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Time to Level-Up - Motivation is non-existent.

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As for late I've been struggling with motivation on most everything.  Instead of doing work at work I'm mindlessly browsing the internet even though I know I have work to do.  On top of that, my job is rather lax which gives me time to work on other stuff including my side business and new business ventures I want to start (mainly blogs).  Instead I just click around online forums all day along with other random websites.  When I get home it's much of the same...I typically get home, maybe do some housework, and then sit and watch TV.  Half of the time I'm reading stuff on how to be motivated along with other self help topics but I don't really take into account what I read apparently.


Just a few notes to give you a better understanding...

- I'm in IT and although there are bursts of busyness (when something breaks) most of the other work I have to do doesn't have deadlines.  Add that to a rather relaxed work environment and there really isn't an urgency to get work done.

- My side business is basically online sales.  I do tend to spend time pushing products but I can do more, along with adding more products to my site.  I just have no motivation to do so.

- I have started 2 blogs on topics that interest me but rarely have the motivation to post in them even though ideas are flowing through my head constantly.

- I quickly jump between stuff online.  I cant' seem to focus on reading something without the desire to jump and check an online forum or facebook or email or the chive or something else pointless.

- I am not a morning person at all so motivation before lunch is at an all time low.

- I'm madly in love with my wife and want to spend every minute I can with her which I think is the cause of my lack of motivation in the evening, sitting with her is a priority over everything in my mind (I guess this isn't all bad).

- I'm a horrible procrastinator.

- I'm busy with work/business/fixing up an old house but make myself seem busier than I am with the procrastination.


So I can keep rambling on but I think I've done that enough.  I guess I'm just looking for someone that might have had a similar problem and turned it around.  Maybe I just want some ideas and then a place to be held accountable for them.  Whatever it is, I'm all ears because I know something needs to change.

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In general, guess I should have specified that..especially on a somewhat fitness centered site.  I actually do fairly well at working out as I've been training for a charity bike ride.  Something like that I do have motivation to get out there and do.


As for the wife thing I agree completely and we do have alone time, she goes to hang out with friends and she's also a teacher so has a decent amount of summer off and she gets home a bit before I do.  I guess I did make it sound like we're attached at the hip.

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Ok, you have a lot of work to do from the sounds of it...


-If the work doesn't have to get done, and there is no consequence of chilling at work, then keep doing what you are doing. Learn to let what truly doesn't matter slide.


- Is your side business really something you care about? If you don't then let it go unless it is keeping you afloat. Having a lot of irons in the fire is a good way to make sure none of them get enough attention.


- Skip the blogging if you aren't really passionate about putting your thoughts out to the world. Having a lot of ideas is great. Not feeling motivated enough to put them out there tells me it really isn't that important for you to give your opinions to the world.


- Stop going to the places that aren't going to benefit you in some way. Find a subject you need to know more about (like getting strong) and read about it, a lot, until you want to puke. If you have internet ADD like me, you will amass a lot of knowledge from some really solid minds very quickly.


- Stop staying up so late and just get the fuck up. If the morning isn't already devoted to poor behaviors like mindless surfing or sitting on the couch with the wife then it is a perfect time to start training. Excuses like "I'm not a morning person" are the weakest of excuses. It's like saying "I can't lift weights because I'm fat."


- Get over sitting on the couch so much with your wife. You love her, that's cute... She'll still be there tomorrow.


So in summation, stop with the lame excuses and start doing something. Get off your ass and get under the bar. Get your wife involved if she wants to be, otherwise leave her on the couch while you lift, or run, or whatever you are planning to do.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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well I guess technically my answer to fitness related lack of motivation would be the exact same as general life lack of motivation.... just do it- don't give yourself the option to NOT do it.

That being said.... I am really horrible at getting certain things done- I have a lazy job- which means when I actually have shit to do- it takes me forever to do... because I never want to work.  


I have found that when I'm actually quiet busy and have lots to do- I get WAY more done- when I have a lull in the space and I am not busy- I fall behind and I'm completely unrepentant in my laziness.


Hysterical because I'm absolutely militant about certain things- working out?  there is never an excuse for that... but cleaning the kitty liter?  folding laundry?


I'm horrid at such things.  Workout stuff not an issue.  Junk food?  food prep? never an issue- mostly because they are a priority.  Other stuff- meh.  Don't care.


My first though would be make spending time with your wife your reward- you can't do it untill you complete XX tasks.


I'm a list person- I also write lists of all the things I have to do- I love lists- charts and what not.  I get a lot more done when I can see that I have accomplished certain things. 

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I would say give yourself a schedule. Even though your work environment is lax you can set times and time limits on your activities.  If you are not a morning person, schedule your fun/social/non-productive surfing at that time.  Schedule specific time for your actual work/job functions.  Schedule specific time to work on your sales.  Schedule specific time to work on your blogs.  Only you know the priorities of those, but SCHEDULE them.  It can be daily, or weekly or however you wish but codify your priorities. 

Step 2:  Follow your schedule. 

Step 3: Revise the schedule as neccessary.


Follow the same process at home for your domestic priorities.

Level: 2 Celt Adventurer

Str: 3 Dex: 2 Sta: 2 Con: 4.25 Wis: 4.75 Cha: 4

Challenges: 1 / 2

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Ok, you have a lot of work to do from the sounds of it...


-If the work doesn't have to get done, and there is no consequence of chilling at work, then keep doing what you are doing. Learn to let what truly doesn't matter slide.

Well stuff always needs to be done but I recently re-read the 4 hour work week and am trying to implement some of the 80/20 stuff.  This isn't a very techincal place so being one of the two technical guys here we get a lot of work that's not need and I'm trying to eliminate though.


- Is your side business really something you care about? If you don't then let it go unless it is keeping you afloat. Having a lot of irons in the fire is a good way to make sure none of them get enough attention.

Yep, I do...not to mention, at this point the money from it is a necessity.  I sometimes get stressed over it but have been trying to remember it's supposed to be fun and pull back a bit.


- Skip the blogging if you aren't really passionate about putting your thoughts out to the world. Having a lot of ideas is great. Not feeling motivated enough to put them out there tells me it really isn't that important for you to give your opinions to the world.

Yeah, I've thought about this on and off.  One of them is a car blog that could help my business in a way and I think generate some income.  The other is a so far futile attempt to chronicle my over-coming of my motivational issues so almost journal like to chronicle my struggles with it.  If it becomes a time suck and a bother though, you're right..it's not worth it.


- Stop going to the places that aren't going to benefit you in some way. Find a subject you need to know more about (like getting strong) and read about it, a lot, until you want to puke. If you have internet ADD like me, you will amass a lot of knowledge from some really solid minds very quickly.

I've done this to a point with motivational stuff and it doesn't work for shit so just becomes another time waster.  I really want to learn stuff, but as you put it, my internet ADD, actually makes that hard as I read an article, get bored with it, and then am clicking all over these meaningless sites.


- Stop staying up so late and just get the fuck up. If the morning isn't already devoted to poor behaviors like mindless surfing or sitting on the couch with the wife then it is a perfect time to start training. Excuses like "I'm not a morning person" are the weakest of excuses. It's like saying "I can't lift weights because I'm fat."

That's the thing, I don't stay up late.  I agree though, I need to do something to get myself over the non-morning person thing.  I like how you compare it to weights and put it in a new perspective.  I don't know how, but it needs to change.


- Get over sitting on the couch so much with your wife. You love her, that's cute... She'll still be there tomorrow.

Agreed, and like I said it was just a comment as another thing that seems to demotivate me.  


So in summation, stop with the lame excuses and start doing something. Get off your ass and get under the bar. Get your wife involved if she wants to be, otherwise leave her on the couch while you lift, or run, or whatever you are planning to do.


All good stuff.  I replied right in line to make it a bit easier.  I like the idea of "no more excuses" though.  To me, they're realities but when I step back and look they are just lame excuses which I hate.



well I guess technically my answer to fitness related lack of motivation would be the exact same as general life lack of motivation.... just do it- don't give yourself the option to NOT do it.

That being said.... I am really horrible at getting certain things done- I have a lazy job- which means when I actually have shit to do- it takes me forever to do... because I never want to work.  


I have found that when I'm actually quiet busy and have lots to do- I get WAY more done- when I have a lull in the space and I am not busy- I fall behind and I'm completely unrepentant in my laziness.


Hysterical because I'm absolutely militant about certain things- working out?  there is never an excuse for that... but cleaning the kitty liter?  folding laundry?


I'm horrid at such things.  Workout stuff not an issue.  Junk food?  food prep? never an issue- mostly because they are a priority.  Other stuff- meh.  Don't care.


My first though would be make spending time with your wife your reward- you can't do it untill you complete XX tasks.


I'm a list person- I also write lists of all the things I have to do- I love lists- charts and what not.  I get a lot more done when I can see that I have accomplished certain things. 

Yeah, I've been trying to get more organization in my life with lists and am actually trying to read getting things done to hopefully come up with an organization system that works.  I'm on the same page with priorities, like I said...the biking thing becomes a priority as I forced myself to a deadline with the charity ride I signed up for.  I think being able to do that shows I'm not completely lazy and just un-motivated.  Perhaps I need to somehow come up with other things to give me reason to be motivated.  It's just tough with work as at this point I'm the head IT guy so there's really no where to move up.  Budgets suck this year so raises and crap around out of the question too.  Sorta kills your motivation.


I would say give yourself a schedule. Even though your work environment is lax you can set times and time limits on your activities.  If you are not a morning person, schedule your fun/social/non-productive surfing at that time.  Schedule specific time for your actual work/job functions.  Schedule specific time to work on your sales.  Schedule specific time to work on your blogs.  Only you know the priorities of those, but SCHEDULE them.  It can be daily, or weekly or however you wish but codify your priorities. 

Step 2:  Follow your schedule. 

Step 3: Revise the schedule as neccessary.


Follow the same process at home for your domestic priorities.

I actually tried this before with some success.  The day before, at least for the work day, I'd write down time blocks and what I was going to do between them.  They worked well except when I'd have the occasional distraction that would throw me off but I can limit those if I try.  It became a bit more difficult when there were larger things to do and I couldn't complete them all in one day.  Getting things done, the few chapters I'm into it, has been helping me break tasks up so maybe this will be easier again.

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The minute you stop making excuses for your bad behavior is the minute you grow up and start getting on with life. It's okay to suck a little, but we should all aspire to suck as little as possible by the day we die. The only way we can do that is to stop making excuses, accept the consequences of our actions, and start becoming the person we need (not want) to be.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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sounds like you are trying to do too much at once. 


Two blogs, a business, a job, and all that other crap... that works if the online stuff is already self-sustaining, and you're just in a maintenance phase.  It will not work if they are all still in the startup phase.  You have a major focus problem right now, so drop the stuff that you hate the most.  Focus first on the stuff you NEED to do (like job and laundry), and next on the stuff you most WANT to do (like make money with your online site).


If you have Twitbook induced attention deficit, install a site blocker on your computer.  They actually make free software which will lock you out of troublesome websites (or even cut off your Internet access altogether) for a timed period.  Use it.  Start by setting it for 60 minutes, and play around until you find a balance.


Timed intervals are your friend.  Set the timer, work like mad until the timer beeps, then goof off for a short period.  Rinse and repeat until the work is done.  For instance, if you've got to get the laundry folded, see if you can do it in 4 minutes.  Pretend you're on a gameshow and you'll win something awesome if you pull it off.


GTFO.  You need some fresh air, big time.  Start going for walks in the nicest, greenest area you can find.  Keep your phone in your pocket with the ringer off, and keep your mitts off it ... or better yet, leave it at home.  Since mornings are your weak spot, I recommend a walk before breakfast.



p.s.  If you have an office, then when you have work to do, get thy sweet self to thine office.  Rent a storage unit and put a desk in it, if that's what it takes.  Some people just can't get any work done when they're at home because of all the distractions.  I sympathize.  I have that problem too.  That's why I don't work from home.  When I have work to do, I go to the office, or if it's a self-powered job, I go to the library, or to a diner with long hours and bottomless coffee cups.  (Order some pie or something, and tip generously.)

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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Speaking for myself, having too much to do overwhelms me and keeps me from being motivated to get anything done other than goof off online. The thing that helps me focus and get things accomplished is to make myself a to do list. The to do list will have every little thing that I have to get done on it. Then I prioritize the list. Once that's taken care of I set goals and rewards. For example, for every two high priority items and three low priority items I get done I allow myself x number of minutes to goof off.

I hope you're able to find something that works for you.

Bubbette Brings it On! challenge #1

Bubbette Brings it On Again! challenge #2

Level 2 Elf in an Ogre Suit Adventurer.

STR: 3.5 DEX: 2.5 STA: 3.5 CON: 3 WIS: 4.5 CHA: 3

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sounds like you are trying to do too much at once. 


Two blogs, a business, a job, and all that other crap... that works if the online stuff is already self-sustaining, and you're just in a maintenance phase.  It will not work if they are all still in the startup phase.  You have a major focus problem right now, so drop the stuff that you hate the most.  Focus first on the stuff you NEED to do (like job and laundry), and next on the stuff you most WANT to do (like make money with your online site).


If you have Twitbook induced attention deficit, install a site blocker on your computer.  They actually make free software which will lock you out of troublesome websites (or even cut off your Internet access altogether) for a timed period.  Use it.  Start by setting it for 60 minutes, and play around until you find a balance.


Timed intervals are your friend.  Set the timer, work like mad until the timer beeps, then goof off for a short period.  Rinse and repeat until the work is done.  For instance, if you've got to get the laundry folded, see if you can do it in 4 minutes.  Pretend you're on a gameshow and you'll win something awesome if you pull it off.


GTFO.  You need some fresh air, big time.  Start going for walks in the nicest, greenest area you can find.  Keep your phone in your pocket with the ringer off, and keep your mitts off it ... or better yet, leave it at home.  Since mornings are your weak spot, I recommend a walk before breakfast.



p.s.  If you have an office, then when you have work to do, get thy sweet self to thine office.  Rent a storage unit and put a desk in it, if that's what it takes.  Some people just can't get any work done when they're at home because of all the distractions.  I sympathize.  I have that problem too.  That's why I don't work from home.  When I have work to do, I go to the office, or if it's a self-powered job, I go to the library, or to a diner with long hours and bottomless coffee cups.  (Order some pie or something, and tip generously.)


Yeah, I think one of the problems is I have too much to do and it's all floating around in my head.  I'm reading GTD and going through the steps to get everything organized.  From them I'll prioritize and start crossing stuff off which will hopefully help.  I actually do use timers and the biggest time sucks but I still find random places to go visit and since I use the internet for my jobs it's hard to completely block stuff.


Speaking for myself, having too much to do overwhelms me and keeps me from being motivated to get anything done other than goof off online. The thing that helps me focus and get things accomplished is to make myself a to do list. The to do list will have every little thing that I have to get done on it. Then I prioritize the list. Once that's taken care of I set goals and rewards. For example, for every two high priority items and three low priority items I get done I allow myself x number of minutes to goof off.

I hope you're able to find something that works for you.


Yep, I utilize a to do list but it hasn't been working for me so I'm trying to come up with a new system.  I also need to give me "work" time and "goof off" time set which I think will help.  I'm using today to get motivated for the week and stuff organized and hopefully I'll take off being productive on the rest of the week.

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Could be two things:

1,Depression.It saps enjoyment of everything.EVERYTHING.It just depends on how much less you are enjoying things on the level of your depression(level 1 mild;level 2 moderate;level 3 OH CRAP,HE'S GONNA BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT!)

Trust me on this one,it really does decrease your motivation and satisfaction in general,I have been diagnosed with moderate depression.It wouldn't seem like a big deal from what it sounds like,but it affects life IN GENERAL,as in,not just takes away motivation to do important things or habits,but pretty much everything is suddenly not energy and passion filled and somethings(like basketball,which is usually loads of fun) actually take willpower to do.And small things add up eventually too.


2.You didn't really create the momentum.You should do something that would lead to progress and advancement.Even if you did do something to bettering yourself,you probably didn't gain enough of the momentum.You're still spinning wheels in place and not moving.Not to worry,though-you're not necesarilly down by a 100 horse powers to move,you may just be down by 2.So do something that gets YOU motivated and when you feel the momentum is gettin' bigger(it's always there,I believe,maybe just sometimes it's VERY small),go with the stream and do not resist it.Momentum is great power and it can be used to your HUGE advantage.

To sum up:check yourself for depression(no laughing matter;you sometimes forget the concept of humour when you're depressed) and if it's clear,go do something exciting or fun or (best) something that you could make progress on.



I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Since you like computer stuff, working out and want motivation, I'm suggesting you join Fitocracy.

I know the last thing you are thinking of is joining another website, HoWEVER, this site gives you points for workouts, its addictive and motivating,, you level up etc. it gets harder. There are quests and duels.... But you have to get out and do stuff to log it. It motivated myself and my partner when he lost motivation. He is much like you , he hates leaving me to do things, but when he got his motivation back he has started being ok with leaving me to workout (plus once soccer season started I can't go with him anyway :P)

That's my suggestion! Otherwise I'm really a person who just says force yourself until you find motivation again. With everything. Work, cleaning, socialising, working out... I just push push push. Not to helpful to suggest though

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Could be two things:

1,Depression.It saps enjoyment of everything.EVERYTHING.It just depends on how much less you are enjoying things on the level of your depression(level 1 mild;level 2 moderate;level 3 OH CRAP,HE'S GONNA BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT!)

Trust me on this one,it really does decrease your motivation and satisfaction in general,I have been diagnosed with moderate depression.It wouldn't seem like a big deal from what it sounds like,but it affects life IN GENERAL,as in,not just takes away motivation to do important things or habits,but pretty much everything is suddenly not energy and passion filled and somethings(like basketball,which is usually loads of fun) actually take willpower to do.And small things add up eventually too.


2.You didn't really create the momentum.You should do something that would lead to progress and advancement.Even if you did do something to bettering yourself,you probably didn't gain enough of the momentum.You're still spinning wheels in place and not moving.Not to worry,though-you're not necesarilly down by a 100 horse powers to move,you may just be down by 2.So do something that gets YOU motivated and when you feel the momentum is gettin' bigger(it's always there,I believe,maybe just sometimes it's VERY small),go with the stream and do not resist it.Momentum is great power and it can be used to your HUGE advantage.

To sum up:check yourself for depression(no laughing matter;you sometimes forget the concept of humour when you're depressed) and if it's clear,go do something exciting or fun or (best) something that you could make progress on.



I'm generally a pretty happy person so I don't think that's it but it's something to keep in mind.  I fit most of the symptoms of ADD but think that I can deal with it myself through more focus and organization.  I do agree I need to just get doing it go going though.  


Since you like computer stuff, working out and want motivation, I'm suggesting you join Fitocracy.

I know the last thing you are thinking of is joining another website, HoWEVER, this site gives you points for workouts, its addictive and motivating,, you level up etc. it gets harder. There are quests and duels.... But you have to get out and do stuff to log it. It motivated myself and my partner when he lost motivation. He is much like you , he hates leaving me to do things, but when he got his motivation back he has started being ok with leaving me to workout (plus once soccer season started I can't go with him anyway :tongue:)

That's my suggestion! Otherwise I'm really a person who just says force yourself until you find motivation again. With everything. Work, cleaning, socialising, working out... I just push push push. Not to helpful to suggest though


Working out is one of the few things I do have the motivation to do...they need to make a Fitocracy for non-fitness related goals. :P

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We have something the military called "false motivation".

It's just military-speak for "fake it 'til you make it", but without the option of not doing it at all. Like I-Jo said, don't let things have a "later/when I feel like it" option. You can grumble all you like - while you're doing it. Or as my father used to say, "It doesn't matter how you *feel* about it, you do what needs to be done."

Evicious, Khajjit Ranger STR 7 | DEX 13 | STA 3 | CON 6 | WIS 16 | CHA 4

Current 4WC: Evicious: The Unburdening II + Blitz Week!

Fitocracy! I Play To Win!

Keep up the momentum!

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