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Favorite Table Top Game?

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Humor Dungeon Crawl: Order of the Stick.


Competitive Game with Wife: Carcassonne. 


Party game: Say Anything

Bavarian Ranger -- Level twoStrength 5 Dexterity 4 Stamina 5 Constitution 1 Wisdom 5 Charisma 5 My Epic Quest Challenge #1  Current Challenge


Future goal inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut "Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops.â€

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Machiavelli the card game. It's a very good mix of different tactics you can follow based on the character you are. And everything changes again next round. 

Also 1830 is fun, it's partially railroad building but it's mostly about the stockmarket. It allows for very interesting tactics again. Chance is but a very small part in this game. 


Pandemic and its expansions.

Last week I gifted this to one of my weekly tabletop game friends, looking forward to playing it this week :)

LEVEL 3 Human Scout - obsessive smiley user 


"That's the best part, the outside is new, but now it reflects what's already in you" - Legally blonde the musical

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Love me some Arkham Horror, but Seven Wonders has proved to be a fun, faster game to play. Also love Cards Against Humanity, but only with certain groups (the ones who already know I'm a bad person). Also played a neat game where the point is to lose called Red Shirts. Great fun for Trekkies. :)

Storytelling Rebel
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"“You've seen my descent, now watch my rising." ~ Rumi



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I love to roll dice. 6's, 10's, 20's whatever. Some of my favorites are WoD, Patherfinder, Exaulted, Gurps, Starwars, and D&D (prior to 4E)


I used to play (and spend massive amounts of money on) Magic: The Gathering I only have one deck left now though...sold all my hards for $8,000. Sad, sad day. Oh, and Cards Against Humanity is awesome.


I'll also pretty much play any board games...Monopoly anyone?

*Flips Table*

BreadMage Out!

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I love me some Cards Against Humanity, D&D in practically any form I can find it, Kill Doctor Lucky, Gloom. I've done some Magic: The Gathering, but not enough to really know whether I like it or not. I have a group of friends locally that primarily watches movies and plays table top games. I've been trying to get them to play D&D with me for ages.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

Challenge thread! | Battle log!

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I love Dungeons and Dragons, but that game takes forever to play... plus I prefer to play it in a friendly environment where no one takes the game seriously.


I had a Dwarf Paladin named D'runkboot Stoutbeard once, who spoke in a Russian accent and was addicted to vodka. That's how serious I took it.


I recently bought the Zombicide board game off Kickstarter, that's heaps of fun. :)

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I love Dungeons and Dragons, but that game takes forever to play... plus I prefer to play it in a friendly environment where no one takes the game seriously.


I had a Dwarf Paladin named D'runkboot Stoutbeard once, who spoke in a Russian accent and was addicted to vodka. That's how serious I took it.


I recently bought the Zombicide board game off Kickstarter, that's heaps of fun. :)

OMG zombicide is awesome. Friends of ours bought it back during the original kickstarter run, and they got pretty much every piece you could imagine for $100. Like, it takes them multiple boxes to store all of it in. So much fun!

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Risk, Exalted, red box D&D (I'm old, shut it), RIFTS, and some more menial games like spades, phase 10, chutes and ladders (I have a 5 year old daughter, shut it) :)

You ought to play Parcheesi with her. There was one Christmas break when I was about 10 and my brother was 5 that all we did for a week was play Parcheesi and eat leftover cheese dip from Christmas dinner. It was amazing.

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My friend runs a weekly tabletop night (one of my rest days!).


We're currently running a game called Iron Kingdoms - it's a low-fantasy Steampunk RPG and it's awesome. When you level up you don't get fantastic bonuses to everything and suddenly become some uber-awesome demi-god. In fact, so far, the difference between a Lvl 1 and a Lvl 20 character is negligible, maybe an extra stat point or two and a couple of spells. Much more emphasis on the RPG aspect.



Lvl I: Ogre Ranger

Str: 4 | Dex: 3 | Sta: 2 | Con: 2 | Wis: 3 | Cha: 1


It's goodbye to the shortcuts, and hello to the grind.

Nobody ever said it would be an easy ride.

Suffer for your art.

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Anything with miniatures, especially historicals. Everything from Warlord Games, Battletech, Dystopian Wars, and Flames of War are my usuals.

Argent, canton gules, chief dexter lion rampant or, armed and pizzled argent langued gules, sinister ramshead gules.


Shotokan Karate, Danzan-Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Fiorie Armizare

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Anything with miniatures, especially historicals. Everything from Warlord Games, Battletech, Dystopian Wars, and Flames of War are my usuals.

I love classic Battletech. Have you played the new version? I'm curious if it's any good.

Just a guy on a journey - Battle Log



If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done - Bruce Lee


Be honest with yourself and ethically pursue your happiness - Laz


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The dirty little secret of Catalyst games new Battletech is that it's literally the exact same game. The only thing thats really new is the non hex grid rules are much more developed and the Technical readout updates have battle value already calculated for you. The people I play with prefer Clan Invasion so we use mostly old books any way.

Argent, canton gules, chief dexter lion rampant or, armed and pizzled argent langued gules, sinister ramshead gules.


Shotokan Karate, Danzan-Ryu Jiu Jitsu, Fiorie Armizare

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