try for the no-sugar-added ones), fresh fruit, homemade trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits (just watch your portion sizes with that one...it gets away from you pretty fast).

Life before Death

Strength before Weakness

Journey before Destination

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First of all, welcome! We're always glad to have more rebels on board. Making lifestyle changes is HARD, no doubt about it. You might consider taking part in one of the six-week challenges. Spezzy has posted the rules and stuff up at the top. Basically, you pick some goals, stick to them for 6 weeks, and grade yourself at the end. They are short enough that you don't have to feel like you are stuck doing the same thing over and over, but they are long enough that you can make some real changes in your life!


As far as breakfast goes, I have basically stopped eating it (except for sometimes on the weekend). I don't know about the truth of breakfast being the most important meal of the day, but I've been able to train fasted (and I know others have too) so it might not be as essential as you think.


Anyways, like I said - welcome! If you have questions or need advice or motivation, we can provide answers, help, and a swift kick in the rear! :)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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I'm new here too, and I'm just figuring out where to start. I struggle with breakfast as well. If I try to eat to soon after waking up I get sick to my stomach. I discovered that part of the problem is that I'm dehydrated in the mornings. I now keep a bottle of water right next to my bed and drink at least 8 ounces when I first wake up. That helps my body wake up and by the time I'm ready to head out to work my body is ready to eat without getting sick. Usually I just grab a smoothie and I'm good until lunch.

Human Adventurer, Level 3

STR 3.5 | DEX 1 | STA 7.5 | CON 8.5 | WIS 9.5 | CHA 2

First Challenge | Second Challenge | Third Challenge

Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.  --William Jennings Bryan



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This is my first post but I had to chime in on the smoothies. My wife makes smoothies every night and puts them in the fridge for the morning we each take a tumbler full of smoothie each morning. It's been awesome and a great way to not have to get up early to make breakfast.

Garty, Level 1 Dwarf Ranger


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