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hello all.


i picked the name because that's pretty much where i am right now. i'm 27 years old, 6'3", and weight around 340lbs. i'm actually down ~15lbs overall, but it's not much to be proud of unless it keeps going down. i'm not a strong individual, which is frustrating because it's something i used to hang my hat on. (physically, i read that and it sounds different. i'm strong emotionally.)


i always used to pride myself on being stronger than my friends and being able to hang with them athletically playing football/basketball/etc. but that's just not true anymore. i am sucking wind, pulling up, and generally dragging myself around trying to play sports anymore and it's time to get back.


i am still shocked to see pictures of myself and what i've become. i think my height was a mask for a while because i could just say well i weight x, but i'm also tall so it's different.


anyway, i'm not a real self loathing guy and i'll move on to my plan:


-eat mostly paleo. my wife and i started meatless monday a while ago. things like that and paleo tues/thurs are a great way to build habits.


-exercise at least 5 days a week. don't care if it's one set of the body weight circuit, walking the dog, whatever. just do something that works up a sweat.


that's it really. i'd like to start lifting, but i'll wait until i can easily lift everything in my house. even then i'll probably just buy a weight set. i don't like gyms.


i also really enjoy bicycling. i really got into it and was making good progress this spring, but the problem with biking is that when you travel it doesn't work out. you're also at the mercy of the weather. i started doing <1 mile a day to doing two 1 hour rides a day of at least 13 miles. it really doesn't take a long time to get into it and there's a charity ride in the spring i really want to do. it's 35 miles, so i'm hoping for a mild winter.


anyway i took up running in the meantime, but this is where i have a question for you guys:


when i run, after 15 minutes or so i get a knot in the outside of my leg above my ankle. it is so tight and so painful it usually means i won't run anymore. when i walk slow (like zombie pace) or sit down it goes away, but the second i ramp back up it's back with a vengeance. i tried stretching, but it's a hard area to stretch. one legged squat is the closest i can get to it. i also got one of those massage sticks and it helps, but it doesn't prevent the pain. the pain is so strong i lose some movement in my foot. i can't move it as freely as i can my other foot and it feels kind of limp.


i used to blame it on severely cambered roads when i lived in the midwest, but now i'm running on flat sidewalks and it's still there. it is worse in one leg, but i've had it in both. it feels like if i could continue to run the other leg would have the same problem.


i really thought i had made a breakthrough with barefoot style shoes (not the toe kind), and a midfoot strike which has prevented re-occurrence of back pain i used to get running. i didn't have the pain for a little while, but it's back now. i switched back to regular shoes, but it doesn't matter. 


anyway, if anyone has experienced this or knows a stretch for this muscle it would be greatly appreciated. 

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Hey, that is perfectly good to be proud of. You've made a step in the right direction, that is commendable in and of itself.

You have good attainable goals. Definitely start with body weight circuits before moving on to full on weightlifting. You'll get there :)

Sounds like you have a shin splint. There are many ways to work on it, lots of good advice posted in the forums (just do a search for shin splints). Since you've just recently taken up running, and it sounds like you're pusing yourself, your muscles haven't had the time to adjust to the new stress. I get them bad too, running is one of those things you need to ease into if you've been sedentary. Calf raisers supposedly help stretch the muscle; also running in chucks or other flat shoes can add stress.

Good luck, and welcome!

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I've been in your shoes, literally: 6'3, 360 pounds at my heaviest. Running is pretty hard on the legs for big dudes, you might want to ease up on that and work on walking to build your leg muscles and endurance. It might seem boring at first, but it's pretty good for you, and good for your brain, too. Try walking to Mordor:




I started this week, and while I'm only 18 miles in on my trip, it's fun seeing where you would be on Frodo's journey. And nerdy as hell!


The Beginner's Body Weight Workout is another great way to get those muscles tuned up and ready to battle:




You've got this, dude. Fire up that Fighting Spirit! And welcome to the Rebellion!

Race: Half Elf/Human. Class: Wildling Ranger. Level: 3 STR: 6 DEX: 2 STA: 7 CON: 5 WIS: 3 CHA: 0 

First Campaign Second Campaign

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so just a quick update. since running never really worked out and biking has been iffy with the weather i got some hiking boots and went a couple times this week. started with a 1.5 mile hike, then went ahead and did a 7.2 mile hike yesterday. so much easier on everything. didn't have any pain, only some foot fatigue towards the end. anyway i figured i would share a picture:



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Hi. I'm happy to see you found an alternative to running. The terrain in your pic looks gorgeous- I love climbing around on rocks!

Maenad, Adventurer

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.† -George Eliot


Ready for my first challenge!  http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/42050-wndrgrl-has-something-to-prove-to-herself/

My daily battle log:                     http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/42589-wndrgrl-goes-to-war/

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so might as well post here since i'm basically starting over again:


did great with hiking for a while, really enjoy it and look forward to getting back into it in a couple months. but last year had me travel for 100 days, buy a house, and have a baby (well my wife did anyway). really fell off of everything and reached close to the highest i've weighed maybe ever. i got sick recently, nothing major, but i get a little scared of what could happen to me and what that would mean for the people around me. i even worry about the first responders.


so i started by cooking a crap-ton of chicken breast and i ate nothing but that, a pork dish, and vegetables all week. drank nothing but water. i'm keeping this going, but i still have eaten out 2 or 3 times a week since doing this, but once i get some bulk meat it will be a little easier. we've found cooking ahead to be a huge help with the baby during the week.


for exercise i'm hitting the gym. if you live on the east coast i don't need to tell you it's no bueno for most outdoor activities. i've started a routine and i wanted some feedback on it:


Day 1

Lifting Day

Barbell Squats (3 Sets 10 Reps)

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets 10 Reps) (i have bad shoulders so barbell bench is out)

Barbell Curl (3 Sets 10 Reps)

Calf Dips (3 Sets 10 Reps) (stand on something you can hang your heels over and dip then raise up on your toes)

Triceps Cable Pull Down (3 Sets 10 Reps)


Day 3

Movement Lifting Day

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets 10 Reps) 

Lunges (w/weights) (3 Sets 10 Reps)

Standing Dumbbell Rows (3 Sets 10 Reps)

Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift (3 Sets 10 Reps) 


Day 5 

Heavy Lifting Day



So i'm looking for recommendations for heavy lifting day i want to take the reps down and really move some iron. What are your favorite exercises for really getting after it? Also, any recommendations on my other routines? I am doing some body weight/cardio stuff on days in between, nothing major just trying to stay stretched out.


look forward to getting making some progress and getting back on the right track.

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