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Oh hello friends.


I'm new here, but have been skulking around the boards for the past few days to test the waters. I posted this big long internet-dating-profile style post at My Fitness Pal and got next to no bites (including one jerk who told me that you can't find people who really care on the internet - we all know that is FALSE), but you folks seem like my people. 


A little about me - I'm an almost-30 mom of a 1-year-old who keeps me pretty busy. She's hilarious and weird and bossy (which I assume she gets from me). I work full-time. My life is kinda busy and I've just recently decided to make "Me Time" a priority. I like music and food and beer and whiskey and cheese (so going paleo is going to be particularly challenging, but I think i'm still going to try it).  I like cooking.  I love traveling.

A few weeks ago, I said that I was the heaviest that I'd ever been. Thankfully, that's no longer true because in a month I've lost about 6 lbs. Which is a huge accomplishment for me esp. since I'm currently being newly treated for a thyroid disorder that makes losing weight particularly difficult. I refuse to let that be my excuse, though. I'm in it to win it. 


Bottom line is that I'm looking for motivation and good attitudes and like-minded folks. From what I have seen just by looking around, I am probably in the right place! Can't wait until the start of the next 6-week challenge!


Thanks for reading!




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Thank you Legangles and JessFit!


Right now my workouts consist of light weight training and lots of treadmill intervals and workouts that involve dancing, because I love them.  I'm also looking into a gym that has a pool because I love swimming and want to do more of that. 


I am terrified of doing more weight training simply because I have no idea what I'm doing and am afraid of hurting myself. Ha! But I want to go more in that direction. FEAR-CONQUERING! It sounds like I can get some good weight-training guidance here, so that's a bonus!




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Hey, I love your attitude when you say " thyroid blabla... not an excuse" it seems that success is on your way already!


you are in the right place for the weight training !



Level 2- Panthera Assassin

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Second not-so-good one ..

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Jan 2016 challenge... long time after :)

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You do have a fabulous attitude! I'm going to reccomend starting strength (which I use), new weight lifting rules for women, or stronglifts 5x5 to learn more about form. The best way to do it is the right way to do it! And I'm so glad that you're being brave enough to take on strength training right off the bat, congrats on being gutsy.


What kind of dance are you into? I grew up a dancer and debated going pro for a while. Now I love fitting it in wherever and whenever I can, including Zumba when I have time. I'm also doing interval running but I do it outside instead of on a treadmill. How do you stay motivated on a treadmill? I would love to know so when it gets cold out I will keep running and not get bored with the treadmill and stop.

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Jessfit - Thanks for the recommendations! I will definitely look into those!!


As far as dance goes, I've been doing a lot of dance based workout videos (mostly latin based, but really whatever I can find) and I take a zumba class once a week (which I just got back from actually). Its funny because I never danced at all growing up and then in college I joined indoor colorguard and competed. It was A LOT of dance, and I had to catch up to everyone else really quickly and just loved loved it.


For the treadmill - I've gotten used to it mostly out of necessity. I do intervals when the baby is sleeping, so I can't really leave the house (neglectful or something. haha). I stay motivated by picking the right music (songs that I am SO into that make me want to stay on the treadmill until they're finished). It's also a huge motivator when I see my time in front of me and realize I can run faster/longer than the last time I tried. I'm also a weirdo and love seeing the numbers all laid out in front of me all the time, so that helps!



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Thank you for checking in!!! Things are going really well so far. I got the "New Rules" book the other day and DEVOURED it. Now I'm slowly increasing my calorie intake to a point where I know I can build muscle. I'm also participating in a push up challenge with some friends and improving every day, which is fun. Down 11 lbs so far. Clothes fit better. Things are good.


How are you doing?!?



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Holy 11 pounds! Super exciting! Hahaha you're motivating me, and I've been a lazy bum lately so that is a really good thing. Walked into the gym yesterday and the guys at the desk said "Damn, we thought you were dead" so yeah. (I only took two weeks off I swear!)


What is the pushup challenge? And yes, isn't it ridiculous the amount of food, especially protein, one must consume for lifting?

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Yes! I've been sticking to body weight exercises for now and 20lb dumbells for arms, but my nutritionist had me on a SUPER calorie-restricted diet (1200-1300/day. yiiiikes.) SO now i'm trying to go more toward more calories/clean eating so i'm not starving/dying when i go for the heavier stuff. GETTING THERE!



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Yeah, I don't count calories, I also allow myself to eat junk but I do limit that (I'm actually trying to keep my body fat % above 20% bc I was under weight so much of my life so I approach it differently). However meat, veggies, fruits, ect. I just eat and eat and eat! The whole restrictive calories thing is great for someone who physically does nothing or is trying to look super cut for a competition or something, but it is unrealistic in day to day life. I can't lift if I don't eat enough. And if I have my weight in iron on my back I really need to be able to lift it hahah!


What sort of bodyweight exercises are you doing?

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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