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I have been semi-lurking around here for awhile now but I never really had that spark of motivation to get my stuff together, until yesterday. I'm in the NW of the US where we have been having a heat wave that is a bit out of the norm for this area. Rather than find something to do in the mountains or at the beach, both of which are readily accessible, I sat around completely bummed that I didn't have the energy to do anything. Just before bed I made up my mind to do something about it so I registered here on the forums and wrote out the beginner bodyweight circuit to start on this morning.

A little about me: I'm 34 and work as a helpdesk and desktop support tech at a local financial investment company. I have a spousal unit (read: husband :P), a 9 year old daughter and 11 year old son. Currently attending university full time as well. My plate is a little full but when I do have free time, I am an avid MMO gamer. Reading is right up there with eating or sleeping; I usually have a paperback stuffed in my bag plus a book or three at the ready on my phone and/or tablet. Oh, and I'm kind of a gadget addict. Thankfully financial responsibilities keep me in check.

Anyway, I felt inspired to see other newbs signing on to say hi and felt now would be good. I'm off to do this thing, and will be checking in here for further inspiration and support.

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Goals... goals.  Keep breathing, don't kill anyone.  Kidding!


My fitness goals: reduce inches of adipose tissue and replace with toned muscle tissue.  Become fit so that I don't hesitate, even a second, to participate in physical activities, I just do them.  Learn to play tennis.


My mental goals:  be confident and accept myself.

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Sometimes "keep breathing, don't kill anyone" is a worthy goal!!


If you've been lurking, you already know how much info is available on the site. 


If your goal is to lose weight, just remember that diet is 80% of it. Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.


As far as building muscle, the bodyweight workout is one of many avenues you can pursue. Many people (Assassins) love bodyweight stuff. Myself, I am a Warrior - I enjoy picking up heavy shit.The most important thing is finding something that works for YOU!


Welcome to the Rebellion - we're here, ready to nerd out on any questions you have!

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Thank you all for the great welcome! Sometimes it's easy to get so wrapped up in your own mind, obsessing over things, that you forget what it's like to receive support and motivation from others. :)

So far, things are on that brand new “yay for change!" high that we all love so much. The first thing I do when I want to roll over and go back to sleep is log on here and check in on how people are doing. Gets the positive notions on a roll as I suit up and head out to see the coffee friend on my way to the garage.

Any-hoozles, I am still breathing and there are no bodies to speak of, so I think I'm in the right track here.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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 Sometimes it's easy to get so wrapped up in your own mind, obsessing over things, that you forget what it's like to receive support and motivation from others.

So true! I am a first time poster as well and it is great to finally find a place that will support you no matter what. I get more help and support from strangers than I do from my own friends. Hope your "yay for change high" lasts a lifetime because there is always room for improvement and that kind of motivation feels great :D

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