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Breaking the Yo Yo

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I'm ready to stop losing 20 pounds and gaining 30.  I'm 48 and have struggled with my weight my entire life.  My strengths are all intellectual, and I want to get stronger physically and emotionally.


I'm starting by focusing on regular exercise at a level I can sustain.  For my first (partial) challenge, I'm doing the basic body weight workout 2-3 times a week and interval training (walk/run) 2-3 times a week.  I'm deliberately not focusing on food to start because I think it will follow.  When I'm working out, I don't WANT to eat junk.


I'm a passionate wife, mother, gardener, crafter and reader.  I work as a data modeler to keep my brain active and pay the bills.  I have three children, mostly grown and our family includes an ever-changing menagerie and an acre of garden.


I've never played D&D or any other role playing game, but I'm learning here.  I love the idea of "leveling up" my life.


I chose Lycan for a race becase a.) shapeshifters are WAY cool and b.) my temper is sometimes an animal that takes over.  I need to either master the beast or learn to work with it.all the time.



I get up and exercises every morning

I run races (signed up for and completed a 5k in June!!)



I've completed 1 challenge successfully, and am excited about a second.  I'm reaching out to build local, long distance and online support.  I braved the scary athletic shoe store, and my new shoes rock!  I joined an accountabilibuddy group for my second challenge.



I completed another 5k in September!!

I carry a water bottle wherever I go

I eat mostly real food (vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats)

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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Fellow yo-yo :) Welcome. Finding that if I just keep it fresh, try need workouts, find a routine that's fun for me, I tend to stick longer than things that bore me fast.


And having accountability. Someone to 'answer to' if I don't feel like working out.

Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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Good luck and welcome to it!


Beginner Body weight is a GREAT place to start. It helped me so much.


Remember that the food we eat is 80% of health, so pay attention to what does make you feel best and keep trying to increase that while decreasing the rest. Just doing one or the other (food or exercise) is good, but it's amazing what happens when you combine the two.


Welcome to the rebellion!

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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Thank you both for the encouragement.  I'm determined to succeed, and I think having a supportive online community will be a huge part of it.



Fellow yo-yo :) Welcome. Finding that if I just keep it fresh, try need workouts, find a routine that's fun for me, I tend to stick longer than things that bore me fast.


And having accountability. Someone to 'answer to' if I don't feel like working out.


I understand the need for variety, but right now, I'm working on a base habit.  I need to be a workout robot.


Remember that the food we eat is 80% of health, so pay attention to what does make you feel best and keep trying to increase that while decreasing the rest. Just doing one or the other (food or exercise) is good, but it's amazing what happens when you combine the two.


I absolutely need both food and exercise, but food is my coping mechanism, so I'm focusing on building new coping skills to replace food.  As a bonus, I'm looking at unhealthy food and thinking, YUCK right now.  I did weigh this morning and will take measurements and pictures tonight, but right now, I'm just eating when I'm hungry and staying away from carbs as much as is reasonably possible.

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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I can totally relate to the Yo-Yo, up 15, down 10, up 20, lather rinse repeat.  


I'm starting again too, so what do I know? But, I can see why someone would want to worry about food after they have a decent workout schedule setup. There's only so much we can reasonably change about our self at one time and if food is a bigger hurtle for you, then it makes sense to get some success/confidence/strength before attempting it.


Hey, as a data modeler, does anyone ever ask you questions like "How would this Entity diagram look on me?" or "Would you mind modeling this relationship with those earrings?" 

Level 1 HalflingSTR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 3 | CON 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 2First Challenge

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Food is my coping mechanism, so I'm focusing on building new coping skills to replace food.  As a bonus, I'm looking at unhealthy food and thinking, YUCK right now. 

I think that's a smart way to start out for sure. I always find it tough to break a poor habit if I don't have something better to replace it with. 


And funny how that works, hey? The more I work out the more I want to work out, the more I eat well the more I want to eat well, the more I work out the more I want to eat well and the more I eat well the more I want to work out! 


So yay you for the awesome start!

Challenge 1 (incomplete)


Current Challenge


Where I am has nothing to do with where I will be.

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Hey, as a data modeler, does anyone ever ask you questions like "How would this Entity diagram look on me?" or "Would you mind modeling this relationship with those earrings?" 


When I first expressed an interest in data modeling, my daughter said, "Mommy, you can't be a model!."

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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peggysr's VERY First Challenge Wrap up

High level, I got stronger, and learned a lot.  I didn't do a GREAT job of working out, but I stuck with it, paid attention to my body, and changed how I see myself.  I am a person who works out.  That sentence is a HUGE change in my world view.  I'm looking forward to the next challenge, and getting better and stronger.


I rewarded my self generously and bought a copy of Pema Chodron's Don't Bite the Hook audiobook and the Rebel Fitness Guide.  My interim reward was a 10 minute chat with a fitness minded friend for every workout.  She was AWESOME, and I was so glad for the steady encouragement.


My fitness goals were

  1. Complete a body weight workout 2-3 times every week (STR+5)
  2. Complete an interval training workout 2-3 times every week ( STA+5)


A (100%) 13-15 workouts

B  (75%)  10-12 workouts

C  (50%)    7-9 workouts

D  (25%)    4-6 workouts

F    (0%)    0-3 workouts


Week 1 (4/21) - 3 Body Weight 3 Interval

Week 2 (4/28) - 1 Body Weight 1 Interval

Week 3 (5/4)   - 2 Body Weight 3 Interval

Week 4 (5/12) - 1 Body Weight 1 Interval

Week 5 (5/19) - 1 Body Weight 2 Interval

TOTAL               8                    10

                         C                     B

                 50%x5=STR+2.5     75%x5=3.75


My level up my life goal was

  1. two fun family outings in the next six weeks (CHA+5)

I totally dropped the ball on this, so no points.


Old Sig


Level 1 Lycan Adventurer

Intro (STR -2  | DEX-2 | STA-2 | CON-2 | WIS 4 | CHA 3)

Challenge 1 (+1 WIS, Fire Flower)


New Sig


Level 2 Lycan Adventurer

Intro (STR: 4.5  | DEX: 2 | STA: 5.75 | CON: 2 | WIS: 5 | CHA: 3)

Challenge 1 (+1 WIS, Fire Flower, +2.5 STR, +3.75 STA)

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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peggysr is Back Again Challenge Wrap Up

This was my second challenge.  I strengthened the habits I started during challenge 1, earning another B for both workout goals.  This is the most sustained period of working out in my entire life.


I also stretched to add new sorts of goals focused on taking care of myself better.  I didn't do as well on those, earning a D for sleep and a C for meditation, but I got a start.  I'll continue working on those next challenge.


I also did a lot outside my goals.  Even before challenge 1, I joined a group and started building a network of online friends to offer support to and ask for support from.  I've also connected with some local NF people, and we're planning a hike next weekend.


I also met a goal that I totally missed during challenge 1--the family and I went on several outings (berry picking, drive in theater, camping trip, and plans for a hike next weekend and a family fun obstacle race at the end of this month.)


  Finally, and this is HUGE, I finished a 5k race.  Technically the course was mismarked, so it was actually only 2.95 miles, but I'm still very proud of myself.  My 22 yo daughter raced with me, and it was awesome!


Losing weight and inches was NOT a goal, but I'm very pleased I lost 2.2 lbs, 2.75 " from my waist, and a total of 2.5" from my thighs.  I'm especially pleased with that because I was not focusing on any eating goals yet.


In a nutshell, +3 STR and +3 STA for workout goals where I earned a B grade, +0.75 CON for sleep goal which was a D, +1.5 WIS for meditation goal which was a C.  For challenge 1, I earned +.5 CHA and +.5 WIS; for challenge 3, I earned +1 DEX; and for challenge 6, I earned +1 WIS.


Old stats:

Level 2

STR: 4.5  | DEX: 2 | STA: 5.75 | CON: 2 | WIS: 5 | CHA: 3


New stats:

Level 3

STR: 7.5 | DEX: 3 | STA: 8.75 | CON: 2.75 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 3.5


Goals & Grading

My fitness goals are

  1. Complete a body weight workout 2-3 times every week (STR+4)                11 workouts/B grade => 4 x .75 = +3 STR
  2. Complete an interval training workout 2-3 times every week ( STA+4)        11 workouts/B grade => 4 x .75 = +3 STA


A (100%) 13-15 workouts

B  (75%)  10-12 workouts

C  (50%)    7-9 workouts

D  (25%)    4-6 workouts

F    (0%)    0-3 workouts


My level up my life goals are

  1. Go to bed by 10 pm each night, half credit for being in bed by 11 pm  (CON +3)    8.5 points/D grade => 3 x .25 = +0.75 CON
  2. Meditate for 10 minutes each day, half credit for ANY time meditating (WIS +3)    22.5 points/C grade => 3 x .50 = +1.5 WIS


A (100%)  35-42 days

B  (75%)   25-34 days

C  (50%)  15-24 days

D  (25%)    5-14 days

F    (0%)    0-4   days


Weekly Results

Week of 6/3:                                                         Week of 6/24:

Strength workouts:  2/3  (GOOD)                          Strength workouts:  2/3 (GOOD)

Cardio workouts:     3/3  (GREAT!)                        Cardio workouts:     1/3 (NOT GOOD)

Sleep:                     2/7  (BAD)                              Sleep:                   0.5/7 (AWFUL)

Meditation:           4.5/7 (OKAY)                             Meditation:               2/7 (NOT GOOD)


Week of 6/10:                                                        Week of 7/1:

Strength workouts:  1/3  (NOT GOOD!)                 Strength workouts:  2/3  (GOOD)

Cardio workouts:     2/3  (GOOD)                           Cardio workouts:     2/3  (GOOD)

Sleep:                     2/7  (BAD)                               Sleep:                      0/7  (AWFUL)

Meditation:              4/7  (OKAY)                             Meditation:           2.5/7  (BAD)


Week of 6/17:                                                        Week of 7/8:

Strength workouts:  2/3  (GOOD)                          Strength workouts:  2/3 (GOOD)

Cardio workouts:     1/3  (NOT GOOD!)                Cardio workouts:      2/3 (GOOD)

Sleep:                   0.5/7  (AWFUL)                        Sleep:                   1.5/7 (BAD)

Meditation:            6.5/7 (GREAT)                         Meditation:               3/7 (NOT GOOD)



Mini Challenge 1:  Joined an accountabilibuddy group and reviewed other group members goals (.5 CHA (for joining a group) and .5 WIS (for giving out advice to your group members about their goals).


Mini Challenge 2:  Skipped


Mini Challenge 3:  added three new stretches to my workouts and did them for a week (1 DEX)


Mini Challenge 4:  tried to add some exercises, but they were tough, and I was tired.  Would like to try some of these later, when I'm stronger.


Mini Challenge 5:  Skipped


Mini Challenge 6: Posted a set of long term goals.(1 WIS)

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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Better, Faster, Stronger Challenge Wrap Up

Overall Grade:  C+


Food Goal Result:  35/42 points--A--CON +3

Workout Goal Result:  25 workouts --A--STR+3, STA+3, DEX+3

Sleep Goal Result:  2/42 points--F--CON+0

Meditation Goal Result:  20/42 pts--C--WIS+0.5, CHA+0.5

Druid Mini Quest:  Great Druid Book of Yoga Poses WIS+1

Druid Mini Quest:  Welcome to Equestria CHA+1


Old Stats

Level 2 Lycan Adventurer

Intro (STR: 7.5 | DEX: 3 | STA: 8.75 | CON: 2.75 | WIS: 8 | CHA: 3.5)


New Stats

Level 3 Lycan Adventurer

Intro (STR: 10.5 | DEX: 6 | STA: 11.75 | CON: 5.75 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5)


Overall, I did well on my food and exercise goals, miserably on my sleep goal and not so well on my meditation goal.  I injured something in my shoulder or back just before the challenge started, so I missed some workouts due to recovery.  That made me even happier when I met the ORIGINAL criteria for an A based on the number of workouts This is the first time I've made an A on my workout goal; the first two challenges I made a B.


I moved from the Adventurer Guild to the Druid guild for this challenge, and got to make more virtual friends.  Influenced by the Druids, I added some yoga poses to my stretching routine and started learning the Sun Salutation sequence.  I'll probably look for more chances to do yoga going forward.  It's very relaxing and physically challenging at the same time.


I also participated in a WONDERFUL accountabilibuddy group--Stealth Ninja Bastards.  We're already making plans for the next challenge.  This group provided AMAZING support, and many of us are becoming fast friends.


This was the challenge where I saw how working out can pay off.  I did a LOT of active stuff--racing, hiking, sightseeing, pulling stones--and actually ENJOYED it.  I need to get back on track with "regular" workouts, but I'll watch for chances to do plenty of "bonus" workouts too.


Here's my original set of goals updated with detailed results. 


Main Quest

"We can rebuild him.  We can make him better, stronger, faster..."


This is longer term than just a few months.  I want to lose weight and get stronger.  It will probably take about a year for me to lose enough weight to weigh 150 pounds (or less,) which is the upper end of the suggested weight range for my height.  I'll judge more by how I look and feel than by the number on the scale.  This isn't just about getting SKINNY, though; I want to be able to do more, live longer, and look better.


One of my big intermediate goals is to to run (jog, NOT walk) a Warrior Dash.  There's probably one close to me around May 2014, since there was one in the DC/MD area in May 2013.  I'm working up to that with weekly strength and cardio training and racing regularly.  I've finished one 5k race so far, and hope to run another 4 races between now and the Warrior Dash.


Current Missions

  1. Fuel myself properly and earn CON+3 by
    1. Eating ONLY when I'm hungry (1/4 pt per day)
    2. Eating ONLY real food--minimally processed meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, and minimal dairy (1/4 pt per day)
    3. Not eating refined flour, refined sugar, deep fried foods, or processed foods (1/4  pt per day)
    4. Drinking plenty of water (1/4 pt per day)
      Result:  35/42 points--A--CON +3
      I'm really focusing on building habits rather than counting calories, fat grams, or anything else.  This was a BIG success.  I've dramatically reduced my intake of wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods.  I've kept up a habit of drinking plenty of water.  There's room for improvement--I still pig out when there's a tempting sweet around, and I'm eating rice and oats still.

  2. Get stronger, faster, and more flexible and earn STR+3,  STA+3 and DEX+3 by completing 4-6 workouts every week, alternating strength and cardio workouts, and stretching for at least 10 minutes after each workout.
    Result:  25 workouts (11 of which were bonus workouts)--A--STR+3, STA+3, DEX+3
    This is an A by the skin of my teeth from a scoring perspective, but I did spend a couple of weeks recovering from an injury.  I also did a lot of "bonus" workouts which I decided do count as workouts.  This was the challenge when I got to see how awesome it feels to be stronger.  We hiked as a family, we raised gigantic stones for a stone circle, I wore out a friend sightseeing (and usually SHE wears ME out when we're together.)  I also did more cardio workouts than strength workouts, so I'll need to work on that balance next challenge.
  3. Improve my health, get stronger faster, reduce stress, live longer and earn CON+1 by going to bed by 10 pm every night (1 pt per day, 1/2 pt for going to bed by 11 pm)
    Result:  2/42 points
    This was an ABYSMAL failure, and I'll try again next challenge.  I did talk to my doctor, and at her recommendation started taking melatonin which has been a HUGE help.  I now actually GET to sleep soon after I go to bed instead of tossing for hours.

Life Quest

  1. Calm and focus my mind, reduce stress, live longer and earn WIS+1 and CHA+1 by meditating for 15 minutes every day (1 pt per day, 1/2 pt for any meditation time)
    Result:  20/42 pts--C--WIS+0.5, CHA+0.5
    This is actually a couple of days FEWER than I meditated last challenge, probably because 15 minutes this challenge seemed a LOT longer than 10 minutes last challenge.  This is linked to my sleep goal because I usually meditate at bedtime to help me relax and unwind after the day.  When I stay up too late, I often choose not to take the time to meditate.  I'll work harder on this next challenge.



A (100%)              34-42 points       25-30 workouts
B  (75%)               25-33 points       19-24 workouts
C  (50%)               16-24 points       13-18 workouts
D  (25%)                 7-15 points        7-12 workouts
F    (0%)                 0 - 6 points        0 - 6 workouts

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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Level 4:  Pushing Limits Wrap Up


Overall Grade:  D

I flaked out for basically the last half of the challenge when things got too busy, and I got distracted and started knitting maniacally.  Thank goodness for the chance to get back on track next challenge.  On the other hand, I ate a healthy diet and lost weight even when I wasn't focused on it.

Food Goal Results:  B  +2.25 CON

I flaked out on tracking a little under halfway through the challenge, but I actually did very well on eating properly.  Not sure how to grade myself on this, so I'm being generous and assuming that the time I didn't track went as well as the time I did track (55/64 points) so I'm giving myself a B.


Workout Goal Results: C  +1 STR, +1 STA, +0.5 DEX

I completed 17 workouts during this challenge, a sharp drop from previous challenges.  DH and I are dealing with a significant schedule change and have been struggling to find time to work out as a result.  Building SOLID workout habits will be a big part of my goals next challenge.


Meditation & Sleep Goals:  F +0 points

I really dropped the ball on these, but I did learn several good tools for improving my sleep habits, and actually got more sleep this challenge than I have in quite a while.  I just returned from a Buddhist workshop feeling very inspired and motivated to build up my meditation habit, so I'm going to do a much better job on both these goals next challenge.


Old Stats

Level 3 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  10.5 | DEX: 6 | STA: 11.75 | CON: 5.75 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenge 1  | Challenge 2 | Challenge 3 | Challenge 4


Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


New Stats:

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenge 1  | Challenge 2 | Challenge 3 | Challenge 4 | Challenge 5 (coming soon)


Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst



Main Quest

I'm ready to start pushing limits:  running more, running faster, lifting heavier weights, building a stronger, healthier self.


This is longer term than just a few months.  I want to lose weight and get stronger.  It will probably take about a year for me to lose enough weight to weigh 150 pounds (or less,) which is the upper end of the suggested weight range for my height.  I'll judge more by how I look and feel than by the number on the scale.  This isn't just about getting SKINNY, though; I want to be able to do more, live longer, and look better.


One of my big intermediate goals is to to run (jog, NOT walk) a Warrior Dash.  I'm working up to that with weekly strength and cardio training and racing regularly.  I've finished two 5k races so far, and hope to run another 3 or 4 races between now and the Warrior Dash on May 10, 2014.



I don't want my fitness level and size to limit what I do anymore.


Current Missions

  1. Fuel myself properly and earn CON+3 by
    1. Eating ONLY when I'm hungry (1 pt per day)
    2. Eating ONLY real food--minimally processed meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, and minimal dairy (1 pt per day)
    3. Drinking plenty of water (1 pt per day)
    4. Eating ONLY between 9 am and 8 pm (1 pt per day)
  2. Get stronger, faster, and more flexible and earn STR+2,  STA+2 and DEX+1 by completing 4-6 workouts every week, alternating strength and cardio workouts, and stretching for at least 10 minutes after each workout.
  3. Improve my health, get stronger, faster, reduce stress, live longer and earn CON+3 by going to bed by 10 pm every night (1 pt per day, 1/2 pt for going to bed by 11 pm)


    Revised Goal: 

    Improve my health, get stronger, faster, reduce stress, live longer and earn CON+3 by going to bed a little earlier every week or two (1 pt per day.)  Starting point for week 3 is going to bed by 11:30 each night.


Life Quest

  1. Calm and focus my mind, reduce stress, live longer and earn WIS+2 and CHA+2 by meditating for 15 minutes every day (1 pt per day, 1/2 pt for any meditation time)


A (100%)              34-42 days      25-30 workouts
B  (75%)               25-33 days       19-24 workouts
C  (50%)               16-24 days       13-18 workouts
D  (25%)                 7-15 days        7-12 workouts
F    (0%)                 0 - 6 days        0 - 6 workouts

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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Level 5: Building Strong Habits Wrapup

This challenge was a total wash.  I flaked out completely after a rocky start.  The set of goals was solid, so I'm re-using them for the next challenge.

Level 4 Lycan Adventurer

STR:  11.5 | DEX: 6.5 | STA: 12.75 | CON: 7.0 | WIS: 9.5 | CHA: 5


Intro & Challenge Summary

Challenges:   1  2  3  4  5  6 7

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces.

Judith Viorst


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