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A Druid and Paleo-A broken romance?

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Silly Druid, meat is for everyone else  :neglected:


I do not know how it happened or when it happened, but I am discovering I am an unwilling Druid. I am trying the Paleo thing and its going almost great, the almost being the meat part /Sigh. Eating meat at nearly every meal is not going well. I am not a vegetarian and its not like I look at something cute and/or fuzzy and go "I can't eat that" it is just that I prefer not to. 


I have been stuck at the last 20 lbs for a long time and I really do think Paleo is the answer. I just need to figure out the meat requirement. Maybe there are some tricks out there to hide the meat in the food? Kind of like hiding  kid's veggies by blending it up or something? lol-yes, that sounds awful. Perhaps there is reference sources for Paleo meat subs?  Hey, eggs are good!


There are very few pig and cow things I seem to like. I am OK with Chicken and fish, well as long as it is boneless and has little grizzle (I know, I know, freaking wimmpy and soooo would not survive the Apocalypse, I am working on it! k?).   

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I've been primal (paleo with dairy) for over two months. I too have difficulties eating meat at every meal. I've never been much of a meat-eater. My suggestion is go with eggs for your breakfasts, there are loads of things you can do with them. Then I do mostly chicken, pork, or fish for my lunches and dinners. A couple times a week I have red meat. As for snacks... plain Greek yogurt with berries is really satisfying (this is a primal snack not a paleo one) another good snack standby is a handful of nuts or nut-butter with fruit or veggies. I have also added whey protein on some days when I feel that I haven't gotten enough protein but can't stomach any more meat.

Level 3 Adventurer

Ogre disguised high elf

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and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Mark 12:30




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yeah you can eat eggs, but other than chopping meat up finely and putting it in a sauce or soup, I have no idea how you're going to achieve hiding it. Maybe cut it into bites and put it in salads??


Maybe try some alternate meats, maybe game? Goat, bison, squirrel, rabbit, quail, pheasant, goose, duck... Maybe variety will help?

Texas Mom of Boys, Druid Chick

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In this case it's more "how much you eat" and less "what you eat" that matters,but it still does,so while Paleo may not NECESARILLY be the answer,it is definitely better than just reducing your daily nutrition to a hamburger a day.The meat part-I would say you should just eat meat for breakfast and eat your daily "requirement" of meat in one sitting.Just get some bacon and eggs in,make a few sandwiches with salad and ham,eat a chicken wing and you'll probably be good.If not-spread it into two meals,breakfast and dinner.Othertimes at day you should just forget about the meat(don't TRY forgetting about it,though,because what happens when I tell you to NOT think about a yellow kitty?Exactly) and focus on getting a nice amount of calories in by vegan means.Find a recipe for lunch that's fully vegan(notice I'm not using the phrasing "doesn't involve meat",the negative phrasing of not allowing yourself something VS knowing what you CAN do,the CAN technique is way better) and consume that.Focus on what you can do.Here's an interesting refference on that:http://zenhabits.net/allowed/

The author basically tells you that if you view something as allowed rather than required,you are seeing it as fun rather than a chore,and  it really is that way.

So do what you CAN about this,limit slowly and take it one step at a time.I can't stop saying that last one,lol

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Agreed with I-Jo. Also, going paleo/primal does not mean that you have to eat meat with every meal. That is not accurate. Rather, rabid paleo folks (trust me, I used to be one. :)) often insist that you gorge on massive quantities of meat infrequently and have reasonable quantities of veggies, nuts, berries and roots frequently to better simulate the caveman experience.


PS: Some folks I know online also donate blood to simulate blood loss due to fighting and competition for food which I think is completely stupid. We should donate blood for unselfish reasons.

Ancalagon The Black. Half Dragon Spellsword

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paleo is not  a weight loss diet or fad or anything else.

Say wha?


2 years to grow from next to nothing to surpassing vegetarian in google searches. Not a fad.


Food fad is a term originally used to describe simple, catchy diets that often focused on a single element such as cabbage, grapefruit or cottage cheese. In 1974, the term was defined as three categories of food fads.[5]

1.A particular food or food group is exaggerated and purported to cure specific diseases.

2.Foods are eliminated from an individual’s diet because they are viewed as harmful.

3.An emphasis is placed on eating certain foods to express a particular lifestyle.


Programs often considered fad diets:


Paleolithic diet







Even Target is in on the fad:




currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Well- yes I would consider it a fadish diet-in that it's new and became wildly popular over night but not a fad diet like... eat jellybeans and loose weight. 


And it really isn't marketed as a "diet" in the sense that you go on it off it.  It's marketed as a long term life style change- and it has been my understanding that it isn't marketed specifcally as a specific weight loss method. 


Although- that being said- ANY style of eating can be faddish.  

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I believe if you don't want to eat meat all the time, you can still manage Paleo weight loss by making sure you're eating enough (which can be hard on a mostly veggie diet) but not too much (the issue with most people).  You could try tracking your macros too to make sure you're in a reasonable range.


I'm not an expert on any of this stuff, but I do think it's important that you enjoy (mostly) what you eat, otherwise you'll have more trouble sticking to it long term. So if you don't want meat for lunch one day, just make sure you supplement your meal with something else. The most crucial aspect is that it works for you.

Keliswicked, level 6 half Hobbit/ half Dwarf Druid


Progress Log  ||  Fitocracy!  || 2 3 4 5 6

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I'm not an expert on any of this stuff, but I do think it's important that you enjoy (mostly) what you eat, otherwise you'll have more trouble sticking to it long term.


"Do you live to eat, or do you eat to live?"


A friend of my father would constantly ask him this as they ate lunch together. Concluding to the fact that this man was about 25 years older than my father and looked about the same age as him.


Putting it out there honestly, the majority of the time the food that I eat I do not enjoy. THERE, I SAID IT!!! Such a weight off my ass lol


What I can say is that I enjoy what the food does for my body. I feel better, no more acid reflex, no bloating, no stomach cramps, those are the things I enjoy (and let's not forget the weight loss)


I'd gladly trade taste over feeling like shit constantly, like before. I want to eat to live, rather than live to eat.

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Thanks for the thoughts all!


I agree on eating so it is not a fad diet thing. I am almost done with my 1st week and I must say I am feeling pretty good. Going to go ahead and finish up my 30 days of pure Paleo. Can't start a challenge and not finish it right? ;)


 I will most likely wind up doing a modified version of Paleo. Unless of course I miraculous develop the Superhero power of spitting into the future. If that happens give me a fork and a Jumanji stampede. 

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Silly Druid, meat is for everyone else  :neglected:


I do not know how it happened or when it happened, but I am discovering I am an unwilling Druid. I am trying the Paleo thing and its going almost great, the almost being the meat part /Sigh. Eating meat at nearly every meal is not going well. I am not a vegetarian and its not like I look at something cute and/or fuzzy and go "I can't eat that" it is just that I prefer not to. 


I have been stuck at the last 20 lbs for a long time and I really do think Paleo is the answer. I just need to figure out the meat requirement. Maybe there are some tricks out there to hide the meat in the food? Kind of like hiding  kid's veggies by blending it up or something? lol-yes, that sounds awful. Perhaps there is reference sources for Paleo meat subs?  Hey, eggs are good!


There are very few pig and cow things I seem to like. I am OK with Chicken and fish, well as long as it is boneless and has little grizzle (I know, I know, freaking wimmpy and soooo would not survive the Apocalypse, I am working on it! k?).   


You don't need to eat red meat to do paleo.  While I love me some steak, 70-80% of my protein is from chicken/fish/eggs, with most of the rest being beef, and pork a rare occurrence(disclaimer: I'm not strict paleo, moreso a minimal-grain, eat-whole/real/unprocessed-foods philosophy).  If your preference is in that direction, there's nothing wrong with focusing more on fish/poultry instead of beef.


Also, as I-Jo said, it still ultimately comes down to calorie intake vs. expenditure.  In the case of paleo, one of the major reasons it tends to work isn't about red meat vs. chicken/fish, but by the fact that eliminating sugars and energy-dense, processed foods in favor of meat and vegetables is more satiating and makes it easier to eat less.  Ultimately, you don't need to eat a ton of meat to be consistent with a paleo philisophy, so much as focus on whole foods and control your intake of sugars, refined carbohydrates, etc.

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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