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225 @ 5'7" on my 35th Birthday

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Something has got to change, and that something is me.Well, I finally bit the bullet and registered. After literally YEARS of pretty serious lurking (I have been reading the blog and forums since Spezzy’s story was new), I feel like maybe this will help me finally make some real changes to my life.

The problem is… I am not really a nerd, as much as I admire you folks, I really don’t think I qualify. I am she and socially awkward, but the only video games I’ve ever liked were Tetris and Dr. Mario, and Dance Dance Revolution (that one was just so I could dance stupid with my kids). I’m not super good with computers, I can muddle through what I need, but only really old people consider me an expert. I am not good at math. All of this combined leads me to believe that I am not a nerd. But, I love the ideals of questioning everything and the clam, not judgmental way that the forums flow around here. I have spent many, many, many (still not exaggerating here) hours lurking and reading, and everyone is always so supportive and helpful.

I really need the accountability that announcing your goals to the world can bring, but don’t have a suitable audience in real life, so I am hoping to find that here. I recently started running (yes I call it that even though many people walk faster) again and although I am not going all full on paleo, I am watching my portion sizes and trying to make better choices. So my goal for right now is to consistently work out at least 30 mins at least 5 days a week. Have a green smoothie (who knew that these actually tasted good, I thought it was a celebrity fad, but they are yummy) for breakfast at least 5 days a week. And actually share my progress at least 3 times a week for accountability.

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Something nice about this community is - you don't have to be a nerd to be a member.


While I grew up playing video games and watching anime, I hardly have time for that as a busy mom, wife, student, employee, and general person. I am glad my kids (6 and almost 5) would rather play Zelda - even if they never leave Kokiri Forest - than watch Caillou.. (I can't stand that kid.)


You seem gung-ho about positive changes! Yay! Good luck!

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Welcome rrababit! Being accepted into the company of nerds is not something you must qualify for. We do not judge or measure based on knowledge of video games and science fiction, or even ability to contribute to a pub trivia team. It is something you feel in your heart, "I belong here". You obviously feel it, and so you are one of us. You have great goals and a great attitude. Best of luck!

Level 2 Human Druid

3.375 STR / 1.375 DEX / 0 STA / 2 CON / 3.75 WIS / 1 CHA


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - R. Buckminster Fuller

Introduction - Daily Battle Log - Challenges 1 - Current


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Thanks for the encouragement. Even though I had a crazy weekend, I managed to mostly keep to my goals. As soon as I posted last time, I went down to my basement and ran a 5k (the dreadmill is a lot easier than my gravel road and dealing with my dog outside). I didn't eat super great, but I got a ton of stuff from my garden canned or put into the freezer (20 quarts of green beans and 20 dozen ears of corn). My husband is officially banned from using miracle grow! I also learned this morning that you need to thaw frozen spinach to use in a smoothie, at least in my blender, chunks of frozen spinach are not fun. Onward and upward!

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20 DOZEN ears of corn? My children would be in heaven, but wow! That's a lot of work. Good to know about the frozen spinach - I've never tried it that way and now I know not to!

Level 2 Human Druid

3.375 STR / 1.375 DEX / 0 STA / 2 CON / 3.75 WIS / 1 CHA


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - R. Buckminster Fuller

Introduction - Daily Battle Log - Challenges 1 - Current


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I have total garden envy!!!  Most years I have high hopes and plant a lot, but the results are not that great - super short growing season around my home. This year we have a major project going so all I put in was 3 tomato plants and the dang squirrels are getting the fruit everytime one is nearly ripe. Grrrr. Oh well.


Welcome! I'm not much of a nerd either, but liked the fact that folks are nice here.  Was recently on another forum and found I was avoiding more and more folks because they were just so snarky. Who needs that? 


Oh, and Happy Birthday!


- Do something everyday!


First challenge: Avoiding the Demons of Autumn

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My thumbs are all black, but my husband is another story, and since we have a dog this year to chase off the varmints, we are rolling in produce. I really do love the attitude here, I've trolled this and another paleo forum for a really long time, but the people on the other one made me afraid to actually join, they were almost fanatical that they had found "the one true way" and all others were wrong.

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Zucchini is the worst - it grows so fast! I have an entire pinterest board of nothing but zucchini recipes. It's sick! And yet, yummy. The great news is that you'll be enjoying your garden all winter long :D

Level 2 Human Druid

3.375 STR / 1.375 DEX / 0 STA / 2 CON / 3.75 WIS / 1 CHA


"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." - R. Buckminster Fuller

Introduction - Daily Battle Log - Challenges 1 - Current


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My husband and I call the zucchini "mutants" one minute there is nothing and you go back and there is a 3lb monster lurking. The bees that love them are my issue, I was harvesting last night and one decided to get way too friendly. I did not get stung, but it stuck with me for the last 10 minutes I was out there- yuck. I think my least favorite right now is the cucumbers- maybe because we have 25 lbs in the house to process, but as long as I don't miss Master Chef (I have a totally not sexual crush on Gordon Ramsey, if he is one, I am watching) I am good.

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Really well actually, I have moved my morning nap to after my workout which has helped immensely with compliance. There is no arguing with getting up to make hubby breakfast, but getting up later for myself is a lot harder. So now as soon as he is out the door, I am in the basement working out. This was made a lot easier by the end of 2-days for my daughter, taking her to football practice really cut into my morning nap time. The rest of it is actually not that hard for me, I love my smoothie, it is my reward for running and I love veggies, and with them coming out my ears it is not hard to make my meals healthy. So this week: I ran on Monday, ran on Tues and did the BBW w/o today. I have actually started a battle log to detail my stuff and am putting together my plan for when the next challenge starts. I appreciate you checking up on me, I started posting hoping to gain some accountability.

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Welcome here Rrabit! I'm not a nerd either and I looooove Zucchini!


You've found the best place you could to be well surrounded and start your fitness journey! It's great that you 've already started!

Level 2- Panthera Assassin

CHA 4 - WIS 3 - STA 4 - STR 2 -  DEX 1 - CON 2

Why is Natarella here?

Steps to greatness

First challenge !!

Second not-so-good one ..

Third challenge

Jan 2016 challenge... long time after :)

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