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It's me in my bike shorts! ... Don't think about that... Seriously.

I am a 35 year old male Nerd. I am 5'9 and as of 09/25/2013 I am 277 lbs.
I have a few challenges before me:
Knee surgery on both right and left knee.
I have a compressed disk in my lower back.
I have a 'shifting' vertibre in my upper back that causes rib dislocations.
Now, I've been dealing with those challenges for a while, but...
I have been off work since November 2012 due to an at work injury.
I crushed my Ulna Nerve and twisted my radial nerve. I had surgery in July 2013 (Nerve relocation), but as of yet, it doesnt seem to have made a difference.
So, I cannot lift more than 10 lbs without intense pain nor can I leave my arm in either a full extension or a bent position for more than 3 minutes without extreme pain and numbness.
Sounds like fun eh? ...

So why be on here insted of Oprah with my new 'I'm mangled' book deal? (Which I don't really have)...
Because I have two sons; My oldest is 6 years old, and my youngest is 4 years old.
I grew up hunting, fishing, hiking, repelling, and spelunking. I remember just about every weekend I was either in a tent or a cave.
Boyscouts, Royal Rangers, and later just a down right outdoors nut.
I played football, wrestled, ran track, and played soccer in my spare time ... like I had tons of it, right?
The knowlege that I developed over the years that I lived this lifestyle is quite extensive. The love I had for it was even more so!
I want to pass this knowlege to my sons, and I want to at least give them the opportunity to love the outdoors as I did (and still do).

So what happened to me to get me from the 152lb that I wrestled in Highschool to the bear like creature that I am now?
Was it a horrible accident? Was it a traggic illness that destroyed my ability to burn fat?
Nope.. I got lazy, drank a lot, stopped excersizing, and started living on absolute junk food for many years.
(not to mention, I started online gaming in college with Forgotten Realms MUDD... )

Anywho... Last week, I bought a bike. (Specifically a road bike). And I was searching for information about road biking and found this simply wonderful site. (And I'm thankful for it!!)
As I am quite out of shape, and I have bad knees, feet (Plantars Facitis), and don't want to jar around too much...
Biking seems to be my best option for now...

My goals are these:


I want to reach 200lbs
I want to reach my first 100 mile ride. (and survive it)
I want to run a 5k.
I want to develop a lifestyle of fitness.

So here's what I have going for me...

While I'm pretty fat... I'm also built like a bear.
My body fat is around 37%, with a fat mass of 102 and lean mass of 175 (Or so says all the test results.....)
(52 inch at belly button, but I have a 21 inch neck, and my Chest is also 52 inches, and I don't have man boobies )
Now that sounds like a lot of 'trying to say i'm not fat i'm big boned... but I'm going somwehre with this...)

I used to wrestle, and lift weights a ton, I'm very familiar with body training and conditioning. Though the years, I've gotten a lot of head knowlege about proper eating, how food works, the dangers of processed foods, sugars, carbs, and the horrible condition our food sources are in....
But here's my biggest struggle....
I just can't seem to get my actions in line with my brain!! I know how to eat well, I just don't. I know how to work out, I just don't. I know how to train others to get in shape.. I just don't do it myself!!

So... it's going to be a long road.
I went on my frist ride today 3.11 miles in 21 minutes. I think my heart actually fell out, but I dunno!

I look forward to your support, your hard pushing, and loads of fun!!



That's no moon... that's my stomach!

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Welcome!  You are definitely in the right place. 


I literally LOL at "I know how to...I just don't"  because I can totally relate.  That was me this time last year.  And it still took a few months to get started and then I took baby steps.  I still kinda do....I have to take  each workout one at a time, each meal one at a time (I tell myself this meal I'll eat healthy. and then the next meal I tell myself the same thing)


Good luck!

Level 1  Wild Elf Druid
Introduction, Battle Log

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"Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck." ~ Joss Whedon

"Only those who risk going too far, find out how far they can go." ~ Walter Bishop

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