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My name is Vivi ^_^ Nice to meet you~


I kinda wanted to see if finding some buddies would help motivate me positively.


I've worked out alone mostly, but I've gotten pretty bad at motivating myself. (extremely bad)

I've tried finding workout buddies on and offline and they've flopped pretty hard. 


100th time might be the charm? xD


I haven't really thought of any specific goals yet. I just want to get fit again. 


I like running because that's the only time I get to not be bothered by anyone. 

I have access to a pretty nice gym (courtesy of being in college ;p). 


I will try anything at least twice because I'm easily amused.


The only thing I've tried three times and hated was spinning classes. ( butt pain >>> leg pain) >.<


Pretty much if I can somehow motivate myself to go to the gym I usually jog on a treadmill or the indoor track or play on the elliptical. Usually toss in 15 min of weight machines at the end. 


For diet...yea it's pretty crap. I can't cook anything because the house I live in has bugs and mice and I refuse to cook in the same space as mouse poop. (ah~ cheap rent). So I pretty much live off of cereal bars, fruit snacks, and microwavable chicken nuggs. If my mommy is feeling bad for me, she brings me fruit and homemade things every few weeks. 


So...yea, hoping human contact with people of similar mindset will help me get off my butt. 


Any advice/suggestions/etc appreciated ;3


Least I can make some friends out of this?? 





Oh, and yea I'm a nerd.

I play computer games lots. Dx

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Hey vivii, I'm new here too! Nice to meet you!

I'm also looking for workout buddies to keep me motivated to do body weight work out at home!

(I have an access to the college gym but it's quite a distance from the medical campus and where I live so I'm working on home work outs now)

I'm at the very initial stage where I am still finding a routine for myself. Have you set a program yet?

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*Level 3 Hobbit Adventurer*

Moomin 3 - Heart of an Adventurer

2 - Maintenance therapy 1- Keep charging ahead


"Life is akin to sailing against the current - forge ahead or be washed downstream" -- Ancient Chinese proverb

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Hi Vivi!


If you are a college student do you have a meal card?  If so you might consider the pack and go salad bar as often as possible, being wary of salad dressings and hidden fat foods like cheese and croutons.  Mix and match the veggies and find combinations that you like adding fruit sometimes as a way to change it up.

A take out salad kept in the fridge will be bug and mice safe.  If they let you eat a salad there and then get a to go one for a later meal.

Just a suggestion.


Motivation is a tough thing, I have some problems with it myself, but the reflection in the mirror is keeping me on track, I also wrote in eye liner on my mirror things to remind me to work out and that I have the power to change how I look, if Im patient and maintain the program.


Telling myself I have value, beauty, and strength.  It helps surprisingly enough. 

I also have several accountability buddies... but that is kind of hit an miss right now... but I just started.

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hehee thanks for the inputs ^^


@moomin- I have a program of sorts that I've been doing for the past few years, which involves usually 1.5 hours at the gym 5 days a week. Usually an hour of some sort of cardio + ~30 mins of weights. I change it up every week to keep myself from being bored. I'm just getting stuck on the motivating myself to get myself over to the gym. Dx I'm just tired and hungry after coming home ~5pm from rotations. I literally spend all day telling myself i'm DEFINITELY going to workout that day then I'm literally walking up my stairs and I'm like, "nah....go gymming tom...-.-"


@Beau- I don't have a meal card xD I haven't stepped foot in my school cafeteria in like....4 years xD I'm in my final year of graduate study so I don't live in dorms or go to classes on campus ;P Which makes a whole nother challenge of eating while I'm at different sites. Most of the time I'm too busy and have to forgo lunch or make do with a few granola bars X_x

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I'm going to do a little tough love here... bear with me a second.


You will never get what you want out of a work out system if you do not feed your body properly. Trust me  I've been on a "diet" of one form or another for 30 years and I'm STILL FAT!


I don't want you to continue to struggle like I am.  I want you to succeed and be healthy.


Granola bars are not food.  Granola bars say they are healthy but read the label.. they are NOT food.


You would do better with bag salad (I am on a budget so I get the ones marked down since I will eat them in a day or two)  Cost effective easy  food.


invest in some glad ware and take stuff with you in the morning.  eggs ... easy microwave cups  ...combine the two and have food where ever there is a microwave  (you can buy eggs pre boiled and pre shelled  I just put two in a baggie and off I go)


I don't know if this Paleo system actually works.  Lets be honest here I have been here a total of 3 weeks.   Too early to really tell, except amazingly enough I feel better... I don't LOOK any different to me, but I FEEL better.  That has to count somewhere...,.I cant put in 30 minutes on a tread mill for anything in the universe, so if you can more cheering from here for you... that's totally awesome!


find the hidden sugar and non food in your diet and replace it with   real food.  That more than anything is the key.  (or so I'm learning)  Hydrate.. water  water and more water.  all day.. a lot of it.

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I'm going to do a little tough love here... bear with me a second.


You will never get what you want out of a work out system if you do not feed your body properly. Trust me  I've been on a "diet" of one form or another for 30 years and I'm STILL FAT!


I don't want you to continue to struggle like I am.  I want you to succeed and be healthy.


Granola bars are not food.  Granola bars say they are healthy but read the label.. they are NOT food.


You would do better with bag salad (I am on a budget so I get the ones marked down since I will eat them in a day or two)  Cost effective easy  food.


invest in some glad ware and take stuff with you in the morning.  eggs ... easy microwave cups  ...combine the two and have food where ever there is a microwave  (you can buy eggs pre boiled and pre shelled  I just put two in a baggie and off I go)


I don't know if this Paleo system actually works.  Lets be honest here I have been here a total of 3 weeks.   Too early to really tell, except amazingly enough I feel better... I don't LOOK any different to me, but I FEEL better.  That has to count somewhere...,.I cant put in 30 minutes on a tread mill for anything in the universe, so if you can more cheering from here for you... that's totally awesome!


find the hidden sugar and non food in your diet and replace it with   real food.  That more than anything is the key.  (or so I'm learning)  Hydrate.. water  water and more water.  all day.. a lot of it.


Thanks for the advice ;]


I know healthy snacking food isn't a proper meal but I don't even have the time eat when I'm on rotations. I literally had a yogurt smoothie every morning as breakfast during my walk to my rotation and if I was lucky I could sneak some granola bars in during a patient conference but besides that I didn't really have much of a choice during the day. BUT, I'm on winter break now so I have a better chance at fixing my eating habits and pray that my next rotation lets a student eat T_T 


I'm not a fan of any specific diet. 1. because I like food so screw that if you tell me to cut anything I like out. 2. Unless it's a lifestyle change, it's not going to last and then you're going to gain whatever you lost right back. 

I reverted back to my normal eating habits since I'm on winter break ;D

I don't generally like overly sweet/salty so I forgo cakes or things that are high in sodium. I really like meat, so I usually eat baked/grilled chicken/pork/steak with mixed veggies any chance I get. I'm asian so there's no chance in hell I'm giving up white rice, but I don't eat a huge portion of rice so it's not a big deal. My protein/carb/sweets ratio is around 70/25/5..I just really like meat...that being said...I'm not a fan of green leafy things. Specifially; I abhor salad. With or without dressing, I can't stand the texture or taste of salad. And I find that I get wayyy too hungry too fast after eating a salad anyway so I just delete the salad most of the time and eat more protein... I love me my fruits tho ;D Probs where most of my carbs come from. 


My usual caloric intake is 1500 calories, but I don't keep a strict count because life's too hard trying to figure out calories for meals when you go out/have it made for you/etc. In regards to diet, my only goal is to have about 4 meals a day and be happily sated. Only tweaking involved would be eat less meat and eat more veggies. I'm currently obsessed with eating cucumbers and hummus nom nom nom~ I could probably convince myself to eat more veggies if it involved hummus.


My school has a bod machine so I do actually know my basal metabolic rate along with my muscle/fat percentages, which is pretty cool. It was kinda shocking when I got my fat percentage tho T~T


exercise-wise, I've decided to go with 6 days of a jail cell workout. It seems interesting enough to keep me going, and it eliminates the excuse for being too lazy to walk to school to use the gym. I'm actually making up my own variation later today to adjust it into something I can and will do so it should be fun ;3 plus, my school gym doesn't open during winter break and I'm not running in the snow and ice for nobody ;P 


As for water, I totally agree. I drink about 2 liters worth a day even if I'm not working out. 

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