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The new assassin's creed...

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Hello! My name is Kiki, I'm from the UK, and I've just recently discovered Nerd Fitness. My intention is to turn myself from an elf-halfling cross into a fearsome assassin, like Sheik. I've previously started many diet/fitnessy type things but never enjoyed the focus on becoming AS THIN AS POSSIBLE, feeling exhausted, and being very weak from never eating enough. I completely love the Nerd Fitness focus on becoming as strong and as fit as possible, eating a reasonable amount of food, and being generally awesome. 


I am aware of a tendency to either reach a mid-goal and give up through a false sense of achievement, or just get bored of a fitness regime, so as the first element of my training I've bought a bike and I now cycle to work. It's 7 miles each way (which is giving me super-strong legs and lets me eat LOTS of healthy food). Some mornings I might not feel like it, but it costs me about £8 a day to not cycle, which I can't afford to do very often. So I have to cycle or I can't get to work. Very effective motivation, and I haven't missed a day cycling for two weeks now!


I've also signed up for an aerial circus arts course, to start in four weeks' time. I'm hoping that will give my body a chance to get used to all the cycling I'm doing before building in a load more excercise. That will be four hours a week of effectively body weight training, focusing on elegant movement through the air. I'm not normally elegant or graceful, so I'm hoping this will build some strength and control into my everyday movement and stop me crashing so often! In preparation I've been doing the beginner's body weight workout three times a week for the last week or so to help me out at the start of my circus training. My goal is to be a fully qualified aerial silks performer. 


In terms of food, I'm pretty good. I prepare all of my own food from scratch pretty much, with a focus on good protein and veggies. I don't eat meat, however, and only a few kinds of fish, and I don't eat soy products (all for environmental reasons - hello druids!) so I have to be quite creative about getting enough protein without over-carbing. I do like beans. I'm not paleo - I've removed grains from my diet for weeks at a time before and seen no difference in how I feel but a significant increase in difficulty accessing enough calories and carbs without eating waaaay to much fat (i.e. I ended up eating loads of cheese and nuts to make up the difference. As i don't eat meat this also got very expensive in terms of the amount of fish I needed to buy). So Paleo's not for me, but I track what i eat and get a good balance of fats, carbs, and protein. As the granddaughter of a dairyman I also drink almost a pint of milk a day - it's nature's energy drink :)


I'm putting together a Jedi COuncil IRL but I'd very much like an online support group too. Having just moved cross country and spent 3 months getting set up I'm a bit heavier than I'd like so my first challenge is to lose my extra weight and get back down to usual body size (52-54kg 35' hips, 25-6' waist), and then focus on becoming as strong, flexible, and fast as I can! I'm happy to join up in support of others, and look forward to meeting you



Kiki, level 1 Wood elf assassinSTR 1|DEX 3|STA 4|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 4

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The circus arts course sounds amazing, I'm totally jealous. :-)  Good luck on your first challenge!

Level 0 Elf Adventurer

STR:1  |  DEX:3  |  STA:2  |  CON:4  |  WIS:3  |  CHA:2

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H.L. Menken

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Hi Kiki,


All of this sounds great! wow 7miles cycling one way? Thats an achievment in it self! I used to love riding my bike about 5yrs ago so that is actually one of my motivators, to get back out there. I doubt I ever did 14miles on the bike in a day though! lol


Looks like you've already made a great start overall.


Keep going, Good luck :)

'The only Limits you have, are the ones You set for yourself'

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Thanks minionLove - my cycle is all off-road which helps, I get to cycle along the canals. But boy do I sleep well at the moment! I've found effectively forcing myself by not getting a season ticket for train travel has been a really effective motivator. I hope you get back on your bike soon!

Kiki, level 1 Wood elf assassinSTR 1|DEX 3|STA 4|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 4

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Lol, thats a good strategy! Dont think I have the will power for that though! Just curious, do you wear workout clothes and then shower and change at your workplace or is the ride easy for you and dont get sweaty? lol


I'm from the uk too, Manchester area. What about you? :)

'The only Limits you have, are the ones You set for yourself'

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I wear workout clothes (I do wear Lycra) but we don't have showers at work, so I make the best of changing clothes, using those cucumber wetwipes you get from Boots, a towel, and fresh deodorant. As I have a shower in the morning before I set off that deals with any smell issues, and protects my work clothes from the weather as much as from my own sweat. Having said that my partner has just started cycling (5 miles each way) and he says he doesn't get sweaty, so it might be a personal tolerance thing. I also keep much cooler and more comfortable in workout gear (a proper pair of cycling shorts is essential for happy thighs in my experience).


I'm London based although only recently moved down from West Yorkshire. Wouldn't have cycled while up north - too many hills!

Kiki, level 1 Wood elf assassinSTR 1|DEX 3|STA 4|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 4

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