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Playstation 4

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I'm not sold on it thus far...

But then again I skipped the PS3 and didn't miss it that much so I might just buy that at some point when it gets cheaper.

Right now I've still got enough PC games to play for a long time. Seriously I can't keep up with them :D

So if at all I'll get myself a Ps3 (or maybe even xbox360) in the near future or I'll save my money for the steam hardware which looks more interesting too me.

Or is the PS4 really worth buying for someone like me? I didn't really follow its announcement :)

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I'm going to get one, but I'm going to wait for a bit before buying it. I still have a few games on ps3 that I haven't played yet and I want to wait a bit for any bugs/problems that may show up to be fixed and more games to come out

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
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I'm going to get one, but I'm going to wait for a bit before buying it. I still have a few games on ps3 that I haven't played yet and I want to wait a bit for any bugs/problems that may show up to be fixed and more games to come out


There are many people who feel the same as you do.  I don't remember the PS3 release.  Were there many bugs/issues on release day back then?

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I might get one down the line, but for right now I'm happy with my PS3.  Especially because I tend to play games on about a 6 month lag behind release dates so I can get them for wayyyy cheaper.  Though I will definitely eventually get one.  Since it won't be backwards compatable I'll probably wait until I've played through all the PS3 games I want to before getting it... I don't have enough room in my entertainment system for another game system so it'd have to be switched out. 

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There are many people who feel the same as you do.  I don't remember the PS3 release.  Were there many bugs/issues on release day back then?

I don't remember it either but I know one year apple had a issue with the (at the time) new iPhone and ever since I try to stay away from the latest phone/gaming system/other system for the first couple of months to see if any bugs or issues show up and to allow for more reviews to show up

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I had an X-Box 360 forever and then recently bought a PS3. I regret not owning the PS3 the entire time. I love it and PS Plus is awesome (the amount of free games i've downloaded has more than paid for the subscription at this point). However, because of life (stupid life!), I don't play as many games as I did in high school and college so I have quite the back library on my 360 and PS3 to keep me busy until the next generation of systems has been out for a year or two.


I can tell you what I'll never buy again: a Nintendo system.

I bought an N64, it gathered dust after I got my PS and then PS2.

I bought a Gamecube, it gathered dust compared to my PS2 and X-Box.

I bought a Wii, it gathered dust compared to my PS2, X-Box, then 360 and PS3.


You have fooled me three times Nintendo, never again! I haven't had a blast with a Nintendo system since SNES.

It's sad, I've spent more time on the Wii playing SNES games than I have Wii games (and screw you motion controls)!

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I wish Nintendo would quit with all the gimmick crap and just make a powerful system like Sony and Microsoft do.

I know they want to differentiate themselves from them, but I feel if Nintendo had a powerful system like those they could compete simply due to their first party games.

In my opinion Nintendo's brand name games (like Mario and Zelda) are still big time and get people wanting them.

I wanted to play Skyward Sword and enjoy it so much. But, the motion controls completely hampered my enjoyment and I had to quit. I hated that I quit and never finished it, but the game was tedious and not fun thanks to the motion controls.


It's stuff like this that makes me wish Nintendo would go the way of Sega and become a third party developer only. Can you imagine playing Mario or Zelda on your PS4 without all the gimmicky crap? That would be amazing to me.

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Hahaha. That's awesome!

Thanks for agreeing with me. I still run into some people that swear by the Wii. However, mine is actually in my 3-year old son's room now and it is only used for him to watch Netflix on. The only games I still own for it are the GC and Wii Fire Emblem games and they don't require motion controls!

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I had an X-Box 360 forever and then recently bought a PS3. I regret not owning the PS3 the entire time. I love it and PS Plus is awesome (the amount of free games i've downloaded has more than paid for the subscription at this point). However, because of life (stupid life!), I don't play as many games as I did in high school and college so I have quite the back library on my 360 and PS3 to keep me busy until the next generation of systems has been out for a year or two.


I have always been biased to PS3 vs. XBox 360.  A lot of people swear by XBox but I've always been pleased with PS.  It would seem the PS4 is going to be better out of the gate than the XBox One.  I can't wait, one more month to go.

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I wish Nintendo would quit with all the gimmick crap and just make a powerful system like Sony and Microsoft do.

I know they want to differentiate themselves from them, but I feel if Nintendo had a powerful system like those they could compete simply due to their first party games.

In my opinion Nintendo's brand name games (like Mario and Zelda) are still big time and get people wanting them.

I wanted to play Skyward Sword and enjoy it so much. But, the motion controls completely hampered my enjoyment and I had to quit. I hated that I quit and never finished it, but the game was tedious and not fun thanks to the motion controls.


It's stuff like this that makes me wish Nintendo would go the way of Sega and become a third party developer only. Can you imagine playing Mario or Zelda on your PS4 without all the gimmicky crap? That would be amazing to me.


I understand how you feel about Nintendo and in some ways I agree with you.  However, the Wii was very successful in capturing a market that Sony and Microsoft would never capture which is why for a number of years the Wii outsold both PS3 and XBox 360.  I had a Wii for a number of years and I liked it but it simply didn't create enough games that suited my tastes.  That said, the Wii is the only gaming system I have ever come across that got people who had never played a video game before to play it.  I think that's a remarkable feat.

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