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I've been trying for years to lose weight and I would always start out by jumping on some fad diet for about a week, lose a fair amount of weight, then lose all will to continue. I'm 5'0 and currently 161 lbs. I've come down from 174 lbs since last August by making minor changes to my diet, such as cutting out soda. My current goal is to lose 25lbs by the end of the year.


I work as an Administrative Assistant, so I obviously don't move much while I'm at work. However, I've recently started walking a mile during lunch twice a week. I feel like my biggest problem is not staying consistent with my diet. I also struggle with accountability. I live with my parents and while they're are supportive, they don't always seem to understand.


Something else that I hope to accomplish is getting over my severe social phobia. I would really like to try some group fitness classes, but I'm terrified to even walk in the door to sign up for them.  :hopelessness:



And as a sidenote... I'm addicted to Doctor Who.  :smile-new:

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Hi Strangeling! Welcome to the rebellion!


I know what you mean about the fad diets- that's always been my downfall. It's better overall if you don't look at it as a diet to lose weight, but as a lifestyle change to get healthy. I'm starting the SouthBeach diet tomorrow-which is very similar to a paleo diet. It is a "fad diet" but it's heart healthy and sustainable- and it gives you the motivation to keep going after that first week/the strictest phase. If you buy the book (lame, I know) it comes with a recipe plan all plotted out inside so you know exactly what to eat for every meal/snack on every day of the diet. A free smartphone app called dietpoint has a similar diet plan available called sunney beach or something or other- I downloaded it but haven't used it yet. it gives you meal reminders and tells you exactly what to eat though, and it's free, so that's a plus, right?


I also have issues with accountability- I've found that using a food journal/calorie tracker (I use myfitnesspal.com and the free smartphone app they have) really helps to stay on track because it tells you how many calories your goal is and how many calories you took in for the day. You can input exercise, too, so you can keep track of your net calorie intake instead of just the intake from food. I have used these in the past, and it's helpful to see it all done up in numbers. The only problem I have is if I go out to eat or cook a veggie or some meat- I have no clue how many calories I took in until afterwards, so it's difficult to plan my daily intake with that. But a combination of this and SouthBeach lifestyle is what I think will work for me. If you combine a healthy and functional eating pattern (I'm really reluctant to say "diet" here, because that implies that it isn't a forever change) with a calorie tracker, you might have more success than doing either on it's own. 


I know how it is living with your parents who aren't on a diet while you are- maybe you can convince them that healthy eating for the entire household would be best, or at least get them to "hide" their junk foods from you in a place where you won't think about them? Luckily for me my dad has had positive weight loss results with the South Beach diet and he's planning on starting it up again soon- so my entire house will be eating according to my diet plan. If your parents don't feel like eating/cooking the way you do, maybe offering to cook dinner (according to your diet choices!) will be best for you? hmm...


I haven't gotten into Dr. Who yet, but most of my friends love it! Just thinking about starting it gets me overwhelmed...there are too many Doctors! 0_o

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I've taken a look at some of the things that could use changing in my diet. The past few weeks, I've gone on a diet soda binge so starting right now I'm replacing my diet soda with either unsweet tea or water.

Something else that I know I need to work on is eating out of boredom. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

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I think lots of people have issues with eating out of boredom. For me, the best way to deal with that is to get un-bored! :) I scheduled my gym sessions after work because it gives me something to do after work other than vegging in front of the tv or computer. When I get home from a workout I tend to crave healthy food instead of crap! So I do veg a little after the gym, munching on veggies! On the weekends if I feel bored, I get up and go to the gym. I can't believe that I actually enjoy it, but I do. I was intimidated at first, but I decided to just do it anyway. Now I am totally comfortable there.

I switched to unsweet tea after giving up diet soda. I used to add sweetener to it, but over time it just became easier to drink it without it. You can really taste the tea without all that sweet stuff in the way. It helps to choose good tea and brew it properly to avoid bitterness. If you are brewing your own, try Luzianne family packs. You just fill your pitcher with cold water, put in the appropriate amount of tea packs for your pitcher, put it in the fridge overnight, and have fresh tea in the morning! Of course you can also brew it traditionally, but I love fridge brewing.

Level 3 High Elf Enchanter in Half-Orc Illusion RAWR!


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Hi, Strangeling!


We're a lot alike in several ways--working at a desk/admin job, boredom eating, and that support/non-support deal.  I'm married, and although my husband supports me, he's seen me quit so many things over time that it's become more humoring me than supporting.  Plus if I have a moment of weakness and start pouting about how I want to be lazy or want to eat junk he makes excuses for me and tells me I deserve a break/treat.  Which is kinda sweet, but not what I need to hear (ofc I'm ignoring the fact that I get snappy and mean when he does try to play the enforcer and hold me accountable...)


At work I've been trying to walk around and stretch, but that's easier said than done. :\


I, too, am terrified to go to group classes.  I sucked it up once and went to a chair-dancing class in a totally different city so nobody would know me  and the truth was nobody cared one bit how weak and inflexible I was.  They were all worried about themselves.  It was pretty awesome, actually.  I kept it up for a few months, but the drive got to be too much after a while, and there's none locally.  It was definitely easier to push myself further in a class as opposed to just doing a DVD. People were watching! (except they weren't, really)


My roommate at college used to brush/floss her teeth when she noticed she was wanting to boredom eat.  Gave her something to do, plus who wants to eat right after brushing?

Level 4 Twi'lek Adventurer

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Sounds just like me. My parents do the same in justifying why I should have something, but then it becomes a regular thing. My mom does all the cooking at our house and I tend to feel really bad when she cooks something that I really don't need, but then I feel just as bad if I eat it.

I quit smoking about a year and a half ago so I think that also ties into eating when I'm.bored. I constantly need something to do with my hands and to have a taste in my mouth. I have resorted to sugar free hard candies and gum but those can become a pricey habit.

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Gosh! We have so many similarities :) 

I have been trying to lose weight for about 6 years. I have never been able to stick to a diet for longer than a week and I have a major sugar addiction. I am 5'3" and currently weigh about 171 lbs. I am a writer so I am stuck at my desk for the most part of the day. I used to live with my parents and brother+ sis-in-law till last year and had a constant struggle with my diet as there was tons of soda and chocolates/ ice cream in the fridge (SIL is a junk food and sugar addict but is really thin by birth!) My parents were supportive but my will power quit on me always :(
I have moved out after marriage and for the first time I am in control of what I eat and what food I have in my house - as you can imagine, I haven't done a very good job and have spent about 8 months eating pizza, garlic bread, chips, snickers and tubs of ice cream :( Hubby and I are now trying to lose weight so that we can start a family so I have a good reason to lose weight - I just need accountability with someone other than hubby :) My husband is a very healthy eater and has no sugar or snack cravings so he can't really help me with that. 
Sorry for the long reply :) but I would like to help you with your goals too!
Good luck!!
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