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I'll be watching, but you can be sure I won't be weeping for Eleven. If anything, I'm actually relieved, I wasn't much of a fan of Matt Smith as the Doctor. Looking forward to seeing what Capaldi does with the role though.

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I knew there must be - was a bit surprised I couldn't find any Doctor Who topics in the search!


iatetheyeti - I agree that it's his time to go, I really do like his Doctor but he wasn't a patch on David Tennant - 10's regeneration had me crying buckets.  Definitely looking forward to seeing what Capaldi does with the role…if his fearsome eyes and eyebrows in Day of the Doctor are anything to go by.  Shame he probably won't be able to keep his Tuckeresque vocabulary though, that'd be a treat.

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I'm really looking forward to it! Smith is my favorite New Doctor, and that's hard to say, I loved Tennant, too. But Smith seemed half insane, and I loved that! I wish I didn't have to wait until Thursday. Don't get BBC here, have to buy it on Amazon the next day!

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I love Doctor Who :D


I was never a huge Matt fan, but I balled my eyes out nonetheless.  I feel like Moffat threw in an emotional low blow there at the end of the regeneration scene.  I am super pumped for Capaldi though!!  I'm thrilled he gets to keep his scottish accent.  I'm also glad to be losing a lot of teeny bopper type fans who are now boycotting the show because the Doctor isn't some hearthrob anymore. I can't deny I am madly in love with Tennant, but it certainly isn't what made me like the show, or go back and watch the entire series from the 60s.


I can't choose a favorite between Troughton and McCoy.  I'm not sure I could choose.

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I love doctor who (tennant fan first and foremost) but I'm getting really tired of Moffat as show runner. He needs to pass the torch to somebody new, all of his latest stuff hasn't been very good which is too bad because I think Clara is my favourite companion, but she's gotten short shrift with the writing.

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This too, shall pass.

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I take it everyone's seen the Thick of It/Doctor Who/Peter Capaldi video mash-up?


[warning - very, very, very bad language]




And in other news... Peter Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu.....


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Smith was actually one of my favorite doctors, I only recently got into the series through C.E. (9th/10th depending on POV) and up.  Each doctor i think was brilliant in their own right as the writing team and the acting really helped bring out the specific parts of the doctor...

I do agree with everyone though, I dont think there has been a regeneration scene that hasn't caused major feels yet, but 11 hit me as hard as 10 did because of how they brought the other companions in.   The whole ending scene had me yelling at my TV for what Moffet did.   


The show wrapped up some good points and made me think on alot of the topics.  I cannot wait for Capaldi as the Doctor.. i learned after hating Matt for the first two epidsode to give every doctor a chance, because you really can never judge a book by its cover.  

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Smith was my first Doctor (I got caught in a marathon a couple of years ago), but I think Eccleston is my favorite. His Doctor had a manic quality that appealed to me. Not that Smith's isn't fun (and manic, too).


I enjoyed the Christmas special. I think it was a good exit for 11 (or is it 13?). But I'm most excited that Moffat has said he wants to take the show in a new direction with the new Doctor. 'Bout bloody time.

Human Ranger (w/ a little Assassin)

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I thought the Christmas special was kinda lame.  Smith's Doctor couldn't sit still for a day (with the Ponds); so I can't imagine him spending centuries in one place.  


Tom Baker and David Tennant are still my favs ... but we'll see what the new guy brings.  

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Troughton and McCoy? Completely different characters. One is a small man who portrays himself as a bumbling clown to hide his brilliant mind, while the other is... er... hang on...


After further thought, I would definitely pick Troughton.  He's just so gloriously silly, but manages to retain all the awesome Doctor-ness.  And it's when the real Time-Lordy stuff is introduced into the series which I appreciate.  Plus I really just love his relationship with Jaime. And his recorder hahah. Those last two things really are the kicker.


My second pick used to be a Baker/Tennant tie until I saw some interviews with McCoy and I fell in like with him (the actor) as an person, not neccessarily him as the Doctor.  He's just so ridiculous.  I'm probably letting that cloud my judgement hahah.

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I am so behind on Doctor Who :( I watch it on Netflix, when I have time.... I love 9 & 10... not sure I could pick one! and I think Donna was one of my favorite companions.. granted, I haven't seen Clara's series...


Fun fact.. Ohio has a new govt department called Opportunities for Ohioians with Disablilities... or, the OOD... makes me laugh every time I see it at work :)

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Smile, listen, agree...then do whatever the fuck you wanted to do anyway- RDJ

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I've been trying to work my way through the classic Who, but I haven't even finished the Baker era. 


Personally my favorite Doctor is 9.  Even if Eccelston is a cock for not doing the 50th, I really like his PTSDed out Doctor.  Unlike 10 and 11 I felt like he always had to make a specific effort to be upbeat, his baseline was down.  While 10 and 11's baselines were up until something set them off to get serious.  


The first clip I ever saw of the New Doctor Who series was way back in the day I was linked to the "I watched it happen I MADE IT HAPPEN!" scene from 'Dalek'.  It made me want to watch the series.  It is what hooked me. 


Favorite companion?  Rory.  Ever loyal, ever snarky, reluctant, never stay dead Rory.  I just loved how he could take anything in stride, including dying like a half dozen times.  Became a badass warrior but at heart remained a nurse who just wanted to help and take care of people.  I like the guy.  He also had great snark offs with the Doctor. 


Favorite Episode?  Blink.  I love blink.  Whenever I try to get someone into Doctor Who I show them Blink.

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