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Desk Job...Need More Movement In My Day!!!!

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I need ideas for adding some movement into my day.  I am an admin so I sit most of the day.


I've made some small changes, but would love more ideas...so far I've downloaded an app that makes my phone beep every hour and when it beeps (if I hear it) I stand up and do 10 squats...if I have a lot of scanning to do, I try to stand while I'm doing it and starting May 1 have been walking a mile at lunch whenever possible.


I'd just like to know what other people are doing - thanks!!

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I know some people use standing desks or ball chairs so they move around a little more in the day. It may be worth looking into!

Lvl 5 Lightbending Bard
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Take all your calls standing up

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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App to beep every hour is GREAT


I have an exercise ball I use reguarlarly

I do push ups

I do squats

I go up and down the stairs

I do stretches- lots and LOTS of open the chest (clasp hands behind the back and lift)

Going to sound odd- but it's part of my dancing technique- I do glute squeezes- practicing different timings and I do chest isolations.


I also do walking lunges- I do desk planks too. 


stretches- lots of stretching


I walk paper to people.

Desk jobs sucks- but you don't have to loose your fabulous butt either :)




Have I mentioned I stretch a lot?

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I take the longest route possible to walk to the bathroom. I eat lunch at my desk then go to the gym (in the building) later in the afternoon. Or I'll take several walks during the day when I don't take lunch. 


Desk push up is #8, but also check out all the happy people doing exercises at work lol: 


Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

STR 4.5 . DEX 1 . STA 3 . CON 5 . WIS 8.75 . CHA 4

ch 0|ch 1|challenge 2

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Instead of emailing or calling someone in your office, walk over to them and discuss it. Then there are the classics: park further away in the lot, take stairs instead of elevators/escalators, etc.


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yeah- do that with some tact though.


I email a guy and he fucking walks over EVERY TIME. and then he never leaves. I seriously get so mad. I'm like stop walking over here- just fucking email me- it's so god damn annoying that he can't just respond to an email. Seriously.  It's fucking annoying as hell. 

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Hey SweetLeaf :D Two days per week I sit in a room for two four-hour blocks with an hour lunch break inbetween This totals, pretty much, eight back-to-back lessons I must teach either sitting on my a55 or standing next to a whiteboard however I set my alarm to let the students know when the lesson is over (which I set 5minutes early as the course is paid by the state and not the individuals themselves no one loses out as I make myself available over lunch). Anyway, in that break I race to do 20 push ups before the next group arrives. Besides the lesson directly after lunch that equals 140 in a day! I'm not sure how effective this is but it sure is harder to scale the walls at the climbing club afterward!

This also gives me a refresh from one group to the next a nice boost in energy to stop me falling asleep during the next lesson in a white-walled room, plus its also quite exciting, the chance that you might get caught doing it makes it feel all seedy.... i like seedy...



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-Maiaverepauradiessere senzapaura-

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OH what a great idea- well I'll have to go somewhere else- I might need to take up "smoking" only because his desk is on the side of the office with the bathroom- opposite sides of cubiclefarmland- but still it's about 50 feet closer to his desk- I might have to start practicing my office ninja skills!!!

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yeah- do that with some tact though.


I email a guy and he fucking walks over EVERY TIME. and then he never leaves. I seriously get so mad. I'm like stop walking over here- just fucking email me- it's so god damn annoying that he can't just respond to an email. Seriously.  It's fucking annoying as hell. 

Oh, yeah, I just elaborate. If I have just a simple question or something like that, then I walk over. But if it's something someone else emailed me about or if it was part of a group message, I'm just replying to the message via email.


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"Hope, D'Argo. It's what keeps you going... I have hope or I have nothing."


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LOL I know it's a common technique to increase activity during the day but really- it can get annoying LOL.  Not every little email needs an in person visit- that's why we have email LOL- that and to CYA ;)


the theory is sound- just don't do it to the same exact people all the time!

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LOL I guess people just love me around here! That and it's mostly older women who want to hear what's new with my babies. I swear it's them who ask me about them and not me, although it doesn't take much to get me to spill about them, what with them being my pride n' joy and all.


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"Hope, D'Argo. It's what keeps you going... I have hope or I have nothing."


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Man. I got a desk job too. I share your pain.


What you're doing though sounds pretty good! The every hour reminder app you have on your phone is a nice touch too.


Maybe every now and then, whether it's in that hour or whatever, perhaps get up and just go for a walk around your office? Just one lap maybe? I do that sometimes. Got stairs nearby? Walk up and down the stairs a few times. People might think you're weird, but it's worth it.


What do you do on your lunch break? I spend about ten minutes walking to the place where I eat, then ten minutes on my way back. I also have to spend about ten minutes walking to work from my car and vice versa. It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.

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Now that the snow seems to be done for good, I've been making it a point to walk a few blocks to a picnic area and eat my lunch outside. It's been a great thing for my mood and I think it's actuallt helping regulate my sleep cycles, since I work in an office with no windows or sunlight whatsoever. Even if its a bit windy or cool, I make sure to see some sun every day.


I also take any opportunity to walk to other parts of the building or outside, like dropping mail in the mailbox or taking documents to other agencies. get up and away from my desk and the computer screen as often as possible to save my eyes from strain.

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