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Hi to everyone on NF, and a very big Well Done to Steve & everyone involved in putting it together.

Me, I'm a 40 year old single father of 2 great kids. I'm a bonafide Nerd IT Manager, love tech, Science Fiction, and comedy films.

I've trained in Muay Thai to assistant instructor level up until dislocating my right knee 6 years ago (imagine toes pointing up, me face down kind of dislocation). That split the ligaments in my knee which slowed me down.

I also have L3 and L4 vertebrae in my spine fused together, have quite a few brakes to my X-Ray history and suffer with asthma.

Long story short - doctors said due to my serious asthma condition as a kid I'd best not do too much, may not see 30 and would probably not have a family due to the medication they'd pumped in to me to keep me alive. So I made the decision to do what I wanted, and threw myself at everything I could to prove them wrong. Asthma under control, now 40, 2 kids. Way-to-go Doc ;-)

My recent fitness confession went something like this...

Me: Forgive me Father, for I have not gym'd

Priest: How long has it been since your last gym-session my son?

Me: 21 years Father

Priest: Jesus Cri...! *ahem* I mean, that's a long time my son, what happened?

Me: Well through college I would train 4-5 times a week. Then came University, girls, work, a house, a wife, kids and before I knew what had happened I was 40 !

Priest: You'd better get your lazy 40-year old ass over to Nerd Fitness.

So, one Saturday I pulled up outside my local gym, and sat in the car. At that point my 11 year old son looked at me and asked why we'd not got out of the car. I explained my apprehension, and he replied with what I keep telling him... "There will be no change, without change". So in we went.

A couple of weeks in (3 sessions a week) and to be honest I could tell I was not working my body hard enough, and I hate wasting my time. A colleague at work gave me 2 print outs labelled "Novice" and "Recruit". After doing session A of recruit I was wrecked afterwards, but with a big grin, I was hooked. I had to find out more.

Generally I'm OK with my body, except for the spare tyre, muffin top that is the result of poor food choices and lack of exercise. I've done a few diets over the years, but always ended back where I started. 5' 6" 200Lbs.

Goals? Lose the tyre, get fit but not "big" (don't want to ruin my golf game!)

Target weight? None. Whatever my body needs to be to achieve my goal.

Diet? Reading up on Paleo, already to about 50-60%, but cutting down/out the garbage

Exercise? 3x 90 minute gym sessions a week (0600-0730) plus some light activities on the off days.

So that's me in a nutshell. Actually, me in a nutshell would be "How the hell did I get in here?!? I'm allergic to nuts!!"

I'm from the UK, land of tea and scones... Hmm scones... And now I'm waffling.... Hmmm waffles.

Train Hard. Fight Easy. Smile More.

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Hahaha really entertaining read! I'm from the UK too!


Welcome! Great goals you got, now get to it so that when you come back with deadlier Muay Thai skills then Tony Jaa, you can join me on my quest to everlasting fitness+health! :-)

IntroductionBodyware: Fitness Journal

Challenge Belt: (1)(2)(3)(4), (5), (6), (7), [WOOT](8), [TEMP HIATUS], (9)


Bodyweight Info: Starting: 264.5lbs, Current: 167.8lbs (NEUTRAL)


IronGlider v2.10, Adventurer Rank: Level 8


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