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Got pissed off.What do YOU guys do when you get angry/demotivated/sad?

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Some of you guys sound pretty badass,what with the expressions that you can kill people and what not...But controlling your emotions...I personally think that if you are angry at someone,you actually should trust the instinct and go punch him in the face.I know,this sounds bad and insensitive,but I believe that one powerful and on-target punch on the face says A LOT more than just walking around steamy,criticising and swearing at the guy.If you're getting kind of mad,you should ask yourself why?Is it that guy I'm mad at or is it me I'm mad at?If you get full-on rage where it is VERY hard to control yourself,let yourself lose,punch the guy in the face and let him know WHY you did that,why he deserves it.It may put him at perspective.


If you were aiming that first comment at me, please re-read what I said. I said "People" as in other individuals sitting in prison right now. Don't want anyone to think i've got that kind of rage and lack of control in me. :)

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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Some of you guys sound pretty badass,what with the expressions that you can kill people and what not...But controlling your emotions...I personally think that if you are angry at someone,you actually should trust the instinct and go punch him in the face.I know,this sounds bad and insensitive,but I believe that one powerful and on-target punch on the face says A LOT more than just walking around steamy,criticising and swearing at the guy.If you're getting kind of mad,you should ask yourself why?Is it that guy I'm mad at or is it me I'm mad at?If you get full-on rage where it is VERY hard to control yourself,let yourself lose,punch the guy in the face and let him know WHY you did that,why he deserves it.It may put him at perspective.


The problem is, punching people in the face usually causes more problems. Punching (your own) stuff, cursing etc doesn't cause problems.

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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Some of you guys sound pretty badass,what with the expressions that you can kill people and what not...But controlling your emotions...I personally think that if you are angry at someone,you actually should trust the instinct and go punch him in the face.I know,this sounds bad and insensitive,but I believe that one powerful and on-target punch on the face says A LOT more than just walking around steamy,criticising and swearing at the guy.If you're getting kind of mad,you should ask yourself why?Is it that guy I'm mad at or is it me I'm mad at?If you get full-on rage where it is VERY hard to control yourself,let yourself lose,punch the guy in the face and let him know WHY you did that,why he deserves it.It may put him at perspective.

that's ridiculous.


Esp when you rage of inconsequential things.  Seriously. 


You can't just go around punching people- as much as they may ACTUALLY NEED IT.  Like there is someone here on this forum- they seriously need to be punched.  But guess what- I can't. It's wrong- and it's completely out of line to think that I should. 


Believe you me- I have ZERO issue standing up squaring back and saying touch me again. go ahead. do it.   (has happened- guy was 300+ easily)  I'm not afraid to get hurt- and I'm not afraid to hurt people.  I will protect myself or my friends or go down swinging regardless of the consequence when I feel threatened. 


But it's not appropriate to walk around punching people just because they make you angry.   I lost my temper because someone told me "You don't know what it's like to be a girl at the gym"  really now? I don't.  


Yeah- I was really angry- but I'm not going to punch the bitch. That's stupid.  


it's childish and immature to rage like that- I do it WAY more than I should- and it's not healthy. It's okay to be angry- but raging constantly is completely unhealthy- I am aware of this.    And again- it's just how I deal with things- and while I firmly believe I have a right to my emotions- I do not believe it's healthy to deal with them the way I do.  


And part of being an adult- is understanding that. 

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that's ridiculous.


Esp when you rage of inconsequential things.  Seriously. 


You can't just go around punching people- as much as they may ACTUALLY NEED IT.  Like there is someone here on this forum- they seriously need to be punched.  But guess what- I can't. It's wrong- and it's completely out of line to think that I should. 


Believe you me- I have ZERO issue standing up squaring back and saying touch me again. go ahead. do it.   (has happened- guy was 300+ easily)  I'm not afraid to get hurt- and I'm not afraid to hurt people.  I will protect myself or my friends or go down swinging regardless of the consequence when I feel threatened. 


But it's not appropriate to walk around punching people just because they make you angry.   I lost my temper because someone told me "You don't know what it's like to be a girl at the gym"  really now? I don't.  


Yeah- I was really angry- but I'm not going to punch the bitch. That's stupid.  


it's childish and immature to rage like that- I do it WAY more than I should- and it's not healthy. It's okay to be angry- but raging constantly is completely unhealthy- I am aware of this.    And again- it's just how I deal with things- and while I firmly believe I have a right to my emotions- I do not believe it's healthy to deal with them the way I do.  


And part of being an adult- is understanding that. 


I agree 100% with this message. You should never resort to violence unless you haven't any other option. Fighting is dangerous and can get fatal really quick. One blow to the right places in the body will instantly kill someone (some will even do it slowly). You really don't want to be that one guy/girl who gets sent to prison for the rest of their life just because they killed someone in a fight they started.


Sobering thoughts to think about when you're balling up that fist.

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Violence is the very last option and should only be used if it's to save either your life, or the life of others. Not to be used just to let someone know you're pissed off about them.

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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Violence is golden...wait... that's silence...yeah...silence them with violence...



Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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You guys cracked me up right now,thank you :D 

I didn't mean to guy punching people around ALL the time.I don't even suggest doing that every week,for universe sake!

If you did that,you would walk around with scars,broken bones,missing teeth,hurting and bruised knuckles.People would avoid you,some may get in your face just to fight again because of,Idk,competition or just because they like it.

What I did mean to say was:"When you get REALLY angry,and you REALLY BELIEVE that the guy deserves a punch in the face,then I say go ahead.

Punching every time you get angry-no.

Punching when someone REALLY pisses you off and REALLY deserves it-yes.

And no,I have never been in a street fight and I'm not for violence(not against it,either),that's just my opinion up there,that's all.


I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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I have punched someone in the face only ONCE. It was an uneven fight and while I don't remember how, I beat them up worse than they did to me. They were what could be considered bullies. It was over after that. I also switched schools a few weeks later. 


Violence does solve problems, (un)fortunately. It does, however, create a whole new dimension of problems. It wasn't a conscious choice to fight, it happened - and while I get angry quickly, it takes a lot of effort to make me fight someone. As in, you can beat me up and I still won't defend myself, until a switch turns, and that's when all hell breaks loose. It literally becomes red before your eyes, the adrenalin kicks in and your heart starts beating faster and faster and no one can stop you. 


That's what happens when you fight because of pure hate unleashed. If you get that angry, someone is not just "pissing you off". People piss me off all the time - some people are just chronic assholes. They don't get that response, thus I don't fight them. Again, it takes a lot before I can get that angry, and in the case described above, that guy was someone I considered my best (only) friend on a school where I was bullied pretty hard, until he joined in on the bullying. For a few weeks, I was completely alone, kicked, punched, you name it... But then he pushed too far once, and I went wild with rage and threw him to the ground. I was considered the weakest, was the youngest and the shortest, but it took four others to get me off him. 

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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When I was a freshman and I threw a senior jock into the bleachers (I'm short, he hit me with a point blank slapshot that bruised eggplant purple instantly on my thigh and the follow through nearly clipped my face) I kinda came to the realization that getting that angry is potentially dangerous for others. After that I went down the path of self directed anger (not advisable) and put my hand through walls (plaster and lathe, drywall...). 


Depression robbed me of a lot of my emotions in my early 20s, and after that I became more focused on being healthy mentally. Add in a cancer scare (Whee Non-Hodgekins! OMG thank god that was a false alarm) and now I'm pretty hard to get into a rage. I might get spitting angry, I might shout now and again, but normally I literally shrug and think that it could be worse. It sounds very hippiedippy but being aware of just how much worse things could be and that my interactions with others are fleeting makes it pretty easy to keep an even temper.






And when that doesn't work there is always speed. ;)

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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You guys cracked me up right now,thank you :D

I didn't mean to guy punching people around ALL the time.I don't even suggest doing that every week,for universe sake!

If you did that,you would walk around with scars,broken bones,missing teeth,hurting and bruised knuckles.People would avoid you,some may get in your face just to fight again because of,Idk,competition or just because they like it.

What I did mean to say was:"When you get REALLY angry,and you REALLY BELIEVE that the guy deserves a punch in the face,then I say go ahead.

Punching every time you get angry-no.

Punching when someone REALLY pisses you off and REALLY deserves it-yes.

And no,I have never been in a street fight and I'm not for violence(not against it,either),that's just my opinion up there,that's all.


I kind of see your point, but I would say that nobody is worth the trouble that punching them in the face can cause YOU.


They can have you arrested for assault, take you to court, get financially compensated, and basically end up winning the fight and all they had to do was take one punch from you. Yeah, some people might say you did the right thing. Yeah, you might feel better right after. But then they take you to the cleaners and you're only more pissed off and stressed.


But yeah, there have been times where I was like, "You know what, why don't I just punch the f#@^er and be done with it?" Then I took a split-second to think about everything that would happen to me as a result and I just walked away.


In theory, I agree with you. In practice--not so much.  :pride:

Level 2 Human Ranger

STR [5] DEX [4.25] STA [3] CON [4] WIS [6] CHA [6.25]

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I have punched someone in the face only ONCE. It was an uneven fight and while I don't remember how, I beat them up worse than they did to me. They were what could be considered bullies. It was over after that. I also switched schools a few weeks later. 


Violence does solve problems, (un)fortunately. It does, however, create a whole new dimension of problems. It wasn't a conscious choice to fight, it happened - and while I get angry quickly, it takes a lot of effort to make me fight someone. As in, you can beat me up and I still won't defend myself, until a switch turns, and that's when all hell breaks loose. It literally becomes red before your eyes, the adrenalin kicks in and your heart starts beating faster and faster and no one can stop you. 


That's what happens when you fight because of pure hate unleashed. If you get that angry, someone is not just "pissing you off". People piss me off all the time - some people are just chronic assholes. They don't get that response, thus I don't fight them. Again, it takes a lot before I can get that angry, and in the case described above, that guy was someone I considered my best (only) friend on a school where I was bullied pretty hard, until he joined in on the bullying. For a few weeks, I was completely alone, kicked, punched, you name it... But then he pushed too far once, and I went wild with rage and threw him to the ground. I was considered the weakest, was the youngest and the shortest, but it took four others to get me off him. 

That's awesome.

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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That's awesome.


It sounds better than it was...  <_<

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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I hear ya on those bad angry moods ultrapower, they can get to ya.  

What I do to help these situations is pretty similar to your strategy - I smile and try to assume a "power" position.

This is explained in this brilliant video!




i have found that this strategy is very effective.  I kindof feel silly at first, but after about 30 seconds, without fail, I feel better!

If other people are annoying me, I smile at them and think "Wow.  This person can kick rocks!"  (sometimes something a little more vulgar too... lol)

The trick to this is to think in a positive way about the situation, and genuinely feel the smile... Example "Wow, this person has nothing better to do than to make fun of me.  They seriously have some problems.  I can laugh this off because I feel pity for this person trying to bring me down, because they are less happy than me.  He can kick rocks."

Hopefully this is helpful!  Keep on keeping on

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