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Howdy everyone,

My name is amber and I have just decided to completely change my life. I've started training with a trainer, joined a gym, and am looking for a support system and to be supportive to others. I am getting married in November and have realized this; to take the best care of my future husband and eventually children i need to be in hood health to accomplish that. I am completely open to suggestions as everything in the past has lead me to little improvements. Thank you Nerd Fitness for creating a place where it's cool to be a healthier person!!

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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Awesome! Congratulations on the start of your journey and your pending marriage. Is it possible to get your fiance involved? You don't necessarily have to work out together, but if you both get nuts about fitness then you'll have a great homebase/support system in place when you get married.

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Well Gotlift the good news is he's on the health train as well - but I don't believe he's as into it as I am. We are both very concerned with improving our eating habits as those have been getting much worse too ... I guess it's little by little. I have a terrible sweet tooth and while researching the Paleo diet, have found that there weren't many options for our hunter/gatherer ancestors ... oh the shame!! so in the mean time I'm left to white knuckle it through my sugar withdrawls and search for healthy sweet alternatives - how is your experience going? are you new to working out or just looking to relight the old health nut flame?

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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I gave up sugar in my coffee a few weeks ago. It hurt. I'm trying to wean myself of it, little by little, but I know the difficulty. If you can do this, I have no doubt you'll feel a hundred times better. Best of luck and keep posting how you're doing. I'm sure your wedding will be a day to celebrate oh so much!

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Zod - have you found handling carbs to be difficult as well ... ? my major pitfalls are sugar and carbs - my go to for any life experience (good or bad) - I didn't realize how many of my emotions were related to my food choices either. I never realized what people meant when they said getting healthy and physically fit is a life change until now. :mushroom:

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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I'm an emotional eater. When I've had a shitty day, I go right for the Smartfood popcorn or a pint of chunky monkey and a soda. So, yeah, I hear you on the emotional roller coaster for emotional eating and carbs are the best for a quick emotional fix. Who feels like crap and reaches for the green beans? It's tough, to say the least :)


For most of my life, I've had an addiction to pasta too, and I make the best pasta carbonara. That being said, I've been slowly getting rid of it and replacing my snack times with nuts, fruits, and celery with some avocado. It's not the same as the family size doritos nacho-hurt, but keeps me from jonesing for carbs after a few minutes. I know from just getting rid of the sweet stuff that my mood is usually better so I hope that when I go off carbs completely that how I feel after a few weeks will be enough emotion to keep it off. 


It is a new life style, almost like a religious conversion :-P

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I'm tellin' you - it's been more exhausting geniunely looking and seeing my meal choices and their primary motivations - like do I want a cookie because it's sweet? or do I want a cookie because my day didn't go the way I want it to and I think this cookie will somehow solve that ...


I always thought it seemed ... oh, what's the word ... over exaggerated to attribute so much to the what's and why's of my eating habits - but it seems I can ignore them no longer. Let me know how your challenges meet you and I'll keep you "posted" (ha get it?) on mine.

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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Well, part of the 12 steps is knowing you have an addiction and addressing why, so good work on that! "Hi, my name Gen Zod (Michael) and I am addicted to chips, soda, and sugar."



Hi my name is Amber and I'm addicted to cookies, carmel squares, sodas and lovely breakfast treats (scones, pancakes, donuts, bagels ... the list is as long as infinity)


How have you been doing on your quest Mr. Zod?

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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I did a total strict shift a few weeks ago to try and deal with my fibromyalgia.  I've done Atkin's in the past, but found myself relying too much on the shakes and bars, which are full of crap and chemicals, and I have a few friends who kept raving about Paleo and how much it would help me.  Here is how I survive all the yearnings and cravings:  "You can have it on Saturday."  Saturday, I get to eat whatever I really want to eat.  Usually, by the time Saturday rolls around, I still eat Paleo all day BUT I also get a Gotta Have It sized Mud Pie Mojo from Coldstone.  Last Satruday, we went out with friends and I had pasta AND ice cream.  I find that as long as I am thinking I CAN have something, just not right now, I get through the moment.  My kids and husband are not doing Paleo (other than eating whatever I cook for dinner with a grain added, usually).  There is still stuff in the house that I can't eat EXCEPT on Saturday :)  I'm in this for the long haul - because I am tired of hurting all the time.  Maybe one day I'll be zealous enough (or in enough pain) to say goodbye to free food Saturdays, but in the meantime, it keeps me on the straight and narrow for the rest of the week.

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

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Fit to Eat: my posts on the Sweatpants & Coffee Site

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I think having one 'cheat' day in the beginning is a very good idea! I don't do this every week but as long as I know that I CAN eat something on Saturday it's all awesome. Same as wideeyed, I end up eating Paleo on Saturday as well.

So don't forbid yourself anything, just tell that you can have it later.

Good luck with the managing of sugar and carbs! It's only tough in the beginning.

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I think having one 'cheat' day in the beginning is a very good idea! I don't do this every week but as long as I know that I CAN eat something on Saturday it's all awesome. Same as wideeyed, I end up eating Paleo on Saturday as well.

So don't forbid yourself anything, just tell that you can have it later.

Good luck with the managing of sugar and carbs! It's only tough in the beginning.


I totally agree. I'm making huge improvements on my diet but changing my perspective. I simply put off my "snacky type foods" until later and think about what I'm eating. No more mindless snacking for me - I used to like to eat food simply for it's taste, not really paying attention to whether or not it had any nutritional value. Now it's more about eating to live not living to eat.


And thank you for the well wishes - the longer I stick with it the easier it becomes!! Huzzah!! :panda:


"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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Hi my name is Amber and I'm addicted to cookies, carmel squares, sodas and lovely breakfast treats (scones, pancakes, donuts, bagels ... the list is as long as infinity)


How have you been doing on your quest Mr. Zod?

I've been doing well, all in all. I find that I actually have to think about what I'm eating and I did slip once this week, namely I drank a mocha that a coworker got for me without thinking about it. I think I got down to the last inch and suddenly remembered, "Crap, I wasn't supposed to drink that." So, it's definitely hard but I just need to remind myself to ask, "Can I eat this?" before mindlessly consuming.  

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I gave up sugar in my coffee a few weeks ago. It hurt. I'm trying to wean myself of it, little by little, but I know the difficulty. If you can do this, I have no doubt you'll feel a hundred times better. Best of luck and keep posting how you're doing. I'm sure your wedding will be a day to celebrate oh so much!

 On this, I had a major sugar-in-coffee addiction until I started using a litle but of heavy cream (like unwhipped whipping cream) in my coffee. It's so rich and so decadent that when I have the choice, I go for this with no sugar now over table cream and sugar. Just sayin :)

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1. Workout 3x/week || 2. Eat Primally when at Home || 3. Make the Bed 


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 On this, I had a major sugar-in-coffee addiction until I started using a litle but of heavy cream (like unwhipped whipping cream) in my coffee. It's so rich and so decadent that when I have the choice, I go for this with no sugar now over table cream and sugar. Just sayin :)

Thanks Halfie! that's a good idea. I'll have to give it a try. I end up just drinking it black because half/half doesn't do much and, as ron swanson said, "There is only one thing i hate more than lying. Skim milk. Which is water that's lying about being milk." I'm also trying to drink more real espresso, which is rich enough that just being black is fine by me. In fact, I drank it a lot in Italy and lost an amazing amount of weight. However, maybe a little decadence to the black tar will make it more enjoyable. 

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MrsAMcGrath, it's been a nine days since you started. How are you doing? I find it difficult but I'm a going! Hope you are too and kicking some ass in the getting better department. 


Hey Zod! I'm hanging in there :) I must say it's been a tough going - all last week my boss told my co-workers I seemed out of it haha - I told her it's because I work out 6 days a week, slowed my drinking down to sporatic glasses of wine and cut out carbs and sugars as completely as possible. I think last week I dealt more with body shock than anything else - now I'm dealing with weird triggers. I am realizing I use(d) eating as a means of distraction for some other major things that happened in my life ... I think you said you're an emotional eating too huh?


It's been enlightening for sure - but I'm sticking with it and making progress.


What about you? white-knuckling through the crazy untamed eating emotions like me? :topsy_turvy:

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

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