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The journey of a thousand miles...

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Begins with a yada yada yada. I'm pretty sure that's how it goes.


I happened upon this site while reading Deadspin last week. Seeing how I am a nerd who is seeking to improve my fitness, it seemed like a natural fit.


But I'm worried, folks. I'm worried real bad. 


I am a 27-year-old male currently residing in the People's Republic of California. I have a career that I absolutely love, but I want to loose a good 65-70 lbs. in order to truly be more comfortable with what I do and safer as a result.


When I'm wearing my costume, so to speak, I'm pretty active. But when it's my weekend, I tend to sit, watch baseball, game and eat. Like any self-respecting male, I'll do my yard work. But nobody was ever mistaken for an extra in 300 by simply weeding and mowing their lawn.


I want to lose weight, build muscle, and increase my agility/endurance. There's a "That's what she said!" joke in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to make it.


I start my Paleo diet tomorrow. I'll be coupling that with the beginner's workout guides here (alternating days of the Beginner Body Weight Workout and Interval/cardio training). In a few months, I hope to start taking jiu jitsu classes.


Seems like sticking to them would be a recipe for success, doesn't it? But as I said earlier, I'm worried. What if I stick to them, work my ass off, and see negligible results?


Maybe it's the wrong frame of mind to have, but I'm cautious/pessimistic by nature. 


I don't expect any of this to be easy. I know it will require a lifestyle change. And like Reggie, my body is ready.


I'm just a-scurred of failure, I suppose.


So on that uplifting note, I could definitely use the support. I have my own network here, but the gang is already in shape. Whereas they are more concerned with toning their abs, I want to be able to run a mile without sounding like a wounded bear. 


Regardless, I am excited to be here and it was fantastic finding a resource that spelled everything out in a manner I could grasp. And though I don't know any of you from Adam, I do look forward to growing with you fine folks here.


Growing as a person, I mean; not around the waistline. 

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Hey there! So I'm in the same boat with you as far as the fears and stuff go. I used to be super in shape when I was in high school and through my freshman and sophomore year of college. I just graduated at 50 lbs more than I was 2 years ago and that really has gotten to me. My solution? I have been signing up for races. So far I have done 1 5k (my first ever on the day I graduated college), I have my second one this weekend, and then a half marathon on Labor Day. I have tried in the past to lose weight, and nothing seems to help, which makes it hard to be motivated to stick with it. That's one reason I have been signing up for races - they aren't cheap and there is no way I can bust out a half marathon without training! Even with this, I'm worried I won't see results. But we both gotta stick with what we're doing! If you really stick with it (and I mean really stick with it!) you will see results! The hardest thing is hitting the plateau. That's one reason Steve (and myself) are big advocates of taking pictures. Take one once a month or every couple weeks. It's awesome to see the differences right in front of you, especially if you don't feel the changes!!

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Hey man! I was in the same boat as you a few months ago, and finally I just told myself "Why not go for it? What's the worse that can happen?" And I'm super glad I did. The first week or so of paleo was absolute hell. For most people it takes awhile for your body to adjust, and so at first it will seem like you aren't going anywhere. It will be miserable, but if you stick to it and work through it, you will see results almost immediately. I've also been on a body weight routine, and it is so nice. Whenever I go through a period where I can't exercise or eat right, I'm miserable. I miss it. And it's really hard for me to consistently commit to things, but this is one thing that worked for me. I say go for it, stay committed for a month, and if it's not working for you, then it's not working for you. And that's when you can stop. But really, what is the worse that can happen? I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing how it goes. :)


STR: 3 - DEX: 3 - STA: 2 - CON: 2 - WIS: 2 - CHA: 3

"To become a vampire, you must be bitten by one. To become a ninja, you first have to allow yourself to be one."

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it."

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Thank you sir, for almost making me laugh at loud right here at my desk, with the mental image of one sounding like a wounded bear.


I'm 30 years old, I've been doing the Nerd Fitness routines (I bought the book) for about a month, and I have started seeing results. Can you tell it by looking at me? Not really. But I feel better. My muscles feel all toned and stuff. I'm nowhere near my goal, but it is nice to poke my stomach and actually feel some resistance and not have my finger sink into the downy fluff.


In short: don't worry. You'll see results. Small ones at first, big ones later. When you stop seeing results, step up your game. After this week, I'm increasing the weight I lift by 5 lbs. and will go for more body weigh circuits.


And don't underestimate doing your lawn. On the days I do mine, that is my workout. Even a riding lawn mower takes some physical exertion, and if you have a big lawn that tends to add up.


By the way: LOVE the user name and pic. That's always been one of my favorite villains. I just really hope that this career of which you speak isn't as a serial killer and this is your nerd-approved way of telling us.


Also, consider making your own character for the real life RPG and joining a six-week challenge. Too late for the current one, but in the meantime before the next one you could get off to a good start on your goals.

Level 2 Human Ranger

STR [5] DEX [4.25] STA [3] CON [4] WIS [6] CHA [6.25]

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"Blood and sweat washes away pain and fear."

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