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People have been saying they think I may have exercised induced asthma, I think I'm just an overweight sedentary smoker and will be able to work through the discomfort over time. I can't jog for more than 30 seconds without difficulty catching my breath. How would you differentiate between asthma and simply being totally out of shape?


I was also concerned on my hike today when my toes were going numb. I have a pinched nerve (or a few)  in my neck that has been causing progressive numbness for years. I know I'm supposed to build and lengthen my  muscles to support my spine but I need cardio too. Is my posture just wrong when I'm hiking and jogging? My plan is to start yoga again, I need to take at least one class to make sure I'm still good with form. I originally stopped because I hurt myself. 


I just want to get stronger and healthier without doing damage.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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I really enjoy running and have completed 6 Half Marathons and I have a similar problem. It is very hard for me to regulate my breathing when I run. Because of that I do walk/run intervals. For me it is just taking practice and focus. I find that I either breathe too fast or hold my breath and don't breathe at all! neither is good! I am currently up to running 1.35 miles before taking a break. I find that training in intervals where I run much faster than what is comfortable helps a lot.

Here is my training plan - I walk 2 minutes to warm up then run 1 minute walk 1.5 minutes until I reach 2 miles...or whatever my distance goal is. My speed for walking is 3 or 3.5 mph and running is 6 mph. When I run my mile+ I stay at 5 mph.

Good luck to you, if you enjoy running...take your time and keep trying.

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Per WebMD, the symptoms of exercise induced asthma:



  • Coughing with asthma
  • Tightening of the chest
  • Wheezing
  • Unusual fatigue while exercising
  • Shortness of breath when exercising

The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma generally begin within 5 to 20 minutes after the start of exercise, or 5 to 10 minutes after brief exercise has stopped.




I don't know if that list is particularly helpful for differentiation. Who are these people that think you have asthma? Do they know what they're talking about? I do know a triathlete who has exercise induced asthma; she's just worked with her doctor on ways to mitigate it. So even if you do have it, there are ways to work around. For the toes, are you wearing good shoes? Could be that they're cutting off circulation. 


If your symptoms persist or worsen, I'd see a doctor. Especially with nerves and breathing, you don't want to play around. 

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I thought I had this before but now I seem to have no issue.


I wont say you don't have it, but you may be right that its just you not being used to the strain.


When you feel the symptoms and you stop, do they disappear rather quickly or linger?

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Per WebMD, the symptoms of exercise induced asthma:




I don't know if that list is particularly helpful for differentiation. Who are these people that think you have asthma? Do they know what they're talking about? I do know a triathlete who has exercise induced asthma; she's just worked with her doctor on ways to mitigate it. So even if you do have it, there are ways to work around. For the toes, are you wearing good shoes? Could be that they're cutting off circulation. 


If your symptoms persist or worsen, I'd see a doctor. Especially with nerves and breathing, you don't want to play around. 

They truly probably have no idea what they are talking about but I was given an inhaler as a kid. I grew out of needing to use it by my teens. The only reason I worried is it's not heavy breathing like I'm used to, it's more shortness of breath. I feel like I'm hyperventilating.t takes at least twice as long as the length of time I'm exerting myself to start breathing normally. 


As for my nerves, I have numbness down the entire left side of my body from cervical disc disease. I had an mri done years ago. I'm not necessarily surprised my toes on my right foot have started as well, but it's usually lack of movement that makes it worse. Usually when I'm moving around it's much less apparent. 

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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Sooooo...just going to point out the obvious here....


You're an "overweight sedentary smoker".  If you think there's something beyond that going on, definitely see a doc, but....case closed, ya know?  Getting a puffer/inhaler's a bandaid solution - you'll just be treating the symptom, not the cause.


Not trying to be flippant here, either.  I know full-well what that lifestyle is like (ex-smoker, ex-overweight, ex-sedentary) - it's no joke.  Sounds like you're on the right path, though - keep up the good work!!

What you do, and what you don't do, matters.

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I've had asthma my whole life. I can tell you inhalers are handed out way too often like antibiotics.

If you think you might have it you need to see a pulmonologist. Not a general doc. The pulmonologist will do the right tests.

First thing you'll be told is to stop smoking. Seriously.

Exercise will help any asthma if you have it. Promise.

The only way to know is to be properly tested by the right doc.

Like I said, had it my whole life and was on meds for many, many years. Ramped up my exercise and stopped all but emergency meds. It rarely interferes w my life now.

Keep up your good work and see the right doc. You can totally beat whatever it is.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Seems like you got some great advice about the asthma situation already.


Just wanted to add that if you don't like to run, don't. Walking briskly, or hiking, which you said you enjoy, are both great options. Forcing yourself to do something you have no desire to do will lead to little progress. 


I personally dislike running as well. It's not a necessity. When I want to do some cardio, I go for a long walk.



My personal health and fitness blog: http://JJStrength.com

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Oh and based on previous post, here's something else: I'm not keen on running either. I love hiking. But I can run. If you have asthma, there are few limits. But hiking = AWESOME I say do that as much you can.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I should amend my statement, I am enjoying it more as I get stronger. I don't enjoy the pain and cough/breathing difficulty. On the bright side, I am increasing my jogging intervals every time I go. I would HATE running on a treadmill but trail running works for me.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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